Portugal Safety and Security Report Wednesday 28th February 2024

Good morning. We start the day with a report of an accident that was certainly preventable and nearly led to a tragedy. This involved the rescue of nine students from the sea at Vila do Conde on Sunday. The alert was given to the Vila do Conde firefighters for a pre-drowning situation on Senhora da Guia beach. Eight were kayakers including a kayak teacher included. The ninth was a member of the public who tried to help and ended up being dragged along too.

The students and the teacher were kayaking on the Ave River when they approached the mouth of the river and ended up caught by the current into the sea to the surf zone, which threw them out of the boats. All nine members belong to the Clube Fluvial Vilacondense, and five of them ended up having to be transported to hospitals.

Yellow level rough seas and strong winds warnings were in place at the time and the ANEPC had earlier advised “Do not practice activities related to the sea, namely sport fishing, nautical sports”.  The fact that the students were in trouble, that they had to be rescued and that five were in a state of “hypothermia”, begs the question, why in view of the warnings in place this training session went ahead in the first place? It could have been far more serious if it was not the prompt action of the emergency services.

We remind everyone to respect the warnings that are put in place – they are there for a very good reason – your safety!

A reminder that with the decreasing minimum temperatures and rain showers earlier on in parts of the mainland, especially in the centre and north, there is a risk of ice patches on the roads. We recommend that drivers be on the lookout and be prepared for such conditions. Braking distances can increase tenfold on ice compared with a dry road. For this reason, you should leave up to 10 times the normal recommended gap between you and the car in front. Remember that tyres grip less efficiently in cold conditions. If you do encounter a skid, steer gently into it. For example, if the rear of the car is sliding to the right, steer to the right. As above, do not take your hands off the steering wheel or brake hard.

Also a reminder from the civil protection authority Lisbon which published earlier this week the dangers concerning detergent capsules and young children. The detergents in capsules, with bright and eye-catching colours, are particularly appealing to children who can easily confuse them for treats, leading to an appreciable number of calls to the INEM Anti-poison Information Centre, due to intoxication.

Most of these are related to children who when handling the capsules, result in the capsules bursting in the hands or mouth, hitting the eyes, the mouth or skin. Although most situations are low-severity, they can still cause injury, namely at the eye level, with potentially more serious consequences. Depending on the organ affected by direct contact with the product, it can happen: 1. Skin: erythema (red skin, irritated) 2.Eyes: burning, red eye, swollen eyelid or even a chemical burn or 3. Mouth: vomiting, changes in the oropharynx (throat), or changes in respiratory due to product aspiration. If affected contact the INEM Anti-poison Information Centre – 800 250 250 immediately and remember: Always keep these products out of reach of children.

Our team wishes you a safe and happy week ahead


Strike against prison guards leads to the postponement of more than 90% of trials

Lisbon, February 27, 2024 (Lusa) – The strike by prison guards on stage has already led to the postponement of more than a thousand trials and more than 90% of scheduled sessions, according to the National Union of the Prison Guard Corps (SNCGP).

The guards have been on strike since February 13th and, according to the union, membership is currently around 100%, with an impact on the transport of prisoners.

“We are talking about the postponement of around 90% to 95% of trials,” Frederico Morais, from the SNCGP, told Lusa, noting that, in two weeks, more than a thousand sessions were postponed.

According to the union leader, in prisons in Lisbon and Porto, joining the strike led to the postponement of all trials.

The strike is also having an impact on medical appointments and, in this case, the minimum services are only allowing 10% of appointments to be guaranteed, with the rest being postponed.

The guards are on strike until March 9 to demand the “valuation and dignification of professionals”, the “restructuring of remuneration supplements” and the “approval of the performance evaluation system for professionals in the prison guard body, which has already been completed”.

“The adherence has to do with the dissatisfaction of the prison guard body and the lack of responses from the Government. We have been on strike for two weeks and no one has even deigned to speak to the prison guard staff”, highlighted Frederico Morais.

Prison guards have also been present at security force protests over the last month, motivated mainly by the granting of a mission allowance to the PJ, which left out not only the prison guard, but also the PSP and GNR.

Lusa questioned the Ministry of Justice about the impact of the strike on proceedings in the courts and is awaiting a response.

Almost 1 in 10 students in Portuguese schools are foreigners

The number of foreign students attending schools has increased in recent years. The data is contained in the report “State of Education 2022”, released by the National Education Council (CNE), which provides a portrait of education in Portugal

The number of foreign students attending Portuguese schools has increased in recent years and in 2021/2022 there were more than 100 thousand, equivalent to almost one in 10 of the total universe.

The data is contained in the report “State of Education 2022”, released this Monday by the National Education Council (CNE), which provides a portrait of education in Portugal.

In 2021/2022, 1.2 million students were enrolled in primary and secondary education. In mainland Portugal, schools were attended by 105,855 children and young people of foreign nationality, from more than 200 countries.

With an increase of almost 14 thousand compared to the previous academic year, the 79,796 foreigners between the 1st and 3rd cycle represented 9.3% of the total number of students and close to half belonged to the Brazilian community (44.6%).

Among the nationalities most represented in basic education are Angolans, with 6,613 students, and Ukrainians (5,019), which more than doubled in one year, as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Coming from 246 countries, there were 26,059 foreign students in secondary education, 3,502 more than in the previous year and equivalent to 7.9%.

Similar to basic education, the largest community was Brazilian (40.3%), followed by Angolan (10.0%) and Santomean (8.0%).

Comparatively, the proportion of Ukrainian students is much lower, representing only 3.5% (924 in total).

The Lisbon Metropolitan Area concentrates almost half of the students of foreign nationality and, in the opposite direction, only 5% were found in Alentejo.

Despite the growing trend recorded in recent years, the report notes that “at all levels and cycles of education, the proportion of foreign students with access” to the subject of Portuguese as a Non-Mother Language is low.


Portugal Safety and Security Report Wednesday 21st February 2024

Good morning everyone. Well I hope you are enjoying the spring like weather with sunshine and cloudless skies in the south but also temperatures in the lower 20s in the north. Not unusual in the south but temperatures over 20C in the far north in February are far above usual.

The warm and dry weather however is exacerbating the drought situation in the Algarve and yesterday the Government admitted that it would introduce “additional more serious measures” to guarantee the minimum reserves that allow the supply of water for priority uses in the Algarve, if the current ones prove to be insufficient, states a resolution published today in Diário da Republic. This despite the fact that reservoirs in the Algarve continue to increase their storage levels, albeit by small percentage levels.

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers, possible additional measures, which provide for a “higher degree of contingency” can be implemented after the reassessment of the drought situation in the region, which will be carried out in June. “[…] The Government reserves the right, if the measures now adopted prove to be insufficient, to, under the Basic Law on Civil Protection, […] declare a calamity situation”, reads the document.

The situation appears critical, and reflects the lack of long term planning, thus requiring drastic action, to avoid supplies drying up.  The state of calamity is the type of civil protection measures that were introduced during covid-19 and during major fires. This can be introduced on a national or regional basis as the situation dictates. Let us hope it does not come to this. One way to help avoid this is for each and every one of use to conserve water.

There seems at present to be quite a few scams around. One that is regularly surfacing are phone calls being received from a caller speaking in English, stating that receiver is under criminal investigation. Such calls originate from mobile telephone numbers from Portuguese operators, but all conversations are held in English, usually with an accent common in the region

When a victim receives a call of this type and answers it, they are immediately asked to listen a recorded message that, claiming to originate from a supposed “International Judicial Police”. The caller warns that your national identification document has been linked to a serious international criminal offence, which is why an arrest warrant has already been issued in her name.

This entire procedure is criminal. The sole purpose of the authors of these telephone calls is to defraud less attentive victims (by passing personal and bank details), causing them fear and anxiety that lead them to commit thoughtless acts, which will cause property damage. This is a scam and on no account should the receiver provide any information or follow the instructions. In July last year the Public Prosecutors Office issued an alert on the scam and this can be read here: https://cibercrime.ministeriopublico.pt/pagina/alerta-cibercrime-falsos-telefonemas-policiais?


Portugal Safety and Security Report Wednesday 14th February 2024

Good morning, well after the disappointment of the cancellation of most of the children’s Carnival events on 9th February and the Sunday carnival parades on 11th, due to bad weather under the influence of Depression Karlotta, the parades finally took place on Carnival Tuesday 13th.

The good news is however that we finally in the Algarve received some long awaited rain. In the last week or so all reservoirs in the Algarve have had an increase in storage, in the order of 2% vs the previous week. Still very low levels compared to the average. But as important as the reservoirs are, the levels of groundwater are also an important indicator and those will only be known by the end of February.

The rural fire risk has been at a low level since the start of the year and now is the time to start planning your land cleaning for those who live in rural areas, particularly high risk areas.  We are still with higher levels of humidity and cooler weather, so the fire risk remains low.

This is also the time of the year when garden waste can be burned in small piles PROVIDED the relevant safety conditions are followed. Unfortunately sometimes such burnings have become out of control as a result of those responsible not following the law concerning registration/authorisation or safety advice. As a result this has led to damage to rural areas and property and places the community and those who have to deal with such fires at risk.

It is important therefore to follow the law and adhere to the safety guidelines in burning debris. On days of Very High or Maximum Risk, waste-burning is prohibited unless prior authorisation is obtained from the Câmara Municipal. When the risk is low, moderate or high all that is required is to register the fire with the Câmara Municipal (Municipal Bombeiros) or 808 200 520 or online at https://fogos.icnf.pt/InfoQueimasQueimadas/ in advance. Inform the authority on what you intend to burn.

We have previously expressed concern that during weather warnings there are some who ignore these warnings placing themselves and rescuers in danger. It comes as no surprise therefore that in 2023 in Madeira, nearly two dozen people have been washed out to sea off the North Coast. The report goes onto say that these occasions are mostly connected with a desire to recreate photographs that they have seen on social networks.

On this subject, the Operational Commander Comandante do Corpo Operacional – SANAS Madeira, Angelo Abreu, states that “we monitor with serious concern the voluntary exposure of citizens, mostly foreigners, to risks along the coastline on days with maritime disturbance warnings in effect. “The cause for these events, either by the words of the victims themselves or by those bystanders when the outcome is fatal, has become repetitive: “a photograph”.

Angelo Abreu ensures that the close collaboration between SANAS Madeira and the Maritime Search and Rescue Sub-Centre of Funchal (MRSC Funchal) allows us to guarantee the quickest operational response times, but when people are willing to risk their own lives to recreate one photography, we have to place operational and equipment at risk for unthinkable actions that tend to occur on days when maritime disturbance warnings are in effect. We ask people therefore to respect these warnings which are in place for a very good reason – your safety.

Coupled with the record high air temperatures in January, the ocean in 2024 also continues to rise in temperature, and is warmer now than any time in 2023. Several weeks before the annual temperature peak, and this year we are already having sea temperatures above the previous record set last year. Given that it takes 3000 times more energy to heat water than air I fear we have reached a point where global warming will no longer be something that can be debated as real or “made up” – soon we will be confronted by unthinkable extremes – and unfortunately I fear that it will already be in the next few months

We wish you a Happy “Year of the Dragon” In Mandarin: “Xīnnián hǎo” (新年好),

In Cantonese: “Gong hei fat choy” (恭喜发财)


PSP seized drugs, 44 firearms and 26 bladed weapons in the Carnival operation

Lisbon, 13 Feb 2024 (Lusa) – The PSP seized 15,260 doses of drugs and 44 firearms, as well as 26 bladed weapons, as part of the “Carnival in Security” operation, in which it detained 13 people for possession of prohibited weapons.

Between February 5th and 12th, the Public Security Police detained 481 people, of whom 117 were for road crimes and 62 for driving under the influence of alcohol, during road inspection actions carried out in mainland Portugal and the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira.

55 drivers were without a license and 49 were arrested for drug trafficking specified in the statement that the PSP issued today.

In the PSP’s area of ​​responsibility, 1,187 accidents were recorded, resulting in 351 minor injuries, five serious injuries and two fatalities.

Since the beginning of the operation, the PSP has inspected 11,290 drivers and checked 54,450 vehicles using radar.

“In total, 2,681 administrative offenses were recorded, of which we highlight 512 for speeding, 78 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 249 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection, 79 for lack of civil liability insurance and 48 for using a cell phone during driving”, explained the PSP.

Driving at excessive speeds, one of the main causes of road accidents, represented 19% of the total infractions verified.

“42 arrests were also made for crimes against property and 170 judicial arrest warrants were executed,” added the police.

Trump’s statements are “dangerous and frankly irresponsible”

Brussels, February 13, 2024 (Lusa) – The United States ambassador to NATO today considered that former President Donald Trump’s statements about encouraging the invasion of Atlantic Alliance countries by Russia are “dangerous and frankly irresponsible”.

“Encouraging the Kremlin to attack any North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO] country or Alliance territory puts our soldiers – those of the United States and those of our allies – in danger. Doing so, through these types of statements, is dangerous and frankly irresponsible”, said Julianne Smith, during a briefing with journalists, via videoconference, to anticipate a ministerial meeting on Thursday.

On Saturday, Republican Donald Trump said, just a few days before the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, that, if re-elected President of the United States, he would encourage Moscow to do whatever it wanted with countries with smaller contributions to NATO.

The 45th President of the United States of America (USA) made the statements during a rally in South Carolina, intensifying attacks against foreign aid and long-standing international alliances, for example, NATO.

Donald Trump said he was confronted by the President of a NATO country about the threat of letting one of the member states be attacked if they failed to meet the objectives of financial contributions to the Atlantic Alliance.

“One of the presidents of one of the big countries stood up and said, ‘Well, sir [Trump], if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, are you going to defend us?’” Trump told supporters.

And he replied: “No, I won’t protect you anymore. In fact, I will encourage you (Russia) to do whatever you want with you. You have to pay the debts you have.”


Portugal Safety and Security Report Wednesday 7th February 2024

Good morning, following a spell of spring time weather conditions, wet weather is set to return to the mainland from Thursday. Although there are variations in the forecasts using different metrological models, one thing is fairly sure that rain will affect all of the mainland to a greater or lesser degree, with forecasts of snow in parts of the north.

The IPMA have issued yellow level rain warnings for all districts plus yellow and orange yellow level warnings for warnings for rough seas and yellow level warnings for high winds. It is important to monitor these warnings and those issued by the ANEPC, together with the specific preventive measures. After a period of dry weather roads are bound to be slippery – so please take care.

PSP police officers and GNR soldiers are currently demanding payment of the mission supplement, similar to what was introduced recently for the Judicial Police. To reinforce their demands some have been taking medical leave. On Friday, some PSP elements from the Braga command and the Lisbon airport police station attempted to hand over their service weapons. As commanders had not authorized the delivery, the agents decided, as an alternative, to take medical leave, say the unions. The number of police officers taking sick leave has been increasing daily since Friday, but the PSP have insisted that although manning levels at Lisbon airport is reduced, it is not affecting airport security or border control. Following a gathering of some 300 PSP and GNR personnel outside the office of the Ministry of Internal Administration on 4th February, elements of the PSP and GNR will stage further protests, with vigils at airports and ports on February 15 and a demonstration in Lisbon on February 19, the Platform of Unions and Associations announced today.

In response the Prime Minister has stated that the current government lacks constitutional and political legitimacy to decide on permanent expenses referring any negotiations to the future executive. Let us hope that this can be resolved as soon as possible.

Good news is that according to the GNR, since 2013 and until 2023, there has been a positive evolution with regard to the reduction, not only in the number of rural fire ignitions, but also in the burned area itself, with 46% fewer fires being recorded in rural areas and 72% less burned area, compared to the annual average for the period. At this time of the year for those living in rural areas, especially high risk areas, we now need to turn our attention to land cleaning in order to reduce the risk of and fires  spreading to properties. The deadline for this is normally 30th April, but is never too soon to start planning on what work needs to be undertaken.

On Monday it was reported that the Safe Internet Line of the Portuguese Victim Support Association (APAV) registered 1,522 cases last year, 731 of which related to requests for support from victims of cybercrime and other forms of digital violence. Saddening is that this number represents “a significant increase” compared to the previous year, following the growth trend of recent years, according to data released by APAV. In 2023, the focus remained on fraud crimes and forms of violence associated with the threat of sharing intimate content. It is important that everyone using the internet and social media, adopts safeguards to reduce the risks of becoming a victim of cybercrime and digital violence.

Our team at Safe Communities wishes you a safe week ahead.


Requests for support from victims of cybercrime and digital violence increase

Lisbon, 06 Feb 2024 (Lusa) – The Safe Internet Line of the Portuguese Victim Support Association (APAV) registered 1,522 cases last year, 731 of which related to requests for support from victims of cybercrime and other forms of digital violence.

This number represents “a significant increase” compared to the previous year, following the growth trend of recent years, according to data released today by APAV.

In 2022, the association registered 478 requests for support due to cybercrime and other forms of digital violence, a source from the institution told the Lusa agency.

“In 2023, the focus remained on fraud crimes and forms of violence associated with the threat of sharing intimate content. In the case of scams, a total of 332 contacts were registered, highlighting situations of online commerce and romantic scams”, said APAV when releasing a document with which it marks Safer Internet Day.

In cases classified as sexual violence based on images, the line recorded 184 contacts: “A total of 99 contacts referred to situations of ‘sextortion’ (a form of violence in which the victim is coerced into sending intimate content or amounts of money, to prevent the aggressor from sharing intimate images of themselves)”.

There are also contacts regarding sexual crimes against children, namely situations of grooming minors for sexual purposes and pornography of minors.

The Safe Internet Line provides support in two areas, issues related to the use of technology and victims of cybercrime and other forms of digital violence (helpline) and has a platform for reporting illegal content on the internet (‘hotline’).

“In terms of the ‘hotline’, a total of 791 reports were registered, including 628 relating to content involving sexual abuse of minors — since the beginning of the pandemic, these forms of violence are the ones that have increased the most, both nationally and globally. ”, highlighted APAV.

Regarding online child sexual abuse material, the majority continues to be “self-produced by children and young people”, often achieved through “manipulation perpetrated by adults (grooming)”.

The Safe Internet Line is available by calling 800219090 (weekdays, between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm) and by email atlinhainternetsegura@apav.pt . Support is confidential and free. 

Police action demanding introduction of a mission supplement similar to Judicial Police

Lisbon, 06 Feb 2024 (Lusa) – Around 60 of the 375 police officers who work at Lisbon Airport are on leave, a union source warned today, while the National Directorate of the PSP guarantees that neither airport security nor border control is at stake .

The number of police officers taking sick leave has been increasing daily since Friday, Carlos Oliveira, leader of the Police Professionals Union Association (ASPP-PSP), told Lusa.

The union leader stated that the number of police casualties is affecting the various services of the PSP Airport Security Division in Lisbon, including border control.

Contacted by Lusa, the national management of the PSP admitted that there are police officers on leave in that division, but assured that this is not affecting airport security or border control.

The first casualties were reported after, on Friday, some PSP elements from the Braga command and the Lisbon airport police station attempted to hand over their service weapons.

As hierarchical superiors did not authorize the delivery, the agents decided, as an alternative, to take medical leave, say the unions.

The PSP Airport Security Division is where agent Pedro Costa works, who started the police protests at the Assembly of the Republic about a month ago.

Police officers are not allowed to present self-declarations of illness required through SNS24, and casualties must be certified by a doctor, a determination that arises from the professional status of the PSP, which is a special law for police officers.

In a response to Lusa, the national management of the PSP explains that police officers have five working days to justify absences from work, a period that is also applied to the presentation of proof of sick leave.

PSP and GNR elements have staged several protests to demand a supplement identical to that allocated to the Judiciary Police.

The protest began four weeks ago following the initiative of agent Pedro Costa, which later spread to the entire country.

The majority of protests have been called through social media, namely ‘WhatsApp’ and ‘Telegram’, with an inorganic movement called ‘inop movement’ emerging in recent days, which does not have any intervention from the unions, despite the existence of a platform that brings together unions from the PSP and GNR associations, created to demand a review of salary supplements for security forces.