Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 24th February 2021


Good morning – All eyes this week are on the meeting of the Council of Ministers to determine whether there will be any changes to the State of Emergency that will almost certainly be extended.

As mentioned, the President of the Republic yesterday and today is hearing the views of the representatives of the various political parties before sending a draft decree law extending and outlining the basic framework of the new law. This will take affect from 2nd March until 23:59 hrs 16th March 2021.

As usual, there will be various statements by the parties following their meeting as to what the President said, but as we know from experience these are not always enshrined in the final law. Yesterday, the sole deputy of the Liberal Initiative said that the President of the Republic has no intention of “changing anything” in the decree of the State of Emergency. The deputy of the Ecological Party “Os Verdes” (ENP), Mariana Silva, also echoed this after meeting with the President.

There is no doubt that the confinement in place has worked and new cases have decreased considerably. The Prime Minister is concerned, however, of the continuing pressure on the health services even though the numbers in hospital and ICU have decreased considerably since the beginning of the month.

A matter of some concern is that, according to government, movements on the streets and in public areas has increased slightly in the last week and there have been three illegal parties one with around 70 people where the police have had to take enforcement action. This is a likely sign of impatience to return to normality. There is also demands on Government to reopen some schools to return to face to face learning.

How to come out of confinement, of course, is not unique to Portugal and is a dilemma government’s face in trying to relax measures in a phased way that does not result in undoing all what has been achieved, in the case of Portugal, over the last 3-4 weeks. From listening to the views of the President and the Prime Minister we would be surprised if there is anything but cosmetic changes at this stage, especially given the delays in the first phase of the vaccination plan.

We expect therefore a cautious approach, but one which may include some form of roadmap of a phased relaxation of measures, such as the re-opening of some schools provided that certain conditions are met; for instance cases in ICU reducing to a certain level, no increase in variants or new ones etc.

This approach would clearly indicate government’s intentions, thereby giving hope to those affected such as businesses, but at the same time allowing the plan to be adjusted if needed.

Our headline today is the statement of the UN Secretary-General over the global distribution of vaccines, namely that ten countries have administered more than 75% of all vaccines against Covid-19. At the same time, more than 130 countries have not received a single dose.

Having worked in an international organisation myself, Interpol, I can empathize with this statement. It is similar in many ways to crime prevention that protection is only as good as the weakest link. Of course people wish to obtain the vaccination as soon as possible, but there are many in the world who will have to wait far longer than ourselves.

A reminder for those of you living in rural areas that according to the national budget law the deadline for fuel management and the cleaning of land is 15th March 2021. Last year due to the first confinement under the State of Emergency the deadline was extended twice – eventually being 31st May. We have been in contact with relevant Government authority concerning this matter and although there is no proposed extension at present, we would not be at all surprised if it were extended. I have written a feature for the Algarve Resident on this topic which will appear on 4th March. Full details concerning land cleaning can be found on our website here

Please have a Safe Day


Guterres: ten countries administered 75% of vaccines and 130 did not receive a single dose.

The UN Secretary-General warns that the virus has exacerbated inequalities and has infiltrated other fields besides health. The distribution of vaccines, he says, has been unfair.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, says that “the world is facing a pandemic of human rights abuses”. Covid-19 accentuated vulnerabilities and weaknesses, but also created new problems, he says in an opinion article published on Monday in the British newspaper The Guardian: “Ten countries have administered more than 75% of all vaccines against Covid-19. At the same time, more than 130 countries have not received a single dose.

António Guterres had already criticized the distribution of vaccines, saying that it was “extremely unequal and unfair”. It was at a meeting with the UN Security Council that the Portuguese Secretary-General advised this data on the 130 countries that have not yet received a single dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“The virus has proliferated because poverty, discrimination, the destruction of our natural environment and other human rights flaws have created enormous weaknesses in our societies. The lives of millions of families have been turned inside out – with jobs lost, overwhelming debt and huge income cuts. ” Those most affected were professionals at the forefront of combating the pandemic, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and minorities, he continued. The pandemic has also “hampered efforts to achieve world peace” and levels of extreme poverty are increasing for the first time in recent decades.

Covid-19 – Portugal is the 6th EU member state with the most complete vaccines administered.

Portugal is the 6th EU Member State with the most complete vaccines. At least 85 countries have already started the vaccination process against Covid-19. In total, more than 194 million doses have been administered. Israel, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom continue to stand out from all other countries in the world ranking.

The most conservative models indicate that group immunity is achieved when 7 out of 10 people are vaccinated. The European goal is to reach the end of the summer with 70% of adults immunized, that is, with both doses of the vaccine given.

In Portugal, when analysed by age group, the group between 65-79 years old is at this stage of the least protected: only 2% of this population has taken a dose and 1% has the complete vaccination. These percentages are the same for people between 18 and 24 years old. In contrast, 12% (79,774 people) of the population over 80 have already taken a dose and 7% (42,991) have a complete vaccination. It is the most protected group.

The North adds more inoculated doses but the Alentejo is the region of the country that leads in population that has the complete vaccination (4%), followed by the Centre (3%), Lisbon and Vale do Tejo and Norte (both with 2%) and Algarve (1%).

Covid-19: Portugal has the lowest contagion rate in Europe

According to André Peralta Santos, from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), on Monday afternoon, the incidence of new contagions had a “very significant decrease”. Incidence is decreasing in all age groups – it is highest above 80 years old. Portugal has the lowest transmissibility index since the beginning of the pandemic

According to Baltazar Nunes, the estimate for the transmissibility index R (t) of Covid-19 in Portugal is 0.67, between February 13th and 17th – “The lowest figure we have estimated since the beginning of the epidemic”, he said. “The value of Rt is below 1 in all regions of the continent and autonomous regions and in the last five days there has been a stabilisation of the value of Rt around 0.66 and 0.68”, he added. According to the expert, Portugal now has the lowest R (t) value in Europe. “If we continue, it is possible to continue descending at a marked speed.”

Covid-19 Situation

On Tuesday Portugal reported 63 deaths and 1,032 new cases of Covid-19, according to the daily report of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

The figures and our analysis of trends reported yesterday is as follows:

Confirmed Cases: 799.106 (+ 1032 / + 0.13 %)

Number of admitted: 3.012 (-310 /-9.33 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 597 (-30 /-4.78 %)

Deaths: 16.086 (+ 63 / + 0.39 %)

Recovered: 705.976 (+ 4567 / + 0.65 %)

Active cases: 77,044 (-3958 / – 4.4&)

So again we see very good news in all key indicators reflected in the following trends:

– Second lowest number of daily deaths since 28th December

– New cases – Second lowest number since 8th October 2020

– Recovered cases four times new cases

– Lowest number in hospital since 2nd January

– Lowest in ICU since 13th January – decreased by 27.5% since 1st February

– Number of active cases lowest since 2nd January, decreasing for 23rd consecutive day and over 100,000 less than 31st January (in 21 days)

– Those under surveillance lowest since 2nd January



Covid-19: Close to 250 thousand people have already received two doses of the vaccine

Nearly 250 thousand people have already received the two doses of the vaccine for Covid-19 according to data published today by the General Directorate of Health, corresponding to 3% of the population.

According to the data released today by the DGS, they have already received two doses of the vaccine 248,708, representing 3% with the complete vaccination, 46,565 more than in the previous week.

According to the same data, since the beginning of the vaccination plan against SARS-CoV-2, which started on December 27th, at least 433,475 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine, having injected 96,701 people in the last week.

Covid-19: Rapid Intervention Brigades activated in homes 431 times since October.

Lisbon, February 23rd, 2021 (Lusa) – The Rapid Intervention Brigades (BIR), created to act in the event of an outbreak of Covid-19 in nursing homes, have been activated 431 times since October, the month they started operating, revealed today the latest State of Emergency report.

“As of October 1st, the BIRs started to operate, which allow responding to the needs of social responses that, due to an outbreak, have the human resources teams compromised, having already activated 431 brigades”, states the report on the situation between 16th and 30th January and delivered to the Assembly of the Republic.

The document, carried out by the State of Emergency Monitoring Structure, coordinated by the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, stresses that, in the Northern region, the Rapid Intervention Brigades remain properly established in all districts, being activated whenever necessary.

In turn, in the Centro region, BIRs were used in all districts, but there was “a great difficulty” in building these brigades due to the lack of volunteers.

“Institutions’ difficulties in strengthening human resources, namely direct action assistants and nurses, remained. To mitigate some specific needs, the Military Family Volunteers were made available”, reads the report, which explains the “strong pressure on homes and other residential structures for the elderly” that existed in the Center region between 16th and 30th January.

According to the same document, in these residential structures for the elderly in the Centro region there was a “substantial increase in cases” of Covid-19, going from 227 to 282 homes with active cases.

Hospitals have no chance of hiring doctors who trained abroad.

Although the Government allows the hiring of doctors who have trained abroad and who have not yet completed the process of recognition of training, hospitals reject this option. To “Jornal de Notícias”, several hospital units said that they are responding with internal resources and that it is not planned to hire professionals who have not yet seen their courses recognized in Portugal.

The Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central said that “there are no plans to hire foreign doctors and nurses” and the Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra said that it has “tried to respond to the challenges with internal resources”. In Porto, the response from the Centro Hospitalar de São João was similar: “At the moment, we have no professional in these conditions who has contacted us or that we can contact” and in Aveiro, “this hiring was not expected”.

There is a “need for professionals” for certain specialties, explained Alexandre Lourenço, president of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators. “However, we are obliged, and rightly, to hire certified professionals as a guarantee of quality, “he added. Of the 800 doctors who attended medical courses abroad, only 160 meet the criteria for hiring – that is, having passed a written knowledge test.

Open letter calls for the re-opening of schools

An open letter, published in the weekly Expresso , calls on government that “it is urgent, for the present and for the future of the country, to adopt measures, based on science and data, capable of protecting schools as an essential good”, asking for their reopening “quickly for face to face teaching, safely and continuously, starting with the youngest”.

The signatories argue that the nurseries and pre-school education establishments will be reopened in early March, as well as the 1st and 2nd cycles of basic education, which should gradually resume.

The Government has already signalled that it will give priority to schools when it starts the process of the relaxation of confinement, according to the Minister of Health on Monday after the Infarmed meeting, and that of the Minister of the Presidency last weekend. However, Mariana Vieira da Silva said it was still “premature to speak for this next fortnight of lack of definition and particularly in terms of schools”.

The letter however demands face-to-face classes to resume as soon as possible, recalling not only “the increase in psychological and psychiatric problems of children and young people associated with the confinement and closure of schools”, but also that “teaching distance is less effective than classroom teaching and has been a multiplier of inequalities of all kinds, not just educational, penalizing the most vulnerable “.

“The delay in the acquisition of apprenticeships may lead to the reversal of the progress made in recent decades in the reduction of social inequality and early school leaving”, they warn, also stressing that “Portugal is one of the European Union countries with less conditions for distance learning”, both because of the lack of network coverage and because of the “conditions of material deprivation in which many families with children live, suffering from energy and housing poverty”.


Registered unemployment enters 2021 to rise to the highest level since the start of the pandemic.

Unemployment in Portugal started to rise in 2021. In January, a month marked by the worsening of the Covid-19 pandemic and the return of the country to general confinement, 424,359 unemployed people were registered in employment centres, according to data from the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP), published this Monday.

This figure represents an increase of 5.5% compared to December (more 22,105 people) and 32.4% (more 103,801 people) in year-on-year terms, that is, in relation to January 2020.

While it is certain that registered unemployment is usual in Portugal to increase in January compared to December, due to the negative seasonal impact on the labour market, this is the highest number of registered unemployed since the beginning of the pandemic. Moreover, it is necessary to go back to May 2017 to find a higher value.

At the regional level, in January, “registered unemployment increased in all regions of the country”, indicates the IEFP. Of the year-on-year increases, the most pronounced occurred in the Algarve region (61.3% more), followed by Lisbon and the Tagus Valley (45.3% more) and Madeira (30% more).

The IEFP also indicates that, in terms of professional groups of unemployed registered in the Mainland, the most representative, in decreasing order, stand out: “Unqualified workers” (24.9%); “Personal service, protection, security and salesperson workers” (22.8%); “Administrative staff” (11.6%); “Specialists in intellectual and scientific activities” (10.2%) and “Skilled workers in industry, construction and craftsmen” (10.0%) “.


Support line launched for Travel Agencies and Tour Operators with 100 million euros.

Turismo de Portugal, in partnership with Banco Português de Fomento, Mutual Guarantee Societies and Banks, launches a credit line to support treasury, with an endowment of 100 million euros, for Travel Agencies and Tour Operators.

This measure to support the economy aims to help in the recovery of one of the activities most affected by the effects of the pandemic of Covid-19, resulting in bank loans exclusively to finance the treasury needs of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators, in view of the obligation refunds for trips that were not made or cancelled due to the pandemic context.

With a total allocation of 100 million euros, and a term of validity until June 30th, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can apply, as well as Small Mid Cap and Mid Cap that develop activities of Travel Agencies and Tour Operators.

Credit operations benefit from an autonomous guarantee at the first request, provided by the SGM, up to 90% of the capital of each of the loans guaranteed to Micro and Small and up to 80% of the capital of each of the loans guaranteed to Medium-sized Companies, Small Mid Cap and Mid Cap.

Overseas Support – Thank you to Germany.

Diogo Serras Lopes, Secretary of State for Health, said on Tuesday that the help of German professionals who arrived in Portugal earlier this month allowed “to open an autonomous intensive care wing” with eight beds, a number that, according to Serras Lopes, is “significant”.

Yesterday morning, Diogo Serras Lopes and the Secretary of State for Human Resources and Former Combatants, Catarina Armento e Castro, welcomed the German team of military health professionals who will replace the one currently working at Hospital da Luz, in Lisbon.

The Secretary of State also said that “each bed counts” and that the German contribution was “invaluable” and allowed “to relieve the hospitals of the National Health Service” and to treat more patients.

The German clinical team of 26 health professionals arrived in Portugal earlier this month to support the Portuguese health system in the face of pressure from the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to a joint statement from the ministries of health and defence of Portugal, German health professionals are replaced every 21 days, until the end of March, “if necessary”.

Confinement: Cascais lifts restrictions to sea walls, beaches and parks.

The Cascais City Council announced on Monday that it will lift restrictions on access to the sea wall (Cascais-Carcavelos), beaches and parks in the municipality as of 6 pm on Tuesday, February 23rd.

The municipality, in a statement on the official website , justifies the decision with the “decrease in the number of cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants”, thus guaranteeing the municipality a “two-level descent, abandoning the Extremely and Very High Risk level passing to be part of the group of municipalities with a high risk level ”. The health and safety authorities in the municipality gave a positive opinion to this update.

This reopening still has some rules. Only “physical activity and the training of individual outdoor sports are allowed, as well as all professional and equivalent training and competitive activities, without an audience and in compliance with the guidelines of the DGS, under the terms of the law”. The use of a mask remains mandatory, as well as social distance, still fixed at two meters. Gatherings of people are prohibited, as well as being on the beach. The municipality also asks for “the fulfilment of the directions of circulation”.


Covid-19. EU asks for explanations from Member States that have closed borders.

The European Commission sent a letter on Monday to six member states of the European Union (EU) asking for explanations about restrictions on freedom of movement, giving the countries concerned ten days to respond, the Community executive said Tuesday.

“On Monday, the Commission sent specific letters about our concerns to six Member States – Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary and Sweden – which are currently applying stricter measures than recommended, in particularly in the prohibition of entry and exit of the country “, informed the spokesman of the community executive with the portfolio of Justice, Equality and Rule of Law, Christian Wigand.

The spokesman stressed that, in the letter, the Commission highlights the “need” to ensure that “restrictions on freedom of movement” are “proportional” and not “discriminatory”, and urges countries to “align their provisions more than closely with the Council’s recommendations “, agreed between all EU Member States, and, more generally,” with EU rules regarding freedom of movement “.

The executive gives the member states ten days to respond to the letter and “the Commission is closely following the steps taken by the member states on an ongoing basis”, said the spokesman.

Asked about the steps the Commission can take if the Member States in question do not comply with the executive’s recommendations, Christian Wigand said that “the European Commission’s aim is to find solutions as soon as possible”.

“We believe that we will find solutions with the Member States in question, without having to resort to legal steps, which can be time consuming. Therefore, Member States now have ten days to respond and we start there,” he said.

The spokesman also recalled that the European Commission has always been clear on the issue of coordinating measures within the EU to combat Covid-19, stressing that “without a coordinated approach between the 27 Member States”, the EU “runs the fragmentation risk “and” disruptions in freedom of movement and distribution chains.”

International Travel

Covid-19. Airlines insist on rapid airport tests.

RENA – Association of Airlines in Portugal yesterday insisted on the implementation of rapid tests for Covid-19 at airports, also stressing that there is an urgent need for a harmonized reduction of imposed restrictions and the end of quarantines.

The appeal was left at the general meeting of RENA that elected its governing bodies for the 2021-2023 triennium, with Paulo Geisler, representative of Lufthansa, being re-elected president, unanimously, according to a statement.

“These rapid tests give passengers and the airport community the certainty that health and safety remain at the top of the priorities and convey confidence,” said Paulo Geisler, adding that he hopes that “vaccination will quickly contribute to recovery”.

“A harmonized reduction of imposed restrictions and the end of quarantines is urgently needed at a global level”, underlined the re-elected president of RENA mentioned in the statement.

The association stresses that the international aviation industry and tourism were among the sectors most affected by the pandemic at the global level, “going through the biggest crisis ever”.

In Portugal, according to RENA, there was a decrease of around 80% in the number of flights and passengers at Portuguese airports and “the situation has been aggravated by the additional restrictions implemented in recent weeks, which are even more severe than any time in 2020 “.


Covid-19: GNR ends party with more than 70 people in Campo Maior.

Campo Maior, Portalegre, 23rd Feb 2021 (Lusa) – GNR ended on Monday an illegal party with more than 70 people in a neighbourhood in Campo Maior (Portalegre), having identified “some” of the participants, revealed today to the Lusa agency source of that security force.

According to the commander of the GNR Territorial Detachment of GNR, João Lourenço, the GNR military became aware of the situation “through various complaints” that reported that “some noise” was heard in a neighbourhood in that Alentejo village.

“The patrol, when travelling to the site, found that there was a large crowd of people and movement on the public road. It was a party, an unauthorized event and that the participants did not respect the duty of home collection”, he said.

According to the GNR captain, reinforcements were immediately requested from other posts in that area and “an hour later” the situation was resolved.

“There were some people identified, who are known and who were able to be identified. In our action, the intention, considering that there was a high number of people, was to disperse and direct all people to their homes, but naturally some of the people were identified ”, he explained.

The Commander of the Territorial Detachment of Elvas of the GNR, who did not provide data in relation to the number of people identified, just added that it is now being “elaborated expedient regarding the administrative offenses” to be applied.

The GNR captain also added that this action at an early stage had “some resistance” on the part of the participants at the party, but later “the indications” of the Guard’s military were accepted.

Covid-19: GNR interrupts illegal party with 19 young people in Famalicão.

Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga, February 23, 2021 (Lusa) – GNR interrupted, yesterday morning, an illegal party that gathered 19 young people in a house in Gondifelos, Vila Nova de Famalicão, in violation of the general duty of recollection, said a source that strength to Lusa.

Secondly, the source confirmed, the young people transformed the house “into a kind of disco”.

All participants were subject to administrative offences, amounting to 200 euros.

If they are caught again in an identical situation, they will incur a crime of disobedience.

The alert for the situation was given at 00:30, with the GNR mobilized to the location of the Famalicão and Joane posts and a team from the Detachment of Intervention.

The young people were assessed and sent to their homes, and the situation was resolved by 02:30.

Other News

DCIAP investigates case of private jet in Brazil destined for Portugal with 500 kilos of cocaine.

The Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action is investigating the case of the seizure in Brazil of a private jet destined for Tires (Cascais), which was carrying 500 kilos of cocaine, told Lusa source today from the Prosecutor’s Office.

“The existence of an inquiry is confirmed that runs under the terms of the Central Department of Investigation and Penal Action” (DCIAP), the press office of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) replied to the Lusa agency, without further details alleging secrecy of justice.

Police sources today revealed to Lusa that the Portuguese Judiciary Police (PJ) and the Brazilian federal police had been alert, since the beginning of the pandemic, to the possibility of cocaine trafficking between the two countries using private jets.

According to the same source, the police had already realized that, with the decrease in regular flights between the two countries, the “modus operandi” of trafficking cocaine between Brazil and Portugal had changed with the traffickers using other means, namely the use of private jet charters.

The recent seizure of more than 500 kilograms of cocaine in the fuselage of a jet chartered to the Portuguese company OMNI Aviação e Tecnologia, based in Porto Salvo, for a flight from Salvador to Tires Aerodrome, Cascais, is one of the cases that fits these suspicions, with the two policemen collaborating and sharing information.

On the jet’s passenger list was João Loureiro, former president of Boavista, who has already been heard by the Brazilian Federal Police (PF) and whom “files were extracted” from his cell phone.

Portugal Situation Report Saturday 20th February 2021


Good morning – Again we start with the very good news concerning the Covid-19 figures; in particular that the number of daily deaths at 67, is the lowest since the first of January and that those in hospital from Covid-19 are nearly half that than since the beginning of this month. In addition, the (Rt) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is now 0.66 down from 0.77 a month ago.

Despite this good news, it is clear from our headline story quoting the Minister of State and Presidency Mariana Vieira da Silva that the “extremely high” number of intensive care admissions due to Covid-19 does not allow any expectation of relaxing measures soon.

It seems likely therefore that parliament when it comes to debate the extension of the emergency laws next week will be extremely cautious on easing restrictions too quickly.

Yesterday however, the main story was the apparent change in priority in the administration of vaccinations in Phase One. In this phase, the bulk of vaccines available will be administered to two groups: people aged 80 and over and people aged 50 to 79 with one of the four diseases most at risk for Covid-19 (cardiac, coronary, renal and severe respiratory)

According to a report in Expresso newspaper, however, the scarcity of vaccines and the need to protect those most vulnerable to Covid-19 has led the new task force coordinator to redefine vaccination priorities.

Henrique Gouveia e Melo told the newspaper that 90% of the vaccines available are now intended to “save lives” and only 10% to “reinforce the state’s resilience in a pandemic period”, the latter being firefighters, PSP and GNR. However according to Government, more than 7000 members of the security forces and more than 11,000 firefighters have already received the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19, in compliance with the vaccination plan for essential functions of the State. Nevertheless, regarding the changes in the priorities foreseen in the plan, António Lacerda Sales asserts that “vaccination is carried out in parallel lines and there is no overtaking by anyone in front of anyone”.

The President of the Portuguese Firefighters League (LBP) told Lusa yesterday after contacting the Secretary of State, that the first phase of vaccinations against Covid-19 of the approximately 15,000 firefighters will continue. “I also contacted the task force coordinator who guaranteed, and I believe in his word, that there is no change in relation to the 15,000 firefighters scheduled for vaccination in this first phase,” Jaime Marte Soares told Lusa.

Both the PSP and GNR associations also expressed concern, with the Head of the GNR staff association suggesting that if there are any delays then frontline GNR personnel should be tested every 15 days given their nature of work and close contact with the public. This seems a very sensible suggestion.

Clearly government can only work with the number of vaccines available in the country and faces difficulty in implementing priorities when there are shortfalls compared to demand. There are very difficult choices that have to be made.

When there are setbacks, it is always good to find positive news, and what can be more positive than NASA’s Perseverance rover safely landing on Mars on Thursday after its 292.5 million mile journey from Earth. The rover landed itself flawlessly, according to the mission’s team.

“Perseverance” is certainly an appropriate name inspiring determination and hope which is what we need at this time in combatting this pandemic.

Another positive note for Portugal came in the findings of what was described as the first comprehensive survey on the crime experience among the population of the EU (including the United Kingdom) conducted by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency). This revealed that 9% of people in the EU have experienced some form of violence in the past five years, with national percentages varying between 3% and 18 percent. However in Portugal, only 4% said they were physically assaulted, a percentage only surpassed by Malta and Italy. This reflects Portugal’s standing currently the 3rd most peaceful country in the world according the Global Peace

Lastly, please be aware that the ANEPC have issued a Notification to the Population concerning bad weather for this weekend. The IPMA have also issued Yellow rain warning for several districts. We posted all the details last evening so please read the bulletin and precautions you may need to take. If this was not enough, a cloud of dust from the Sahara desert is expected to pass over Europe again this weekend, according to the European atmospheric observation service, Copernicus. At present its trajectory appears northwards passing just to the east of Portugal, but we are monitoring.

So with that please have a Safe Weekend.


Covid-19: Transmission at 0.66 indicates reduction of cases across the country

The average transmissibility index (Rt) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is 0.66, representing a tendency of reduction in new cases of Covid-19 in all regions of the country, announced today the National Institute of Health Ricardo Jorge (INSA).

“The results indicate a decreasing trend of new cases at the national level in all regions of the country”, says INSA in the situation report on the epidemic curve of infection by the new coronavirus.

On January 11th, the average Rt stood at 0.77, a figure that the Prime Minister, António Costa, considered at the time to be “the lowest the country has had since the beginning of the pandemic”, in the spring of 2020.

According to the INSA data now released, all regions of the country have an Rt – the average number of secondary cases resulting from a case infected by the virus – below 1.

Epidemiological estimates point to a Rt of 0.64 in the North, Center and Alentejo regions, of 0.66 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, of 0.65 in the Algarve region, of 0.63 in the autonomous region of the Azores and 0.88 in the autonomous region of Madeira.

According to INSA, from January 18th there was a sharp reduction in Rt, but, from February 11th, there was a slight increase, which suggests “a deceleration in the trend of decreasing incidence of SARS- CoV-2 ” in that period.

“From the beginning of August to the middle of November, the Rt was above 1 for 107 days, revealing a phase of sustained growth. From mid-November to 25th December, the Rt remained below 1, representing a phase of sustained decrease in the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, ” says INSA.

Minister of State and Presidency – Too soon to come out of confinement

The Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, warned this Thursday, February 18th, that the “extremely high” number of intensive care admissions due to Covid-19 does not allow any expectation of coming out of confinement soon.

In the briefing after the Council of Ministers, Mariana Vieira da Silva was asked about the evolution of the numbers of the pandemic in Portugal.

Despite considering that the numbers of infected people show “the success of the measures” in force, the official recalled that this is not the only factor to take into account, since it is necessary to analyse the response capacity of the NHS and the number of deaths. , variables that, in spite of the downward trend, do not allow to anticipate relaxing measures soon.

Mariana Vieira da Silva warned of the issue of managing the expectations of the Portuguese and referred that, today, Portugal has 680 people hospitalized in intensive care units.

“It is a very high number, it remains, with the exception of the last month, the highest number we have had throughout this year”.

Thus, the Government maintains the discourse of the Prime Minister, António Costa, who a week ago, also at a press conference after the Council of Ministers, defended that this was not yet the time for the country to focus on the lack of definition, but to continue comply with the containment rules.

“There is technical work to be done, there will be articulation work with the other parties. This is the time to appeal again to all Portuguese women and men that we must consider that we have very high numbers of hospitalisation in hospitals and intensive care units and being encouraged on the path we are taking, it is still too early to think that it is close to the end” she reiterated.

Second contract with Moderna to ensure additional vaccine doses

The European Commission approved a second contract with the pharmaceutical company Moderna, which provides for an additional purchase of 300 million doses (150 million in 2021 and an option to purchase an additional 150 million in 2022) on behalf of all EU Member States. The new contract also provides for the possibility to donate the vaccine to lower and middle-income countries or to re-direct it to other European countries.


Yesterday’s figures reflected again the very positive signs that have been seen over the last two weeks.

Confirmed Cases: 794.769 (+ 1940 / + 0.24 %)

Number of admitted: 3.584 (-235 /-6.15 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 669 (-19 /-2.76 %)

Deaths: 15.821 (+ 67 / + 0.43 %)

Recovered: 691.866 (+ 4404 / + 0.64 %)

Active cases: 87,082 (-2531 / – 2.8%)

The trends in these key areas are as follows:

– Lowest daily deaths since 1st January (49 days)

– New cases – 6th lowest since 20th October (4 months)

– Recovered cases more than double that of new cases

– Hospitalisations lowest since January 9, when 6869 cases were registered. Decreased by 47.8% since 1st February

– Lowest in ICU since 19th January – decreased by 22.6% since 1st February

– Number of active cases lowest since 6th January, decreasing for 18th consecutive day and 52% less than 31st January (in 17 days)

– Those under surveillance lowest since 10th January


Covid-19: Hospital Amadora-Sintra registers 199 inpatients and peak in intensive care

Amadora, Lisbon, 19th Feb 2021 (Lusa) – Hospital Amadora-Sintra, in the district of Lisbon, currently has 199 Covid-19 patients hospitalised, almost half the maximum recorded on 26th January, with 385 patients, but the peak in the unit’s intensive care (ICU) was registered this week.

In response to the agency Lusa, a source from Hospital Fernando da Fonseca (HFF), also known as Hospital Amadora-Sintra, said that 199 patients are currently in hospital infected by the new coronavirus SARS-COV-2, “of which 36 are hospitalized in the ICUs (out of 42 beds available)”.

“At the end of January 26th, the HFF registered 385 hospitalised Covid patients, its maximum”, revealed a hospital source, indicating that this peak represents a Covid effort rate of 62% of the total available beds of this hospital, which serves a population of more than 600,000 people.

Two weeks ago, this hospital had, on February 3rd, 368 inpatients, of which 350 in the HFF and 18 in the HFF ward, which was operated exclusively by its professionals at Hospital da Luz, in Lisbon.

“The peak of patients admitted to the ICUs of this hospital was recorded this week, on February 14th, 15th and 16th, with the maximum capacity of 42 patients in critical condition”, revealed a hospital source, recalling that the contingency plan of the HFF predicted, at its maximum level, that the capacity of the ICU was 12 beds dedicated to Covid patients, so at this moment the situation is “350% of the maximum level”.

Health centres held 11.4 million fewer face-to-face consultations in 2020

Health centres held 11.4 million fewer face-to-face consultations in 2020 (-38%), while distance contacts doubled from 2019 to 2020, from 9.1 million to 18.5 million.

The data released on Thursday night by the Saúde em Dia Movement, led by the Order of Doctors (OM) and the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators (APAH), also reveal a decrease of 3.6 million in face-to-face nursing contacts at the Health Centres (18% less) which, together with medical consultations, totalled 11.4 million less compared to 2019.

The analysis made by the consultant MOAI, based on the official numbers of the SNS Transparency Portal, also indicates a “sharp drop” in face-to-face medical care in hospitals, with 3.4 million fewer contacts in 2020, between consultations, surgeries and emergencies. .

The emergency episodes dropped by 31%, 11% outpatient visits and surgeries 18%, says the motion, pointing the same panorama in supplementary diagnostic and therapeutic cases, where data is only available until the end of November 2020.

“Even so, globally, less than a quarter of the exams and analyses were performed in 2020”, which translates into less than 25 million acts performed. In Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine alone, there were 12.4 million fewer.

Covid-19 was responsible for more than 40% of deaths from January to February

More than 40% of deaths in Portugal between the end of January and the beginning of February were attributed to Covid-19, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE).

Of the 8,536 deaths recorded between January 25th and February 7th, 3,633 were due to the disease caused by the new coronavirus, which is equivalent to 42.5% of the total.

During this period, “the number of deaths decreased, despite continuing to be much higher than that observed since the beginning of the pandemic”, points out the INE, indicating that the week from 25th to 31st January was the worst in terms of deaths (4,711) since the beginning of the pandemic.

In the week of 25th to 31st, there were 2,036 deaths associated with Covid-19 (43.2% of the total) and in the following week 1,597 (41.8%).

The excess of mortality in relation to the average of the same weeks between 2015 and 2019 was 66.3% in the week from 25th to 31st of January and 42% in the week from 1st to 7th of February.

“The number of deaths from Covid-19 was, in weeks 4 and 5, higher than the excess of mortality, which means that, excluding deaths by Covid-19, the mortality registered in these two weeks would be below the average of 2015-2019 period “, points out the INE.

More than 75% of deaths in these two weeks were of people aged 75 years and over and the greatest excess of mortality was in people over 90 years, of whom 74.1% died more than the average of the last five years for the same period.

Variants of Covid-19

Covid-19: Variant detected in the United Kingdom already represents 48% of cases in Portugal

The variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus detected in the United Kingdom is already responsible for almost half of cases of Covid-19 in Portugal, when in early January it represented 8% of infections, said today Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute (INSA).

“As of February 16th [Tuesday], we estimate that this variant represents around 48% of all Covid-19 cases in Portugal,” João Paulo Gomes, INSA researcher and coordinator of the study on diversity, told Lusa genetics of the new coronavirus in Portugal.

According to INSA data, the incidence in the country of this variant of the virus that causes Covid-19, considered more contagious, has been growing since the beginning of the year, registering a constant increase over several weeks, in the period in which the highest number of infections was registered in Portugal.

João Paulo Gomes estimates that the variant originating in the United Kingdom represented around 8% of cases of the Covid-19 disease in the first week of the year, increasing to 13.4% in the second week of January and to 24.7% in the third week.

According to the expert, this growing incidence of the variant “certainly contributed” to the emergence of the so-called `third wave ‘that occurred in January with the exponential increase in cases of covid-19 across the country, although it was not the“ factor that weighed more ”.

“In the contribution he made, not only the high number of introductions of this variant that took place during the second half of December – the return of Portuguese immigrants for Christmas and tourists from the United Kingdom – but also its high transmissibility”, explained the specialist.

Regarding the variant originating in South Africa, INSA only identified four cases in Portugal, and no case of the SARS-CoV-2 variant initially discovered in Manaus, Brazil, was registered until Thursday.


“There is no overtaking of anyone ahead of anyone” in the changes to the vaccination plan, says Lacerda Sales

The Assistant Secretary of State and Health argues that the vaccination plan against Covid-19 “is being well executed” and “in alignment with most countries in Europe”. Immunisation is being carried out “according to what has arrived”, says António Lacerda Sales, and stresses that “all vaccines that arrive quickly are administered”.

Speaking to the media, Lacerda Sales said that “about 6.3% of the population is covered by vaccination, with 2.3% having already taken both doses, which is in line with most countries in Europe”.

The Assistant Secretary of State and Health recognizes that “we are always dependent on what is the production capacity [of vaccines] and the mechanisms of European acquisition”, adding: “We need them to arrive so that we can execute our plan later”.

Regarding delays in deliveries, Lacerda Sales says that “instead of the total of 11 million vaccines that would be expected at the end of the first half, we will have an order of 8 or 9 million”. Even so, he believes, “it may arrive to vaccinate 3.6 million people” and “it will correspond to what was the initial phase of the plan”.

Regarding the changes in the priorities foreseen in the plan, António Lacerda Sales asserts that “vaccination is carried out in parallel lines and there is no overtaking by anyone in front of anyone”.

“At the same time that we vaccinate people over 80 years old, people over 50 and with known comorbidities, we still continue to vaccinate health professionals”, he stresses.

For now, António Lacerda Sales does not want to hear about suspicions. “The word now is confinement. That’s where we should focus. It is premature to speak of lack of definition. What we want is to ensure that all Portuguese, in terms of collective conscience, follow the rules”, he added.

7,000 members of the security forces and 11,000 firefighters have already received the first dose of the vaccine

More than 7 000 members of the security forces and more than 11,000 firefighters have already received the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19, in compliance with the vaccination plan for essential functions of the State.

The vaccination process for 15,000 firefighters began on February 11th and 11 061 firefighters have already been vaccinated.

Firefighters, given the operational dimension of the pre-hospital transport they perform, play an essential role in the State and are therefore being vaccinated over two weeks. The order of vaccination of these firefighters was defined by the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority based on operational criteria and covers the universe of volunteers, sappers and municipalities.

The vaccination of members of the Security Forces – 10,000 from the Republican National Guard (GNR) and 10,000 from the Public Security Police (PSP) – began last Saturday, February 13th, and will last for four weeks.

By the end of yesterday, 3418 members of the GNR and 3638 of the PSP had already been vaccinated.

The planning of this vaccination process was prepared in an articulated manner between the GNR and the PSP, coordinated by the Ministry of Internal Administration.

The order of the members to be vaccinated was defined by the GNR and the PSP, based on operational criteria – prioritising military personnel and agents in the front line and most exposed to the risks of Coronavirus – and also health criteria – with priority to elements suffering from comorbidities / pathologies listed by the General Health Directorate.

Covid-19: Security forces and firefighters with less vaccination priority

Lisbon, February 19th, 2021 (Lusa) – However, according to news reports, vaccination of the security forces and firefighters will no longer lead the way due to the scarcity of vaccines, with administration being strengthened for people aged 80 and over and between 50 and 79 years old with chronic conditions.

According to the Expresso newspaper, which cites statements by the new task force coordinator, Henrique Gouveia e Melo, the shortage of vaccines led to a change in the initial vaccination plan, delaying vaccination to the Armed Forces and security forces, firefighters, members of sovereign bodies, like courts and parliament, and even doctors who are not on the front lines.

The bulk of vaccines available will be administered to two groups: people aged 80 and over and people aged 50 to 79 with one of the four diseases most at risk for Covid-19 (cardiac, coronary, renal and severe respiratory).

According to the newspaper, the scarcity of vaccines and the need to protect those most vulnerable to Covid-19 led the new task force coordinator to redefine vaccination priorities.

Henrique Gouveia e Melo told the newspaper that 90% of the vaccines available are now intended to “save lives” and only 10% to “reinforce the state’s resilience in a pandemic period”.

According to the newspaper, this is equivalent to “removing more speed in the rate of vaccination of professionals of essential services of the State, who also integrate the first phase of the plan and which include the Armed Forces and security forces, firefighters, members of sovereign bodies , like courts and Parliament, and even doctors who are not on the front lines. ”

Covid-19: Vaccination of about 15,000 firefighters will continue – Liga

The first phase of vaccination against the Covid-19 of the approximately 15,000 firefighters will continue, the President of the Portuguese Firefighters League (LBP) told Lusa today.

Jaime Marta Soares stated that there will be no changes in relation to the plan for this first phase of vaccination against Covid-19, which provides for the vaccination of half of the firefighters.

The statements of the President of the LBP came after the League demanded more clarification about the vaccination process to the firefighters, following today’s news from the weekly Expresso that, citing the task force coordinator, Henrique Gouveia e Melo, the vaccination security forces and firefighters will no longer lead the way due to a shortage of vaccines, with administration being strengthened for people aged 80 and over and between 50 and 79 with chronic illnesses.

“I contacted the task force coordinator who guaranteed, and I believe in his word, that there is no change in relation to the 15,000 firefighters scheduled for vaccination in this first phase,” Jaime Marte Soares told Lusa.

According to the President of the LBP, in this first phase, 15,000 firefighters are expected to be vaccinated, 50 percent of the global population, with 12,000 vaccinated so far.

On the vaccination of the remaining staff, Jaime Marta Soares stated that, starting next week, the discussion on how this second phase will be carried out will begin.

The vaccination of about 15,000 volunteer firefighters and municipal firefighters began on February 12th and will continue for another week.

Covid-19: Association of PSP professionals is concerned with delaying vaccination and asks the political power to “solve the problem”

This Friday, the Association of Police Professionals (ASPP / PSP) expressed “some concern” about delaying the vaccination of security forces against Covid-19 and argued that the Government should give “a sign of solving the problem”.

Expresso reported on Friday that the vaccination of the security forces and firefighters will no longer lead the way due to the scarcity of vaccines, with administration being strengthened for people aged 80 and over and between 50 and 79 with chronic diseases.

Contacted by the Lusa agency, the president of ASPP / PSP, Paulo Santos, affirmed that it is a “sensitive issue”, but nevertheless “showing some concern, since this vaccination model was already being applied in PSP.

“There are policemen who have already been vaccinated in the first phase” and “there are others who are notified to be vaccinated this weekend”, he said.

The President of ASPP / PSP defended that it is a group of professionals who, being on a set of missions and inspections to correspond to what are the needs of fighting the pandemic, where they are in the first line, should already be vaccinated.

“The process should be more accelerated and more developed and now it aggravates everything with this obstacle that is placed and that somehow makes us worried”, he lamented.

Covid-19: GNR Association calls for testing if vaccination is delayed

The President of the Guard Professionals Association (APG / GNR) defended this Friday that tests should be carried out frequently on the security forces if the vaccination plan against Covid-19 is changed.

César Nogueira’s statements to the Lusa agency follow a news story released today by the Expresso newspaper, according to which the vaccination of the security forces will no longer lead the way due to the shortage of vaccines, with the administration of people aged 80 or over being strengthened together with those between 50 and 79 with chronic diseases.

“Since the vaccination plan is going to be changed, at a minimum, what the Government must do is perform tests every 15 days or month by month on these professionals” so that there can be “a better screening” and the military “does not to infect other people “because they have to walk on the ground every day.

According to César Nogueira, these tests on Covid-19 were never carried out, giving his example: “yesterday [Thursday] I was vaccinated, but until yesterday I never took a test and I walk every day on the field, I am a patrolman, have contact with people and I have no idea if I got infected and it’s gone “.

César Nogueira said he realized that due to the scarcity of vaccines there are other priority people, namely the elderly and people with some pathologies, but he regretted being “relegated back”.

“What we think is that all of this is a little badly outlined, we don’t know the reason for this delay in the vaccine, certainly it will be due to the supplier’s delay, but this is proof that the front line professionals, including security forces and services, once again, as is already a prerogative, are relegated to a later plan “, lamented the President of APG / GNR.

Covid-19. PSD suggests Costa creates a permanent scientific commission to support response to the pandemic

The PSD wants the Government to create a permanent scientific committee to support and monitor the response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a draft resolution (without force of law) announced today, the PSD defends that “the success of any strategy and the measures to fight the Covid-19 pandemic depends – and a lot – on the correctness, reliability and sufficiency of technical information and epidemiological information that, at each moment, is made available to the competent public authorities, in particular those of the governmental sphere “.

“Political decisions and health measures must be solid, clear, grounded and based on the best existing scientific evidence”, reads the document.

The Social Democrats consider that, in Portugal, we have witnessed “the repeated taking of erratic, late, inappropriate decisions, sometimes even blind, often aggravating the social anxiety that the Portuguese understandably have been experiencing for about a year”.

For the PSD, a permanent scientific commission would contribute “to improving the quality of the authorities’ response to the pandemic crisis facing the country”.

In the resolution, the project argues that this commission should support “the response and the decision-making process of the competent public authorities for its control and eradication, also issuing the scientific opinions requested by the Government or by the health and proposing the measures deemed necessary or advisable in that area “.

For Social Democrats, this body must include “an adequate number of specialist technicians of recognised merit, with competences, especially in the field of epidemiology, mathematics and applied health, designated through a process involving the Assembly of the Republic and the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities “.


Authorities investigate movement certificates between municipalities for sale on the Darknet

Authorities have detected the existence of a specialised website that sells illegal certificates for 40 euros.

The national authorities have detected ‘the Darknet’, a website specializing in the sale of travel certificates between municipalities. According to Expresso, the certificates that allow to avoid the limitations dictated by the State of Emergency have been marketed through a Darknet website, which was created with this specific objective.

Sources linked to the investigation say that the site sold certificates for travelling between municipalities at 40 euros each. The copy shown to potential buyers had associated the graphics and the name of a company and was written in the English version of Portuguese, as well as the website that was developed for that purpose. It is unknown how many counterfeit denominations are available for purchase on this website created by con artists.

Those who followed the case say that the site has shown intermittent operation. The fake certificates could be purchased through a simple electronic transaction. The case is under investigation. The fact that the site is on Darknet – an area of ​​the Internet that is often associated with the criminal underworld for facilitating anonymity and eliminating digital tracks – may also make it more complex to identify the creators of this site.

Travel certificates between municipalities are issued by employers to ensure that the respective professionals, due to the functions they perform, can move between municipalities, without being subject to the limitations imposed by the State of Emergency.

The Public Ministry has already opened 33 criminal investigations regarding irregularities related to the Covid-19 vaccination plan.

According to data sent by the Attorney General’s Office, seven inquiries were opened in the area of ​​the Regional Attorney General of Lisbon, eight in the area of ​​the Regional Attorney General of Porto, ten in the area of ​​the Regional Attorney General of Coimbra and eight in the area of ​​the Évora Regional Attorney General.

“It is clarified that, in addition to previously confirmed situations, investigations were initiated in relation to facts reported on private social solidarity institutions in Castelo Branco, Farminhão, Resende and Trancoso or related to the vaccination of local authorities in Lisbon, Portimão and Reguengos de Monsaraz ” , says the PGR.

One of the recent cases of alleged improper vaccination involved the Councilor of the Lisbon municipality, Carlos Manuel Castro. According to the magazine ” Saturday “, which found that among the doses of vaccine left over from administration in the homes, 26 were” administered to members of the teams directly involved in the inoculation operation of the homes “, including the councilman himself, and the rest, a hundred, were administered to 56 volunteer firefighters and the commander and sub-commander of the Firefighters Regiment and 42 members of the Municipal Police.

Three weeks ago, the PGR indicated that it had opened nine investigations regarding the Social Security of Setúbal, INEM in Lisbon, INEM in Porto and facts also reported in Portimão (Elderly Support Center), Vila Nova de Famalicão, Arcos de Valdevez, Bragança, Seixal and Montijo .

Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 17th February 2021


Good morning – We start with the good news concerning the continuing improvement in in all the key Covid-19 statistics.

The risk map published on Monday shows consistent signs of improvement. The number of new infections has fallen in 291 of the 308 municipalities and 119 counties are now at extremely high risk, a hundred less than a week ago. This is according to data from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) updated this Monday for the period between January 27th and February 9th. These figures are now a week old and with the continuing downward trend since then, the number of those municipalities in the high risk areas has almost certainly decreased further.

There can be no doubt that it is due to containment, reduction of movement and border restrictions. The very difficult challenge for the government is at what stage to relax measures, balancing the need to avoid any increase in cases but at the same time not prolonging more than necessary measures which clearly effect the economy and people livelihoods.

It was of interest therefore yesterday therefore that the Portuguese Foreign Minister told the British newspaper “Daily Telegraph” restrictions on travel between Portugal and the United Kingdom should be lifted before the summer, but should be maintained for a few more weeks.

He stated that “We hope that within weeks we will be able to overcome this situation and return to the normal connection between the UK and Portugal,” he said, adding that he hopes “to be able to re-establish the connection before the summer.”

Whereas this would be very good news for the tourist industry, measures would clearly need to be put in place to avoid spread of the disease from overseas, in particular the many variants that exist.

Related to this the idea of “vaccination passports” is being considered in some countries including the UK, India and Israel. However, on Monday the European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, stated that “the discussion on the certification of vaccines is still at a very early stage”, and should serve mainly as “proof that you have been vaccinated” and not as a travel passport. He added that it is not possible to “give special rights to some until the vaccine is available to everyone”, something that will hardly be achieved before the end of the year.

The idea of ​​creating a vaccination ‘passport’ that facilitates circulation in the European space without the need for a quarantine period is not ruled out, but you should not see the light of day at European level anytime soon. At least not in a concerted manner among the 27 Member States, since, unilaterally, countries like Sweden or Denmark have announced such initiatives. We wait and see developments concerning this.

Again on travel, because of the frequent law changes and extension we have decided to create two separate website pages, one for Air Travel and the other for Land and Sea travel. The latter shows the various border crossing points between Portugal and Spain and their times of opening, as well as the restrictions in place. Our International Travel page still remains in place for more general matters on this topic. We regularly receive enquiries from overseas on this subject, as well as people returning to their home countries, so please make use of these pages.

Concerning Vaccinations the Government has started Phase 1 for the general public and to date, under Phase 1, over half a million vaccines have been administered. Under Phase 1 it is important that those over the age 50 with certain pathologies, who are registered under the SNS system with a 9 digit Numero de Utente (Health Number), but have been using a private doctor rather than the Centro de Saude, now contact your doctor. This is to ensure that a statement of any pathologies is uploaded by the doctor onto the SNS system, thus ensuring your eligibility and that you are contacted through SMS for your vaccination appointment.

Portugal has now administered over half a million vaccines. It is inevitable some will compare this with other countries, particularly with the UK where the rollout rate is much higher than Portugal at this point in time. In the European Union, vaccines are sent simultaneously to all Member States and the distribution of doses is proportional to the number of inhabitants in each country. Still, Member States are vaccinating at different speeds.

At the moment, Portugal is slightly above but has almost always been on par with the average of the 27 member states.

However, we see little point in making these comparisons, as the difference of whether or not we would have received a vaccine in another country compared with Portugal maybe just a few weeks apart. The most important point is the decrease in transmissions and the RT level, which in Portugal at present is 0.77, lower than some countries where a higher number of vaccines have been administered. Also bear in mind that in the vaccination rollout figures in some countries for first dose figures may be very high, second doses are much lower. For instance, in the UK whereas 23% of the population have received their first dose, only 1% have received their second.

Trying to compare will just make people more worried. The Portuguese Government has ensured the supply of the vaccines with 22 million ordered for the whole population and that is what is most important.

Have a Safe Day


Vaccination update

The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, said yesterday that more than half a million vaccines for Covid-19 had already been administered by 1:00 pm on February 15th.

At a press conference to take stock of the vaccination program for Covid-19, in Lisbon, the Minister referred that “533 070 inoculations, about 333 thousand first doses and 200 thousand second doses» had been carried out”.

Marta Temido added that, at the moment, “the estimated vaccine coverage against Covid-19 is 2.02% of the resident population on the continent, which is equivalent to 5.40 doses of vaccines per 100 people”.

The plan for this week is, stressed the Minister, “the administration of 143 thousand doses of vaccines”, which will continue to affect people residing in residential structures for the elderly, who currently have a vaccination rate of 72%, as well as on health professionals, essential services and the population over 80 or over 50 and with associated comorbidities.

Marta Temido also pointed out that this week 27,500 second doses will be administered to complete vaccination cycles.

The Minister of Health also referred that Portugal received 694 800 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 up to February 12th, of which 42 900 had been sent to the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira.

The week will be marked by the arrival of more than 200 thousand doses and Marta Temido stressed that the last update of vaccines to be received in the first quarter of 2021 points to 2.5 million doses.

Covid-19 Situation

Yesterday’s Covid-19 statistics are as follows highlighting the various trends:

Confirmed Cases: 788.561 (+ 1502 / + 0.19 %)

Number of admitted: 4.482 (-350 /-7.24 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 752 (-32 /-4.08 %)

Deaths: 15.522 (+ 111 / + 0.72 %)

Recovered: 677.719 (+ 8865 / + 1.33 %)

Active cases: 95,320 (-7474 / – 7.2%)

The main trends from these figures are as follows:

– Deaths higher than yesterday but lowest since 11th January

– New cases – 3rd lowest since 13th October 2020 (4 months)

– Recovered cases nearly 5 times more than new cases

– Hospitalisation and ICU significant decreases

– Number of active cases lowest since 10th January, decreasing for 16th consecutive day and a 47.5% decrease since 31st January (in 15 days)

– Those under surveillance lowest since 11th January


Covid-19: More than 183,000 people have used the online simulator on vaccination lists

More than 183 thousand people have used the SNS online simulator since Sunday to consult the vaccination lists against Covid-19, a process that has raised some difficulties, but which has been resolved, according to the president of SPMS.

“We are attentive to the errors that are appearing in the system, many have to do with the fact that it is a new tool, people are not familiar with it and do not always use it in the best conditions”, the President told the Lusa agency today from SPMS – Shared Services of the Ministry of Health, Luís Goes Pinheiro.

This official added that, “as far as possible”, they have tried to improve this tool and try to make it “less sensitive to operating errors”.

“The simulator is new and it is normal for people to want to use it very much” and “it has been used with great intensity”, underlined Luís Goes Pinheiro, adding that since Sunday it has been used by more than 183 thousand people, of whom about 21,000 took the opportunity to update their contacts on the portal.

There were also 323 users who indicated that they did not have an SNS (National Health Service) number, having left their data so that they could be worked on later.

According to Luís Goes Pinheiro, some reports of problems have come to the SPMS about the use of the simulator, “but in ever fewer numbers”.

“This means that, on the one hand, people are learning to deal with the tool and, on the other hand, we have also been trying to improve it since Sunday to make it the best possible and we will continue to do so,” he assured. .

In this regard, he announced that he requested ANAFRE – National Parish Association to disclose all information related to the simulator to the parish councils.

The objective, he explained, is “to support people who may experience more difficulties, or who are unable to use information systems at home, so that they can go to the parish councils and, with their support, use the simulator”.

Seven ministers have already been vaccinated, deputies start receiving the first dose today

The Prime Minister and seven more members of the Government have already received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. In the Parliament, some deputies start to be vaccinated this Tuesday, while others still await the contact of the health authorities, reports the Observer

These are the Minister of State and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Mariana Vieira da Silva, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, the Minister of Infrastructure, Pedro Nuno Santos, and the Minister of the Environment, João Pedro Matos Fernandes. They all received – like the Prime Minister – the AstraZeneca vaccine, since they are under 65 years old.

However, only António Costa announced on social media that he took the first dose of the vaccine on Monday, reaffirming the goal of “70% of the adult population in Portugal to be vaccinated by the end of the summer”.

In the Parliament, some deputies begin this Tuesday to be vaccinated, while others still await the contact of the health authorities, according to the newspaper. Only Ferro Rodrigues and Edite Estrela were vaccinated on Friday at the Hospital das Forças Armadas, as President and Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic.

Vaccination passport? European Commissioner: “We cannot give special rights to some until the vaccine is available to everyone”

The European Commissioner for the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, stated on Monday that “the discussion on the certification of vaccines is still at a very early stage”, and should serve mainly as “proof that you have been vaccinated” and not as a travel passport. Asked at a press conference that followed a Eurogroup meeting, the official explained that it is not possible to “give special rights to some until the vaccine is available to everyone”, something that will hardly be achieved before the end of the year.

The idea of ​​creating a vaccination ‘passport’ that facilitates circulation in the European space without the need for a quarantine period is not ruled out, but you should not see the light of day at European level anytime soon. At least not in a concerted manner among the 27 Member States, since, unilaterally, countries like Sweden or Denmark have announced such initiatives. The same is happening or being discussed in different formats in different countries around the world, such as Israel, India or the United Kingdom.

The issue has raised some ethical issues related to discrimination between citizens, but several voices in the European Union – including the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen – do not completely dismiss this hypothesis, as long as legal issues are resolved. Firstly, due to purely medical and public health needs, but also as a way of boosting the resumption of tourist activity and facilitating intra-community circulation.

The matter was discussed in the January 21st leaders’ videoconference. At the time, the heads of state and government agreed to work on a common certificate format for medical purposes, leaving the debate on other uses for later. For now, it is intended to support the interoperability of this type of certificates and to guarantee the standardisation and mutual recognition of vaccination certificates as medical documents. The possibility of global coordination through the World Health Organization is also accepted. However, the debate and the attempt at coordination are still ongoing and there is no date for a final consensus.


Portugal to receive 1.25 million vaccines from Johnson & Johnson in the second quarter

The President of the National Medicines Authority (Infarmed) announced that Portugal should receive in the second quarter of the year the first vaccines from Johnson & Johnson, a drug whose application for approval was submitted to the European regulator this Tuesday.

“By the time we are gathered here, the process must be formalised with the European Medicines Agency ” (EMA) of the vaccine produced by Janssen, said Rui Santos Ivo in the Eventual Commission for monitoring the application of measures to respond to the disease pandemic Covid-19 and the economic and social recovery process.

According to the Head of Infarmed, the new drug from Janssen (pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson) for single use now enters the final evaluation phase and, “if all goes well” with the evaluation of its safety and effectiveness, it is expected that be approved next month, with the first dose deliveries scheduled for the second quarter of this year.

At the end of January, the medical director at Janssen told Lusa that the commitment remained to make vaccines available in the European Union in the second quarter of this year, when Portugal will receive the first 1.25 million doses.

“The commitment to the European Union is the second quarter of 2021 and this commitment continues,” said Manuel Salavessa at the time, adding that the first 1.25 million vaccines of the American company against covid-19 are part of a 4.5 million lot that the country will receive throughout this year.


Graça Freitas: “It is estimated that approximately 100 thousand tests can be carried out daily”

The Director-General of Health, Graça Freitas, estimated, in an interview with the newspaper Público, that Portugal could reach the 100,000 daily tests of Covid-19.

“If we were able to maintain around 70,000 to 80,000 tests for two or three months, it would be good. The average was 51,000 in January and a little lower in February, 41,000” she said, adding that “it is estimated that around 100,000 tests can be carried out daily, whether for PCR or rapid antigen tests”.

This is a strategy, he said, to maintain “as long as it is considered relevant, depending on the evolution of the epidemic”.

On the issue of testing, the public health specialist recalled that “DGS has many consultants” and “one of the topics that is regularly revisited is testing”.

“We tested a lot of people in January. We reached a value that was around 77 thousand tests in one day. In our strategy, one of the proposals at this point is what can be called an opportunistic screening – a person goes to a health centre or health facility for some other reason and your doctor or nurse [can] ask you if you want to do a test. This will allow us to identify some positive cases, which will be few, but above all to understand what is going on under this low incidence. But we have the problem of false negatives, because if there is not enough viral load, a test can be negative”, he explained.

Covid-19: Occupancy rate of 75% in intensive care at the hospitals of the Centre

Public hospitals in the Centro region have a 75% occupancy rate in intensive care dedicated to the Covid-19, the Centre’s Regional Health Administration (ARS) source told Lusa.

“The occupancy rate in the Covid wards in the region’s hospitals is 72% and in the Covid ICU [Intensive Care Unit] is 75%” in the public hospitals in the area of ​​influence of the ARS Centro, reveals a press release.

The note added that, up until Monday at midnight, “1,029 people were hospitalised with Covid-19, 892 in the infirmary and 137 in the Intensive Care Unit, and of these, 85 ventilated”.

In the region, which includes public hospitals in the districts of Aveiro, Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Guarda, Leiria and Viseu, ARS Centro recorded “17 deaths in a hospital setting”.

ARS registered 92 hospital admissions and 133 discharges, “130 from the infirmary Covid and three from the ICU Covid”, in all hospitals in the region.

In the rear support structures and in the social / private sector “49 Covid patients are hospitalized, six less than the previous day, in 110 active beds”, up until 00:00 today.

Rates of infection by municipality

Covid-19. Number of cases goes down in almost all municipalities but 245 maintain a very high risk

Four out of five municipalities are still painted red on the risk map. Even so, there are signs of improvement and, unlike what happened a week ago, there is no longer a municipality above 4 thousand new infections per 100 thousand inhabitants

The risk map for Covid-19 by municipality is still mostly painted red, but there are already consistent signs of improvement. The number of new infections has fallen in 291 of the 308 municipalities and 119 counties are now at extremely high risk, a hundred less than a week ago, according to data from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) updated this Monday. and for the period between January 27th and February 9th.

Although there was a decrease in the incidence in almost all municipalities in the country, in many cases this decrease only allowed the municipalities to move from the maximum level of the risk scale to the second highest level. And that means that they continue to have more than 480 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in two weeks, above what is already considered worrying by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

There are still 245 municipalities (80% of the total) above that level, although they are less than the 277 that were in the same situation a week ago.

Castanheira de Pêra (3596), Fronteira (3362), Castelo de Vide (3083) and São João da Pesqueira (3032) are the only four with an incidence above 3 thousand new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants between January 27 and 9 February. A week ago, there were 12 counties above this value and in the previous week they were almost double.

Among the few municipalities that have seen the number of new infections increase, is Castanheira de Pera, with the highest incidence in the country, Monchique and five municipalities in Madeira, such as Porto Moniz, Ponta do Sol, Funchal, Santana and Câmara de Lobos . Until recently, the region of Madeira was the only one where the average number of people that each infected population (Rt) was not below 1.

There are 63 counties with less than 480 new cases per 100 thousand inhabitants and with a downward trajectory. Celorico de Basto, Ponte de Sor, Vila Velha de Ródão and Portel managed to drop from the maximum level of risk to lower levels in a short time.

International Travel

United Kingdom willing to provide vaccination “certificates” for international travel

The British government is willing to provide vaccination “certificates” for international travel if required by other countries, but has ruled out domestic use, said today the secretary of state responsible for the Covid-19 immunization program, Nadhim Zahawi.

Some countries have started to demand a [vaccination] certificate, as we do now with (Covid-19) tests before travelling,” he explained, speaking to the British ITV TV station.

According to Zahawi, some countries only allow people to enter if they have some kind of certificate that proves that they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus. “We will try to make it easier for the individual” to ask, he said.

Israel has announced in recent days that it has reached principle agreements with Greece and Cyprus to allow unrestricted movement of citizens vaccinated against the new coronavirus between their respective countries, while in Europe, Sweden and Denmark have already announced the creation of certificates of digital vaccinations for trips abroad, similar to Iceland.

Zahawi stressed, however, that so-called “vaccination passports” will not be used in the UK domestically to allow the current restrictions to be eased.

European economy

Portugal was the fourth country in the Eurozone that grew the most in the fourth quarter

In a quarter when the economy in the Eurozone contracted 0.6% compared to the previous three months, Portugal’s GDP was the fourth to recover most. However, in the year-on-year comparison, the Portuguese economy recorded the weakest performances, indicating that it is far from recovering from pre-pandemic levels.

The 0.4% chain growth of the Portuguese economy in the fourth quarter of 2020 was the fourth highest among Eurozone countries that have already presented data.

According to the report published this Tuesday by Eurostat, Spain matched the growth of Portugal and best only Cyprus, Lithuania and Latvia.

The Eurozone, on the other hand, registered a 0.6% contraction compared to the previous three months, even better than that announced in the first estimate (-0.7%).

Among the major economies, and at a time when several countries have not yet reported their fourth quarter GDP, only Germany has managed to grow. The largest European economy advanced 0.1% in the fourth quarter, while France contracted 1.3% and Italy retreated 2%.

Extending the analysis to the entire European Union, there are more countries with growth above Portugal, such as Romania (5.3%), Bulgaria (2.2%), Hungary (1.1%), Denmark (0.6%) and Sweden (0.5%).

Eurostat: Eurozone GDP falls 6.8% and EU 6.4% in 2020

It is the first estimate of the annual growth rate for 2020, based on seasonally adjusted and calendar quarterly data. Employment rate increased

The eurozone economy retreated 6.8% in 2020 and that of the European Union (EU) slowed 6.4%, with the employment rate increasing in both, according to a quick estimate advanced by Eurostat this Tuesday.

According to a first estimate of the annual growth rate for 2020, based on seasonally adjusted and calendared quarterly data, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fell 6.8% in the euro area and 6.4% in the EU.

The EU statistical office further estimates that employment growth in 2020 was 1.8% in the euro area and 1.6% in the EU, based on quarterly data

Other News

Digital transition of schools foresees 260 thousand more computers

Government assumes an investment of € 559 ​​million to acquire 260 thousand computers for individual use, intended for students and teachers.

Portugal’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) provides for the purchase of 260 thousand computers for students and teachers, in the context of the modernisation of the digital school, which will have a total investment of 500 million euros.

The objective of the digital transition in schools is “to create conditions for educational and pedagogical innovation through the development of skills in digital technologies, their transversal integration in the different curricular areas and the modernization of the Portuguese educational system”, says the PRR, today placed in public consultation.

To this end, the Government reserves a total investment of 559 million euros, 500 million of which for the continent and is the responsibility of the General Secretariat for Education and Science that will allow the purchase of 260 thousand computers for individual use, intended for students and teachers.

The amount is also intended for the purchase of 15 thousand pieces of equipment suitable for the administrative needs of schools and for the expansion of internet connectivity of the Extended Education Network.

The creation of more than a thousand laboratories for Digital Education and the installation of projection equipment in 43,000 classrooms is also planned.

In addition to the amount expected for the continent, 21 million euros are earmarked for digitizing Education in Madeira and 38 million for the Azores.

Portugal Situation Report Saturday 13th February 2021


When the new extension of the State of Emergency was announced by the Prime Minister on Thursday evening, it came as little surprise that the confinement would continue, perhaps through March.

It is clear that these existing measures, the latest border restrictions and the closure of schools has reduced the movement of people and therefore the risk of transmission. In fact, the latest figures show RT [transmissibility ratio] of 0.77. If this is maintained therefore the number of new infections will continue to decrease, thereby placing less pressure on the health service.

In the weekly indicators on the pandemic, the National Statistics Institute (INE) registered on Wednesday a total of 29,511 cases accumulated in the previous seven days, corresponding to 4216 new cases on average per day, “the lowest level since December 31st 2020 “.

Yesterday again, there was good news concerning the daily Covid-19 figures, namely that: deaths were the second lowest since 14th January and third less than 200; a large number of recoveries similar to Wednesday; new cases second lowest since 28th December; number of active cases lowest since 13th January and a 27.5% drop since 31st January; those under surveillance lowest since 15th January; Largest one day decrease in hospitalisations and a decrease by 1639 in 11 days. However, against this there was a slight increase in ICU’s

The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health have both emphasised that, despite the reductions we have seen over the last week or so, the numbers in hospital and ICU remain unacceptably high. The vaccination program has also suffered a setback due to the shortfall of vaccines produced by the manufacturers and this will be factor that the Government has to consider as well in determining when to lift the current restrictions in place.

The situation is also more complicated than previously, as there are a number of different variants of the coronavirus in circulation and these behave in different ways, so the task facing the health services has become far more complex.

António Costa made it clear that we must maintain the current level of confinement safely for the next 15 days and very realistically we will probably have to maintain it even during the month of March. He made an important point by saying that “in the same way that we should be pleased that the measures are producing good results, no-one should take them as sufficient reason to lighten the measures. We must maintain this effort”.

In other words ,as he said last year, we cannot take our foot off the brake at this stage, and undo what has been gained recently. This is indeed a lesson that needs to be learned, and we start today’s report with a very interesting interview of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, who admits the Government’s responsibilities in the aggravation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, in January, for the relaxation of measures at Christmas.

The new State of Emergency law comes into effect midnight Sunday 14th/ Monday 15th February and extends for 15 days until 23:59 hrs 1st March 2021. It was very clear from the Council of Ministers Communique that the measures remain the same, except the sale of books and school supplies is now permitted in retail establishments that are already in operation.

The Decree 3-E/2021 was published last night and confirms the only change from the existing State of Emergency is that books and school materials, must remain available to students and citizens in general in supermarkets.

Following news on Thursday that vaccinations of volunteer firefighters had begun, yesterday it was announced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs that in the next three weeks, 10,000 GNR personnel and 10,000 PSP agents will be vaccinated. The vaccinations start today.

Lastly, please be aware of a warning by The Regional Command of the Madeira Public Security Police (PSP Madeira), which is also applicable to mainland Portugal. They have warned the elderly that usually ‘well-dressed’ individuals, who often falsely identify themselves as doctors (médicos in Portuguese) or state officials/civil servants (funcionários do Estado/funcionários públicos in Portuguese) charged with carrying out statistical surveys for the creation of Covid-19 vaccination lists, will attempt to scam the elderly.

These individuals may ask for payments in cash for the vaccine and may falsely diagnose other illnesses, so as to extort more money. If you are approached it is important that a report is made to the GNR or PSP with as many details as possible.

Please remember that the ban on travelling between municipalities remains in place between 8pm Fridays and 5am Mondays’ except where permitted. These measures and others remain the same and are in force under the State of Emergency extension until 1st March 23:59 hrs.

We do not know what measures will be in place beyond this date.

Have a Safe weekend.


European Commission warns against “fraudulent vaccines”

The European Commission warned this Friday of the risk of the purchase of “fraudulent vaccines” by the Member States, after reports that the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has offered vaccines to the Czech Republic and three other Member States of the European Union (EU).

“Everyone should be extremely cautious when it comes to vaccines, because it is a matter of injecting an active substance into the human body. Therefore, one must be 100% sure that the channels used to buy vaccines are completely transparent and legitimate, “said the spokesman for the European Commission , Eric Mamer , during the daily press conference of the Community executive.

Mamer thus led a news item published on Friday by the Euractiv news portal, which cited statements by Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis that the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca had proposed a parallel purchase of vaccines to his government.

In the article, Babis stated that, “while AstraZeneca refused to deliver 80 million doses to the EU “, the Czech Republic and three other EU member states “received recurrent offers of this vaccine” through an “intermediary in Dubai “.

“Believe me, we would definitely have used this opportunity if it had been realistic. But we don’t have that money. And, of course, we have European agreements and we have to respect them,” said Babis according to Euractiv.

Asked about these statements, the Commission spokesman stressed that the process of joint purchase of vaccines made by the community executive serves to guarantee the transparency of vaccines, and said that “whatever is outside this channel”, must be “analysed with great caution “.

We thought there were conditions to facilitate it.” Government admits responsibilities at the peak of the pandemic

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva, admits the Government’s responsibilities in the aggravation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal, in January, for the relaxation of measures at Christmas.

In an interview with CNN International’s ‘Connect the World with Becky Anderson’ program, Santos Silva said he believed the strain of the new coronavirus initially detected in the UK was the main factor behind the peak of new contagion cases in Portugal in January.

However, the Foreign Minister acknowledged that the relaxation of measures to combat the pandemic at Christmas may also have contributed to the serious situation of the health crisis in Portugal.

When the journalist asked Santos Silva if the easing of containment measures at Christmas and New Year were behind the peak of contagions and deaths in January, the minister corrected it and recalled that the easing of restrictions only happened during the period Christmas, “when people were able to go and visit the family”.

Santos Silva attributed the worsening of the pandemic situation to the appearance in Portugal of the new strain initially detected in the United Kingdom, which “represents about half of the new cases” in the territory, rather than the relaxation of the measures.

“At the time, we thought there were conditions to make it easier. But in fact, we believe that the new UK variant was the main reason,” added Santos Silva.


On Friday, Portugal registers another 148 deaths and 2,854 new cases of Covid-19, according to the daily balance sheet of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

Today’s data also reveals that more than 7,617 people recovered, bringing the number to 652,739 since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal.

Taking into account the number of new cases, deaths and recoveries there are now 113,450 active cases down 4,912 from Thursday.

As for hospital admissions the DGS epidemiological bulletin reveals that 5,230 people are admitted to the infirmary, 340 less than the previous day – the biggest drop in the number of hospitalisations since the beginning of the pandemic – and 846 in intensive care , 10 more compared to yesterday .

The biggest reduction in the number of hospitalised patients until today was registered on February 9th, when the bulletin reported that 274 people were hospitalised.

Health authorities have 149,651 contacts under surveillance, down 5,647 from yesterday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has accounted for a total of 15,034 deaths and 781,223 cases of infection by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus,


Covid-19: Marcelo received yesterday the first dose of the vaccine

President of the Republic was vaccinated at the Hospital das Forças Armadas, in Lisbon.

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “today received the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19, at the Hospital das Forças Armadas, in Lisbon”, advances the Presidency of the Republic, in a statement.

The Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces “should receive the second dose even before taking office on March 9th”, adds Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa’s office.

Minister of Health ensures that vaccination in community pharmacies has always been on the horizon

The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, assured today that the eventual expansion of vaccination against Covid-19 to community pharmacies was “always” among the options of the ‘taskforce’ process, but admitted “unknowns” in relation to the long term. He also said that private laboratories will respond to an increase in testing for Covid-19.

“The issue of vaccination in community pharmacies is a hypothesis that has always been present on the horizons of all member states at a time later in the vaccination process. We still have many unknowns as to what will be the long-term development of this process, but it is of course, an expansion hypothesis that, as in other vaccines, we will have to keep in mind and we will consider if possible in terms of storage and the availability of partners ”, he said.

During a visit to the Joint Command for Military Operations, where the support group for the coordinator of the ‘taskforce’ of the National Vaccination Plan against Covid-19, Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo, in Oeiras, is installed, the Minister avoided committing herself with a position in relation to vaccines developed in China and Russia and a hypothetical inclusion in the batch contracted at European level.

“It is a dossier that is being conducted by the European Commission and it is up to us, as the Presidency [of the European Union], to support the work of the Commission and monitor the work of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), of our national regulators. Infarmed is in the support group for the Commission for the vaccine process and that’s where we have the technical discussions”, she stressed.

Covid-19. Director of intensive medicine of S. João defends confinement until March 21st.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, José Artur Paiva defended that “the deflation cannot occur before two months of confinement”

The Director of intensive care service at Hospital de São João, Porto, defended today to maintain the confinement until March 21st, a measure accompanied by “robust” testing, suggesting 50 times more tests than the diagnosed cases.

Speaking to the Lusa agency, José Artur Paiva defended that “deflation cannot occur before two months of confinement”, counted from what he calls “real confinement”, that is, since January 21st, when the closure was announced schools to curb the contagion of Covid-19.

“I would say that the deflation must not start before March 21st,” he stressed.

Revealing that he “very much” appreciated the positions of the epidemiologist Manuel Carmo Gomes at the Infarmed meeting on Tuesday, when the professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon criticized the Government in his last participation in this meeting of experts, José Artur Paiva reaffirmed the conviction that measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic must be taken “based on forecasts and not on evidence”.

“We have to be one step ahead of the pandemic. And these criteria cannot be just related to viral transmission,” he said.

The President of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of the Ordem dos Médicos defends the combination of three criteria before deciding: reduction of viral transmission, relief of the overload of the hospital system and robust public health measures.

“We have to be on a sustained basis with less than 2000 cases per day. We have to have Wednesdays and Thursdays [most prevalent days] below 2000 [cases for] weeks in a row and an RT [transmissibility ratio] below 0.8, sustained too. And a test positivity rate of less than 5% “, he described.

Marta Temido says private companies are able to increase testing capacity

The Minister of Health, Marta Temido, said this Friday that private laboratories will respond to an increase in testing for Covid-19, complying with the update of the norm of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) about testing risk contacts.

“We have the private laboratory network, with whom we have already contacted and in which we all need, more than ever, to put ourselves at the disposal of the country in this turning point and we know that there is also the capacity to significantly increase, both in tests of classic method, or in rapid antigen tests and availability for new methodologies “, he said.

In statements made on the sidelines of a visit to the Joint Command for Military Operations, where the support group for the task force coordinator of the National Vaccination Plan against Covid-19, Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo, in Oeiras, is based, the Minister of Health highlighted the importance of revising the standard in relation to tracking contacts and the impact it can have in combating the pandemic at this stage.

“Among the various updated aspects, we have the answer to what the Ministry of Health had asked to be technically evaluated and that other voices also underlined this need, which is a more widespread use of laboratory tests, whether PCR tests or rapid antigen tests, in tracking contacts”, she said.

Marta Temido also pointed out that, “regardless of the level of risk, the determination is that all people should be referred for testing”, whether they are high or low risk contacts with an infected person.

“Then, [there will also be] another intensification of screening in certain environments at a stage that we are entering – in which we are beginning to see a decrease in incidence:,counteracting what is the lowest demand for an expansionary movement in the offer of detection of cases in the community, “he added.

Failure in deliveries leaves over a million Portuguese without vaccine by the end of March

Initial target cannot be met due to lack of vaccines. Mass inoculation is expected to be concentrated in the three summer months, during which eight million doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 may be administered, which will hamper government work.

The failure to deliver vaccines against Covid-19 will delay the vaccination of another million Portuguese, whose inoculation was initially scheduled bythe end of March. The Prime Minister, António Costa, informed this Thursday in a press conference that it was contracted to deliver 4.4 million vaccines against the new coronavirus in the first quarter, but that Portugal will only receive 1,980,000 during that period. As two doses of each of the three vaccines currently authorised are required (BioNTech / Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca/Oxford), this will only allow one million people to be vaccinated in full.

In the announcement of the vaccination plan, made at the beginning of last December, it was stated that in the first three months of the year it was planned to deliver more than four million doses, which would allow more than two million people to be inoculated in Portugal by the end March.

However, two weeks later, the then coordinator of the task force created by the Government to manage the vaccination plan, Francisco Ramos, admitted in an interview to the PUBLIC that “the doses that we would receive in the first quarter would hardly exceed 2.5 million. And even that, it is an optimistic scenario, which implies that the approval of the AstraZeneca vaccine occurs very quickly. It will most likely be less than that, surely a million and a half, between the Pfizer vaccine and that of the Modern”, said Francisco Ramos.

At the end of January, when it presented the balance of the first month of vaccination, the taskforce estimated to receive 2.2 million doses by the end of the first quarter, which would allow it to vaccinate with both doses 811 thousand people and another 520 thousand with only one. The real number should not reach that much, since, comparing these data with those made available this Thursday by António Costa, 234 thousand fewer doses will arrive in Portugal than was predicted 15 days ago.

Most of the vaccines administered in the first quarter will be from BioNTech / Pfizer (close to 1.3 million), with the arrival of 227 thousand doses of Moderna, according to the balance of the task force made on 28 January. The rest must be from AstraZeneca/Oxford, which was only authorised by the European Medicines Agency on the day following the balance of the first month of vaccination and whose first batch, comprising 43,200 vaccines, arrived last Sunday. As of this Wednesday, according to official data from the Directorate-General for Health, 415,283 vaccines against Covid-19 had been administered, with more than 116,000 people receiving both doses and close to 300,000 only one dose.


Covid-19. Exams postponed to July and September

The Minister of Education, in an interview with Rádio Renascença’s As Três da Manhã program, announced that the interruption of 15 days of teaching activity in January ‘pushed’ the school calendar backwards. There are two assessment tests that will not be carried out and the exams will be carried out in July and September.

Tiago Brandão Rodrigues announced this Friday that, due to the mandatory 15-day break in January, one of the measures taken by the Government to halt the growth of pandemic numbers in Portugal, the exams will be postponed following the new school calendar.

“As at the end of the year we will have another week of classes, the school calendar has moved forward and we will have a first phase of examinations to take place in July, instead of in June, and a second phase of examinations to take place, in September, instead of happening in July, as it traditionally does, “explained the Minister of Education in an interview with Rádio Renascença’s As Três da Manhã program.

Still in the same program, the government official also announced that the Physical Education and Artistic Expressions tests, scheduled to take place between May 3rd and 11th, for 2nd year students, were cancelled.

“Specifically, the Physical Education and Artistic Expressions tests, these yes, it was decided not to take place at this time, also because they were going to take place in May, they are the ones that take place closer to the moment where we are, and also by sharing of elements and for all the issues that we know “, he affirmed, assuming that it is” too early “to make decisions in relation to other disciplines.

At this moment, according to the calendar of external evaluations for the current academic year, the tests foreseen for the 5th and 8th year students, who between 17th and 26th May must carry out the oral interaction tests of English.


PSP identified and fined participants in an event at the Lapo restaurant, in Lisbon

The restaurant ‘Lapo’ in downtown Lisbon, which refused to close on January 15th, in the middle of a State of Emergency, broadcast this Thursday a direct posting on the social network Facebook, in which a group of people appears without physical distance or mask.

In the images you can see dozens of people with glasses of wine in hand in a festive environment, violating the restrictions to combat the spread of Covid-19.

“My friends, resistance is necessary. Open your business. Freedom is not asked for, it is exercised”, says the owner while listening to Zeca Afonso’s Grândola Vila Morena, inside the restaurant. The people inside are waving, without a mask or physical distance. At least one child is seen in the middle of the group.

The PSP raised 13 cases of administrative offence to participants in this illegal event that took place on Thursday night at the restaurant “Lapo”, in Bairro Alto, in Lisbon, today announced that police force.

In a note, PSP revealed that the participants in the event were identified “for participation to the competent authorities”, at 10 pm on Thursday, when they left the building where the restaurant “‘Lapo’, which was closed” is located.

The 13 administrative infraction notices were issued based on the “violation of the general duty of obligatory collection” by citizens.

International assistance

Covid-19. After German aid, clinical teams from Luxembourg and France arrive in Portugal

First they were German health professionals and now they will be doctors and nurses from Luxembourg and France to help their Portuguese colleagues. Portugal accepted help from these two countries and is preparing to receive clinical teams in two hospitals of the National Health Service.

The Luxembourg team consists of two doctors and two nurses and will support the Intensive Care Service of Hospital do Espírito Santo, in Évora. A doctor and three nursing professionals will also arrive from France to work at Hospital Garcia de Orta, in Almada.

The information was released in the late afternoon of Thursday by the Ministry of Health. “This assistance constitutes an important support for two hospitals that have been experiencing high pressure in terms of Intensive Care. Both teams must arrive in the week of February 15th, with a stay of 15 days. ”