Portugal Situation Report Saturday 3rd July 2021



Good morning I wish to start with some good news resulting from a meeting Safe Communities Portugal had a few days ago with Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo Head of the Government Covid19 Vaccination Task Force.

As you may recall, we had taken up around 3 weeks ago with the government, the problems some of you were facing in obtaining a vaccination because of problems through the self-scheduling system, either not receiving an SMS or because the user had tried initially but became somehow blocked using the system. The second is the situation concerning those who have been unable to obtain a utente number.

The meeting was extremely productive and various actions were decided to try and resolve these issues. The first is dealing with those with a utente number, aged 50 years and over, which we outlined in our Facebook post yesterday. For those without, we are working on follow up details from what was agreed at the meeting and we hope to make an announcement in the next few days.

We are very grateful to the Vice Admiral for giving up his time to help resolve these issues with us, even though some of these were not directly in his remit.

On Sunday I will be on KissFm at around 0915 hrs discussing the above and other matters concerning Covid-19 particularly the situation in the Algarve as well as the critical fire period in respect of rural fires.

The situation concerning Covid-19 has increased considerably with the highest transmission rate in the country, 1.28, as well as a very high incidence rate especially in Albufeira, the highest in the country and Loule. Some of these cases are from the younger generation through group gatherings. It is really important even those who have received their full vaccination that we continue to comply with the basic rules, social distancing, hygiene and the wearing of facemasks. Thankfully the number of deaths remain low.

Please have a Safe weekend



Portugal leads vaccination in the EU in the average of the last seven days

Portugal is the country in the European Union with the most daily doses of vaccine against covid-19 per one hundred inhabitants administered, on average, in the last seven days, indicates this Thursday the statistical website Our World in Data.

In this indicator, Portugal presents a value of 1.38, followed by Spain with 1.12 and Luxembourg with 1.04, while the average of the European Union is at 0.70, refer the data of this non-profit organization with headquartered in the United Kingdom.

Regarding the percentage of people vaccinated against covid-19, the site places Portugal in sixth position, behind Malta, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands and Denmark, with 35.1% of the population fully vaccinated and 22% with at least one dose of vaccine.
As for the doses administered by one hundred people, Portugal is currently in tenth place in a list of 24 countries led prominently by Malta (151.91) – the rest did not report any information -, with 84.06, with the European Union average at 81.21 , also indicates the Global Change Data Lab project portal.


COVID-19: Delta variant already present in 98 countries

Delta variant, predominant in Portugal, is already present in 98 countries, announced today the World Health Organization, warning that it is facing a “very dangerous period of the pandemic” of COVID-19 at a global level.

“Delta has been detected in at least 98 countries and is spreading rapidly in countries with low and high vaccine coverage,” noted the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), in a virtual press conference from Geneva.

According to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the world is currently facing a “very dangerous period of the pandemic”, with “terrible scenes of overcrowded hospitals” in countries with low vaccination coverage and with the Delta variant, initially detected in India, “continue to mutate”, which requires constant evaluation with adjustments in the public health response. The WHO official added that he asked world leaders to work together to ensure that by July 2022, 70 percent of the world’s population is vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

“This is the best way to control the pandemic, save lives and lead to global economic recovery, preventing the variants from spreading”, defended Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who reiterates the goal of, in September of this year, having 10 percent of the world’s population already vaccinated, which protects health workers and the most vulnerable groups.

To increase global vaccination, the WHO leader said that new production facilities are being created in various parts of the world, but stressed that this goal could be accelerated with the sharing of knowledge and technology by pharmaceutical companies.


Covid-19: Portugal can reach 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in less than a week


Lisbon, July 2, 2021 (Lusa) – Portugal may reach 240 cases of infection per 100,000 population within six days, estimates the covid-19 pandemic risk analysis, which warns of increased pressure on intensive care.
According to the “red lines” report of the pandemic released today by the General Directorate of Health (DGS) and the National Institute of Health Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), the country now has 200 new cases of infection per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days , as well as a transmissibility index (Rt) above the limit of 1 in all regions.

This growing trend is more pronounced in the Center and Algarve, which have a Rt of 1.24 and 1.28, while the age group with the highest cumulative incidence of infections at 14 days corresponded to people between 20 and 29 years old, with 427 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
“Maintaining this growth rate, it is estimated that the time to reach the cumulative incidence rate of 14 days of 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants is less than 15 days (more specifically six days) for the national level”, he warns. The report, states that this threshold has already been exceeded in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo and in the Algarve.

In terms of pressure from the National Health Service, the document states that the daily number of patients with covid-19 admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICU) on the continent has shown a growing trend once again, corresponding to 47% of the defined critical value. of 245 beds occupied, when, last week, it was at 43%.

As of June 30, 113 patients were in intensive care, the majority aged between 40 and 59 years, adds the report, which considers that, in the last month, the increase in epidemic activity has “conditioned a gradual increase in pressure from health care, especially in the occupation of intensive care”.


Open house vaccines for 45s and over

Lisbon, July 2, 2021 (Lusa) – People aged 45 or over without a scheduled vaccination can go, from Saturday, to the “open house” centers to receive the first dose of the vaccine against covid-19, he announced today the `task force´.

ARS Algarve

“From July 3, the “open house” modality is available for the vaccination of first doses of users who are not scheduled, aged 45 years or over and who have not been infected with covid-19 in the last six months”, said the structure that coordinates the logistics of vaccination in a statement.
The `task force’ led by Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo added that, to be vaccinated in this modality, users must go to the covid vaccination center corresponding to the health center where they are registered, at specific times for this type which can be consulted on the Ministry of Health’s website.
“The “open house” modality makes it possible to ensure that all eligible people are called to the vaccination process”, said the same source.


Incidence rates

Lisbon, 02 Jul 2021 (Lusa) – Portugal currently has 87 municipalities with an incidence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus greater than 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, 29 more than last Friday.

According to data released today in the epidemiological bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), among the 87 municipalities with an incidence of more than 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, there are all 18 municipalities that belong to the Metropolitan Area of ​​Lisbon (AML).
Of the 18 municipalities in the AML, only Setúbal (231) and Palmela (229) have an incidence of more than 120 cases of covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants, with the remaining 16 exceeding 240 cases.
In this area, the most worrying situation continues to be in Lisbon, which now exceeds 480 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (595), and in Sesimbra (473).

According to the DGS, as in the previous bulletin, there are no municipalities at very high risk, that is, with an incidence over 14 days above 960 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.
However, the situation in Albufeira worsened in the last week and the Algarve region now registers 823 cases of covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants, almost double compared to the previous Friday.

Of the 87 municipalities, 32 have accumulated, in the last 14 days, more than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while last Friday there were 27 municipalities that were at this level.
The remaining 55 municipalities have values ​​between 120 and 239.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, 27 more than last week. With zero cases in the last 14 days, 39 municipalities are referred, four less than in the previous bulletin.

The 14-day cumulative incidence of today’s bulletin refers to the period between June 17th and June 30th.


Johnson & Johnson ensures their vaccine is effective against the Delta variant


Johnson & Johnson today announced that its single-dose Covid-19 vaccine is effective against the Delta variant, detected in India and particularly contagious, with an immune response that can last for at least eight months.

According to a study carried out by the American group to a small group of eight people who received the vaccine produced by Janssen, the group’s pharmaceutical, the antibodies and immune system cells neutralized the Delta variant.
A second study involving 20 vaccinated patients at Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston, USA, produced the same results.

Data from the studies were uploaded to the BioRxiv scientific paper “pre-publication” platform, where scientists can submit their work prior to possible publication in a scientific journal.
“We believe our vaccine offers long-lasting protection against Covid-19 and allows for neutralization of the Delta variant,” said Paul Stoffels, Chief Scientific Officer of Johnson & Johnson, quoted in a statement.

The data studied over eight months shows that the single-dose vaccine developed by the lab “produces a strong neutralizing antibody response,” said Mathai Mammen, head of Research and Development at Johnson & Johnson.
The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Thursday of the risk of a new wave of the pandemic carried by the Delta variant in Europe.


Covid-19: Digital certificate enters into force on 1st July with more than one million issued in Portugal

The European digital certificate for immunization against covid-19 or negative testing enters into force on 1st July, and more than one million have already been issued in Portugal.

These certificates began to be issued in Portugal on June 16 and, since then and until the end of Tuesday, more than one million proofs have been made available that their bearer was vaccinated against covid-19, carried out a test with a negative result or has already recovered from the disease, he told Lusa a source from the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health.

Following the agreement of the Member States to facilitate the free movement of citizens in the EU in a safe manner during the pandemic, the document, in Portugal, may have other functionalities, as the Government foresees that it can be used in “matters of air traffic and maritime, of circulation in the national territory and access to cultural, sporting, corporate or family events”.

The first practical use of the digital certificate took place over the weekend, as one of the conditions for entering and leaving the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, where there is a high incidence of infections with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, was to be the holder of this supporting evidence.
As a document for common and uniform use throughout the EU, as well as in the countries of the European Economic Area – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway -, it is up to the national authorities to define the rules for its internal use.



Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 30th June 2021


Good morning – Certainly the highlight of the week has been the publication of the Government Order around 17:00 hrs on Sunday evening, concerning new travel rules for those entering Portugal from various countries including UK, effective midnight Sunday night.

It was clear from the content that this would affect many people, especially those from the UK with families, as there is a requirement that those without a full vaccination, would need to go into quarantine. It was obvious at the time this would cause considerable difficulties for those with children classified as minors, who were over 12 years old, but could not be vaccinated because of their age group.

We found ourselves in a position, which I hope you fully appreciate, that there was no news of this at the time anywhere in the media, or on social media groups, but it was important to publish the law asap so people were aware even if the answers were not there.  We therefore published and as a result we have to date received some 830 comments (mainly questions) which we have done our best to answer – where we can do so – in other words where there are answers!

We have been in close contact with the British Consular team (British Embassy) since Sunday night and thank them because, clearly, they need answers as well and are trying their best to clarify certain points with the Portuguese Government.

The fact that the notice was so short and information incomplete, does not in our view reflect well on the Portuguese Government communication in issues such as this.

The latest on this is that Visit Portugal on their website has updated last night their information which states that “Children under the age of 18 do not need to be isolated as long as the accompanying adults have provided proof of full vaccination for at least 14 days”.  As this news is on the official Government tourism website, which has been widely shared, we have therefore shared this as an update, subject to any further news.

This, and the fact that we had an important Government meeting yesterday on the subject of the problems some of you have had in obtaining vaccines, has occupied much of our time – hence this shorter than usual newsletter.

Regarding the vaccination situation we are undertaking some initial follow up and hope to publish something very shortly. We are now more optimistic that some of these issues can be resolved.

A reminder that the new EU digital Vaccination Certificate is launched tomorrow for international travel within the EU. In Portugal, it is already in place for use internally.

The EU’s COVID Digital Certificate aims to facilitate safe and free movement in the European Union during the Covid-19 pandemic, promoting the non-applicability of additional measures and restrictions imposed by the destination country during a trip, including testing and quarantine procedures/mandatory prophylactic isolation required on arrival in the country of destination. However, you should consult the restrictions on movement imposed by the country of destination, before your journey.

Anyone who wants to travel around the EU and wants to gain access to certain internal events would be eligible to get the certificate. You don’t need to have had both vaccines to qualify, there are three types of certificate. Certificate: a. Vaccination Certificate; b. Test certificate; c. Recovery certificate. To access the certificate go to the SNS24 website.

Please also see the article in the report warning of chaos in the roll out of the certificate within Europe.

Brits in Portugal have announced on their Facebook page that today, 30th June, they are holding one to one calls to enable those still struggling to register for healthcare to get some further advice. Perhaps you have doubts about your cover in Portugal, or maybe you aren’t sure about how you’ll be covered in the future? Talk with a member of their healthcare team and they will do their best to advise you further. The session is between 2-3:30pm local time.  Please visit their Facebook page.

Have a Safe Day.


The Covid-19 Report to yesterday is as follows;

Confirmed Cases: 877.195 (+ 1746)

Number of admitted: 492 (- 10)

Number of ICU admitted: 119 (+4)

Deaths: 17.092 (+ 6)

Recovered: 827.969 (+1,677)

Active cases: 32,134 (+ 63)


A very large number of news cases offset by a large number of recoveries meant that a there was the smallest increase in active cases for some time. It was good to see a reduction in Covid-19 patients after a period of daily increases.



Vaccination report against Covid-19, released this Tuesday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS), reveals that 52% of the population already has at least one dose of the vaccine and 32% has completed the vaccination.

With regard to age groups, the highlight goes to the age group between 50 –64 years, which already has 85% (1,847,758) with a dose and 51% with full vaccination (1,103,443).

It should be recalled that the Minister of Health defended today that the goals on group immunity to Covid-19 must be “revised and updated” given the dynamics of transmission of the infection and the emergence of new variants such as Delta .

Digital certificate. Brussels warns Berlin that travel ban applied to Portugal is not in line with what was agreed.

The EU’s intention was for the EU’s Covid Digital Certificate to restore free movement within the 27 countries, but days before the pass officially goes into effect – on 1 July – Germany has already stopped dead. Portugal joins the United Kingdom on the black list that Germany created for risk variants. The European Commission criticizes the measure, which it does not consider to be in line with the guidelines of the community executive, and has already asked the EU Council – chaired by Portugal until Wednesday – to start a debate on the matter between the various member states. Brussels recalls that tests and quarantines should first be imposed, not a travel ban.

Germany informed Brussels, this Tuesday, that it considers Portugal a circulation zone for the virus variant, and that it will use the “emergency brake”. “This is an issue that will have to be discussed with member states,” said Community Executive forJjustice spokesman, Christian Wigand.

Berlin has imposed a ban on travel from Portugal to Germany, even for those who have full vaccinations or a certificate. There are, in fact, few exceptions provided: airlines can transport Germans and residents, but on arrival in German territory they will have to comply with quarantine.

“On Monday, European Commissioners Didier Reynders, Thierry Breton and Stella Kyriakides [of Justice, Internal Market and Health, respectively] sent a letter to the 27 EU Member States calling for a timely and consistent implementation of the recommendation on the coordination of restrictions on free movement in the EU and on the EU’s Covid-19 digital certificate,” he added.

EU airlines, airports warn digital COVID-19 certificate roll-out risks chaos.

DUBLIN, June 28 (Reuters) – Groups representing Europe’s largest airlines and airports have warned of chaos and hours-long queues unless countries better co-ordinate the roll-out of the EU’s digital COVID-19 certificate and ensure passengers are processed before arriving at airports.

The European Union’s system of digital COVID-19 travel certificates is due to come into force on Thursday, but airports group ACI and airlines representative bodies A4E, IATA and ERA warned in a letter to EU national leaders of a “worrying patchwork of approaches” across the continent.

“As passenger traffic increases in the coming weeks, the risk of chaos at European Airports is real,” the groups said in the joint letter sent on Monday and seen by Reuters.

The digital certificates are designed to show, via QR codes, whether passengers are fully vaccinated, have immunity due to recent recovery from COVID-19 or have had a negative test.

They are designed to be used for travel throughout the EU from July 1, but would require extra checks and the right equipment to read the codes.

The letter said the only way to avoid huge queues and delays during the peak summer season was to implement a system whereby both the vaccination certificate and passenger locator forms are processed remotely before the passenger arrives at the airport.

Travel cancellations.

About 5.5 million airline tickets were cancelled in 2020 by airlines operating in Portugal, of which 40% of passengers were not reimbursed in cash because they received vouchers, are awaiting settlement or remained unresolved.

The data is from the European Court of Auditors  (TCE), which in a report released today concludes that “the rights of air transport passengers in the European Union were left on the ground during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely in Portugal , due to successive cancellations and restrictions.

With regard to the country, data from the TCE reveals that, in 2020, 5.5 million tickets were cancelled by the main carriers operating in Portugal, affecting about “87% of passengers on flights to or from Portugal”.

Of the total cancelled tickets in Portugal, the ECA points out that close to 60% (3.3 million) was reimbursed in cash to passengers during the year 2020.

However, another 28% (1.6 million tickets) were converted into vouchers for later use, “with no guarantee that passengers would agree”, while about 5% (more than 300,000 tickets) were unresolved by the end last year and almost 7% (360,000 tickets) were related to cases where passengers did not claim a refund or find a possibility of re-routing.

The latter concerned, in particular, tickets from low-cost airlines, which, due to the low price, meant that passengers did not seek a solution.

With regard to the deadlines for refunding tickets in Portugal , the TCE points out that they varied depending on the airline, and “increased exponentially after March 2020”, reaching a peak between June and September (between 31 and 59 days).

Government creates technical commission to study alternative law to State of Emergency.

The Technical Committee brings together representatives of the PGR, the Ombudsman and the National School of Public Health. In functions from July 1st until November – the commission will study the elaboration of a new legal framework to guard against future pandemic situations. Objective: to avoid resorting to the State of Emergency provided for in the Constitution, which was not designed to respond to prolonged health emergency situations.

The idea was approached by the Government a few months ago in meetings with the PSD, but it did not go ahead: to create a law that allows the Government and Parliament to act in a pandemic crisis scenario (restricting rights and freedoms) without it being the State of Emergency law that must be approved every 15 days. At the time, nothing was done, but the Government, however, did not give up on the idea and now moves forward with the same intention – without “precipitation” and with the objective of safeguarding “unwanted” future situations.

To this end, the Prime Minister’s office announced in a statement, the Government created a Technical Commission with representatives from the Attorney General’s Office and the Ombudsman’s Office, with a view to reviewing the current legal framework based on the experience during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The commission has a starting date of 1 July and a duration of 4 months. According to the same note, the commission will be composed of the retired Judge Adviser António Henriques Gaspar, who will be the President; by the Deputy Attorney General João Possante, representing the Attorney General of the Republic; by Ravi Afonso Pereira, representing the Ombudsman; and by Professor Alexandre Abrantes, Professor at the National School of Public Health.


Covid-19: Spain requires Brits to be vaccinated or PCR negative from Friday.

Tourists arriving in Spain from the UK and Ireland will be required to show from Friday a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19 or a negative PCR test.

The measure was published today in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) and will be in effect until July 31 and will only start being applied on Friday to give British tour operators and tourists time to adapt to the new rules, justified the Prime Minister Spanish, Pedro Sánchez.

The rule was approved as a precautionary measure given the “negative evolution” of the cumulative incidence in 14 days in the United Kingdom, which is “far above” the 150 cases, according to the head of the Spanish government.

Region Reports

Madeira Situation Report Wednesday 30th June 2021 by our Special Correspondent, Daniel Fernandes.

Covid-19 update

There were 30 new Covid-19 cases, 27 recoveries and 1 deaths from Covid-19 in Madeira since the previous Madeira Situation Report. This was the first death from Covid-19 in over a month.

On Saturday, there were 7 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 6 cases of local transmission) and 11 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital decreased to 4, although none were in intensive care.

On Sunday, there were 5 new Covid-19 cases (all cases of local transmission) and 5 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital decreased to 3, although none were in intensive care.

On Monday, there were 3 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from Russia and 2 cases of local transmission) and 7 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital remained 3, with none in intensive care.

And on Tuesday, there were 15 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from Venezuela, 3 passengers who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 11 cases of local transmission), 4 recoveries and 1 death. A 77 year old male patient, who had pre-existing conditions, died with Covid-19 at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça.  The number of patients in hospital decreased to 1 and, once again, there were no patients in intensive care.

There were 67 active cases on Tuesday, of which 16 had been imported while the other 51 cases had been a result of local transmission. As of Tuesday, there had been 9,642 cases, 9,502 recoveries and 73 deaths.

On Tuesday, there were 11 patients in isolation in a dedicated hotel, 55 patients in isolation in their own accommodation and 1 patients in hospital, none of whom in intensive care.

On the same day, there were 65 suspected cases under epidemiological investigation and analysis, which were all linked to patients who tested positive for Covid-19, to calls made to the SRS24 helpline, to referrals by SESARAM (Madeira Regional Health Service) and to airport screening.

There were 24,735 travellers under monitoring by the health authorities. Monitoring is being carried out through the ‘MadeiraSafe’ app. There were also 376 people, who had contact with positive cases, being monitored by the health authorities of several Madeira municipalities and of Porto Santo.

As for Covid-19 testing on passengers who had arrived at Funchal and Porto Santo airports, 244,555 samples had been collected until Tuesday (at 15h30). By Tuesday, 494,515 samples from RT-PCR tests had been processed and 72,632 antigen rapid tests had been carried out in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

The SRS 24 helpline (Regional Health Service – 800 24 24 20) received 456 calls from Friday to Tuesday. Overall, it had received 54,497 calls.

The Covid-19 mental health helpline (Linha de Acompanhamento Psicológico da Direção Regional de Saúde – 291 212 399 – available every day from 09h00 to 21h00), which was set up to provide emotional and mental support to anyone in Madeira received 18 calls from Friday to Tuesday. Overall, it has received 3,689 calls.






Vaccination update

As of June 27th, 209,905 Covid-19 vaccine doses (121,186 1st doses & 88,719 2nd doses/full vaccinations) had been administered in the Autonomous Region of Madeira since the start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. This means that by that day, 48% of the population had been inoculated with the 1st vaccine dose while 35% of the population had been fully vaccinated.

A total of 16,200 vaccine doses (12,544 1st doses & 3,656 2nd doses) were administered in the previous week (ending on June 27th).

The plan for this week is to continue the Covid-19 vaccination campaign throughout the Region, with the highlight being the strengthening of the campaign in the municipalities of Câmara de Lobos and Santa Cruz.

According to the latest figures, 214,570 Covid-19 vaccine doses (214,570 1st doses & 214,570 2nd doses/full vaccinations) had been administered in the Region. The aim is to fully vaccinate 175,000 people so as to achieve community protection.

The Region is scheduled to receive a shipment of 7,000 Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine doses on Friday.




Additional ferry services between Funchal and Porto Santo

Porto Santo Line (ferry company) informed there will be additional ferry services on July 4th. The aim is to provide passengers with more options so as to increase travel to Porto Santo. The new ferry schedule on that day will be:

Funchal to Porto Santo – 08h00 & 16h30 (additional service)

Porto Santo – Funchal – 13h00 (additional service) & 20h00

Passengers wishing to change their bookings may do so by visiting the office at Avenida do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses, number 20 (open Monday-Friday from 08h30 to 18h00 & on Saturdays from 09h00 to 12h30 and 14h00 to 20h00), the office at Rua D. Estevão de Alencastre, Loja 6/7, Porto Santo (open Monday-Friday from 09h00 to 12h30), by calling 291 210 300 (Monday to Friday – 09h00-12h30 & 14h00-18h00) or by sending an email to infopsl@gruposousa.pt


Water supply disruption TODAY

There will be a water supply disruption TODAY, from 09h30 to 13h00, in the parish (freguesia) of São Pedro. It will affect the following areas: Beco dos Arrifes, Levada dos Moinhos & Beco da Levada dos Moinhos.


Power cut

Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira (Madeira power supplier) announced there will be power cuts due to planned work on the electricity supply network. These works cannot be postponed and will take place in the following days and places:

FUNCHAL – June 30th – 09h00 to 11h30 & 14h00 to 16h00 (TODAY)

– Caminho do Meio (numbers 5 to 56)

June 30th – 10h00 to 11h00 (TODAY)

– Estrada Comandante Camacho de Freitas (numbers 668 to 789)

– Caminho de Água de Mel (number 108)

– Vereda do Calhau (numbers 5 to 17)

July 1st – 00h00 to 07h00

– Caminho Novo da Levada da Corujeira

– Caminho dos Tornos

– Travessa do Tanque

– Travessa da Casa Branca

– Beco da Levada da Corujeira

– Beco do Chapeludo

– Beco dos Ausentes

– Beco da Brangala

– Escadas do Feijão

– Escadinhas dos Saltos

– Urbanização Escola do Tanque

July 2nd – 00h00 to 06h00

– Rua do Alto do Pico (up to number 7)

– Rua dos Frias (numbers 22 to 88)

– Rua João Serra Velez Caroço (number 11)

– Travessa dos Frias (number 26)

– 2ª Travessa dos Frias

– Escadas dos Frias

However, power could be restored during the time frame mentioned above. So, for safety purposes, it should be assumed that there will be power at any time during this period of time.

If necessary, customers can contact the free Customer Support Service (Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente): 800 221 187.


Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 30th June 2021

Covid-19: Algarve with 32 active outbreaks and schools with the highest number of cases.

Faro, June 29, 2021 (Lusa) – Until Sunday, the Algarve recorded 32 active outbreaks of Covid-19, most of which originated in work, school and parties, and in schools where more cases were confirmed, a document indicates that the Lusa had access today.

According to the document from the regional health authorities, the schools had a total of eight active outbreaks, which allowed the identification of 88 cases of infection by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, most of which in the Padre Cabanita 2nd and 3rd cycle elementary school, in Loulé (29 cases), and at the Areal Gordo Basic School and Kindergarten, in Faro (21).

In the labour context, 10 active outbreaks were recorded, four of which in hotels, with a total of 50 confirmed cases of Covid-19 having been registered until Sunday in companies in Albufeira, Loulé, Portimão, Lagos, Olhão and Tavira.

The parties and social gatherings in the Algarve led to five outbreaks of Covid-19, with 51 infected, 10 of which in a social gathering on Ilha da Culatra, in Faro, and there were also outbreaks originating in meetings in restaurants in Loulé, Olhão and Lagos.

On Monday, more than 1,300 students from 52 classes in the five municipalities in the Algarve where classroom classes were suspended, were in isolation, according to the Algarve Health delegate, Ana Cristina Guerreiro, told Lusa.

The decision to switch to non-face-to-face teaching, until the end of the school year, in 1st and 2nd cycle schools in the municipalities of the Central Algarve – Faro, Loulé, Albufeira, Olhão and São Brás de Alportel – was announced in the Sunday afternoon, due to the epidemiological “severity of the situation”.

In a family context, four outbreaks were identified, with 27 infected, and in homes and residential structures for the elderly, one outbreak, in the Torre Natal home, in Faro, which accounted for 20 cases and one death, of a 92-year-old elderly woman.

At the level of federated sport there were two outbreaks, in the hockey team in Boliqueime (two cases) and in a basketball team in Olhão (five).

In day care centers, only one outbreak was identified, with two cases, in a nursery in Monte Gordo (Vila Real de Santo António). The 32 outbreaks had caused, until Sunday, one death and two hospitalizations.

Covid-19: Municipality of Loulé announces free testing to the population.

In order to detect new infections early and reverse the increase in the number of cases of Covid-19 in the municipality of Loulé, as of July 1, the City Council will support testing in private social solidarity institutions via subsidy and promote it with the population to carry out free tests.

In a statement, the municipality said that the testing would include all users of residential structures for the elderly and residential homes, home support service, day centers and temporary shelter, socio-occupational forum and center for occupational activities in the area of ​​disability intellectual, totalling 19 institutions.

Employees and collaborators of these institutions will also be tested, in the same way as what had happened before, that is, by sample: they will be divided into four groups, with one group testing per week, which will ensure the testing of the entirety, employees of all institutions at the end of each month, as well as weekly monitoring of the situation in all households.

On the other hand, the municipality will open the tests to the community in order to reach a greater number of people screened. Thus, the municipality makes available to resident citizens the possibility of carrying out, free of charge, an antigen test. To do so, simply register on the platform and wait for the appointment. Each citizen will be able to perform only one test per month. If the result is positive for Covid-19, the person should contact the SNS24 Hotline or the entity that provides the testing service so that the appropriate PCR test can be performed.

The same statement also said that, at a time when Loulé is already on the red line corresponding to municipalities at high risk of infection (with more than 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants), Mayor Vítor Aleixo stresses the importance of vaccination and testing to face this epidemiological situation, as well as the resumption of economic activity. “We are concerned about the current moment that requires urgent and effective measures so that we can return to normality in our daily lives. Only by identifying the cases can they break the transmission chains, which becomes more relevant at a time when more transmissible strains of the virus are circulating”, stresses the same person in charge.

Albufeira: GNR identifies 19 people in yet another illegal party.

Event took place on the public road.

The Albufeira GNR ended, on Sunday, June 27, a party that took place on the public highway “in breach of the measures in force to contain the Covid-19 pandemic”.

The facts took place during a patrol action. The Guard’s military verified “that a party was taking place on the public road, which was attended by 19 people”.

Following the action, an order was given to end the party, with several items being seized, such as a sound mixer, a column, a laptop computer and headphones.

Following the police investigations, all those present at the party were identified, and a notice was drawn up for the spread of disease, and the facts were sent to the Court of Albufeira.

The action was reinforced by the Intervention and Public Order Group (GIOP) of the Intervention Unit (UI).

This was not, moreover, the only party in Albufeira where the GNR had to act over the weekend: in a house, 43 people were accused for carrying out the illegal gathering.

Azores Situation Report Wednesday 30th June 2021 – From our colleague in the Azores

Missing workers 

The body found yesterday in the parish of Ribeira Quente, on the island of São Miguel, belongs to one of the women who disappeared on Friday, following a flood that dragged the car which they were driving, into the waterway.

The remains were found today about a mile off the coast of the fishing village of Ribeira Quente, municipality of Povoação, in the area where a fisherman found alleged human remains on Sunday, after the end of the day’s search operation.

On Monday, the searches ended at around 17:00, due to the rising tide, which “complicates operations, as there are no longer safe conditions for professionals in the field”, explained a representative from Civil Protection.

The operation resumed on Tuesday, at around 8:00 am, and was expected to end at 6:00 pm, high tide time.

Yesterday, 12 entities and 46 elements, two vessels and two drones were involved in the searches.

On Friday, heavy rain caused the dragging of a vehicle from the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Povoação, where the two employees, who would be providing home support, were driving.

The vehicle in which the two women were driving was located that day at the bottom of a stream, stopped and overturned, next to Povoação, but no occupants were seen.

The searches for the two women have involved elements of the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service (SRPCBA), the five fire brigades of São Miguel, the municipal civil protection service of Povoação, the Captaincy of the Port of Ponta Delgada, the Police Maritime, the North Coast Lifeguards Association and the PSP.

Shortage of Doctors 

The Order of Doctors has identified a shortage of about 200 doctors in the Azores, a need recognized by the regional secretary of Health, who said yesterday that he is already making efforts to establish professionals in the region.

“We were all aware that there was a lack of doctors in different specialties and on different islands and, in fact, the shortage is significant”, said the President of the Medical Council of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, Margarida Moura, after meeting with the regional secretary of Health and Sports, Clélio Menezes.

The representative of the Order of Physicians in the region, who took office in February, stated that there are “nearly 200 doctors, 54 from General and Family Medicine and the others divided by other specialties”, identifying the islands of Santa Maria, São Jorge and Pico as the most, needy.

Regarding hospital specialties, at the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, in São Miguel, anesthesiology is “a very needy specialty”, while at the Hospital do Santo Espírito da Ilha Terceira the specialty most lacking is obstetrics and gynecology.

At the Hospital in Faial, there are “many specialties where there are not even resident doctors, there are contracts with external doctors”, said the person in charge.

Asked by the press when all Azores residents will have access to a family doctor, the regional secretary did not want to commit to dates: “I can’t give a date for this, I’ll only give goals when I’m sure we’ll meet them”, he stated.

The government official guaranteed that he is “working for this” but pointed out, “an added difficulty: there are many doctors on the way to retirement”.

“I am very concerned about this situation”, he added, referring to a “widespread problem of the need for general practitioners and family medicine”.

Covid-19 Report

26th June 2021 

19 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, two in Graciosa and 17 in São Miguel, resulting from two tests in an unconventional laboratory and 1,397 carried out in reference laboratories in the Region.

On Graciosa, two cases were diagnosed concerning two travellers, one in Santa Cruz and one in São Mateus, with positive tests on the 6th day (one resident and the other non-resident).

In São Miguel there was also a positive case of a non-resident traveller, with a positive analysis on the 6th day. The remaining cases refer to community transmission.

In the municipality of Ribeira Grande there were three new cases (one in Rabo de Peixe, one in Matriz and one in Santa Bárbara). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada there were three new cases (one in São José, one in São Pedro and one in São Sebastião). In the municipality of Lagoa there are 11 new cases (five in Água de Pau, three in Rosário, two in Lagoa and one in Cabouco).

16 recoveries were recorded.

27th June 2021 

22 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, one in Faial and 21 in São Miguel, resulting from 1,151 tests carried out in reference laboratories in the Region.

On Faial, a new case was registered in the parish of Angústias, municipality of Horta, of a non-resident traveller, with a positive analysis on the 6th day.

In São Miguel there was also a positive case of a traveller, resident, with a positive analysis on the 6th day. The remaining cases refer to community transmission. Thus, in the municipality of Ribeira Grande there were five new cases (two in Rabo de Peixe, one in Lomba da Maia, one in Conceição and one in Ribeira Seca). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada there were seven new cases (two in São José, two in São Pedro, one in Covoada, one in Santa Clara and one in São Vicente Ferreira). In the municipality of Lagoa there were seven new cases (six in Água de Pau and one in Santa Cruz). In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo there is a new case in Ribeira Seca and in the municipality of Nordeste there was also a new case in Vila de Nordeste.

23 recoveries were recorded.

28th June 2021

31 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, all on the island of São Miguel, in the context of community transmission, following 691 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region.

There were six new cases in the municipality of Ribeira Grande (three in Ribeirinha, two in Matriz and one in São Brás). There were eight new cases in the municipality of Ponta Delgada (one in each of the parishes of Arrifes, Fajã de Cima, São José, São Pedro, Relva, Fajã de Baixo, São Sebastion and Livramento). There were 17 new cases in the municipality of Lagoa (eight in Água de Pau, four in Santa Cruz, three in Rosário and two in Cabouco).

5 recoveries were registered, with four on the island of Faial, in the parish of Praia do Norte, and one on the island of Terceira, in the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Praia da Vitoria. 

29th June 2021 

22 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, all on the island of São Miguel, following 1,838 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region and four in a private laboratory.

In the municipality of Lagoa, there were nine new cases (six in Santa Cruz and three in Água de Pau). Eight new cases are registered in the municipality of Ribeira Grande (two in Lomba da Maia, two in Rabo de Peixe and one in each of the parishes of Pico da Pedra, Matriz, Ribeirinha and Ribeira Seca). In Vila Franca do Campo, a case was diagnosed in Ponta Garça.

Out of the 22 new cases, one concerns a traveller, resident, who tested positive on the 6th day and the others in the context of community transmission.

In the same period, there were 40 recoveries, two patients are hospitalised, both in the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in Ponta Delgada, one in Intensive Care Unit.

The archipelago currently has 287 active positive cases: 277 on the island of São Miguel, five on the island of Faial, two on the island of Graciosa, one on the island of Terceira, one on the island of São Jorge and one on the island of Santa Maria. Two primary local transmission chains are active in Faial, one in the parish of Praia do Norte and the other in Castelo Branco, municipality of Horta. To date, 203 have been extinguished on all islands. There are 840 people under active surveillance.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 6,310 positive cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed in the Azores and 5,853 people recovered from the disease. There were 33 deaths, 82 people who left the archipelago and 55 cases with history of previous cure. To date, 571,324 tests have been carried out for SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19 disease.

From last December 31st, 2020 to June 23rd, 204,508 doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered in the Azores, corresponding to 114,502 people aged 16 years or more who received the first dose, and 90,006 people who received both doses, under the Regional Vaccination Plan.


Portugal Situation Report Saturday 26th June 2021



Good morning – Yesterday was a very busy day in terms of dealing with a larger number and more diverse range of various decree laws, resolutions and orders that were published by Government.

First was the Resolution of the Council of Ministers concerning the extension of the Situation of Emergency until the 14th July 23.59 hrs. This basically follows the communique of the Council of Ministers issued on Thursday stating which municipalities had moved into, or remained, at HIGH risk (25) and VERY HIGH Risk (3), as well as the majority which are subject to the measures of the 10th June (Phase 1). At this time the country is NOT moving forward to Phase 2 scheduled for 28th June 2021

These weekly reviews and implementation the day following decisions being made, is clearly placing considerable pressure on some businesses in terms of planning, as closing times can change overnight affecting staffing schedules for example.

Once again the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (AML) is subject to travel restrictions as we set out in the Facebook post yesterday. The current restriction is until 0600 hrs Monday 28th June. This and the other measures in place can be found on our All Risk Municipalities page here.

The other piece of legislation was Order no 6325-B/2021 published 25th June 2021 concerning the schedule time of closing of the serving of food and Beverage in hotel restaurants in Very High risk areas as 2230 hrs as well as the times for the operation of spas and thermal spars in tourist resorts etc in High and Very High Risk areas.

The other was the Implementation of the Digital Certificate law both for use for those travelling to Portugal and internally within Portugal. With regards to those arriving this is not effective until 1st July whereas internal use takes effect 25th June. This has been implemented for internal use with regards to travel to and from the AML this weekend if your purpose of travel is other than that allowed under the exemptions.   Please see our post on the Facebook page this morning as well as the Decree itself which can be downloaded here together with the DGS guide on its use which we published in English in PDF format.

Lastly, unconnected with Covid-19, was the publication of Council of Minister’s resolution 78/2021 which approves the National Program for Companion Animals, which constitutes a new framework for public policy on the well-being of pet animals. This is by far the most comprehensive and ambitious development for the well-being of companion animals, and includes for instance the establishment of the Animal Ombudsman, with the mission of guaranteeing the defence and promotion of animal welfare and the preparation, by the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests, IP (ICNF, IP), of a national strategy for stray animals. The overall framework of the plan can be downloaded here.

Regarding movement in and out of the AML the police (PSP) have made it clear that they will be focusing their actions mainly on the control of people who travel by train, bus and plane. According to the Government, people who have a digital certificate or negative test to covid-19 can enter and leave the Metropolitan Area, as well as those who allowed under the exceptions in place, which we have posted under our Facebook page yesterday.

The spokesperson for Cometlis (Lisbon Metropolitan Police) also said that, last week the PSP directed actions towards awareness, but this week it will be “more in an attitude of inspection and control”.

The measures in force are there to try and avoid the spread of the infection to other parts of the country, so unless your journey is really necessary, carefully consider the risk first before making it.

Turning to the situation regarding rural fires, we saw yesterday around 60 rural fires with a fire near Aljezur, western Algarve, which burned for nearly two hours, with some 100 operatives responding supported by 3 helicopters. Luckily this was in an area of very low population. We once again remind people to avoid any actions which could inadvertently lead to a fire and to be aware of action to take should a fire occur in your area.

With that please have a Safe weekend



50% of residents in Portugal have already taken at least one dose of the vaccine

According to DGS yesterday, 50% of all residents in mainland Portugal have already taken at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and more than 30% have the full vaccination schedule.

So far, about 7.8 million vaccines have been inoculated in the continent, which allowed to start the vaccination schedule in almost five million people, more than three million of whom already have their complete vaccination (either because they took two doses of vaccines with the two-dose vaccination schedule, either because they took a dose of Janssen vaccine).

The country is, therefore, increasingly close to reaching the defined goal of having 70% of the population vaccinated, with at least one dose, during the month of August.

Breaking news

Health authorities in Germany today placed Portugal on the ‘red list’, a decision that will take effect from Tuesday and that will force all travellers coming from Portuguese territory to a 14-day quarantine.

“Portugal is classified as an area of ​​[SARS-CoV-2] variants of concern initially for two weeks,” says the decision of the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal health agency, adding “what an extension” of this period. “it’s possible”.

Russia was also considered an area of ​​concern regarding variants of SARS-CoV-2 and, like Portugal, was part of the German ‘red list’.

The decision will take effect at 00:00 on Tuesday (June 29).

On Tuesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized the lack of common rules in the European Union (EU) regarding travel and used as an example the increase in infections in Portugal, a situation that “could have been avoided”.


COVID-19Situation report 25th June 2021

Confirmed Cases: 871.483 (+ 1604 / + 0.18 %)

Number of admitted: 431 (+ 4 / + 0.94 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 108 (+ 2 / + 1.89 %)

Deaths: 17.081 (+ 2 / + 0.01 %)

Recovered: 823.960 (+ 857 / + 0.10 %)

Active cases: 30,442 (+ 745 /+ 2.4%)

Safe Communities comparisons/trends: show deaths were below last week’s daily average; new daily cases were the highest daily figure since 19th February 2021 Well above last week’s daily average; 65% (1049) of new cases were in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo – higher percentage than Thursday. In hospital there was an increase 5th highest total since 19th April anfd the number in ICU is the highest since 22nd April 2021. Active cases showed a large increase, the highest total since 26th March 2021.


Incidence and Transmission rates

Portugal continues to evolve unfavourably in the risk matrix, as revealed in this Friday’s bulletin from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), which indicates an incidence that is now 137.5 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants in the national territory and 138 .7 on the mainland.

The levels ​​once again surpass those registered in the last update, two days ago, when the indicators were 128.6 and 129.6, respectively. These are numbers clearly above the red line of 120, which have already forced the brake on de-confinement throughout the national territory.

On the other hand, the R(t), the transmissibility index, decreased again, but still remains on the high side of the risk matrix, 1.14 in the entire national territory and 1.15 on the mainland .

The transmission index was, on Wednesday, 1.17 in the entire national territory and 1.18 in the continent.

The incidence rate in Porto is 125 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, leaving the county on alert, and in Lisbon it rose from 306 to 438 cases, getting closer to the next level of risk, from 480 cases.

According to the municipal figures as at 22nd June, There are currently 29 municipalities with more than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a number well above the eight last week. Of these, three have already surpassed 480 cases, the second most serious level in the categories used by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention: Albufeira, with 494, Constância, with 496, and Lagoa (Azores), with 530.

In total, there are currently 58 municipalities above the limits set by the Government, 18 more than last week. Of the 308 municipalities in the country, 250 are below the limit of 120 cases per 100 inhabitants.

In the Algarve most municipalities have increased in terms of the incidence rate, with 3 showing a decrease and one the same.

Restrictions on movement to and from the AML. PSP will monitor those traveling by train, bus and plane

The PSP has reinforced the inspection from this Friday in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Lisbon (AML), focusing the actions mainly on the control of people who travel by train, bus and plane.

We are going to direct actions to people who intend to move outside the AML, both in individual transport and collective passenger transport, whether aeronautical, rail and road,” the spokesperson for the Lisbon Metropolitan Command (Cometlis) told the Lusa agency ) of the PSP, commissioner Artur Serafim.

The GNR has also announced that it is going to carry out an operation again to inspect and control circulation to and from AML, being “particularly attentive” to movements in the main road and rail axes.

On Thursday, the Council of Ministers announced that the ban on movement into or out of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area will remain this weekend, between 15:00 today and 06:00 on Monday, with the exceptions provided by law, due to the increase in covid-19 cases in this zone.

According to the Government, people who have a digital certificate or negative test to covid-19 can enter and leave the Metropolitan Area.

The Cometlis spokesperson explained that the police control will essentially focus on people who intend to enter or leave the AML by train, bus and also through the airport, noting that tourists are not covered by this inspection.

Artur Serafim stated that the PSP will control the documentation that certifies that the person can travel, namely verifying that they have a digital certificate or proof of the negative covid-19 diagnostic test.

The commissioner explained that the test can be done in the laboratory, done 72 hours before the trip, or fast, carried out 48 hours, and that the certificate can be presented in physical or digital format.

The spokesperson for Cometlis also said that, last week, the PSP directed actions towards awareness, but this week it will be “more in an attitude of inspection and control”.


Vaccination fraud. PJ constituted more than 50 defendants and has already opened 216 inquiries

In an official statement, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judiciary Police report that a total of 216 criminal investigations were initiated on suspicion of deviation or fraud in the vaccination process, of which around 30 were concluded , from north to south of the country, including in the autonomous regions .

Also according to official information, so far more than 50 defendants have been constituted.

At issue are “evidence of the commission of crimes, above all, of undue receipt of advantage, abuse of power, embezzlement, illegitimate appropriation or abuse of trust “.

According to the PJ, “these investigations implied the strict temporal definition of the acts under suspicion and the verification of the conformity of each one of the concrete situations with the current regulations, taking into account the succession of regulatory provisions meanwhile issued in this regard”.

It also adds that “the protected nature of some information, determining the assessment of conducts under investigation, as it may be – in some cases – covered by medical confidentiality or data protection, implies recourse to appropriate procedural measures to derogate from such constraints, which, of course, is reflected in the speed of ongoing processes “.

The investigations continue, under the authority of the Public Ministry, assisted by the Judiciary Police.

Improper vaccination in Porto. Case delivered to the PJ and ARS opens inquiry

Gouveia e Melo reacts to cases of vaccination in people over 18 in Porto: “It’s an act of indiscipline”. The case was communicated to the PJ and the General Inspection of Health Activities.

The decision of the Cerco vaccination centre, in Porto, to allow people who are “outside the current order of priorities” to be vaccinated for two days, constitutes a “disobedience”. And Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo wants to see consequences “quickly”. “It’s an act of indiscipline,” he says.

“I’ve never had a case of this magnitude, it’s the first time. This, for all events, enshrines a clear disobedience to the plan: someone with responsibility who decides, outside the plan, to innovate and vaccinate people who are not currently eligible for vaccination,” said Gouveia e Melo to journalists, during a visit this Friday to the vaccination centre on the island of Porto Santo, Madeira.

“As soon as we heard about the case, we tried to collect data and collected it. In two/three hours, and as soon as we had the minimum amount of data, we made a report to our contact with the Judiciary Police and a report to the General Health Inspectorate to carry out an investigation”, he said, also referring that he spoke with the president of the Regional Health Administration of the North (ARS) “so that this would stop happening and that all the consequences of this act would be removed, which, for all intents and purposes, is an act of indiscipline”.

The ARS North has already confirmed the opening of an investigation file to the successful vaccination centre that operates under the jurisdiction of the Health Centres Grouping Eastern Harbour, whose director, Dulce Pinto, JN is trying to contact.

The ARS North already confirmed to JN have opened an investigation file to the successful vaccination centre that operates under the jurisdiction of the Health Centres Grouping Eastern Harbour, whose director, Dulce Pinto, JN is trying to contact.

“I can’t fire people, of course. I asked the structure to quickly take the consequences that have to be taken, because there has to be discipline. I’m a military, in a plane of this complexity, with this urgency and being massive, I have to discipline. This will have to happen one way or another,” said the vice-admiral.

Costa convinced Merkel that the growth of the Delta variant in Portugal “is not linked” to the Champions final

The prime minister said today that the German chancellor “was clarified” at the European summit that the growth of the Delta variant in Portugal “is not linked” to the Champions League final, after Merkel’s criticisms of the Portuguese situation.

“I spoke with Mrs. Merkel and confirmed her own interpretation of the statements she had made, I didn’t really see an inconvenience or criticism, I saw it more as a hypothesis. She had a bit of the idea that the growth of the Delta variant could be associated with the Champions final, [but] she verified by the numbers that, as the final took place in the city of Porto and with two thirds of this variant concentrated in the Lisbon region, it was very difficult to establish any kind of connection”, said António Costa.

Speaking in statements to the Portuguese press in Brussels at the end of a two-day European Council, the Head of Government noted that this “has been seen in the evolution of the situation in Porto”.





Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 23rd June 2021



Good morning – Yesterday, we made the decision to ask people 55 years and over who had not yet received a vaccination what reasons for refusal were given following application. We are in discussion with government at a senior level and we want to ensure we have up to date information so we can present a complete list of items that need to be addressed and, at the same time, make a number of recommendations which we hope would make it easier for the future.

As expected, we received a large number of responses and we are grateful for those concerned taking the time to write. As I said in the Facebook post, we cannot not take up every case individually, but will summarize the main problems that have been encountered to see what can be done, in terms of processes and communication.

We have tried to reply to as many of your emails and messages as possible but as we said given the volume we have not been able to respond to some. Anyway, rest assured this will be brought to the attention of those who can make decisions, so let’s see what happens. I must say however the initial response has been positive and being able to engage directly with the foreign community directly can only be positive. We will be making the submission today.

We see regular news on unnamed sources from the National vaccine task force, giving the media forecasts dates for the availability of vaccines for different age groups. It is important to remember, however, that this is based on the foreseen availability of vaccines and other priorities which can change. A typical example was the availability of vaccines for those age 37 and over which came into effect on Monday evening. There was widespread media coverage in the days leading up to this that it would be available for those 35 years and over, but we decided not to publish at the time as things can change – which they did.

One possible change on the horizon could be more priority being given to vaccinating young age groups. According to official data, the age group with the most cases recorded in the post-confinement phase has been 20 to 29 years old, then 10 to 19 and finally 30 to 39. Changes in priorities could impact on the progress of other age groups, of course.

A reminder on the crime front. Now we have warmer weather and more people using beaches it is likely we will see an increase in thefts from vehicles near beaches, as well as opportunist types of crimes, where criminals seize the opportunity to steal items which are not being properly safeguarded by the owners.

Much of this type of crime is preventable by taking simple precautions, such as locking the car when leaving it in a car park, ensuring windows are closed and importantly, not leaving valuable items on display. Also take simple precautions in markets and other crowded places not to leave handbags on market stalls or carrying handbags with the contents on display.

Lastly, after a period of nearly a week with almost an unprecedented low fire risk throughout the mainland for June, the risk is now increasing and is forecast to increase further over the next few days, especially in the central areas of the mainland where major fires have taken place in the past. Please therefore monitor the fire risk daily and take all steps to prevent fires and, if you live in a high fire risk area, have an action plan in place should a fire break out in your area.

Please have a Safe day.



Lisbon, June 22, 2021 (Lusa) – The President of the Republic today pointed out the Covid-19 digital certificate as “an important element” that can be taken into account in defining the restrictions to be adopted at the municipality level but added that the terms are incumbent on the Government.

In response to questions from journalists, on the side lines of a conference at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that he does not know “the measures that the Government will apply specifically to the various municipalities”.

“As it is certain that there is a new factor here, this factor is called a vaccine and it is called a certificate”, he pointed out, referring to the document that certifies the vaccination against Covid-19, the result of a negative test or recovery from an infection.

According to the President, “this certificate is an important element that – the Government has already said – can be taken into account when defining the restrictions”.

“But it is up to the Government to say on what terms,” ​​he added.

Note: A council of Ministers meeting is due this Thursday and the details of the use of the certificate, within Portugal as opposed to external travel, are expected to be discussed.

Covid-19 DGS situation.

Confirmed Cases: 866.826 (+ 1020 / + 0.12 %)

Number of admitted: 450 (+ 7 / + 1.58 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 101 (+ 4 / + 4.12 %)

Deaths: 17.074 (+ 6 / + 0.04 %)

Recovered: 821.374 (+ 1293 / + 0.16 %)

Active cases: 28,378 (- 279 /- 0.97%)

Safe Communities comparisons/trends show that deaths were above last week’s daily average; new daily cases were similar to last week’s daily average of just over a thousand; recovered cases were more than new cases first time for over a week and once again 63% of new cases were in Lisbon and Vale do Tejo a lower percentage than nonday.

Those Covid-19 patients in hospital are the highest total since 19th April and in ICU there was an increase bringing number to just over 100 – the highest since 22nd April 2021. Despite an increase in active cases the total number is the second highest total since 26th March 2021.

Cases as we know are increasing considerably and it is important not to let our guard down at this crucial time. This means complying with the basic hygiene, social distancing and facemask rules


Transmissibility of Delta Variant.

“The new variant is more transmissible, because it is more resistant to just one dose of vaccination”, says Marta Temido

“We are now at a different stage [of the pandemic] than we had a year ago,” said the Minister of Health this Tuesday, noting that infected people are now “much younger”.

The Health Minister, Marta Temido, who attended the inauguration of a new health unit in Alta de Lisboa, said that, even so, the pressure on the NHS is “different”.

“We are still worried that young people are getting infected. We don’t know the long-term consequences of the disease. There is a new variant circulating and it is cause for concern because it is more transmissible, because it is more resistant to just one dose of vaccination,” she stated.

The Delta variant is already predominant in Lisbon and is in the process of becoming so throughout the country. As it is 60% more contagious than the Alfa variant, the risk of transmissibility will continue to rise. Vítor Borges, a researcher who is part of the team that has been monitoring the variants at the Ricardo Jorge Institute, says that this variant “has practically doubled with each passing week.”

Marta Temido says that “we are all firmly committed and aligned to, with the Portuguese, achieve the best and the best solutions to continue walking out of this pandemic”.


Covid-19: ‘Task force’ reactivates centre in Lisbon for unscheduled vaccination over 50 years.

Newsroom, June 22, 2021 (Lusa) – The vaccination centre against Covid-19 in pavilion 3 of Cidade Universitária, in Lisbon, will reopen this Wednesday at 9:00 am to vaccinate people 50 years of age or over without scheduling, today announced the ‘task force’.

In a note sent to Lusa, the team led by Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo said that the centre would have at its service “28 soldiers from the three branches of the Armed Forces and will have the capacity to administer around 1,200 daily doses”.

For now, this space will only be dedicated to ‘open house’ vaccination, “making it available for the vaccination of first doses of users aged 50 years and over” registered in the health centre groups of Lisbon North and who have not have been infected in the past six months.

According to the ‘task force’, this vaccination centre will operate seven days a week, between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm and users who wish to be informed in real time about the availability of this space can consult the ‘room’ portal open’ .

Immunologist, Santos Rosa. Children and young people must be vaccinated as soon as possible.

The Delta variant advances throughout the country, being already predominant in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region. The Health Minister admits that it is necessary to gain more time to control it, which could mean more restrictions. Immunologist, Santos Rosa, argues that it is increasingly important that children and young people are vaccinated and that it is a maximum requirement to comply with sanitary rules.

There are more and more infections among young people, young adults and children alike. Most do not develop symptomatic or severe disease, but if they are not considered “a group of interest in vaccination, it means that the virus will be circulating in the community for a longer time”, warns Immunologist and Professor Manuel Santos Rosa. It’s because? “Because they are being a great vehicle for spreading the virus where they are, in families, schools, socializing, etc., which will keep the virus in circulation for much longer and regardless of whether older people are already vaccinated, this can mean that there are in the same hospitalization situations that can be serious, because, under any circumstance”.

In Portugal, and according to the daily bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), this Monday, so far there are more than 125 infected people in the age group from 20 to 29 years old, more than 81 thousand in those aged 10 at 19 and already 48,000 between zero and nine years old. According to official data, the age group with the most cases recorded in the post-confinement phase has been 20 to 29 years old, then 10 to 19 and finally 30 to 39.

For the immunologist from Coimbra, it is necessary to immunize these groups as soon as possible, although he safeguards that “the timing for doing this is not a priority timing in relation to other groups or similar to the beginning of the vaccination process when we had a number death rate is very high among the elderly, but, at this moment, it is starting to be a priority timing”.

It should not be forgotten that the Delta variant, an origin associated with India, is already predominant in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, but it is already growing throughout the country. Just yesterday, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, also admitted that it was necessary to speed up vaccination and even more restrictions to “gain time in controlling this variant”, which has a greater degree of transmissibility than the previous one, Alpha, which is associated with the United Kingdom.

EU contracts purchase of over 150 million doses of vaccine from Moderna.

The contract provides for the possibility of acquiring vaccines adapted to the virus mutations, as well as for paediatric and booster use.

The European Commission approved this Monday the amendment to the second contract with the drug maker Moderna for the activation, on behalf of all Member States of the European Union (EU), of 150 million additional doses in 2022.

The revised contract provides for the possibility of acquiring vaccines adapted to the virus mutations, as well as for pediatric and booster use. This was announced by the Head of State of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the publication she shared on the social network

The contract guarantees the timely delivery of doses from the third quarter of this year until the end of 2022 and the possibility of adapting it to the needs of each Member State depending on its epidemiological situation.

Member States, for their part, have the possibility to resell or donate doses to countries in need outside the EU or through the COVAX Facility.

The EU has already invested €2.9 billion in vaccine development

Tuesday’s contract with Moderna is based on the portfolio of vaccines that will guarantee Europe access to up to 4.4 billion doses, once all vaccines have been proven safe and effective.


Task-force confirms vaccination of rugby team ahead of European games.

The vaccination task force confirmed this Tuesday that the Portuguese rugby team will be vaccinated against Covid-19 before participating in the European Championship, “in consistency” with the procedure adopted for other national representations.

In response to questions sent by the Lusa agency, the task force’s communication office confirmed the information provided today by the President of the Portuguese Rugby Federation (FPR) and explained that the action is part of a “logic of exception” for certain groups.

“The Portuguese rugby team, which will participate in the European Championship, will, in line with the procedure adopted with the national football team, as well as with the Portuguese delegation to the Olympic Games, be vaccinated”, explained the task force, in a written response.

“Once again”, explains the organization led by Vice Admiral Henrique de Gouveia e Melo, “this vaccination is part of the logic of exception for specific actions of official representation of the country in international events, with organizations that recommend the vaccination of participants”.

Earlier, the President of the FPR told the Lusa agency that the players of the Portuguese rugby team would be vaccinated in the coming days, a day after accusing the Government of not responding to the request made more than two weeks ago.

Carlos Amado da Silva said that he was informed “in the morning”, by the ‘task-force’ of vaccination, that the request of the Portuguese Rugby Federation (FPR) was approved and that “the entire delegation” will travel to the countries Netherlands and Russia in July will be vaccinated “in the coming days”.

The FPR leader, incidentally, underlined the role of the ‘task-force’, which was, in his opinion, the entity that “unlocked the whole situation”.

The players and other members of the national delegation, who have not yet been vaccinated, will be inoculated “with the single-dose vaccine”, said Amado da Silva, that is, Janssen, pharmaceutical group of the American giant Johnson & Johnson, the only one that completes the vaccination with just one dose.

Next month, the Portuguese rugby team will compete in two matches of the Europe Championship 2021, in the Netherlands, on July 10th, and in Russia, on July 17th, which will qualify for the World Cup in France, 2023.


Paredes de Coura Festival postponed to 2022.

The Paredes de Coura festival, which was supposed to take place in August in that locality, was postponed to 2022, due to “all the uncertainties and constant changes in the procedures for the return of live shows”, the organization announced this Tuesday.

“There will be no Vodafone Paredes de Coura this year. All the uncertainties and constant changes in the procedures for the return of live shows lead us, with a lot of regret, to admit that this is the most sensible decision to take”, says promoter Ritmos , in a statement released today, in which it announces the new dates: August 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2022.

The festival had not taken place last year, due to restrictions imposed by the Government to try to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. This year, Vodafone Paredes de Coura was scheduled for the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of August.

Crisis caused by the pandemic threw 400,000 people into poverty.

About 400 thousand people have fallen below the poverty line due to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, aggravating the gap between the rich and the poor in Portugal, reveals a study released this Tuesday.

“Compared to the non-crisis scenario, 400,000 new individuals have fallen below the poverty line, defined as 60% of the equivalent median income, increasing the at-risk-of-poverty rate by 25% as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic,” he concluded. The study by the Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation, authored by the Centre of Economics for Prosperity (PROSPER) of the Catholic University of Lisbon.

According to the document that Lusa had access to, which considers that the Government’s measures partially minimized the increase in poverty and inequality, the pandemic resulted in a “substantial loss of income for the Portuguese population”, with the median annual income falling from 10,100 euros in the non-crisis scenario to 9,100 euros in the crisis scenario.

Furthermore, the crisis caused by Covid-19 “had asymmetric effects”, as the lower and lower-middle classes, the Algarve region and people with schooling up to the ninth grade “were the groups most affected by this crisis, with losses clearly above the national average,” says the study.

According to the study, most of the people most affected by the crisis were already in the lower half of the income distribution in the non-crisis scenario, which led to an increase in inequality.

“The results show that the pandemic led to an impressive 25% increase in poverty over the course of one year, when compared to the crisis and non-crisis scenarios, putting at risk the progress made in the last twenty years and reversing the trend of continued reduction in poverty started in 2015, when the poverty rate was 19%”, says the document.

Strike notices during pandemic.

The number of strike advance notices increased from 43 in April to 71 in May, the month in which the end of the State of Emergency was decreed due to the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic, official data shows.

According to the monthly evolution published by the Directorate-General for Employment and Labour Relations (DGERT), the number of strike notices registered in May thus increased by 65% ​​compared to April.

Comparing with May 2020, about two months after the start of the pandemic and when the number of strike advance notices totalled 39, the increase was 82% in May this year.


Porto’s PSP reinforces policing in São João and calls for compliance with rules.

The PSP of Porto guaranteed this Tuesday that it will reinforce policing on the night of São João, from Wednesday to Thursday, and calls for compliance with the rules given the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“A better understanding and collaboration of all is requested in complying with the rules imposed in this pandemic framework, complying with and respecting the indications of the police officers who will be at the service of the community”, says the Metropolitan Command of Porto da PSP, in a statement sent to the agency Portuguese.

In the text, this police force reveals that “it will reinforce the policing in its area of ​​responsibility, involving police elements of different capacities, namely those related to proximity policing, in order to guarantee special and general security conditions”.



Madeira Situation Report Wednesday 23rd June by our Special Correspondent, Daniel

Covid-19 update

There were 21 new Covid-19 cases, 22 recoveries and no deaths from Covid-19 in Madeira since the previous Madeira Situation Report.

On Saturday, there were 5 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 4 cases of local transmission) and 4 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital increased to 4, although none were in intensive care.

On Sunday, there were 4 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from South Africa, 1 passenger who had arrived from the UK, 1 passenger who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 1 case of local transmission) and 9 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital remained the same as the day before, with no patients in intensive care.

On Monday, there were 3 new Covid-19 cases (all cases of local transmission) and 7 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital increased to 5, although none were in intensive care.

And on Tuesday, there were 9 new Covid-19 cases (from 1 passenger who had arrived from Cameroon, 1 passenger who had arrived from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region and 7 cases of local transmission) and 2 recoveries. The number of patients in hospital decreased to 3 and, once again, no patients were in intensive care.

There were 67 active cases on Tuesday, of which 26 had been imported while the other 41 cases had been a result of local transmission. As of Tuesday, there had been 9,589 cases, 9,450 recoveries and 72 deaths.

On Tuesday, there were 10 patients in isolation in a dedicated hotel, 54 patients in isolation in their own accommodation and 3 patients in hospital, none of whom in intensive care.

On the same day, there were 26 suspected cases under epidemiological investigation and analysis, which were all linked to patients who tested positive for Covid-19, to calls made to the SRS24 helpline, to referrals by SESARAM (Madeira Regional Health Service) and to airport screening.

There were 23,851 travellers under monitoring by the health authorities. Monitoring is being carried out through the ‘MadeiraSafe’ app. There were also 316 people, who had contact with positive cases, being monitored by the health authorities of several Madeira municipalities and of Porto Santo.

As for Covid-19 testing on passengers who had arrived at Funchal and Porto Santo airports, 238,650 samples had been collected until Tuesday (at 15h30). By Tuesday, 483,274 samples from RT-PCR tests had been processed and 72,190 antigen rapid tests had been carried out in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.

The SRS 24 helpline (Regional Health Service – 800 24 24 20) received 424 calls from Friday to Tuesday. Overall, it had received 53,644 calls.

The Covid-19 mental health helpline (Linha de Acompanhamento Psicológico da Direção Regional de Saúde – 291 212 399 – available every day from 09h00 to 21h00), which was set up to provide emotional and mental support to anyone in Madeira received 13 calls from Friday to Tuesday. Overall, it has received 3,662 calls.





Covid-19 vaccination update

On Sunday, the Region received 40,950 doses of the Pfizer vaccine. This was the biggest batch ever delivered to the Region.

As of June 20th, 193,648 Covid-19 vaccine doses (105,598 1st doses & 85,050 2nd doses/full vaccination) had been administered in the Autonomous Region of Madeira since the start of the vaccination campaign on 31st December. This means that 43% of the population have been inoculated with the 1st dose of the vaccine while 34% have been fully vaccinated.

In the previous week, a total of 11,596 vaccine doses (3,499 1st doses & 8,097 2nd doses/full vaccination) were administered.

The plan for this week is to continue to administer vaccine doses throughout the Region, with the highlight being the scheduled vaccination campaign in Porto Santo, which will take place on June 25th, 26th and 27th.

As of Tuesday, 196,328 doses (110,330 1st doses & 85,998 2nd doses/full vaccination) had been administered in the Region.




More easyJet flights to Madeira

EasyJet announced it will strengthen existing routes to Funchal. There will be an additional daily flight from Lisbon and from Porto to Funchal. This means there will be 2 daily flights from Porto to Funchal, 4 daily flights from Lisbon to Funchal on weekdays and Fridays and 5 daily flights from Lisbon to Funchal on Sundays.


Iberia flights diverted to the Canary Islands

On Sunday afternoon, Iberia flights scheduled to land in Porto Santo were unable to do so as a result of rainy and foggy weather on the island and after several landing attempts. This meant the flights were forced to divert to the Canary Islands. The flights had already landed in Porto Santo by the start of Sunday evening.


Road closures tonight

An athletics race (XXIII Circuito de São Martinho) will be taking place tonight. As a result, there will be road closures to car traffic at 19h00 in the following places:

– Caminho da São Martinho (between Rua de São Martinho and Rua da Vargem)

– Caminho do Esmeraldo (between Rua Agostinho Pereira de Oliveira and the roundabout at São Martinho)

– Rua Dr. Barreto (between Caminho do Pilar and Caminho de São Martinho

The following roads will be closed if there are athletes on the move through such roads (at anytime from 19h00):

– Rua Dr. Barreto

– Caminho do Avista Navios

– Caminho da Nazaré

– Rua do Curaçau

– Rua do Brasil

– Rua da Austrália

– Rua Corveta Dona Estefânia

– Rua do Engenho Velho

– Rua da Venezuela


Water supply disruptions

Due to scheduled work on the water supply network in order to reduce water leaks, there will be water supply disruptions in the following places:


Parish (freguesia) of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos (Ladeira da Marinheira) – 23rd June (09h00-13h00)

Parish (freguesia) of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos (Igreja, Pico e Salões, Ribeira da Caixa, Quinta do Leme, Rua da Igreja, Largo do Patim) & Parish of Câmara de Lobos (Bela Vista, Pico e Salões, Quinta do Leme) – 24th June (09h00-13h00)

Parish (freguesia) of Câmara de Lobos (Torre, Estrada João Gonçalves Zarco) – 25th June (09h00-13h00)

Parish (freguesia) of Câmara de Lobos (Rancho) – Rua do Serrado do Mar e Travessa do Serrado do Mar – 25th June (09h00-13h00)


Power cut

Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira (Madeira power supplier) announced there will be power cuts due to planned work on the electricity supply network. These works cannot be postponed and will take place in the following days and places:

FUNCHAL – June 23rd – 09h00 to 12h00 (TODAY)

– Estrada Luso Brasileira (number 3)

– Caminho da Lombada (numbers 59 to 110)

– Rua Engenheiro Adelino Amaro da Costa

– Travessa da Quinta dos Reis (numbers 30 to 34)

MONTE – June 23rd – 08h30 to 9h00 & 11h00 to 11h30 (TODAY)

– Chão do Arieiro

CAMACHA – June 23rd – 08h30 to 9h00 & 11h00 to 11h30 (TODAY)

– Levada da Serra

– Vale Paraíso (north)

– Rochão de Cima

– Carreira

– Pico do Silva

– Montado do Pereiro

– Poiso

ROQUE DO FAIAL – June 23rd – 08h30 to 9h00 & 11h00 to 11h30 (TODAY)

– Pico do Arieiro

– Poço da Neve

MONTE – June 23rd – 08h30 to 11h30 (TODAY)

– Chão da Lagoa

CAMACHA – June 23rd – 08h30 to 11h30 (TODAY)

– Carreiras de Baixo

FUNCHAL – June 24th – 09h00 to 11h30 & 14h00 to 16h00

– Caminho da Portada (number 35)

– Caminho de Santo António dos Capuchos (numbers 4 to 21)

SÃO JORGE – June 24th – 09h00 to 10h00

– Calhau

FUNCHAL – June 25th – 00h00 to 05h00

– Rua do Alto do Pico (up to number 7)

– Rua dos Frias (numbers 22 to 88)

– Rua de João Serra Velez Caroço (number 11)

– Travessa dos Frias (number 26)

– 2ª Travessa dos Frias

– Escadas dos Frias

FUNCHAL – June 25th – 09h00 to 12h00

– Caminho de São Martinho (numbers 78 to 108)

– Caminho do Papagaio Verde (numbers 44 and 56)

– Beco do Relojoeiro (numbers 6 to 16)

– Rampa do Relojoeiro (numbers 3 to 25)

– Rampa do Castanheiro (numbers 30 to 46)

However, power could be restored during the time frame mentioned above. So, for safety purposes, it should be assumed that there will be power at any time during this period of time.

If necessary, customers can contact the free Customer Support Service (Serviço de Apoio ao Cliente): 800 221 187.




Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 23rd June

Algarve administered 28,590 Covid-19 vaccines in one week.

The Algarve administered, in a week, 28,590 vaccines against Covid-19, according to data from the bulletin of this Tuesday, June 22, of the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

Compared to last week, 7% more of the Algarve received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, while another 3% finished the process. So far, 42% of the population in the region has already been inoculated with a dose and 27% has completed vaccination.

These numbers mean that 69% of people in the Algarve have already received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

In total, 298,448 vaccines have been given in the Algarve (+28,590 in one week).

In Alentejo, 52% of people took a dose (+2%), while 34% (+4%) of Alentejo people have already finished the process.

Algarve is “at full strength to welcome the summer”, according to RTA.

Associação believes in the strength of the Algarve, at a time when some municipalities in the region are facing new restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Algarve Tourism Region (RTA), issued a note highlighting the arrival «of the high summer season in the Algarve at a crucial moment in the resumption of tourist activity», finding «the destination’s Sun and Sea offer in full force».

According to this Association, “not only was the region elected as the Best Beach Destination in the World at the World Travel Awards, the Oscars of world tourism, as well as its beaches, accumulate quality awards that reinforce the reasons for a visit. All in all, that’s 244 extra reasons to choose the Algarve beaches on vacation”.

RTA recalls that “Tavira, with four beaches, and Faro and Vila do Bispo, with three, are among the municipalities with the most ZERO Pollution Beaches in Portugal, a distinction awarded by the environmentalist association ZERO to beaches where no microbiological contamination was detected in the analyses of the bathing waters during the last three bathing seasons. In all, this year the region offers 14 ZERO Pollution Beaches”.

More good news is that the Algarve “is the national region with the highest annual increase in Beaches with Gold Quality, an award given by the environmentalist association Quercus to distinguish the quality of bathing water on Portuguese beaches. A total of 93 beaches in the destination have Golden Quality, and the municipality of Albufeira is the one that shines the most in the whole country, with 20 awarded beaches».

Albufeira is also the leading national municipality in Blue Flags, with a total of 26 awards hoisted on 25 beaches and in the local marina. In 2021, the European Blue Flag Association awarded the Algarve 91 Blue Flags, a symbol of environmental quality that will be flown on 87 beaches and four marinas in the region.

RTA recalls that “last year, the Algarve also offered visitors 45 Accessible Beaches, which unfurl the white flag of the Accessible Beach Program – Praia para Todos to mark bathing areas accessible to people with reduced mobility”.

Finally, concludes the Tourist Association of the region, in November 2020 “the Algarve was distinguished, for the first time, as Best Beach Destination in the World, in the Grand Final of the World Travel Awards, gathering the preference of the main leaders of the tourism and trips from all over the world”.


Azores Situation Report Wednesday 23rd June 2021 From our colleague in the Azores 

Armed Forces Medical Team .

The Armed Forces health team has concluded its support for the vaccination process against Covid-19 in the Azorean islands without a hospital, having inoculated more than 6,700 people since June 6th.

The military team did not reinforce the vaccination in São Miguel because the “installed capacity” on that island is “sufficient”, the secretary of Health of the Government of the Azores said.

In a press release, the General Staff of the Armed Forces states that the team consisting of two doctors, six nurses and a pharmacist worked from the 6th to the 20th of June to support the regional process of vaccination in the Azorean islands without a hospital.

“During this period, the military vaccinated more than 6,700 people in vaccination centres on the islands of Santa Maria, Flores, Graciosa, São Jorge and Pico, in collaboration with local health authorities.”

On June 14th, the Head of State of the Government of the Azores, José Manuel Bolieiro, admitted the possibility that that military team would also participate in the reinforcement of vaccination in São Miguel, an island that registers the highest number of cases of Covid- 19.

The regional secretary of Health, Clélio Meneses, said that the Armed Forces health team did not participate in the vaccination process on the largest Azorean island because, “at this moment”, the “installed capacity is sufficient for vaccines” available to the region.

The government official recalled that around 25,000 vaccines are expected to arrive on the island of São Miguel in the coming days.

The regional secretary of Health of the Government of the Azores also praised the “fundamental” work of the military team in supporting vaccination.

“Right now, we have to thank the extraordinary work developed in cooperation with the local capacity installed in this operation”, he pointed out.

The smallest Azorean island, Corvo, had already been the target of a vaccination process in February and March, which allowed the inoculation of 89% of the vaccinated population of the island.

19th June 2021 

42 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, two in Faial and 40 in São Miguel, resulting from 2,772 tests carried out in reference laboratories in the Region and two in non-conventional laboratories.

In Faial there were two new cases, both in the parish of Castelo Branco, municipality of Horta, and one of these cases, relating to a resident traveller, with a positive result on arrival, gave rise to a new chain of local transmission on this island.

In São Miguel, all cases refer to community transmission. Thus, the municipality of Ribeira Grande registered eight new cases (four in the Matriz and one in each of the parishes of Rabo de Peixe, Ribeirinha, Pico da Pedra and Lomba da Maia). In the municipality of Ponta Delgada there were 20 new cases (five in Arrifes, four in São Pedro, four in Fenais da Luz, three in São José, two in Fajã de Cima, one in Covoada and one in Feteiras). In the municipality of Lagoa there were 12 new cases (five in Água de Pau, three in Rosário, three in Santa Cruz and one in Cabouco).

During the epidemiological investigation it was found that in São Miguel, a positive case initially allocated in the parish of Água de Alto, municipality of Vila Franca do Campo, is residing in the parish of Santa Clara, municipality of Ponta Delgada. Data shown in the respective tables reflect this change.

26 recoveries were recorded.

20th June 2021 

20 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, one in Terceira, one in Santa Maria and 18 in São Miguel, resulting from 2,389 tests carried out in reference laboratories in the Region.

On Terceira, there was a positive case in the parish of Porto Martins, municipality of Praia da Vitória, concerning a traveller, resident, with a positive result on the sixth day, after traveling outside the archipelago.

In Santa Maria there was also a positive case, in Vila do Porto, resulting from an inter-island traveller, non-resident, with a positive test on arrival.

In São Miguel, all cases refer to community transmission. Thus, the municipality of Ribeira Grande registered seven new cases: five in Matriz and two in Ribeirinha. In the municipality of Ponta Delgada there were eight new cases (four in Fenais da Luz, one in Fajã de Cima, one in São Pedro, one in São José and one in São Roque). In the municipality of Lagoa there were three new cases (two in Santa Cruz, one in Água de Pau).

27 recoveries were recorded.

21st June 2021 

27 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, one on the island of Terceira, and 26 on the island of São Miguel, following 1,016 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region.

On the island of Terceira, there was a positive case in the parish of Cabo da Praia, municipality of Praia da Vitoria, concerning a traveller, non-resident, who tested positive upon entering the port of Praia da Vitoria.

On the island of São Miguel, there was a case of a traveller residing in the parish of São Pedro, municipality of Ponta Delgada, who tested positive result upon arrival from a travel outside the archipelago. All other cases concern community transmission. Thus, the municipality of Ribeira Grande registered 11 new cases (six in Rabo de Peixe, two in Matriz, one in Lomba da Maia, one in Ribeirinha and one in Conceição). There were five new cases in the municipality of Ponta Delgada (two in Arrifes, two in São Pedro and one in Santa Clara). There were 10 new cases in the municipality of Lagoa (six in Água de Pau, and one in each of the parishes of Cabouco, Rosário, Santa Cruz and Ribeira Chã).

No recoveries have been registered.

22nd June 2021 

43 new positive cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed in the Azores, one on the island of Faial and 42 on the island of São Miguel, following 2,700 tests carried out in the reference laboratories of the Region and one in an independent laboratory.

On the island of Faial, there was a new case, in the parish of Praia do Norte, related to the existing local primary transmission chains on the island.

On the island of São Miguel, two cases concern travellers, both non-residents, one who tested positive on the 6th day and one before starting an inter-island travel, who tested positive upon arrival from mainland Portugal. All other cases were diagnosed in the context of community transmission.

The municipality of Ribeira Grande registered 14 new cases (eight in Matriz, two in Pico da Pedra, one in Rabo de Peixe, one in Ribeirinha, one in Conceição and one in São Brás).

There were 14 new cases in the municipality of Ponta Delgada (three in Capelas, two in Arrifes, two in the Fenais da Luz, two in Relva, one in Fajã de Cima, one in São José, one in Ginetes, one in São Vincente Ferreira and one in Candelária).

There were 10 new cases in the municipality of Lagoa (five in Rosário, four in Santa Cruz and one in Água de Pau).

In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo, three new cases were diagnosed (two in Água de Alto and one in São Miguel) and the municipality of Povoação registered a positive case (Ribeira Quente)

In the same period, there were 78 recoveries.

There are four patients hospitalized at the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in São Miguel and one in the Santo Espírito Hospital of Terceira Island, none in intensive care. There are 998 people under active surveillance.

Two primary local transmission chains are active on the island of Faial and 203 local transmission chains have been extinguished so far.

The archipelago currently has 312 positive active cases: 287 on the island of São Miguel, 11 on the island of Terceira, 10 on the island of Faial, 1 on the island of São Jorge and 1 on the island of Santa Maria. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 6,165 positive cases of Covid-19 have been diagnosed in the Azores and 5,685 people recovered from the disease. There were 33 deaths, 80 people who left the archipelago and 55 cases with history of previous cure.

To date, 558,104 tests have been carried out to detect SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19 disease. From December 31st, 2020 to June 17th, 187,119 doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered in the Azores, corresponding to 109,258 people aged 16 years or more who received the first dose, and 77,861 people who received both doses, under the Regional Vaccination Plan.