Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 3rd November 2021


Good morning – We start with some good news and that is that is the announcement that until the end of October, Portugal had the lowest number of rural fires and the second lowest level in burnt area, since 2011.

The Minister of Internal Administration said yesterday that it was thanks to the initial muscular and effective intervention in the vast majority of cases, of the Fire Department, of the heli-transported teams of the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) and of the Sapadores Florestais teams, that in more than 80% of the recorded occurrences, the burned area was contained to less than 1 hectare.

As we have previously said in our reports it is the combined team efforts of the various emergency services that are containing many of these fires at the initial stages. Great work to all the emergency services involved.

Another topic coming under the broad heading of civil protection is the forthcoming A Terra Treme Earthquake awareness exercise, on Friday 5th November. We urge everyone to become involved in this. Does your business have an earthquake emergency plan? If not why not? Do you and your family know what to do in an earthquake? If not why not? If you are a school principal or teacher, is your school participating? If not why not?

Unfortunately there are many casualties in major earthquake because people were unaware of the correct action to take. The simple measure of “Drop, Cover, Hold On”, could save many lives. By caring for those you have responsibility for, please become involved, through the many ways of doing so.

The A Terra Treme website is here:  http://www.aterratreme.pt/o-exercicio/   and we have put this altogether in English here:  https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/find-information/environment-and-weather/earthquake-tsunami/  Please read, get involved and help keep yourself and others safe should a major earthquake take place. To make it even easier we have put together a PowerPoint which you can download here: https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/A-Terra-Treme-Earthquake-Awareness-Exercise.-2021-pptx-1.pdf

Well we had a taste of some bad weather recently with 5 days of rain in most areas of the mainland. The emergency services were out and about attending to over 1300 occurrences during this period. There were plenty of warnings beforehand and I hope that everyone took heed of these. However, some clearly did not do so and we saw from photos and reports of the number of cars damaged by fallen trees. The winter season officially starts at the end of this month and we can expect further rain and winds as is normal during this period.

However we are in a period of climate change and extreme weather conditions are becoming more frequent. If you live in an area prone to flooding and exposed to high winds, it is the right time now to start clearing blocked drains and gutters, cleaning trees in poor condition and in particular removing branches that may overhang your property. This will greatly reduce the risk of property damage in case of bad weather.

Related to this Tropical Storm Strom Wanda is heading in the general direction of the Azores, if the current forecasts are direct. This is the first of this season but in the past the Azores, Madeira and even the mainland of Portugal have been affected by these storms. When they progress to hurricane level they cause immense damage, so it is important to monitor their track and be prepared.

You may notice that yesterday our Facebook page reached a milestone of 50,000 followers. We thank those who are following and sharing our work which is undertaken by volunteers.

Given our remit of safety and security, inevitably we have to sometimes deal with, and communicate, difficult and challenging topic, which do not always make happy reading. We are conscious of this and therefore, we try to balance this with positive and good news, which is important during challenging times. Some examples in the last two days were our posts concerning: the “Portuguese tradition to ask for Pão Por Deus”, and “Big wave surfing at Nazaré”, which have so far reached around 26,400 and 33,600 respectively, as well as the “1755 Tsunami Simulation post, with an engagement of nearly 3,000 reach over 17,000 so far”.

We do monitor this figures closely so we can see what sort of topics people are finding most useful and informative.

Out Team at Safe Communities wish you a Safe and Happy day 


Covid-19: five million dead is “a global shame”, says António Guterres

These are not numbers on a page. They are mothers and fathers. Brothers and sisters,” Guterres said in a statement in which he stressed that while rich countries are already administering a third dose of the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which causes the disease, “only about 5% of the population of Africa is fully vaccinated”.

“This is a global shame,” Guterres said, adding that the fact that the pandemic has already left five million dead is also a “clear warning” that it is not possible to “lower our guard”.

The head of the United Nations also indicated that there are several factors that could contribute for the coronavirus to continue to spread, including misinformation, the concentration of vaccines and the lack of global solidarity.

“We have to inject vaccines into the arms of 40% of people in all countries by the end of the year, and 70% by mid-2022,” urged Guterres, urging world leaders to support the Organization’s Global Vaccination Strategy.

“The best way to honour these five million people we’ve lost, and to support health workers who struggle with this virus every day, is to make vaccine equity a reality by accelerating our efforts and ensuring maximum vigilance to win against the virus”, the UN secretary general added.

Covid-19 has already caused more than five million deaths worldwide, among more than 246.62 million infections by the new coronavirus recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the latest report by the Agence France-Presse, based on data officers. 


COVID-19DGS Situation Report from Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Confirmed Cases: 1.091.592 (+450)

Number of admitted: 372 (+12)

Number of ICU admitted: 59 (-1)

Deaths: 18.171 (+9)

Recovered: 1.041.385 (+345)

Active cases: 32.036 (+98)


Covid-19: Câmara de Lisboa extends free testing plan until the end of the year

Lisbon, Nov 02, 2021 (Lusa) – The free and unlimited testing plan for covid-19 in Lisbon was extended until the end of the year, the City Council announced today, recalling that the program is open to the entire population, whether or not resident in the capital.

“The municipal testing plan, scheduled until the end of October, was extended by the new executive until the end of the year”, reads the website of the Câmara de Lisboa, now chaired by the social democrat Carlos Moedas.

The covid-19 testing program in Lisbon was implemented by the former municipal executive, under the presidency of the socialist Fernando Medina, who failed to be re-elected to the position in the municipal councils on 26 September.

“The Municipality of Lisbon provides a mass testing system, which allows monitoring the gradual de-confinement, preventing the transmission of the virus in the community and reducing contagion”, said the municipality.

Covid-19 tests are free and unlimited, for residents and non-residents, and can be performed at the network of participating pharmacies or at fixed posts in various parts of the city and markets, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Unilabs, National Association of Pharmacies and Lisbon City Council.

The municipality announced on April 14 that it was going to extend free testing in pharmacies to covid-19 to all residents of the municipality, leaving the program – which started on March 31 – to be limited to parishes with the highest incidence of the disease.

On May 19, the City of Lisbon decided to provide free tests to covid-19 to fairgrounds and merchants in municipal markets, workers from companies covered by the Lisboa Protege Program and to athletes from training levels registered in the council’s clubs and collectives. 

Covid-19: Montemor-o-Velho Chamber activates Municipal Emergency Plan

The Municipality of Montemor-o-Velho activated the Municipal Emergency Plan until Wednesday next week, with the possibility of renewal, in order to control the spread of covid-19, the municipality announced yesterday.

According to a statement, a situation was detected “of particular epidemiological vulnerability in municipal services, which has been exponentially worsening.”

Given this situation, the Municipal Emergency Plan was activated from 4:30 pm on Monday.

As long as the emergency plan is activated, the Paços do Concelho building is closed, with the suspension of face-to-face service, which will be carried out exclusively by telephone and digital means.

According to the municipal notice, the municipal buildings of the high-performance centre, the library, the municipal archive, the Balcão Único do Prédio (BUPI) and the municipal pavilion are also closed for the same period.

With regard to payments and compliance with deadlines, they are postponed for as long as this period lasts, so that there is no harm to residents and service users.

According to that municipality in the district of Coimbra, the evolution of the epidemiological situation will be analysed together with the health authority, so that, as soon as possible, the face-to-face reopening of services is made.

The notice for general knowledge is published on the municipality’s website.

Other news

Fenprof suspends teachers strike due for Friday 5th November

Coimbra, 02 Nov 2021 (Lusa) – The National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof) yesterday decided to suspend the Friday teachers’ strike, due to the ‘stalemate’ of the State Budget for 2022, but will join the administration strike public scheduled for November 12th.

The secretary general of Fenprof, Mário Nogueira, said today in Coimbra that as Friday’s strike was “intimately linked to the State Budget and the visit of the minister to parliament” for its discussion in the specialty, with the parliamentary committee, it was decided to suspend that fighting action.

Mário Nogueira stressed that this is a suspension of the strike, but not its annulment, noting that Fenprof will leave this fighting action “in portfolio for a moment in the near future”.

This moment could arise if “a State Budget proposal similar to the one that has now been rejected is presented by the next Government, on the day the future Minister of Education goes to the Parliamentary Committee on Education to hear about it”, he asserted.

Fenprof has a different understanding of the public administration strike scheduled by the Common Front for November 12th.

This “was not a strike associated with the visit of any minister to parliament, it was intended to convey to the Government and the country that public administration workers do not conform with the devaluation they have been subjected to nor with the degradation of public services that it was not started by the current Government, but continued by it”, said Mário Nogueira, at a press conference held this afternoon, after a meeting of the Fenprof secretariat that took place in the morning.


ASAE faces a “structural issue” of lack of means (it has fewer inspectors than when it was created) and a challenge: online commerce

The inspector general of the Authority for Food and Economic Security (ASAE), Pedro Portugal Gaspar, admits that the ASAE is going through “a structural issue”. In an interview with the newspaper “Público”, the inspector general highlights some problems that ASAE is experiencing, such as the “aging of staff, mobility to other organizations and the absence of new hires”.

The number of workers has fluctuated. In 2006, it had 251 inspectors, for a total of 595 workers. In 2021, it has 491 workers, of which 248 (51%) are integrated in the inspection career.

Leading the 2022 State Budget could jeopardize the budget targets set by ASAE for the next year. The budget was set at 20.5 million euros, 11% more compared to this year (18.479 million), of which “2% increase in transfers from the State Budget and 9% increase in the projection of own revenues”.

Pedro Portugal Gaspar also recognizes difficulties in the supervision of online commerce: “Let’s say that it benefits from some situation of greater difficulty in immediate supervision, despite the guarantee space and cooperation being made with other countries”.

Unemployment rate

Portugal registered an unemployment rate of 6.4% in September, according to the estimate put forward this Tuesday by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

The INE also revised downwards the August unemployment rate, which had initially been estimated at 6.4% and which has now corrected to 6.3%, indicates the statement published this Tuesday.

According to the same source, the unemployed population (331.3 thousand) increased by 1.9% in relation to the previous month and decreased by 6% in relation to the three months before and 18.2% in relation to the same month of the previous year.

On the other hand, the employed population (4,817.8 thousand) decreased by 0.3% compared to August and increased by 0.3% compared to June and 3.7% compared to September 2020, according to INE.

“The unemployment rate stood at 6.4%, 0.1 pp (percentage points) more than in the previous month, 0.4 pp less than three months earlier and 1.6 pp less than a year earlier “, observes the institute.

Judicial Police seizes 430,000 doses of cocaine from Brazil at Porto airport

Porto, Nov 02, 2021 (Lusa) – The Judicial Police (PJ) seized enough cocaine for 430,000 individual doses and detained five people during an operation, centred at Porto Airport, to combat drug trafficking from Brazil to Portugal, revealed today police source.

In a statement, the Northern Directorate of the PJ indicates that the action took place on Sunday, following a control of the cargo of a plane coming from São Paulo, “as part of the investigation starting some 6 months ago, into the activities of a criminal group”.

The drug, a total of 43 kilos of cocaine, with a high degree of purity, would be enough to produce more than 430,000 doses, and that quantity could be expanded with the addition of so-called ‘cut products’, the police said.

The detainees are four men, aged between 34 and 44, and a woman, aged 31, all Portuguese and residents of the Greater Porto area.

An investigating judge ordered the preventive arrest of three of them and ordered the remaining two to report periodically to the authorities.

Two of the defendants are employees of companies operating at the said airport. Within the scope of the trafficking scheme, “they had the function of extracting the illicit cargo, proceeding with the collection of the volumes with the narcotic”, based on instructions received from a South American criminal network.

In addition to drugs, four high-end cars and a firearm that was loaded were seized, in an operation in which the PJ had the collaboration of the Customs Services of the Tax and Customs Authority of Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport and of the Airport Security Division of the PSP.


Brazil does not produce cocaine but it is one of the main exit points for trafficking into Europe.


Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 27th October 2021


Good morning – With the focus in the media firmly on the budget in Portugal and the political divisions concerning this, let us start with some good news.

It was announced yesterday that Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo was the winner of the National Bioethics Award, a distinction made by the National Bioethics Association, with the support of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). According to the note sent to newsrooms this Tuesday, the “choice was unanimous” and is a reflection of the coordination of the task force of vaccination against covid-19, which the jury considered to be “an example”.

Some may ask why this is particular good news.

The reason is simple, namely that in a crisis, such as what we have faced, sound leadership, establishing priorities, clear decision making, focusing on the outcomes and above all achieving these, are what we  as a community wish to see. In my opinion the Vice Admiral is a fine example of the qualities of leadership required in facing such a situation.

Confidence in government is vitally important in crisis situations. We never know what may lay ahead; it maybe another pandemic, a natural or man-made disaster, but having a government that can cope with such a challenge is essential. It could make the difference between survival or defeat, determining human, social and economic loss to the nation.

I feel we have been very fortunate in Portugal with having the right leaders in place at the right time. The fact that Portugal became and retains, the highest vaccinated country (full vaccinations) in the world is a remarkable achievement. This undoubtedly saved lives and avoided far higher rates of new cases per head of population, such as the UK and some other countries are currently experiencing.

Although Portugal has relaxed most of the measures previously in place, it is pleasing to see the generally high compliance by the population in terms of hygiene and the wearing of facemasks. As we head towards the winter months and colder weather, it will be particularly important to continue these measures, as well as obtaining the flu vaccination, especially for the elderly and those more vulnerable.

On the subject of vaccinations, complete vaccination against covid-19 already now covers 86% of the population and there are already more than nine million people who have at least one dose of the vaccine, according to official data released yesterday.

The weekly report of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) registers 8,862,628 people with complete vaccination, which corresponds to 86% of the population, which represents a slight advance compared to 85% of the previous week. According to Our World in Data Portugal retains its position with the highest rate of completed vaccinations per capita of population.

Changing the subject, the police have highlighted the theft of catalytic converters, which has soared not only in Portugal but also in the UK and USA. 2021 has seen the ‘new fad’ for stealing catalytic converters from petrol cars. Incidents have been flagged throughout the country, with police registering several thousand reports from north to south.

The reason is that old petrol cars – particularly Honda, Opel and VW – have metals (rhodium and palladium) that are now ‘more precious than gold’. Advice for anyone with an old petrol car is park it in an area where people are generally around, and likely to notice if someone gets underneath and starts working furtively often using a saw or even a grinder.

A reminder that the A Terra Treme awareness exercise will take place at 11.05 hrs on 5th November. The aim of the exercise is to draw attention to the seismic risk in Portugal and the importance of simple actions that citizens shouldadopt in the event of an earthquake, which can save lives. It lasts only 1 minute, during which participants are invited to perform the 3 save gestures: DROP, COVER, HOLD ON. We encourage everyone to participate individually or in groups, wherever you are. In order that the ANEPC can follow the level of participation across the country, please register your participation in the dedicated area of this website. https://www.aterratreme.pt

Lastly please see our headline story concerning the UN’s latest warning regarding climate change. It makes sombre reading and something we should all pay particular attention to living in a hot climate, with the increasing potential of major wildfires this brings.

With that please have a Safe Day


Flu has already arrived in Europe. And this year can be particularly severe for the older people.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) warned today that the next flu season could be particularly severe for the elderly, following the early detection of some cases, and called for vaccination.

In a statement, the ECDC explains that although the number of identified cases remains, for the time being, low in most countries of the European Union, the circulation of the flu virus is already above the seasonal limit in Croatia, “which is extremely early”.

In addition to the early identification of cases, the main variant detected among cases registered in the last month is influenza A, which, according to the ECDC, disproportionately affects the elderly and is associated with lower vaccine efficacy.

Unable to predict exactly what the next flu season will be like, ECDC specialist Pasi Penttinen stresses the need to take the necessary precautions in order to protect the most vulnerable.

“A sharp increase in flu infections during the covid-19 pandemic could have serious consequences for the elderly and those with weak immune systems and could pose an additional burden to health systems already affected by the pandemic,” he warned, quoted in a statement. .

According to ECDC, last year there was a significant drop, over 99%, in the number of cases of influenza virus infection in the European Union, potentially as a result of the rules and precautions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic.

“Following our experience with the covid-19 pandemic, we now have more evidence that non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing and hygiene measures can effectively limit the spread of the virus,” says the same expert.

ECDC calls for the maintenance of many of these precautions, highlighting the importance of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 and against influenza which, according to Pasi Penttinen, “also offer good protection against serious illness.”

World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns

Report says countries must strengthen climate ambitions after wasting chance to build back better after Covid

The world is squandering the opportunity to “build back better” from the Covid-19 pandemic, and faces disastrous temperature rises of at least 2.7C if countries fail to strengthen their climate pledges, according to a report from the UN.

Tuesday’s publication warns that countries’ current pledges would reduce carbon by only about 7.5% by 2030, far less than the 45% cut scientists say is needed to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C, the aim of the Cop26 summit that opens in Glasgow this Sunday.

António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, described the findings as a “thundering wake-up call” to world leaders, while experts called for drastic action against fossil fuel companies.

Although more than 100 countries have promised to reach net zero emissions around mid-century, this would not be enough to stave off climate disaster, according to the UN emissions report, which examines the shortfall between countries’ intentions and actions needed on the climate. Many of the net zero pledges were found to be vague, and unless accompanied by stringent cuts in emissions this decade would allow global heating of a potentially catastrophic extent.

Guterres said: “The heat is on, and as the contents of this report show, the leadership we need is off. Far off. Countries are squandering a massive opportunity to invest Covid-19 fiscal and recovery resources in sustainable, cost-saving, planet-saving ways. As world leaders prepare for Cop26, this report is another thundering wake-up call. How many do we need?”


Climate change increases the risk of the hot, dry weather that is likely to fuel wildfires. Evidence shows that extreme fire weather events including increased lightning and strong winds, are also becoming more common under climate change.

More here: https://www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2021 


Portugal Covid-19 DGS Situation Tuesday 26th October

Confirmed Cases: 1.086.280 (+ 829 / + 0.08 %)

Number of admitted: 301 (+ 11 / + 3.79 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 62 (+ 3 / + 5.08 %)

Deaths: 18.141 (+ 3 / + 0.02 %)

Recovered: 1.037.261 (+ 1284 / + 0.12 %)

Active cases: 30,878 (-458 /-1.46%)


Daily deaths lower than last week’s daily average. All were over 80 years.

New cases higher than last week’s daily average.

The covid-19 cases diagnosed yesterday in Portugal (829) are slightly above the average of the last seven days (764.4) and also slightly above those identified on Tuesday of last week (832).

The number of deaths is the lowest number in the last six days.

Admissions either in outpatient clinics or in intensive care units rose for the second consecutive day – another 11 and three, respectively.


Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo distinguished with National Bioethics award

Vice Admiral Gouveia e Melo is the winner of the National Bioethics Award, a distinction made by the National Bioethics Association, with the support of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). According to the note sent to newsrooms this Tuesday, the “choice was unanimous” and is a reflection of the coordination of the task force of vaccination against covid-19, which the jury considered to be “an example”.

“The Prize, awarded by the National Bioethics Association, with the support of the FMUP, distinguishes the vice-admiral for the ‘personal integrity with which he performed his duties, as well as for the ‘demonstrated organizational and planning qualities’. The award is also intended to be a recognition ‘for the example it has given to Portuguese society, an example of public service and dedication to common causes’”, can be read in the note. “Known for the decisive role he played in a critical phase of the pandemic, Vice Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo was, for the jury of this Award, “a natural and unanimous choice”.

The award ceremony is scheduled on November 3rd, at the FMUP premises.

The National Bioethics Award has been awarded since 2007 and aims to distinguish “personalities of high integrity and personal integrity, national or foreign, who have distinguished themselves in the academic, scientific world or in society in general”


PSP detained 712 people in inspections to fight the pandemic

The PSP has detained 712 people since March 2020 in surveillance actions to combat the covid-19 pandemic, a number that police considered this Tuesday to be small due to the extended period and enormous restrictions.

In a presentation on the performance of the Public Security Police during the fight against the covid-19 pandemic, the PSP national director stated that between March 19, 2020, when the state of emergency began, and September 30 of this year, they were 712 people were detained, 26,413 administrative offenses were registered and 1571 commercial establishments closed.

Magina da Silva considered that this number of arrests is not huge.

“We have been living for long months in a pandemic, with huge restrictions, with interactions that are somehow negative and from citizens who, for some reason, did not like the police intervention or felt that the restrictions were excessive. There were millions of interactions by the police imposing restrictive rules on rights and freedoms of guarantees to citizens”, he justified, in statements to journalists at the end of the ceremony.

The national director of the PSP stressed that these arrests “only happened because they were extreme situations”, having been made to citizens who “repeatedly ostensibly refused to comply with the restrictions imposed by the state of emergency”.

Magina da Silva also highlighted the performance of the Portuguese during the state of emergency, stressing that “they showed an enormous social discipline that was not seen in any other country in the European Union”.

Other news

Human trafficking, gold visas and corruption are weaknesses

Portugal is in 117th position among the 193 UN countries in the Global Index of Organized Crime of 2021, according to which the State is “sufficiently effective” in combating this phenomenon. Gold visas are seen as a gateway to corruption, money laundering and tax evasion. Fighting corruption is considered a weak point in the State’s resilience.

Portugal is a “transit country and destination for trafficking in human beings, one of the largest criminal markets in the country”, it is a “transit country for arms trafficking whose destination is Africa” ​​and also a “transit country and destination for cocaine trafficking” and a “cannabis production source”. According to the “Global Index of Organized Crime 2021”, these are the main factors that lead our country to have a score of 4.55 (scale of 1, best, to 10, worst) in organized crime rates.

This global assessment analyses the 193 countries that make up the United Nations. Portugal is in 117th place in relation to that total and 24th among 44 European countries. Among the eight countries in Southern Europe it is in 5th place.

The good news is that, according to this ranking, the State manages to be “sufficiently effective” in combating these phenomena, with Portugal being classified with a score of 6.46 (from 1, “non-existent” or “extremely ineffective” to 10, “highly effective”) with regard to “resilience”. It ranks 29th among the 193 UN countries, 21st in Europe and 2nd among southern European countries. Here the highest marks go to the police forces and the functioning of international cooperation (with 7.5 points), followed by “political leadership and government”, “national policies and legislation”, “support for victims” and “non-state actors”.

Even so, gold visas and anti-corruption mechanisms are seen as weak points in this same State resilience

Last week, at the ceremony to commemorate the 76th anniversary of the PJ, the Minister of Justice considered the Portuguese classification “honourable”, but pointed out that, despite this, it is still a transit and destination country for the trafficking in human beings and the smuggling of migrants, as well as for the trafficking of cocaine and other narcotics, with the record of the increase in the use of the dark web for the drug trade”. Therefore, Francisca Van Dunem stressed, “It is crucial to deepen and accelerate the Justice’s response, continuing to modernize and equip the Judiciary Police to combat these phenomena, which affect the lives of citizens, companies and public administrations”.

Globally, this index, developed by a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, concluded that “democracies have higher levels of resilience to crime than authoritarian states”. It was also found that “more than three quarters of the world’s population lives in countries with high levels of crime and in countries with low resilience to organized crime”. Four other conclusions are highlighted: Asia is the continent with the highest levels of crime; trafficking in human beings is the most widespread crime globally; state officials are the most frequent in actions to facilitate illicit economies and in hampering resilience to organized crime.


Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 20th October 2021


Good morning – Infarmed, the Portuguese Medicines Authority, warned yesterday of the existence of two illegal websites for the sale of medicines aimed at the public in Portugal, highlighting the risks to health as it was not possible to ensure their safety, quality and authenticity. We published these on our Facebook page yesterday.

If people wish to purchase medicines over the internet, they should do so through authorized means. In Portugal, only pharmacies and non-prescription drug sales outlets authorized by INFARMED, IP can sell drugs to the public via the internet.

This is particularly so buying medicines on social media, the contents of products which cannot be verified and could be fake.

Turning to earthquakes, which we have reported upon several recently. A reminder of the A Terra Treme earthquake awareness exercise which will take place on Friday 5th November 2021. In 2019 over three quarters of a million took part comprising schools, businesses and individuals.

Portugal is a high risk county as far as earth quakes are concerned and although the vast majority are seldom felt, there have in the past been major earthquakes resulting in substantial loss of life. Knowing what action to take during and after a major earthquake could help the risk of serious injury or worse to you and your family. The exercise only takes one minute and involves the actions of DROP, COVER, HOLD. Simply visit the A Terra Treme website and register, so the civil protection are aware of the level of awareness and participation. https://www.aterratreme.pt/

As far as the La Palma volcano is concerned, there is much focus on the plight of three dogs trapped in a compound surrounded by a lava flow. Drones have been used to feed them and the Spanish authorities have given permission for a company to use its cargo drones to attempt a rescue – according to the company this would be a worldwide first.

Animals have often become victims in various catastrophes, such as rural fires, and more recently more attention has been given to this issue. Certainly in the case of the Castro Marim fire the GNR help rescue dogs from a pound. We are aware of cases in earlier fires where people have died trying to rescue their animals and the emergency forces are now more attuned to this issue.

A reminder that although the critical fire period has finished, the fire risk remains high, particularly in the Algarve. The Civil Protection have extended the availability of deployment under Level lll of the operational plan, which was due to expire on 15th October, until the end of this month. This decision is based on weather forecasts showing that the fire risk is higher than usual for this period. So please take care.

We again remind people to take every care to avoid accidentally causing a fire remembering that 98% of fires have a human cause. Yesterday I covered this topic and actions to take in the event of rural fires, in my presentation at the Estoi International Rotary lunch and I would like to thank the President Shirley Dunne and their members for the invitation and for the excellent questions that were raised.

Lastly Safe Communities Algarve will be at the Mediterranean Garden Fair at the Estoi Horse Fair site this coming Saturday and Sunday 23rd and 24th October. We are looking forward to this event as it is a good opportunity to meet people face to face and answer questions and provide advice. We will be focusing on fire wise gardens and the general land cleaning and protection of properties during rural fires. We welcome you to our stand.

With that please have a safe day 


Covid-19: vaccinating children under 12 may take “a while”

The regional director for Europe at the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted today, in Lisbon, that the decision to vaccinate children under 12 years of age against covid-19 could still take “a while”.

On an official visit to Portugal, Hans P. Klüge, himself a physician, recalled that “there are some clinical trials in progress”, but “the evidence is still not robust enough”.

Speaking to Lusa, at the end of a visit to a vaccination centre in the capital, he stressed: “We are monitoring very closely. We have to wait, for now. Not waiting passively, but monitoring the evidence that emerges every day. Therefore, we will have to wait a while.”

At this stage, said the official, “the first priority is to be able to increase the vaccination coverage of the adult population throughout the European region”.

“Secondly, give a third dose to older people with reduced immunities,” those most vulnerable to the virus, he continued.

“Third, [immunize] teenagers, ages 12 and over, because it’s very important to keep schools open,” he continued.


Covid 19 Tuesday 19th Portugal

Confirmed Cases: 1.080.929 (+832)

Number of admitted: 299 (-13)

Number of ICU admitted: 60 (-2)

Deaths: 18.106 (+6)

Recovered: 1.032.802 (+1010)

Active cases: 30,021 (-184)



COVID 19 Vaccine booster dose and Flu vaccine co-administration from 18th October – DGS Standard Number 002/2021 Update 1th October 2021

Vaccination against COVID-19 and the Flu vaccine will be possible at the same time from October 18th. People aged 65 and over. The call will be via SMS, phone call, letter and other mechanisms that health centers have to reach users and invite them to go to the vaccination.

Available data analysed by the Technical Commission on Vaccination against COVID-19 (CTVC), which include the results of the World Health Organization expert group meeting on vaccination, show that there is an acceptable safety profile after taking both vaccines.

Vaccines must be administered at different anatomical sites, except in exceptional cases.

Users must be informed about possible adverse reactions and may opt for administration on different days. For this, they must inform the health professionals on the day of the vaccination and schedule a new date for the second vaccine to be administered.

Effects of covid-19 less noted in Portugal compared to other countries, according to a study

Lisbon, Oct 19, 2021 (Lusa) – The effects of the pandemic caused by covid-19 are less noticed by the Portuguese, compared to the average of the 30 countries analysed in the ‘Healthy & Sustainable Living’ report, released today.

According to the results of the survey, which in Portugal covered about a thousand participants, 38% of people say they feel very affected by the pandemic, when the global average is 51%, and 40% of Portuguese say they are moderately affected by the effects of the new coronavirus.

“The impact of the pandemic is considerably smaller in Portugal”, highlights the study.

In general, the Portuguese feel less affected by all the problems, compared to the world average.

In addition to covid-19, climate change and air pollution are the most cited problems as people surveyed feel personally most affected, as is the case globally.

Discrimination against ethnic, racial or religious minorities is a problem little felt in Portugal, according to the same study, as is the lack of access to health care.

After the pandemic, compared to the period before the new coronavirus, the Portuguese say they intend to pay more attention to health (57%), reduce the environmental impact (51%), spend more time in contact with nature (50%) and save money (50%).

Shopping in stores (06%), eating meat (07%) or updating your wardrobe (08%) are at the tail of the priorities mentioned.

The ‘Healthy & Sustainable Living’ report, which is published annually, includes for the first time data from Portugal, the result of a partnership between the consultant Natural Business Intelligence and the multinational GlobeScan.

In the country, the consultation of approximately one thousand participants, from different generations, with different incomes and residing in cities, towns and villages, was carried out ‘online’ in June and July 2021.

The study intends to contribute “to the understanding of the perceptions, behaviors and decision factors in the acquisition of products and services by the citizens”, information that the promoters of the report consider to be “relevant for companies and institutions”.

INSA leads European study to assess the impact of the pandemic on children’s nutritional status

Lisbon, Oct 19, 2021 (Lusa) – The Doctor Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute (INSA) will lead a European study to assess the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the nutritional status and lifestyle of school-age children, announced today the institution.

The initiative aims to understand and understand the impact of the pandemic on daily routines, well-being, eating habits and behaviours, physical activity, socioeconomic variables and perception of the nutritional status of school-age children (6 to 10 years old) on the European continent.

The announcement was made at the first “Conference of the World Health Organization Collaborative Centre on Child Nutrition and Obesity”, which is taking place at INSA, in Lisbon, after the presentation of the results of the 5th round of the COSI Portugal study, which points out a reduction of 8.2 percentage points in the prevalence of overweight in children aged six to eight years in Portugal between 2008 and 2019.

“We made a point of presenting a series of results that we have in this report, since they coincide with two years of the impact of covid”, but we still need to know its “impact on children’s nutritional status”, INSA researcher Ana Rito told Lusa agency, which will take over the scientific leadership of the European team responsible for the study, coordinated by the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases.

For Ana Rito, it is important to continue to monitor children’s nutritional status after two years of pandemic.

“We, INSA, have always been at the forefront in this fight against this pandemic that calls everyone, in fact, and we want to be equally at the forefront in this scientific study of the impact of covid-19 on childhood obesity,” said the researcher.

The study will be implemented by a group of 30 countries in the COSI/WHO Europe network during this school year (2021/2022), with the aim of collecting valid and comparable data on the impact of the pandemic, with a view to the possible identification of groups of vulnerable to the effects of the pandemic, allowing to inform and sustain future interventions and public health policies, says the INSA.

Other news

IGAI opens inquiry into PSP performance at the end of the football game in Montijo

The General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI) yesterday opened an inquiry into the PSP’s performance at the end of a football game on Sunday, in Montijo, in which it shot firearms into the air.

IGAI opens inquiry into PSP performance at the end of the football game in Montijo

In a response sent to Lusa agency, the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) states that the IGAI invoked the investigation process opened on Sunday by the PSP to investigate whether firearms fired into the air, due to a disorder that occurred at the end of a football game, in Montijo (setubal district), complied with internal legislation and regulations.

The MAI explains that the IGAI can invoke investigation processes, which is one of its competences.

In a statement released on Sunday, the PSP reported that “a disciplinary inquiry was opened to find out if the firearms resources complied with the applicable legislation and internal regulations”.

The disorder occurred in the Liberdade field, in Montijo, after the end of the game between Olímpico do Montijo and Vitória do Setúbal’s B team, in a match for the sixth round of the 1st District Division of the Setúbal Football Association, which ended tied (0-0).

According to the Public Security Police (PSP), the situation involved “aggression between several citizens who participated in the sporting event, including supporters of the two teams, who invaded the field”.

“The police officers deployed to the site, to ensure the security of the sporting event, immediately intervened to end the ongoing contempt and aggressions,” said the security force.

During the police intervention, indicated the PSP, “three police officers fired warning shots into the air”, having been “possible to put an end to disorder and aggression and restore public order in the sports venue”.

Portugal Situation Report Wednesday 13th October 2021


Good morning – It was announced last week the travellers from the UK to Portugal, who have a NHS Covid-19 pass will be able to enter Portugal without a negative test result, in other words the same as for those with an EU Digital Covid Certificate.

This was published on the Gov.UK travel advice page. To date there has been no announcement from the Portuguese side, and we doubt if there will be one given that this has already been covered under “reciprocity”.

Yesterday Brits in Portugal Facebook page updated their previous post stating “that whilst most airlines are applying this correctly, we have received some reports of passengers still being asked to show test results. We have followed this up urgently with carriers and Portuguese Tourism and Border authorities and expect this situation to be regularized shortly. In the meantime, it is recommended that you check directly with your airline ahead of travelling for confirmation”.

An important reminder concerning beach safety particularly so in taking a dip in the sea. There have been several accidents this month where people have got into difficulties whilst swimming. Fortunately they were rescued. It is important to follow that flags regarding entry into the sea and at all times even if conditions appear safe, beware of rip currents and action to take if you do get dragged in one of these.

A reminder that on 5th November 2021 government will be conducting the annual “A Terra Treme” Earthquake awareness exercise throughout the country. This, as the title suggests, is to create awareness of the earthquake risk in Portugal and should a major earthquake occur, what action to take.

This is important as although the potential of a major earthquake taking place are low, the effects could be considerable in terms of destruction, injuries and possible loss of life.

Safe communities Portugal is a partner for “A Terra Treme” and in the lead up to the event we will be publishing various awareness material. Usually around half a million students participate in the exercise as well as many businesses. It only takes less than 5 minutes involving practicing the safety precautions “Drop, Cover, Hold On”.

We will also be covering awareness of tsunamis and action to take should this occur.

I will be talking more about this as well as beach safety on Solid Gold Sunday on KissFm radio this coming Sunday 17th October.

With that please have a good day.


Portugal is now Europe’s vaccination frontrunner

The Financial Times (FT) reported in detail recently that a former submarine commander has almost single-handedly instilled confidence in a vaccination programme that had a faltering start in Portugal.

Vice Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo, the former submarine commander who has become a quiet hero of Portugal’s fight against COVID-19, could not stop his voice cracking with emotion when he was greeted by a prolonged ovation at a crowded vaccination centre. “I couldn’t help it,” said the grey-bearded vice-admiral, who heads the country’s vaccination task force, referring to the moment. “People were . . . saying to me “we’re with you”.

A week earlier, he won plaudits for his handling of an anti-vaccine protest, calmly telling angry demonstrators that “the real killer is the virus” as some in the placard-waving crowd shouted “murderer” at him. Such protests have been rare in Portugal. An overwhelmingly positive response from the public to Gouveia e Melo is one of several factors that have made the country a frontrunner in the global race to vaccinate against Covid.

About 83% of its population are already fully vaccinated and 86% have received at least one dose (as of 28 September), which meant it remarkably achieved one of the highest vaccination rates in the world alongside the likes of the United Arab Emirates and Singapore.

Pedro Simas, executive director of the Católica Biomedical Research Institute in Lisbon, believes the strong public adherence to the programme has its roots in Portugal’s first national vaccination plan in 1965. “It was tremendously successful and people have understood and trusted the benefits of vaccination ever since,” he said. Marta Temido, health minister, said Portugal’s national health service, has always had a strong focus on primary care. “Our doctors and nurses have been at the heart of a strategy based around large-scale vaccination centres in which the support of the military and municipalities has been vital,” she told the Financial Times.

Covid-19 Situation Tuesday 12th Portugal 2021

Confirmed Cases: 1.076.358 (+ 719 / + 0.07 %)

Number of admitted: 345 (-11 /-3.09 %)

Number of ICU admitted: 56 (-2 /-3.45 %)

Deaths: 18.056 (+ 8 / + 0.04 %)

Recovered: 1.028.465 (+ 1041 / + 0.10 %)

Active cases: 29,837 (-330 /-1.09%)


New daily cases higher than last week’s daily average (600)

Number of deaths higher than yesterday, but below last week’s daily average and remaining in single digits.

Welcome decrease in hospitalisations after a moderate increase yesterday

Large number of recoveries for one day.


Nurses unions to strike

The nurses’ unions scheduled a strike for the first week of November and a rally on the 28th of this month in front of the Assembly of the Republic.

The decision was taken by all the unions that represent nurses in a meeting that began on Monday afternoon and ended this morning, the president of the Nurses Union, Pedro Costa, told Lusa.

The concentration of nurses and all unions, in front of the Assembly of the Republic, aims to claim the rights of nurses, with the delivery of the petition: “Nurses demand career unfreezing and performance assessment equal to nurses in the Autonomous Region of Madeira”.

Despite the measures announced, Pedro Costa stated that “the capacity for dialogue” between the unions and the Government has not been exhausted.

“For this reason, a national strike was decreed for the first week of November, which we want to announce on Friday. In a way, we are giving the Government some time here to be able to speak out,” he added. The union leader stressed that “the strike always has a dual responsibility”: “responding to the fair demands of nurses, but at the same time valuing the population’s access to health care”.

“We are currently not valuing the human value” of the NHS, which impedes the recovery of the national health system, he told Lusa.

The measures announced by the unions follow on from the lack of response to a claim submitted to the Ministry of Health on September 21 by the seven unions.

Some requirements included in the document include “the hiring of nurses who are in a precarious situation”, an “appropriate performance assessment for the profession”, the “correction of point-counting problems” and “equal conditions for nurses with individual employment contracts and contracts in public functions”.

Hospital visits with fewer restrictions

The General Directorate of Health (DGS) updated Guideline 038/2020, which defines the recommendations for companions and visits to hospital units.

The Guidance states that the Boards of Directors of Hospitals, Hospital Centers and Local Health Units, in conjunction with the PPCIRA Local Coordination Group (GCL-PPCIRA), should facilitate visits to inpatients and adapt the Visiting Regulation accordingly .

Under current legislation, visitors must present a valid EU COVID Digital Certificate or, alternatively, a negative result in a test for SARS-CoV-2: rapid antigen test (TRAg) performed up to 48 hours before, self-test on day and on site and under supervision of a responsible person or PCR test up to 72 hours before the visit.

Infection prevention and control recommendations must continue to be respected, namely the physical distance between visitor, user and health professionals; respiratory tag; correct use of surgical mask; and frequent hand hygiene. The number of visitors per hospitalized user must also be adjusted to ensure effective compliance with infection prevention and control measures.

The document also determines that users admitted to the health services of the National Health Service are entitled to religious assistance, regardless of their religion.

Covid-19: WHO experts consider co-administration of flu vaccines and covid-19 “acceptable”

The limited data on co-administration of inactivated vaccines (produced from inactivated virus) against seasonal influenza with that of covid-19 did not show an increase in adverse events,” indicate the recommendations of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) in immunization programs released today, which do not yet constitute WHO guidance on co-administration of vaccines.

According to the advisory group’s opinion, taking into account that the priority age group to receive the seasonal flu vaccine is also considered at risk for more serious covid-19 situations, the co-administration of the two vaccines “is acceptable” and will allow to immunize a greater number of people against both diseases.

On Friday, the Director-General of Health announced that she plans to combine flu vaccination and the administration of the third dose against covid-19, to simplify the two processes, a possibility that was awaiting WHO guidance.

“It would be great for people, because it is much more comfortable to go and vaccinate themselves once with two inoculations and it is also much easier for our nurses, for our logistics and for our services”, explained Graça Freitas, at a conference in press.

Matosinhos students sent home. Parents against ARS Norte decision

The health delegate’s decision is generating controversy among those in charge of educating students at the Quinta de São Gens Basic School, in Matosinhos.

Matosinhos health delegate sent more than 300 students from the Quinta de São Gens Basic School to prophylactic isolation, after an employee tested positive for Covid-19.

Parents are disgusted with the decision they consider to be “overkill” and question how the rest of the year will go as SARS-CoV-2 continues to circulate.

For this reason, they decided to deliver, to the General Directorate of Health, a petition with 216 signatures.

To TVI24, ARS Norte said that the decision was taken as a “precautionary measure”.

The educational action assistant, who works in the cafeteria and is also a supervisor at recess, was considered a “risk contact” for at least more than 300 students at the school. At the moment, only fifty continue to attend classroom classes.

For students who are in prophylactic isolation for 10 days, online classes are available. Only the first year does not have this option.

The children concerned are between 6 and 10 years old, so they are not included in the national Covid-19 vaccination plan.

Students have already started to be tested for the disease and, so far, there has been no record of positive cases.

Other news

Rail Safety

Alpha/Accident: Security is “Critical Concern” for IP and it’s Important to Hear – Government

Lisbon, 12 Oct 2021 (Lusa) – The Government is analysing the final report on the derailment of the Alfa Pendular in Soure, said today the Minister of Infrastructure, stressing that “security is a crucial concern for Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP)”, which should be heard.

“We are still doing the analysis of the report ourselves. […] Apparently, it is not true that IP has not taken the measures that were determined in the past, and that is why it is important to listen to IP”, said Pedro Nuno Santos, who was heard in the parliamentary committee on Economy, Innovation , Public Works and Housing.

“Security is a crucial concern for IP, which is not to say that we still don’t have much to do,” added the official.

According to the final report of the Office for the Prevention and Investigation of Aircraft Accidents and Railway Accidents (GPIAAF), which the Lusa agency had access to on October 1st, the derailment of the Alfa Pendular train, in the village of Soure, which caused two deaths and 44 injured, were due to human error, but the investigation also blames Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP).

The train, with 212 passengers and heading south-north, bound for Braga, derailed in the afternoon of July 31, 2020, after colliding with a catenary conservation vehicle (VCC), which had entered the track, seconds earlier, close to the locality of Matas, causing the death of two IP workers, who were at the VCC, and 44 injured, three of them serious.

“The accident was not due to any technical anomaly, having established as the most likely explanation for the undue overtaking of signal S5 [red] by the VCC an error by the crew in the identification of the signal that related to the line the train was on, having it was understood that signal S3 with a green appearance was applied to them for the passage of fast train no. 133 [Alfa Pendular]”, concluded the GPIAAF. 

State Budget – Internal security grows 8% with budget of 2,311 million euros

Lisbon, October 12, 2021 (Lusa) – The amount foreseen in the State Budget proposal for 2022 for internal security is 2,311 million euros, representing an 8% increase compared to the estimated budget execution for 2021.

“The budget program for internal security shows, in the 2022 budget, a total of 2,311.6 million euros of total consolidated revenue and total consolidated expenditure allocation, which exceeds the estimated execution by the end of 2021 by 8%”, refers to the proposal for the State Budget for 2022 (OE2022) delivered on Monday to the Assembly of the Republic.

The Government’s proposal states that, of the total consolidated expenditure allocation, personnel expenses have greater weight, which “represent 76.5% of the total consolidated expenditure, with 1,767.9 million euros of allocation, highlighting the structure of the payroll of the security forces and services, distributed between the National Republican Guard (GNR), with 842.3 million euros, and the Public Security Police (PSP), with 787.5 million euros.

The document gives an account of the appropriations for investment expenditure, whose caption for acquisitions of capital goods amounts to 152.8 million euros, of which 53.2 million euros relate to the Law on the Programming of Infrastructure and Equipment of Forces and Services Security, and 40.9 million euros related to budgeted funds under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

“We also highlight the purchase of goods and services, with 239.1 million euros, of which 114 million euros are allocated to the security forces, intended to finance the current activity of these entities”, reads the proposal.

The OE2022 for the Ministry of Internal Administration highlights the specific allocation for pensions and reforms carried out by the GNR, with 106.5 million euros, and by the PSP, with 55.1 million euros, fully financed by tax revenues.

The proposal also states that the GNR will have 39.8 million euros in health expenses and the PSP 35.3 million euros, which are fully covered by its own revenue.