The Algarve Report Wednesday 22 May 2024


By Mike Evans

As we approach the summer season, it is good to hear that many of the areas along the coast of the Algarve have received their flags of quality for the beaches and the water.

Quercus – National Association for Nature Conservation awarded the “Golden Quality” award to the sea water of several beaches in Portimão: Rocha, Três Castelos, Careanos, Barranco das Canas, Vau, Alvor-nascente and Alvor-poente.

The main criterion for this distinction is that the water quality must have been “excellent” in the last five bathing seasons, from 2019 to 2023, based on analyses carried out in the laboratories of the different Regional Hydrographic Administrations, especially in terms of bacterial indicators. According to Quercus there are 59 beaches across the Algarve which have been awarded these flags. In addition to the award, all beaches in the municipality bear the Blue Flag, for fulfilling a set of criteria related to “information and education and environmental management, bathing water quality, safety and services, social responsibility and community involvement”.

On a general comment, the temperature of the sea is still pretty low and anyone venturing into the sea for a dip should be aware of the dangers of getting cramp as well as the possibility of Rip currents, a topic we recently spoke about on Facebook and reached almost 700,000 people so if you are not sure how to spot a rip current please check our Facebook site and search for Rip Currents.

Now for a look at what else has happened in the past week across the Algarve.

Food Bank calls for “unity and help” from the population

The Algarve Food Bank is preparing to carry out another solidarity food collection campaign, on the 25th and 26th of May, across the region.

To participate in the campaign as a volunteer, interested parties can register at this website: Registration is mandatory and must be repeated for each campaign.

Nuno Cabrita Alves, president of the Algarve Food Bank, calls for “everyone’s unity and help in this cause”. The person responsible emphasises that “one hour of your day will make a difference in the lives of thousands of families”. In a statement, this institution highlights that “volunteers are essential in any of the 130 stores, spread across all municipalities in the region, where it is necessary to distribute bags and, later, receive food with donations. In the Faro and Portimão warehouses, help is essential to unload food and separate it, fold bags, among other tasks”.

In addition to the volunteers, Nuno Cabrita Alves reinforces that more food donations are also needed. Help can be provided in stores with food or vouchers, but also here, with food donations or through financial support, from May 24th to June 2nd. All companies in the food sector, such as producers, industry and distributors can send their surpluses to the institution.

GNR arrests woman for drug trafficking in Monte Gordo

A 26-year-old woman, suspected of drug trafficking, was arrested on Sunday by the Republican National Guard (GNR) in Monte Gordo, in the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António , it was announced on Monday.

The woman was arrested after “demonstrating suspicious behaviour” when approached by the military during a patrol action carried out in the town of Monte Gordo, the GNR said in a statement.

According to that security force, the suspect who was travelling on an electric bicycle had 16 individual doses of hashish in her possession. In subsequent investigations, the GNR found that the suspect “had more narcotic products” in the house where she lived with her 26-year-old boyfriend, who was identified.

In total, authorities seized 730 individual doses of hashish, 84 doses of MDMA (synthetic drug also known as ‘ecstasy’) and around 200 euros.

The two suspects were named defendants and the case was sent to the Judicial Court of Vila Real de Santo António.

Preventive arrest for vehicle theft suspect

A 45-year-old man, arrested by the National Republican Guard (GNR) last Thursday on suspicion of vehicle theft in the Algarve municipalities of Lagos and Portimão, was remanded in pre-trial detention, it was announced on Monday.

The information was revealed, in a statement, by the Faro Territorial Command of the GNR, and the most serious coercive measure was decreed on Friday by the Court of Lagos.

The suspect’s arrest was carried out by the Criminal Investigation Unit (NIC) of the GNR of Portimão, as part of an investigation that began on May 1 and originated from a vehicle theft, the GNR reported. According to the security force, police investigations found that the suspect, in addition to stealing items from vehicles, used the victims’ bank cards to make purchases and withdraw money.

57 People Arrested in the Algarve during Road Campaign

During the week of 13 to 19 May, 155 accidents were recorded in the Algarve, resulting in 2 deaths, 3 serious injuries and 33 minor injuries. The GNR carried out a series of operations in the district of Faro, in the week, which aimed to prevent and combat violent crime, as well as road inspections.

In a statement, the National Republican Guard (GNR) said it arrested 57 people, including 17 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 13 for driving without a legal licence, and 5 for drug trafficking. Security forces also seized 818 doses of hashish, 61 doses of cocaine, 4 cell phones, and 2 precision scales.

Fatal accident sees driver and vehicle burnt near Almancil

A violent accident early this morning on the EN125 near Almancil saw the driver of a Spanish-plated Range Rover SVR V8 completely carbonised, within the vehicle, and only had a driver’s seat. It appears to have been carrying a large stash of hashish.

According to reports, three men wearing hoodies were seen removing some of the contents from the burning wreckage to another vehicle, before ‘fleeing’ at speed.

Eye witnesses have given accounts of everything they saw to GNR police, who have handed the main case to PJ judicial police.

GNR agents were able to recover at least 10 kilos of hashish (albeit charred) from the vehicle, which had otherwise been utterly destroyed.

According to reports, the unidentified driver was “caught in the blazing wreckage”. Whether he died as a result of the initial crash, or the fire (or something else), may never be fully established. The accident took place in the early hours: the Spanish-plated Range Rover hit a pillar at the viaduct off the EN125 giving access to Quarteira.

It is still unclear whether the driver had any connection to the three men who removed items from the crashed car, or indeed, what circumstances may have led to the accident. Some accounts in the media have suggested the Range Rover may have been being pursued by the car carrying the three men before it so catastrophically hit the viaduct pillar.

Tourist dies shortly after arriving at Faro Airport

A 70 year old Belgian tourist arriving from Brussels on Monday evening, died after feeling unwell and suffering a cardiac arrest near the airport’s arrival gate.

According to Portuguese TV channel TVI, the woman travelled alone on a Transavia flight to Faro, and was initially assisted by the airport’s medical emergency teams and a resuscitation vehicle from INEM. However, it was not possible to “reverse her condition of cardiorespiratory arrest, even after several attempts at resuscitation.”

The woman’s death was declared at 6:50pm, and PSP contacted the Public Prosecutor’s Office, as the death occurred in a public place and the cause was undetermined. It was only around 10:00 pm that the order was given for the body to be removed from the location.






The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 15th May 2024

by Mike Evans

A very good day to you all. With the holiday season starting to get into full swing and the roads getting busier, My theme this week is the latest statistics regarding road accidents in the region throughout 2023.

In the Algarve, in 2023, there was a 13.5% decrease in the number of fatalities resulting from road accidents compared to the previous year, but there was an increase in Accidents with Casualties, Serious Injuries, and Minor Injuries. This is according to the most recent Annual Accident Report, inspection and road traffic offences. It will come as no surprise to many long term residents the road that recorded the highest number of fatalities was the EN125.

Many of you will not be surprised because we all know that accidents there are frequent and that much of it is due to the fact that that road does not have the necessary safety conditions, even with the works that have already been carried out.

Whilst the number of deaths decreased during the year, Even so, there was an increase in the other three indicators used to assess accident rates in the Algarve region, namely Accidents with Victims (5.6%), Serious Injuries (10.9%) and Minor Injuries (4.9%).

Even with five fewer fatalities in 2023 – decreasing from 37 to 32 -, the Algarve recorded a 6.6% increase in the so-called most serious accidents, which adds road deaths to the number of serious injuries. The road that recorded the highest number of fatalities was the EN125, a total of seven (nine, counting variants of this road). On the A22 there was one death and on the IC1 two fatalities.

As we see more traffic on our roads we should all remember to regulate our speed and be vigilant at all times.

Now a look at some of the other stories that happened across our region in the past week.

PJ arrests suspect of rape crimes in Loulé

The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a 53-year-old man, last Saturday, May 11th, due to strong evidence of rape crimes, which occurred in the municipality of Loulé , in 2023 and 2024.

The sexual assaults allegedly occurred with two victims, aged 17 and 29, in an environment controlled by the detainee, who had had a relationship with the mother of one of them.

The suspect took advantage of the victims having “some limitations in their cognitive development”, thus seeking to “obtain silence regarding the acts committed”.“The series of steps carried out by the Southern Directorate of the PJ allowed the collection of relevant evidence, culminating in the arrest of the suspect,” the police force said in a statement.

The suspect was remanded in pre-trial detention after his first judicial interrogation.

GNR arrests suspect of ‘carjacking’ committed in March in Castro Marim

A man suspected of ‘carjacking’ a driver, committed in March in the municipality of Castro Marim, was arrested on Wednesday in Tavira, and will be held in preventive detention, revealed the GNR.

In a statement, the GNR indicates that the facts date back to March 1, when the 37-year-old suspect carried out a “robbery with a knife” in the municipality of Castro Marim.

The driver approached by the suspect was “violently attacked and his goods were stolen, as well as the vehicle”, reports the GNR, which opened an investigation to determine the identity of the person responsible for the carjacking and obtain evidence of the crime. “Following the action, the military discovered that the individual was already referenced as a suspect in other violent crimes against people and property, which caused social alarm in the municipalities of Castro Marim, Tavira, Olhão and Faro ”, highlights the GNR in the note.

Based on the evidence collected by investigators, an arrest warrant was issued for the detainee.

After being present for the first judicial interrogation at the Court of Faro, the suspect was subject to the most serious measure of coercion, preventive detention, the GNR also states.

Suspect accused of sharing child pornography subjected to compulsory psychiatric treatment

The court ordered this Wednesday that the man detained in Portimão on suspicion of sharing child pornography computer content be subjected to compulsory psychiatric treatment, having also ordered bi-weekly presentations to the authorities, a police source revealed.

The same source also added that the man, of Portuguese nationality, aged 27, was also prohibited from approaching computer equipment, after being interviewed in the first judicial interrogation for the application of coercive measures.

The source thus corrected the information initially provided by another police source, according to which the arrest had been carried out under an international arrest warrant, and that the suspect would remain detained until his extradition. The man was arrested by the Judiciary Police (PJ) on Tuesday following a complaint originating from international judicial cooperation mechanisms, via the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (in Portuguese, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children).

After the complaint, it was found that the suspect “repeatedly accessed, held and shared child pornography content on computer media”, says a statement from the PJ.

Man was arrested for robbery in Faro

The Faro Criminal Investigation Squadron arrested, on May 6th, in Faro , a 30-year-old man for committing robbery and other crimes against property, the Faro PSP District Command reported today. .

The day before yesterday afternoon, the victim went to the PSP stating that he had been the victim of a robbery, a few moments before, and described the suspect. With this information in hand, the police department was immediately mobilised, with the suspect being identified and located a few moments later. When he was located, the suspect tried to escape from the police who, after a foot chase, detained him.

Following subsequent investigations, it was possible to verify that the suspect had, in his possession, the objects belonging to the victim, as well as more assets suspected to result from other crimes against property, which were seized and returned to the legitimate owners. The detainee was presented to the Judiciary Authority today, and was required to present himself periodically at a police station.

More operational in fighting fires and fewer aerial resources for this year

 The number of operators involved in fighting rural fires will increase slightly this year, with 14,155 elements expected for the months considered most critical, but the device will have two fewer aerial assets, according to a directive approved on Monday, May 13th.

The national operational directive (DON), which establishes the Special Device for Combating Rural Fires (DECIR), was approved on Monday, the 13th, at the National Civil Protection Commission, whose meeting was chaired by the Secretary of State for Civil Protection , Paulo Simões Ribeiro, and took place at the headquarters of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority ( ANEPC ), in Carnaxide.

The ground device will have 14,155 elements and 3,173 vehicles during the period of greatest resource commitment, between July 1st and September 30th, called ‘Delta level’ In 2023, the number of operators involved in fighting fires between July and September was 13,891, which means that this year there are 264 more elements to fight fires.

The same happens with the available vehicles, which increase by 183, going from 2,990 vehicles to 3,173.

The season considered most critical for rural fires will this year feature 70 aerial assets, two fewer than in 2023.

The air resources that will not be available at DECIR this year are two ‘Canadair’ planes.

A fire department source said that there are no ‘Canadair’ planes on the market, hence the difficulties in renting them.

According to ANEPC, the DON is the document that, annually, defines the means and establishes the architecture of the structure of direction, command and control of the Integrated System of Protection and Relief Operations, in addition to establishing the way in which institutional coordination is ensured, the regulation, articulation and optimization of the forces and organisms that make up the system.

DECIR 2024 will be presented in a public session scheduled for this Tuesday in Ourém, in the district of Santarém, in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Internal Administration, Margarida Blasco.

The approval and presentation of DECIR take place this year almost simultaneously with the first reinforcement of firefighting resources, which will take place on Wednesday.

In a note released on social media, Civil Protection states that today’s meeting also approved the Integrated Rural Fire Detection and Surveillance Directive (DIVDIR) for this year, which establishes coordination mechanisms between the entities of the Integrated Fire Management System. Fogos Rurais and other institutions involved in rural fire surveillance and detection operations, in order to guarantee the optimization of the operational use of mobile surveillance systems, forest video surveillance, aerial surveillance and the National Network of Watch Posts.

The National Civil Protection Commission also approved the operating regulations for the National, Regional and Sub-regional Operational Coordination Centers, under the terms of the Integrated Protection and Relief Operations System.

Until the next time have a safe week.


Algarve Situation Report Wednesday May 8th 2024

by Mike Evans

With the holiday season starting to get into full swing, it was inevitable that we would see an increase in crime across the region. The PSP in Faro released a statement in the past week highlighting the fact that made a total of nine arrests, for the crimes of domestic violence, drug trafficking, driving without a legal licence and driving while drunk, in the cities of Faro, Olhão, Vila Real de Santo António, Portimão and Lagos. Whilst obviously these arrests are not entirely down to the tourists, we do see that the influx of tourists does have an effect on the number of people peddling drugs in our region.

Two of these arrests took place near Praia da Rocha, in Portimão, following increased policing on the occasion of the “DnB Allstarts” music festival. With the help and monitoring of the city’s public CCTV system, it was possible to identify 11 citizens suspected of engaging in drug trafficking, of which five were accused and two were arrested, having been caught “red handed”, with one citizen also being accused of the crime. of possession of a prohibited weapon. Around 250 doses of amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana and hashish, four pyrotechnic devices, a knife and 1,355 euros were seized, suspected of originating from drug trafficking.

In the city of Faro , a man was arrested for committing the crime of domestic violence. Following a call to the PSP reporting a crime of domestic violence in progress, police were quickly mobilised and, upon arrival at the scene, they witnessed the suspect attacking the victim, and promptly detained him. Several pieces of evidence were seized, as well as three firearms belonging to the suspect.

We can be sure that the police services will be out in force throughout the summer to make sure that the holiday areas, especially where festivals are taking place, are not overrun by drug dealers.

Now a look at what else has been happening across the region in the past week.

Man dies in accident with agricultural machinery in Castro Marim

A 46-year-old man died this Saturday in an accident with a tracked machine while clearing agricultural land in the Alta Mora area, in Castro Marim.

According to the Algarve Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command, the equipment slipped and ended up on its side.

Humberto Dias, the driver of the machine, was still rescued by firefighters but was declared dead at the scene by the INEM doctor . The alert was given at 10:08 am and death was declared at the scene. 13 operatives were called, including from the National Republican Guard (GNR), INEM and the Vila Real de Santo António and Castro Marim Fire Department, accompanied by three vehicles and a helicopter.

Teacher attacked by student’s family in VRSA

Last Friday, May 3rd, at around 8am, a preschool teacher at the Santo António school, in Hortas, in Vila Real de Santo António, was violently attacked by a couple of parents, when two Buses full of students were preparing to leave on a study visit, a witness who saw the incident said “ The incident occurred on the side of the school and in front of some students and staff. The “attack was ugly and the teacher had to be transported to the hospital,” the source said.

Another witness described that “the parents were waiting for the teacher and I think you made that  rear naked choke move  and then got punched in the face. The woman pulled his hair too.” The aggression occurred “following the visit of a couple of parents to the school to ask for clarification regarding an alleged attack on the student that allegedly occurred within the school unit”, highlighted the GNR.

During the confrontation, “family members from both sides” (teacher and student) rushed to the scene and “seven people got involved in a fight, with keys and an iron bar being seized”, he details.

“Complaints were made by both parties, who accused each other of aggression, and the facts were sent to the court [of Vila Real de Santo António] for the relevant investigations to be carried out”, revealed a source from the Public Relations of the Faro Territorial Command of the GNR .

In turn, the director of the D. José I School Group, Eduardo Cunha, told us that “nothing justifies a violent attitude like this, towards a member of the school community or anyone else” and that, after the aggression, the “educator confessed that she did not understand what motivated this behaviour”. He also revealed that “there was a meeting this week, with those in charge of education, where guidelines regarding student behaviour were discussed and that nothing predicted this outcome”.

PSP arrests man for drug trafficking in Faro

A man was arrested for drug trafficking in Faro on the 2nd May, and another man was also identified and charged with robbery with a bladed weapon in Portimão, according to the Faro PSP District Command.

The arrest took place in the city of Faro , following recurrent patrolling actions carried out in the city’s downtown, using various police means and skills, with the aim of guaranteeing a feeling of security for all citizens who travel there.

During the patrol, the prevention and immediate reaction team detected a man who, in the presence of the police, “tried to escape, and was promptly stopped”, highlights the PSP of Faro. It was possible to determine that the suspect had, in his possession, around 50 individual doses of narcotic ready for sale to the consumer, for which he was detained. In the city of Portimão, early in the afternoon the day before yesterday, the PSP received news of a robbery carried out in a commercial establishment, using a bladed weapon.

 In possession of this information, the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the PSP of Portimão immediately began investigative measures with a view to identifying the suspect and collecting evidence, having, yesterday, located the suspect. It was possible to seize the bladed weapon, as well as other assets that made it possible to indict the suspect for committing the robbery, and he was named a defendant, interrogated and subject to an Identity and Residence Term.

Dogs and ‘drones’ search for missing elderly man in Monchique

The authorities are looking for an elderly man who disappeared on Tuesday, the 30th, in Monchique, searches that are being carried out with the help of dogs and ‘drones’, revealed a GNR source .

According to the same source, the first alert about the disappearance of the 72-year-old man was given at around 4 pm on Tuesday, with health centres and other organisations that may have recovered the missing man being contacted.

As the hours passed, the searches were expanded and the resources on site were reinforced, he added. At the moment, the GNR has three kinesthetic teams (with dogs) and one with ‘drones’ searching the area, according to this military force.

The National Civil Protection Authority, which has been supporting the operation, presented at 1pm on its website the presence of 43 operatives and 13 vehicles on the ground.

Government ease restrictions on Algarve Water

It was announced that cuts in water consumption in the Algarve, in force since January, will now be eased in the urban sector and in agriculture.

Algarve has been on alert due to drought since February 5th, with the Government having approved a set of measures to restrict water consumption, but the Minister of the Environment, Maria da Graça Carvalho, revealed that these cuts will now be eased.

“We have several scenarios on the table, all of which I think are relieving in relation to the current situation, therefore, it will always be good news”, said Maria da Graça Carvalho.

The minister was speaking to journalists in Faro, after a meeting of the Regional Subcommittee for the South Zone of the Albufeiras Management Commission, in which the current situation of water resources in the Algarve was assessed.

Maria da Graça Carvalho stressed that the Government is “aware that the lack of water in the Algarve is a problem that is here to stay”, but that the greater rainfall recorded in the region in 2024, compared to last year, paves the way for alleviating the restrictions.

“Fortunately, this year the rainfall was greater than last year and, therefore, we have room to ease the restrictions a little that have been in force until now”, she said.

The Minister of Environment and Energy was asked about the demand from the Commission for Hydro Agricultural Sustainability of the Algarve (CSHA), which represents more than 1,000 producers and on Monday warned that it “will only accept equal cuts” for all sectors in the region, which currently they are 15% for the urban sector and tourism and 25% for agriculture.

“We will take into account this request, this demand from farmers. It will certainly weigh on our decision”, replied Maria da Graça Carvalho, adding, without specifying specific values, that all sectors will be able to receive relief.

The Government’s decision will be taken based on scientific data and scenarios provided by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) and on the opinions expressed at the technical meeting held yesterday, and will then be announced at the next meeting of the Permanent Commission for Prevention, Monitoring and Monitoring of the Effects of Drought (CPPMAES), chaired by the Minister of Environment and Energy and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, José Manuel Fernandes, and to be held until May 10th, in Faro.

The minister also highlighted that “a series of investments are underway at a good pace” and that the Government will “do everything to accelerate them”, including, among others, the construction of a desalination station and the capture of water from the Guadiana river in Pomarão, using funds of around 240 million euros from the Recovery and Resilience Program (PRR).

Also after the meeting, the president of the Association of Beneficiaries of the Sotavento do Algarve Irrigation Plan, Macário Correia, told journalists that a proposal had been presented that “needs to be revised and better worked on” between APA and the different sectors.

“I am convinced that the Government will be able to approach and reach agreement with what we have as concerns”, he stated.

So whilst we are not out of the woods yet it does look like we will still be able to have a water supply for the summer. Until the next time Stay Safe.


The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday May 1st 2024

by Mike Evans

Good afternoon to you all and we start this report with news of a massive Faro police operation which has resulted in over 70 people being accused of computer fraud, money laundering and criminal association. With so much of our lives almost governed by the use of computers or mobile devices we are all susceptible to this sort of crime and it is imperative that we are all aware of these dangers. You can read more on this story further into this report.

In addition with the weather still showing signs of rain the threat of drought conditions seems for now to have rescinded. Also this week saw a number of celebrations throughout the region to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of April 25. There were large parades in Faro and Albufeira as people took to the streets to celebrate the “Carnation Revolution 50 years ago. Hundreds of people gathered, through the streets of Faro , in the traditional 25th of April parade, to mark 50 years of the Revolution.

The gathering began at 4pm in Jardim Manuel Bívar, with the parade travelling through various streets of the city for around 40 minutes, ending in Largo Catarina Eufémia. Participants held posters and red carnations and shouted slogans.

“Freedom Always”, “April is more future” and “Stop the war, an opportunity for peace” could be read on some posters while slogans were chanted such as: “April 25 always, fascism never again”, “ Peace yes, war no” and “the united people will never be defeated”.USAL coordinator, Catarina Marques, highlighted the importance of celebrating the date, “not only to affirm the values ​​of April, which allowed access to housing, health, increased wages and improved lives for all, but also to defend these achievements and all these advances. Without defending these values ​​achieved on April 25, 1974 and enshrined in the Constitution in 1976, we cannot achieve progress, development and improvement in living and working conditions for everyone”.

Catarina Marques added that, although several achievements have been made, “a lot still needs to be accomplished”, particularly in the Algarve, “one of the poorest and most socially excluded regions”.

“The issues of wage appreciation and pensions are extremely important for people to be able to have a dignified life, as is investment in the National Health Service, public schools and Social Security, which are achievements and values ​​that we must continue to defend and to affirm them”, he highlighted.

The celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April in the Algarve capital ended with interventions by party and union leaders from the Algarve.

Now for a look at some of the stories that have happened across the region since the last report.

More than 70 people accused of banking computer fraud by the Faro MP

The Public Ministry (MP) of Faro charged 71 people with the crimes of computer fraud, money laundering and criminal association, some of which belonged to the Brazilian criminal organisation Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), it was announced this Monday, the 29th.

According to a note published on the Évora Regional Attorney General’s Office portal, the defendants, of Portuguese and Brazilian nationalities, but also from African countries, were dedicated to capturing data and access codes to bank accounts, which they accessed and subtract money.

According to the MP, the defendants acted using a method called ‘phishing’, by creating a false page identical to those of banking institutions, to convince victims that they were accessing their banks’ real portals and inserting their account access credentials there. In possession of the data, the criminals entered the victim’s bank account through the bank’s real page and programmed a monetary transfer to the bank account of another element linked to the organisation, details the MP.

Later, he adds, posing as a bank employee, they called the victim to inform him that they had detected a false banking transaction, and that to cancel it they needed the code that the bank was going to send to their cell phone.

The defendants then created a second page where they reflected the fraudulent operation, which the victim accessed, already convinced that they were real bank employees and that they wanted to cancel the transfer.

As the defendants remained on the phone with the victim, the victim told them the code that allowed them to validate the bank transfer operation, then circulated the money through various bank accounts between Portugal and Brazil, in order to be laundered, according to the report.

For the MP, the success of the crime is related to the speed with which the computer operations were carried out, using computers that may be housed in a third country and the credibility that the defendants conveyed in dialogue with the victim.

According to the Prosecutor’s Office, it is a well-structured organisation, where the defendants have specific functions, namely those who dealt with IT, those who called victims and those who made bank accounts available in order to circulate money. .

The accusation against the 71 defendants was brought on April 22 by the director of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action ( DIAP ) of the district of Faro, in an investigation carried out by the Judiciary Police.

PSP will intensify inspection of TVDE vehicles at the airport

The PSP will intensify inspection of unmarked individual passenger transport vehicles (TVDE) in the Algarve, during the summer period, especially at the Gago Coutinho international airport, in Faro , where on Tuesday it raised five administrative offences, the police announced.

In a statement, the Faro District Command of the PSP highlighted that the inspection aimed at TVDE vehicles is carried out “cyclically” throughout its jurisdiction, in which the airport is located, which has an “especially intense” activity of transport vehicles individual mischaracterized.

In the last inspection, carried out on Tuesday, five infractions were recorded, noted the PSP, warning that, “as infractions continue to be identified” – and in 2023, 60 infractions were sanctioned at the airport alone –, operations will be particularly intensified throughout the summer period.

Quarteira Apartment fire leaves four injured.

A fire in an apartment in Quarteira, in the district of Faro , left six people homeless today, four of whom suffered minor injuries, a Civil Protection source told Lusa.

According to the Civil Protection Algarve Sub-regional Command, the four people were transported to Faro Hospital, due to minor burns and smoke inhalation.

The same source said that the alert for the fire was received at 10:00, with the contents of the apartment, located on the first floor, in the centre of that Algarve city, burning.In turn, a source from the Republican National Guard told Lusa that six people live in the house and that “they will eventually need to be rehoused”.

According to the police source, the causes of the fire “are still unknown and are being investigated”.

Contacted by Lusa, the mayor of Loulé, Vítor Aleixo, said that the municipality’s technicians are monitoring the situation and collecting information, “to check whether people will need support to be relocated”.

According to information available on the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority portal, 19 operators were involved in the firefighting and assistance operations with the support of seven vehicles.

PJ arrests man in Loulé for robbery

The Judiciary Police ( PJ ) arrested a 25-year-old man, accused of being a co-author of a robbery crime , which occurred in October 2023, in Loulé.

The man is accused of having robbed, together with others, using a firearm, a commercial establishment in Loulé, from where they stole money and consumer goods.

According to the police force, the detainee will be brought before the judicial authority for interrogation and the application of coercive measures. “The investigation, conducted by the Southern Directorate , in partnership with the Republican National Guard, continues, aiming to identify and locate the remaining suspects,” the PJ said in a statement.

GNR seizes illegal gaming machines in Faro

The GNR Tax Action Unit seized 495 gaming machines on Monday in commercial establishments, warehouses and residences in the districts of Faro , Beja, Setúbal and Lisbon, and accused two men and one woman, it was announced today.

The seizure culminated an investigation started in 2021, to combat illegal gambling and tax fraud, “targeting the criminal offences of exploiting games of chance, fraud and abuse of tax trust”, the GNR said in a statement.

According to the security force, the investigation made it possible to identify the locations used as illicit gambling establishments, as well as those that were used for storing and distributing the respective machines. During searches carried out in establishments and residences in the districts of Faro, Beja, Lisbon and Setúbal, 495 machines, 1,109 posters associated with the machines and 874.50 euros were seized, specified the GNR.

The operation also resulted in the arrest of three defendants, two men and one woman, aged between 52 and 64, and two legal entities, one operating restaurants and the other distributing recreational products.

The police operation of the Faro Fiscal Action detachment was reinforced by soldiers from the Lisbon and Évora GNR Research and Fiscal Action detachments, with the support of the Tax and Customs Authority.

The case was sent to the Judicial Court of Olhão, in the district of Faro.

The Republican National Guard says that it continues to carry out daily inspection and criminal investigation actions to combat illegal gambling and tax fraud.

“The GNR will continue, not only to promote awareness-raising actions aimed at preventing these behaviours, but also to develop inspection actions, through a recurring presence in the places where it is observed”, concludes the republican national guard.

PJ investigates death in apartment destroyed by fire in VRSA

The Judiciary Police (PJ) is investigating the death of a 63-year-old man found in an apartment destroyed by a fire, which occurred during the early hours of the 23rd, in Vila Real de Santo António ( VRSA ).

An investigation has been opened to determine the circumstances under which the death and fire occurred. According to the Civil Protection Algarve Sub-Regional Command, the fire alert was given at around 1:20 am, via 112, with one fatal victim and five homeless people being found.

The mayor of Vila Real de Santo António, Álvaro Araújo, said that the municipality provided accommodation for the five homeless people, but they refused. “There are five people who refused the accommodation provided by the municipality and stayed at a family member’s house”, he highlighted. “The information I have, which has not yet been confirmed, is that the person did not live in that house and, even for that reason, it is strange that he appeared there”, pointed out Álvaro Araújo.

According to Civil Protection, 23 operatives from the VRSA and Castro Marim Volunteer Fire Brigades, the Municipal Civil Protection, the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM), the PSP, PJ and from the company E-Redes.

Preventive detention for woman who fatally assaulted her partner

A criminal investigation judge in Faro today ordered the preventive detention of a woman who, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, fatally attacked her husband with a knife last Friday, the Public Ministry reported.

“The Public Prosecutor’s Office requested the preventive detention of the detainee, which was granted by the Criminal Investigation Judge”, according to a statement from the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the District of Faro.

This decision was taken after the Public Prosecutor of the Olhão section of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DIAP) presented today to the Criminal Investigation Court of Faro, for the first judicial interrogation, a 35-year-old woman who was indicted for the practice of a crime of qualified homicide of her 50-year-old partner. According to the Public Prosecutor’s report, last Friday, in a house in Olhão, “the detainee bit her partner on the forehead” and then, at around 11:00 p.m After accusing him of having a lover, the suspect “equipped herself with a knife and, under an apparent alcoholic state, struck her companion in the right pectoral region and left dorsal region, causing his death”.

A police source told the Lusa agency on Saturday that, after the crime, which occurred last Friday, “the woman left the scene” and the following morning “surrendered herself to the PSP police station” in the Algarve city.

After the attack, the victim was rescued at the scene by emergency teams, but it was not possible to perform resuscitation, and death was declared at the scene by the doctor from the National Institute of Medical Emergency (INEM).

The investigation of this case is in charge of the southern directorate of the Judicial Police.

Man dies on Albufeira beach

A man died on Saturday on Inatel beach, in Albufeira, after allegedly experiencing difficulties at sea, revealed the National Maritime Authority (AMN). The fatal victim is 52 years old, Irish national, and was also helped by two people, who were also in difficulty and had to be removed from the sea by lifeguards, but alive, said the AMN in a statement.

The Maritime Authority clarified that the alert was received at 12:54, stating that “there were three people in difficulty in the water”, but, when the resources sent to the beach arrived at the scene, the victims had already been removed from the water by lifeguards. “Upon arrival at the scene, the Maritime Police found that the three people were rescued by lifeguards from the adjacent beach, Praia dos Pescadores, with one of the victims being removed from the water in an unconscious state”, he explained.

Members of the local Command of the Maritime Police of Portimão, the Volunteer Firefighters of Albufeira, the Emergency and Resuscitation Medical Vehicle of INEM and the GNR were sent to the scene, but the victim could not be resuscitated, despite the efforts made by the medical emergency department. and by lifeguards.

“The 52-year-old man, of Irish nationality, was promptly assisted by lifeguards who began resuscitation manoeuvres, until the arrival of the Albufeira Volunteer Firefighters and INEM, who continued the manoeuvres, but without success’ ‘, lamented the AMN.

The same source stressed that the death was declared on site by the INEM medical team and that, upon recommendation from the Public Ministry, the body was transported to the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portimão.

The AMN also highlighted that it was necessary to activate the Maritime Police Psychology Office to provide assistance to the victim’s family.

“According to what was possible to ascertain, the 52-year-old man was in difficulties in the water, with two members of the public trying to rescue him without success and also getting into difficulties’ ‘, warned the AMN.

Maritime Authorities have been warning about the danger the sea poses at this time of year, when temperatures are already high, leading many people to go to the beaches and enjoy the sea.

Despite the good weather, many beaches are still unsupervised and bathers need to be careful, as they are not aware of the strong currents and strength of the sea, and can get into difficulties when they enter the sea.

 3 men in Faro for robbery, prison escape and domestic violence

The PSP District Command , through the Faro Criminal Investigation Squadron , during the last week, arrested 3 men, accused of crimes of robbery, theft and domestic violence.

One of the men is suspected of having committed crimes of aggravated robbery and robbery, using a sharp weapon, near an educational establishment.

On the same day, the PSP arrested another suspect, who was confirmed to have escaped from a prison establishment. The man had drugs and money in his possession, and was arrested and taken to the prison to serve the remaining time in prison. Following the investigation, it was possible to arrest another suspect accused of committing the crime of domestic violence. “The criminal conduct presented an increasing risk to the suspect’s family, generating fear and fear in the victims, so, following the issuance of an arrest warrant by the Judicial Authority, the suspect was located and detained”, informs the PSP in a statement.

PSP arrested five men for drug trafficking

The PSP arrested five men for drug trafficking and seized almost 370 kilos of hashish in the Lisbon and Algarve area.

According to the PSP Lisbon Metropolitan Command, the arrests of the five men, aged between 25 and 60, were made through the criminal investigation squad of the Loures police division and the Special Operations Group of the Special Police Unit.

The Public Security Police states that these arrests arise within the scope of an investigation led by the Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DIAP) of Loures that had been going on for around a year, having carried out seven home search warrants and four non-Domestic search in the areas of Odivelas, Loures, Lisbon, Quarteira and Ericeira. The PSP also states that two of the detainees of Spanish nationality had warrants issued by their country of origin to serve 5 years and 15 years in prison for drug trafficking crimes.

During this operation, the police seized 732,000 individual doses of hashish, the equivalent of 366 kilos, 9.7 individual doses of ecstasy, 122,170 euros in banknotes, 18 cell phones and three vehicles.

The five detainees were presented to the investigating judge, with four being held in preventive detention and one with an identity and residence permit.

Thank you for reading this report and until the next time Stay Safe