The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 11th September 2024

– Mike Evans

A very good morning to you all, One item of news this week which caught my eye was the report that across the Country over 1 million people are not registered with a family doctor. In a country of just under 11 million citizens this is quite a big percentage who don’t have the means to consult a doctor on a regular basis when needed. From a personal point of view this subject arose recently when I was looking to renew my personal travel Insurance and one of the clauses that one has to adhere to is that you must have a family doctor in your own country in order to qualify for overseas travel Insurance. I have to admit this was not something I was aware of until very recently.

 The Algarve is one area of the country where this lack of family doctors is most prevalent and it is good to see that the government is taking notice of the fact by the announcement of the creation of 20 Type C Family Health Units, by the Minister of Health on Wednesday, five of which will be based in the Algarve and will be managed by individuals or associations, Cristóvão Norte, vice-president of the PSD Parliamentary Group and president of PSD Algarve, points out that “the Algarve is one of the regions with the most users without a family doctor”.  For this reason, “these units will mobilise the private and associative sector in order to guarantee faster access to health care and family doctors for many thousands who currently do not have them”, stresses the person in charge.

“The Algarve is a priority for the Government in terms of Health”, he adds. Let’s hope this is the case and these new units will help people access local healthcare more easily.

Now a look at some of the other stories that happened across the region in the past week.

GNR arrests two men for robbery in Albufeira

The GNR ‘s Faro Territorial Command , through the Albufeira Territorial Sub-Detachment, arrested two men aged 25 and 26 for robbery in Albufeira.

“Following a report of a robbery on a public road, the Guard’s officers went to the location where they found that the victim, a 25-year-old man, had been threatened with a bladed weapon, and 50 euros had been stolen from him,” said the GNR.

Following police investigations, the Guard’s military personnel managed to locate and detain the two suspects and recover part of the stolen amount.According to the same police force , the detainees were brought before the Portimão Judicial Court, and were ordered to report weekly to the police station in their area of ​​residence.

The action was supported by military personnel from the Criminal Investigation Unit (NIC) of the Albufeira Territorial Detachment.

Olhão reopens Municipal Swimming Pool Complex

The Olhão Municipal Swimming Pool Complex has now reopened to the public , after being closed in July and August , due to the drought situation affecting the country and, in particular, the Algarve . Those interested in attending the scheduled classes – which return on October 1st – can now also go to the pools to register. The closure period was used to carry out some technical maintenance work, which will allow users to be welcomed in the best possible way. The Municipal Swimming Pools have reopened with normal opening hours, from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm and from 3:30 pm to 9:00 pm; on Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and closed on Sundays.

PSP detects 125 infractions in TVDE in Lisbon, Porto and Faro

A PSP inspection operation involving drivers and vehicles operating under TVDE regime detected a total of 125 infractions, including 11 for lack of valid insurance for this type of activity.

The operation, called “Safe use of TVDE”, took place on the 5th and 6th of September, having been carried out simultaneously in Lisbon, Porto and Faro, in nearby areas and at local airports.

During this operation, which involved 61 police officers, 437 drivers were checked, and the aforementioned 125 infractions directly related to TVDE activity were detected, in addition to a further 46 infractions recorded by the authorities that participated with the PSP in this operation, namely the Mobility and Transport Authority ( AMT ), the Mobility and Transport Institute (IMT) and the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT). Among the infractions found in TVDE, the PSP states that 11 were for using a vehicle without valid civil liability and personal accident insurance for this type of activity, and 25 cases were also detected without a valid written contract proving the employment relationship with a TVDE operator.

During the operation, an infraction was also detected for providing services outside of an electronic platform, four for driving a vehicle by people not registered on a TVDE platform or without holding a driver ‘s certificate .

In a statement, the PSP also reports three cases of drivers without a valid driving licence for this type of service, four of cars without the mandatory inspection, as well as several situations in which the vehicles were operating without the identification sticker and one for carrying out the TVDE activity without a licence issued by the IMT (i.e. lack of a permit). The PSP states that it will carry out new inspection operations aimed at specific activities, continuing to “pay attention to all risky behaviours of drivers that are more likely to cause road accidents”.

Loulé promotes seminar dedicated to civil protection

The IX Seminar “Civil Protection and the Community”, organised by the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Loulé , will take place throughout the day on October 16th, at the Cineteatro Louletano .

The initiative, within the scope of the International Day for Disaster Reduction, “aims to provide the general public with information on the functioning of structures linked to the sector (national and European), some projects and also the challenges that arise in the face of the impact of climate change that has led to an increase in disaster scenarios”, highlights the municipality.

The opening session, which will be attended by the president of the municipality, Vítor Aleixo, and the Regional Commander of Emergency and Civil Protection, Vítor Vaz Pinto, will take place at 9:30 am.This will be followed by a presentation by Rui Figueira, director of the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Funchal, on the mission of the Municipal Civil Protection Services in the communities. The head of the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Lisbon, Margarida Castro Martins, will speak about the municipal Civil Protection and Relief system during the World Youth Day.

“Municipal Civil Protection, what challenges?” is the motto launched by researcher Duarte Caldeira, while Fernando Carrilho, from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere, presents tsunami early warning systems.

In the afternoon, from 2:30 pm, João Almeida Silva, from the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations, will speak about the European Civil Protection mechanism and its evolution towards resCEU.

Green infrastructure and resilience in communities to climate change will be the topic brought to light by José Carlos Ferreira, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. On behalf of the Loulé Municipal Fire Department, António Moital will talk about a project that has contributed to strengthening community resilience: “Safe Village, Safe People Program”, presenting the study on populations in the municipality of Loulé.

Finally, Francisco Rego, from the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, will give a presentation on the transformation of the landscape and rural fires.

The closing session will be led by the councillor of the municipality of Loulé, Carlos Carmo.

Entry is free but registration is mandatory and can be done until October 6th, at the Loule Council website. .

Woman is helped on Marinha beach after falling

On Tuesday, September 3, members of the “SeaWatch” project helped a 46-year-old Spanish woman who suffered an injury to her lower limb after falling on the access road to Marinha beach, in the municipality of Lagoa , reported the National Maritime Authority (AMN).

According to details provided by AMN in a statement, during a daily patrol action, members of the “SeaWatch” project and lifeguards on duty at the beach assisted the victim until the arrival of the Lagoa Volunteer Firefighters, who later transported her to a hospital unit.

ABC Imaging Lab’s Magnetic Resonance Unit to be opened in Loulé

The Magnetic Resonance Unit at the ABC Imaging Lab, located in Loulé, will be inaugurated on September 27, announced the Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC).

The unit will be operating at the ABC Imaging Lab, located in the East Zone of the Professor Joaquim Vairinhos Municipal Pavilion, in Loulé.

In the morning, at Palácio Gama Lobo, there will be several lectures by experts linked to this new equipment.

Helena Guerreiro will talk about the importance of the Academic Center’s Imaging Unit for the Algarve region, Jorge Brito will talk about the impact of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on the health of the Algarve community and future perspectives in advanced diagnostics, Teresa Correia will address the issue of the status quo and future perspectives of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in scientific research, a representative from Philips will present the technological advances and applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, while Carla Baía will talk about the applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and the future of the Academic Center in clinical research. The final notes will be written by Daniel Cartucho.

In the afternoon, there will be a guided tour of the Magnetic Resonance Centre, with a reception by local representatives and guests. This will be followed by the official opening, with speeches by the mayors of Loulé (Vítor Aleixo) and ABC (Pedro Caste o Branco). This will be followed by networking at the Loulé Municipal Market.

More than 2,200 doses of drugs seized in the Algarve last week

The GNR seized, in the week of 2 to 8 September, more than 2,200 doses of drugs in the Algarve, as part of actions to prevent and combat violent crime, road inspections, among others.

According to the Guard, in the balance released this Monday, September 9, 1329 doses of heroin stand out among these seizures;481 doses of hashish;395 doses of cocaine; two cannabis plants; five cell phones and a precision scale.

During this period, 55 people were also arrested, including 16 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 16 for drug trafficking and 11 for driving without a legal licence.

In traffic, 528 infractions were detected. The GNR highlights 197 for speeding; 45 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection; 25 for improper use of a mobile phone whilst driving;13 for lack of civil liability insurance;11 due to lack of or incorrect use of seat belts and/or child restraint systems: and ten related to anomalies in the lighting and signalling systems. There were also 110 accidents, which resulted in two serious injuries and 21 minor injuries.

New Campaign on Child seat belts starts this week

The Public Security Police (PSP), the National Republican Guard (GNR) and the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) today warned of the importance of using safety devices on the roads with the launch of a new campaign.

The “Cinto-me Vivo” campaign will run from this Tuesday and continue until the 16th, and is part of the 2024 National Inspection Plan.

In addition to highlighting the importance of seat belts, the campaign also highlights the need to use an approved and properly adjusted helmet and child seats, which significantly reduce the risk of serious injury or death.

According to the note sent to newsrooms, the campaign will include inspection operations by the GNR and PSP “with special focus on roads and access points with high traffic flow”, as well as awareness-raising actions by the ANSR in mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira.

The awareness and inspection calendar includes actions on Tuesday (10:00 am), on the EN114, in Évora; on Wednesday (8:00 am), on Rua Tenente Sanches Miranda, in Beja; on Thursday (8:00 am), on the EN101, in Vila Verde (Braga); on Friday (10:00 am), on Rua Cidade D’Agen, in Santarém; and on the following Monday (7:30 am), on the EN10, in Azeitão.

“In a head-on collision at 50 km/h, a driver weighing 70 kg, without a seatbelt, suffers an impact equivalent to a free fall from a third floor. The use of an approved helmet, properly fastened and adjusted, reduces the risk of death in the event of an accident by 40%. It has also been proven that the correct use of an approved child seat adapted to the child’s weight reduces the risk of death by 50%”, the statement reads.

The campaign is the ninth in a plan of 12 awareness-raising and inspection actions scheduled for this year. The 2024 National Inspection Plan covers the following areas: speed, alcohol, safety accessories, mobile phones and inspection of two-wheeled motor vehicles.

That’s all for this week. Stay Safe.


The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 4th September 2024

– Mike Evans

A very good day to you all. As we reach the end of summer according to many, there are a number of issues which are affecting the Algarve and are in one sense fairly unique to the region. The major issue continues to be the water situation. The latest figures show that the reservoirs which feed the region have dropped significantly over the past month.  The amount of water stored in river basins has fallen across almost the entire country, including in the south of the country, according to the National Water Resources Information System  data, the amount of water stored fell in August in 11 river basins and rose in one (Lima), compared to the last day of the previous month.

In the Barlavento Algarve river basin , the amount of water retained fell from 19% in July to 16.7% in August. This basin continues to be the one with the lowest amount of water reserves. According to SNIRH data, the Arade basin was at 34.8% at the end of August (37.7% in July). The amount of water also dropped in the Mira basin from 39.4% (in July) to 38.4% in August.

On the last day of August, the Guadiana (79.5%), Oeste (76.9%), Cávado (75.7%), Mondego (73.6%) and Douro (68.1%) basins had the highest volume of water. The August 2024 storages by river basin were higher than the August storage averages (1990/91 to 2022/23), except in the Lima, Tejo, Mira, Ribeiras do Algarve and Arade basins. Of the 58 monitored reservoirs, 10 had water availability above 80% of the total volume and another 15 below 40%. It is obvious that we all need to do more to preserve water and we can but hope that the rains come sooner rather than later.

Another issue on the minds of the people in the Faro region is safety. Renowned for its beaches, mild climate and as a tourist industry, the city faces a growing challenge that threatens the safety and well-being of residents and visitors: the lack of policing. This problem has raised concerns among locals, business owners and tourists, who feel increasingly vulnerable to a possible increase in crime. The district of Faro, divided into 16 municipalities and 84 parishes, has seen its population increase significantly, especially during the peak tourist season. However, the police force has not increased at the same rate, leading to an overload of available officers. The Police Professionals’ Trade Union Association (ASPP/PSP) and other trade unions have warned of the lack of human resources in the region’s security forces, especially during the summer.

According to PORDATA data, the “Personnel serving in the police and other bodies supporting investigation”, namely Public Security Police (PSP) agents and soldiers of the National Republican Guard (GNR), in 1993 there were 18,440 PSP agents, rising to 21,924 in 2022. However, the GNR did not have positive records. Despite having 24,102, in the same year, it lost 1,659 agents in around 30 years.

The shortage of police officers has negative impacts, including an increase in crime. Recently, there have been reports of several incidents in the Oura area of ​​Albufeira, which has been regularly reported due to the clashes and disturbances that have been occurring, especially at this time of year. With these issues in mind the inauguration of the Video Surveillance cameras in Faro have come at the right time for residents. There are already cameras operating in Olhao and Portimao and the first arrests from the use of the cameras in Faro came in the past week.

Now a look at some of the other stories that have happened in the last 7 days across the region.

Collision between vehicles leaves four injured in Aljezur

Four people were injured this Tuesday, two of them seriously, as a result of a collision between two light vehicles on the National Road (EN) 120, in Rogil , in Aljezur, said a source from Civil Protection. According to the Algarve Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command, the accident occurred at 1:46 pm, forcing the interruption of traffic on that road, which has since been reestablished, in the Feiteirinha area, in the parish of Rogil, in Aljezur.

According to the same source, the seriously injured are two women, aged 32 and 59, who were transported by helicopter from the National Institute of Medical Emergency ( INEM ) to the Faro unit of the Algarve University Hospital Centre (CHUA). The causes of the collision between the two vehicles “are unknown and are being investigated” by the GNR’s Traffic Accident Criminal Investigation Unit (NICAV), he pointed out.

The assistance and rescue operations involved a total of 26 members of the Aljezur Volunteer Firefighters, INEM and GNR, supported by nine vehicles and a helicopter.

Second suspect of robbery and kidnapping in Portimão arrested

The Judicial Police ( PJ ) arrested on Wednesday the second suspect of a robbery and kidnapping committed at a residence in Portimão, on Saturday, a crime for which the authorities had already made a first arrest, announced that police corporation.

This second arrest resulted from investigations carried out by the Criminal Investigation Department of the PJ of Portimão, which considers that it has collected evidence that demonstrates the practice of a crime of “qualified robbery and kidnapping”, with two victims, who were in the residence when the detainees entered.

“The suspect, in co-authorship with another man, whose arrest was reported yesterday [Tuesday] by this Police, had arranged to meet two women at their home and, under threat of a knife, with the intention of robbing them, ended up handcuffing them and isolating them in one of the rooms of the house”, described the PJ in a statement. The Judiciary highlighted that one of the men then remained to watch the victims while the other searched for valuables around the house, where he ended up finding and stealing “a large amount of money and an electronic device”.

The man arrested today, aged 39, has a history of drug trafficking and will still be brought before the court for his first judicial interrogation and the application of any coercive measures, added the criminal police body. On Tuesday, the PJ announced the arrest of a first suspect of having kidnapped two women during a robbery at a home in Portimão, carried out under threat of a knife and during which the victims were tied up and covered over their mouths.

The PJ said at the time that the detainee, aged 35, had acted in collaboration with another man, whose arrest was carried out today by the criminal police body. The Judiciary then said that the facts dated back to last Saturday, when the two men arranged to meet at the women’s house and, under threat of a knife, handcuffed them “with clamps on their wrists” and covered their mouths “with adhesive tape”. The perpetrators then forced the women to “stay in the bathroom” while they searched for and stole valuables inside the residence.

273 counterfeit items seized in VRSA

Police authorities seized 273 counterfeit items in Vila Real de Santo António, during inspections carried out in the towns of Monte Gordo and Manta Rota, announced the GNR .

During the inspections carried out, the GNR detected counterfeit products in “three establishments” and also in “street vendors, who were also selling” these products in the two bathing areas of the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António, the GNR said in a statement. Among the material seized were 128 football club shirts, 33 towels, 28 caps, 84 pins alluding to football clubs, listed the security force, clarifying that four men and one woman, between 35 and 45 years old, were identified, and the facts reported to the Court of Vila Real de Santo António.

AMN and Navy seize three fast boats and identify 11 men

Portuguese authorities seized three high-speed vessels that were south of Portugal, in international waters, and identified 11 suspects, in an operation to combat drug trafficking, it was announced on Saturday, the 31st.

The operation took place between Wednesday and Friday (28 and 30 August), involving the National Maritime Authority (AMN) and the Portuguese Navy, with support in one of the actions from a Portuguese Air Force aircraft , with high-speed pursuits of the suspicious vessels being carried out, the AMN said in a statement. “During the chases, carried out at high speed, one of the suspect vessels, in order to avoid being approached, tried to ram one of the vessels that were chasing it laterally, putting the lives of the Navy personnel at risk , and the accident was avoided at the last moment with evasive manoeuvres,” he stressed. The three vessels – which were crewed by 11 men, seven of Spanish nationality and four of Moroccan nationality – had more than a hundred fuel tanks on board, suspected of being linked to drug trafficking activities.

The vessels were pursued by a Navy ship and two high-speed vessels, one manned by elements of the Maritime Police Tactical Actions Group (GAT) and the other by Marines, AMN added. The suspects, aged between 23 and 68, were subsequently “subjected to the necessary identification procedures and subsequent legal processing formalities”. Since the beginning of 2023, Portuguese authorities have arrested 107 people and seized 41 high-speed vessels, with more than 33 tons of drugs on board.

GNR arrests man for drug trafficking in Silves

A 30-year-old man was arrested last Friday, the 30th, for drug trafficking in Silves, the GNR revealed on Monday.

According to the security forces , the detainee was brought before the Silves Court, having been forced to appear at a police station in his area of ​​residence (Lisbon), prohibited from remaining in Silves and from leaving the area of ​​residence.

The military reported that, following a report of a theft in a commercial establishment, they went to the location, where the suspect was approached, next to his vehicle, and a strong odour of a narcotic product was detected. The GNR seized several objects, including 25 doses of hashish, 18 doses of cannabis, 47.35 grams of MDMA, 40.80 grams of hallucinogenic mushrooms and 4.20 grams of amphetamines.

Albufeira raises awareness in the community about preventing fires and unprotected wells

During the summer , in the months of July and August, the municipality of Albufeira promoted an awareness campaign on how to prevent rural fires and the danger posed by unprotected wells.

The action, which was carried out by the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Albufeira, took place in the monthly/fortnightly markets and in the municipal markets of the municipality with vendors and users of the aforementioned commercial spaces who were very interested and satisfied with the initiative.

“We are building a Resilient City, but to do so we need to count on everyone”, stresses the Mayor of Albufeira, José Carlos Rolo. Regarding rural fires, preventive measures to be taken in cases where homes are located in rural areas were addressed, namely with regard to the necessary and mandatory interventions by law in homes, cleaning of surrounding areas, correct storage of firewood and the care to be taken when burning surpluses. The danger of rural fires and the restrictions on the use of forestry machinery, when the index is above the “High” level, was another of the highlighted topics.

All people approached received a leaflet with detailed information, which advises them to notify the authorities whenever the following situations occur: accumulation of rubbish or dense undergrowth near homes and the presence of people with risky behaviour; if you see the start of a rural fire – call 112 immediately.

With regard to unprotected wells, reference was made to the mandatory existence of a guard or effective cover over all wells, cracks and other irregularities likely to cause disastrous falls to people and animals. It should be remembered that according to the Law (Decree-Law No. 226-A/2007, of May 31), all owners of natural water resources such as wells, wells, boreholes, mines, ponds, dams, reservoirs or septic tanks must request the appropriate authorizations for use from the competent authorities. It should be noted that the Awareness Campaign for the Prevention of Rural Fires and Unprotected Wells aimed to create an effective culture with regard to mechanisms that allow prevention associated with risks.

For more information on water saving, Well maintenance and crime prevention go to our website.

Until the next time Stay Safe.



The Algarve Report Wednesday 28 August 2024


By Mike Evans


A very good day to you all, whether seeing this for the first time or a regular viewer. The aim of this report is to highlight some of the stories you may have missed during the past week or so and to give valuable information regarding safety and security when incidents occur. The big talking point across the whole country these past few days is the earthquake tremor that occurred around 60 kilometres off the coast near Sines and was 5.3 on the Richter scale with up to 6 further aftershocks being reported. Luckily whilst many may have felt the tremor there was no damage reported but the size of this tremor has illustrated the fact that Portugal is prone to these seismic shocks and people should be aware of what to do if in fact a similar or larger shock happened on the mainland.

We at Safe Communities Portugal have published a lot of information regarding what to do in such a case both on our Facebook pages and on our website and I would encourage you all to check out what we have published.

Now a look at some of the other stories that have hit the headlines in the past week.


Faro City Council inaugurates video surveillance system in the city

Faro City Council inaugurated this Tuesday, the 27th, a video surveillance system to prevent crimes and repress traffic violations on the main roads and in several points in the city centre, the municipality announced.

The inauguration ceremony for the video surveillance system will take place at 11:00 am, at the facilities of the Faro Public Security Police District Command, which will be responsible for operating the 32 cameras that the municipality has installed in the areas with the highest levels of people and traffic in the city.

The ceremony will be attended by the Mayor of Faro, Rogério Bacalhau, and the Secretary of State for Internal Administration, Telmo Correia, the Algarve municipality highlighted in a statement. On April 5, 2023, Faro City Council announced that it had been awarded the contract for the installation of 32 cameras, of four different types, under an investment of more than 550,000 euros.

Among the works planned in the project were the expansion of the fibre optic network and the preparation of support infrastructures for the installation of the system in “key locations”, namely in the commercial area, on the main road axes and in the city centre, the municipality specified at the time.

With the inauguration of this video surveillance system, the municipality and the PSP will be able to monitor public and private property, “prevent crimes in places where there is a reasonable risk of them occurring” and, simultaneously, prevent and repress road traffic violations, he highlighted.

The system is capable of capturing and recording audio “whenever there is a situation of concrete danger to the safety of people and property” and the cameras will be operated by the Public Security Police (PSP), working continuously 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the Algarve local authority explained.


Woman seriously injured after falling from cliff in Portimão

A 49-year-old French woman was seriously injured on Sunday, the 25th, after falling from a cliff approximately 15 metres high, in Portimão, said a source from the Maritime Authority.

According to the Captain of the Port of Portimão, Eduardo Pousadas Godinho, the fall occurred near the submarine beach, in the João de Arens area, in the municipality of Portimão, “in a difficult to access location, making it necessary to rescue the woman from the sea”.

“The woman, who appeared to have several fractures, was stabilised by a wide-angle team from the Portimão fire department and removed by sea, being transferred to the Portimão marina and transported by helicopter to a hospital unit” in the Algarve, he said. According to Eduardo Pousadas Godinho, “at the site of the fall and in the access areas there are signs warning of the instability of the cliffs, and the causes that led to the fall of the French citizen are unknown”.

“It is an area with a large influx of tourists, mainly foreign citizens, but it is properly marked, with warnings about the instability of the cliffs, but people continue to ignore these warnings”, he highlighted.

According to the Captain of the Port of Portimão, the maritime authorities “have been insisting a lot” with the consular attachés of the various countries “to warn their citizens who are tourists in the Algarve of the dangers that exist in various areas of the coast”.

“We have been concerned about raising awareness of the risks in areas such as João de Arens (Portimão), Benagil and Sete Vales ( Lagoa ), but tourists venture out on isolated walks and accidents end up happening,” he said.

The rescue operations involved 18 operatives from the Portimão fire department, the Maritime Police, the Institute for Aid to Shipwrecked People and the National Institute for Medical Emergencies, assisted by five vehicles and a total of three vessels.

Collision between car and bicycle leaves one dead in Aljezur

A woman died on Sunday, the 25th, as a result of a collision between a light vehicle and a bicycle that occurred on the National Road (EN) 120, in the Azenha area, in the municipality of Aljezur, revealed a source from Civil Protection .

According to a source from the Algarve Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command, the accident occurred late in the morning and forced the interruption of road traffic on that road that connects the Algarve to Alentejo, which has since been reopened to traffic.

The source indicated that the death of the 42-year-old woman, of Portuguese nationality, was declared by the doctor of the helicopter from the National Institute of Medical Emergency ( INEM ), called to the scene of the accident. According to the source, the causes of the collision between the two vehicles “are unknown and are being investigated”by the Traffic Accident Criminal Investigation Unit (NICAV) of the National Republican Guard (GNR). The assistance and rescue operations involved around 15 members of the Aljezur Volunteer Firefighters, INEM and GNR.

Suspect arrested for forgery, aggravated fraud and money laundering

A man suspected of several crimes of aggravated document forgery, qualified fraud and money laundering was arrested on Wednesday in Lisbon by the Southern Directorate of the Judicial Police and will be held in preventive custody, it was announced on Thursday.

In a statement, the Judicial Police (PJ) indicated that the detainee, aged 27, is suspected of being part of a group “whose transnational criminal activity” consisted of setting up companies using several false identities, “in whose name he opened dozens of accounts in credit institutions” in Portugal. “Once opened, the accounts were credited with transfers of large amounts, obtained illegally, namely using schemes commonly known as ‘man in the middle’ or ‘CEO fraud’,” the police specified.

The ‘man-in-the-middle’ system is a form of cyberattack in which data exchanged between two parties is intercepted, recorded and altered without the victims being aware.

‘CEO fraud’ is a form of fraud through the sending of emails, text messages or applications, in which the attacker, by pretending to be an entity related to the targeted organisation, makes requests for money transfers to employees of that organisation, to their bank accounts.

According to the PJ, the detainee “after disguising the illicit origin of the funds received”, transferred the sums to other accounts, “giving them an appearance of legality under the guise of the alleged activity of the companies then created, receiving a percentage of the transactions carried out”.

During the investigation launched by the Southern Directorate of the PJ, “significant evidence was seized”, highlights the criminal police. According to the PJ, the arrest occurred following an investigation led by the Criminal Investigation Department ( DIAP ) of Faro , which also resulted in the arrest of another man in December 2023. The man now detained in the Lisbon region was heard in his first judicial interrogation, and was ordered to be held in preventive detention, the most serious coercive measure, added the PJ.

10 people rescued in one hour in Cacela Velha

Ten people were rescued by maritime rescue services in Cacela Velha, Vila Real de Santo António in just one hour on Wednesday afternoon (August 23). The rescues took place between 3pm and 4pm during high tide when the group was spotted in distress after being swept away by strong currents near the Cacela Velha inlet.

Members of the ‘SeaWatch’ project and the Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António lifeboat stations were deployed to rescue the victims as they struggled to cross the Ria Formosa in an unsupervised area. Six of the victims were swiftly rescued by lifeguard crews from the Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António stations, while the remaining four were rescued by ‘SeaWatch’ members. All 10 people were safely transported back to land, injury-free and without needing medical assistance.

In a statement to the press, the National Maritime Authority (AMN) stresses that the Cacela Velha inlet is a “dangerous area not recommended for swimming due to the risks posed by strong currents, despite the high number of visitors to the area.” To ensure that rescue services are swift, the AMN has deployed two rescue boats from the Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António stations, an Amarok vehicle from the ‘SeaWatch’ project, a jet ski, a quad bike, and a patrol boat from the maritime police command in Tavira.

To end this report we hear of good news regarding the water shortages across the Algarve. The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) has issued the  Environmental Impact Statement  (DIA) for the project “Reinforcement of Water Supply to the Algarve – Solution for the Water Intake in Pomarão”, with a favourable decision subject to compliance with a set of conditions, it was announced this Monday, August 26.

The environmental impact assessment procedure in question was carried out “in accordance with the legally required procedures, including the promotion of a 30-working-day public consultation period”, details the APA in a statement.

The aforementioned decision was supported by the technical opinion issued by the Evaluation Committee set up for this purpose, coordinated by the APA and including representatives from the APA itself and the following entities: Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission, Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission, Cultural Heritage Commission, Algarve Regional Health Administration, Alentejo Regional Health Administration, Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, National Energy and Geology Laboratory and the Prof. Baeta Neves Applied Ecology Centre of the Higher Institute of Agronomy.

The project is part of the ongoing partnership between Portugal and Spain, which will ensure a model for exploiting water intakes that ensures an effective ecological flow regime and the balance of the system.

It is also part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) 2021-2026 (Component C9. Water Management; investment RE-C09-i01 – Algarve Regional Water Efficiency Plan; sub-measure SM5 – Increase the available capacity and resilience of existing reservoirs/high-water supply systems and reinforce with new water sources).

Given that the environmental impact assessment procedure took place in the preliminary study phase, according to the APA, a second assessment will take place in the execution project phase, with a view to verifying the environmental compliance of the execution project with the DIA now issued.

The APA emphasises that the licensing and implementation of the project may only occur after the issuance of the environmental compliance decision for the execution project (DCAPE).

Until the next time stay safe.






The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 21 August 2024


By Mike Evans


A very warm welcome to you after my absence of a couple of weeks. During this time of being away the temperatures across the Algarve have risen considerably and with the hot weather the subject of water or the lack of it rears its head again. According to the latest figures and report issued by the IMPA almost 40% of mainland Portugal was in moderate and severe meteorological drought at the end of July, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere ( IPMA ) in its climatological bulletin for last month.

According to the document released, there was an increase in the area of ​​moderate and severe meteorological drought in the southern region, affecting the districts of Faro , Beja, Évora, Setúbal and Portalegre.

According to the IPMA, the month of July in mainland Portugal was classified as hot in relation to air temperature and normal in relation to precipitation. It was the ninth warmest July since 2000, with the average air temperature, 23.15 degrees Celsius (°C), being 0.65 °C higher than the value recorded between 1981 and 2010.

Te minimum temperature recorded the eighth highest value since 2000, at 16.12°C, an anomaly of +0.28°C above the normal value. The maximum temperature, with an average value of 30.17°C, also represents an anomaly of +1.02°C above the normal value.

In terms of precipitation, it was the eighth rainiest July since 2000. The IPMA recalls that the beginning of the month had minimum temperatures well below normal, especially on the 7th and 8th, and that the hottest day of the year was recorded on the 23rd.

However, there is some good news for those whose livelihood depends on agriculture. A partnership is underway for the Use of Small Hydro-Agricultural Structures in the Sotavento and Northeast Algarve after the publication of an Executive Order No. 184/2024/1, of August 13, signed by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, José Manuel Fernandes, has now been published, reclassifying the works of the Hydro-Agricultural Projects in four areas of the municipalities of Alcoutim and Castro Marim, announced the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR).

The hydro-agricultural development works will take place in Pão Duro (23.5 ha) and Vaqueiros (35 ha), in the parish of Vaqueiros, municipality of Alcoutim, and in Almada de Ouro (31.6 ha), in the parishes of Azinhal and Odeleite, and Caroucha (50 ha), in the municipality of Castro Marim, each encompassing an embankment dam and irrigation networks that supply water to the respective collective irrigation perimeters.

“The need to adapt the management model to the complexity and importance of these four hydro-agricultural developments, built in the 1980s and 1990s, is reflected, above all, at a local level, with the high collective impact of the added value associated with the availability of water for irrigation and the potential use of reservoirs, preparing the region for a future with more frequent and severe droughts”, highlights the CCDR in a statement. “In addition to this justification, there is the technical complexity inherent in the conservation, operation and management of dams and other infrastructures and the possibility of accessing the concession regime, only provided for works in groups I, II and III”, the note continues.

This marks “another stage in this strategy of reconciling human and social development in areas of the Algarve’s interior and greater efficiency in water use, ensuring the availability of water for agriculture”, he concludes.

For the rest of us we will have to continue to save water and hope that the taps don’t run dry before the end of the summer and before the usual winter rains appear.

Now a look at some of the other stories from across the region.

AMN rescues three children in difficulty at Cacela Velha bar

On Sunday, August 18, members of the “SeaWatch” Project rescued three children, aged five, six and 10, who were in difficulty in the water, in an unsupervised area, after being swept away by the current, at the Cacela Velha bar, in Vila Real de Santo António , indicated the National Maritime Authority (AMN).

During a surveillance operation in that area, members of the “SeaWatch” Project detected three children in need of assistance, in difficulty in the water, after having been swept away by the strong current. The victims were quickly rescued and taken to land.

According to AMN, the children were physically well and did not need medical assistance.The National Maritime Authority reinforced its advice against bathing in the Cacela Velha bar area due to the dangers it poses.

AMN assists four crew members of a vessel without propulsion in Olhão

On Thursday, August 15, crew members from the Olhão Lifeboat Station assisted four crew members (three men and one woman) from a recreational vessel that ran out of propulsion one nautical mile (about two kilometres) from Barra do Lavajo, also known as Barra da Armona, in the municipality of Olhão , indicated the National Maritime Authority (AMN).

Following an alert received at 2:54 p.m., through the master of the vessel recreation, the crew of the Olhão Lifeguard Station and elements of the local Command of the Olhão Maritime Police were immediately activated.

Upon arrival at the vessel, the AMN found that the four crew members were physically well, without needing medical assistance, and the crew of the Lifeguard Station proceeded to tow the vessel, for reasons of safety for the people and navigation, to the Olhão Naval Group pier.


Motorcyclist seriously injured in collision with light vehicle

A collision between a motorcycle and a light vehicle, in Pardieiro, Monchique, left one person seriously injured on Tuesday, the 13th, who was transferred by helicopter to the hospital in Faro , revealed a source from Civil Protection. “It was a collision between a light vehicle and a motorcycle, which resulted in a seriously injured woman, aged 20, of Portuguese nationality, the driver of the motorcycle,” said a source from the Algarve Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command.

The woman was transported by ambulance from the secondary road where the accident occurred, at around 4:40 pm, to the Monchique heliport, from where she was transported to the Faro hospital in the National Institute of Medical Emergency ( INEM ) helicopter.

Region reduces water consumption in tourist developments by 14%

Until July, tourist developments in the Algarve that signed up to the “Save Water” seal recorded a 14% reduction in overall consumption and an 18% reduction in specific water consumption (consumption per overnight stay), RTA reported.

The figures are included in the 2nd report on monitoring water consumption and the application of water efficiency measures prepared by the Energy Agency (ADENE), as part of the Algarve’s Commitment to Water Efficiency .

Among the more than 2,300 water efficiency measures selected by those participating in the plan coordinated by the Algarve Tourism Board (RTA), in conjunction with Turismo de Portugal and ADENE, interventions at the level of devices and irrigation systems, improvements in the management and maintenance system and in equipment are the most selected by tourism enterprises located in the Algarve region. More than half (53%) of these selected measures have already been implemented. Around 75% of those who sign up to the “Save Water” seal are concentrated in four Algarve municipalities – Albufeira, Loulé, Portimão and Lagoa –, which are also those with the largest number of beds available.

For André Gomes, president of RTA, “these results reflect the efforts of the tourism sector to combat water scarcity in the Algarve. Business owners are very mobilised to face this challenge. The Save Water seal was implemented in March and by July it already represented more than 30% of the beds available in tourist establishments in the region, which reflects the sector’s commitment to adopting measures and behaviours that allow saving this essential resource”, he highlights.

Dinosaur footprints discovered on Algarve beach

A site with 12 footprints from different dinosaurs is being revealed on Arrifes beach, in Albufeira, among other discoveries, elevating this location within the territory of the Algarvensis Geopark project to a global geosite, a researcher has revealed.

In addition to the set of 12 footprints, belonging to five dinosaurs from three different species, which roamed the area around 120 million years ago, Arrifes beach hides other treasures, invisible to the eyes of tourists who go swimming in the small cove whose sand almost disappears at high tide.

The scientific advisor of the Algarvensis Geopark project, Octávio Mateus, said that those rocks are recorded as being “a few million years old”, with marks of crustaceans, shells, whelks and single-celled beings, although the most impressive are the marks left by dinosaurs, in the lower Cretaceous period. Only accessible at low tide and to those willing to climb over rocks, the site with 12 footprints, some of which are in sequence and three-dimensional, reveals the presence of large sauropods, including brontosaurus, the long-necked dinosaurs popularised by cinema. But, this enormous dinosaur, whose footprints reach half a metre in length, is joined on this trail by small sauropods, also herbivores, and three carnivorous animals, all in a crack between two layers in the cliff, made when those rocks were still in a horizontal position.

120 million years ago, the footprints were imprinted in the mud, which was covered with limestone and sand, and after the sediment below had eroded, the natural shape of the footprint was left. The cliffs ‘rotated’ to their current position due to tectonic movement, explained the palaeontologist, a professor at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

“There are tectonic forces related to rock salt deposits, or by plates, crustal movements, causing it to fold and roll, and what was horizontal became vertical”, he explained, highlighting that this is a “major discovery”, which makes that beach a “geosite of global importance”.

At the beginning of the trail, a rock shows the seabed from a good few million years ago, bearing witness to the trail of crustaceans, similar to crabs and lobsters, which made galleries and excavated the sand which, over time, was filled with more sand. Further ahead, heading east, on the face of another cliff also threatened by the action of the sea, four footprints are revealed forming a trail, all measuring more than 20 centimetres, of an ornithopod dinosaur that would have been four metres long.

The first deposit had been documented since 2016, but had not been studied, work that is now being done as part of the application of the territory of Loulé, Albufeira and Silves to become a global geopark of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ).

However, discovering the “paternity” of the findings is not simple. “The current scientific coordinator of the Algarvensis Geopark, Paulo Fernandes said that it had been discovered during one of his field classes by a student, but the date is unknown. It must have been between 2014 and 2016. The sauropod footprints in the crevice were mentioned for the first time in a conference summary in 2016, but it doesn’t mention who discovered them,” said Octávio Mateus. However, as far as he knows, the ornithopod tracks are “absolutely new” and were discovered by him on June 12 this year.

Two men rob a nightclub in Loulé and flee on a motorbike

Two men robbed a nightclub in the parish of Boliqueime , in the municipality of Loulé, on Sunday the 11th, and fled the scene on a motorbike with money taken from a safe, a source from the GNR revealed .

“At around 9:00 am, two individuals, using physical force, managed to get the money that was in a safe to be handed over to them,” said a source from the Public Relations Department of the GNR’s Faro Territorial Command. The two men entered the nightclub, which was already closed, in a manner that the GNR is still investigating and, once inside the establishment, “they used force to get the money to be handed over to them”, he explained. The source was unable to specify the number of employees present at the establishment, but indicated that they did not require hospital assistance.

The robbers “fled on a motorbike”, with an amount of money yet to be determined, said the GNR source, confirming the existence of surveillance cameras at the site and that the case is already being investigated.

Three people died in the first three months of the bathing season

Three people died on Portuguese beaches in the first three months of this year’s bathing season, between May and July, with all cases occurring in the Algarve, and 403 rescues were recorded, the National Maritime Authority ( AMN ) recently revealed.

Since the last report up to June 30, which indicated two fatalities on Portuguese beaches, the AMN recorded another death on the supervised sea beach Maria Luísa, in Albufeira , which occurred on July 16 for “unknown causes”.

The other two deaths recorded since the start of the bathing season, on May 1, were also in the Algarve and both were due to “sudden illness”, with the first situation occurring on May 27 in an unsupervised maritime area in Algar de Benagil, in Lagoa, and the second on June 6 at the supervised maritime beach of Meia Praia, in Lagos, informed the Maritime Authority. In 2023, in the first three months of the bathing season, there were seven deaths on the beaches, four of which were due to drowning and three due to “sudden illness”.

In the three months that have passed since this year’s bathing season, between May 1 and July 31, in addition to three fatalities, the AMN recorded 403 rescues and 1,907 first aid actions on the sea and river or lake beaches under its jurisdiction.

According to the balance of the first two months of the bathing season, in which 133 rescues and 584 first aid actions were recorded, according to data from the Maritime Authority, in July 270 rescues and 1,323 first aid actions were carried out on Portuguese beaches.

The 2024 bathing season runs from May 1 to October 30, and municipalities may establish, within this period, the specific season for each area.

If you are going to the beach please be aware of all the dangers that could be around you and have a safe week.