Algarve Situation Report, Saturday 3rd April 2021.
Covid-19. Portimão is the municipality of Algarve with the highest incidence of cases.
Portimão is the municipality of the Algarve with the highest incidence of cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. An outbreak in civil construction has already required more than 500 tests to be carried out, of which 89 were positive.
The municipality appeals to the use of the mask and the safety distance and reminds that if in the next 15 days the situation does not improve, the deflation remains at stake, which will be catastrophic for the municipality’s economy.
On average there are 20 new cases a day in Portimão. Most are people who were already isolated, having had risky contacts, and who, in the meantime tested positive.
The construction boom began in mid-March and has already put 563 people in isolation, 89 of whom tested positive. Another contagion focus in Portimão included a bakery, but the outbreak is already under control.

Covid-19: Cost of social support “skyrockets” in municipalities in the Algarve most dependent on tourism.
The cost of social support provided by the municipalities in the Algarve most dependent on tourism ‘skyrocketed’ due to the fall in the economy resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the three municipalities that currently concentrate half of the region’s unemployed.
According to data from the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP), Albufeira, Portimão and Loulé totalled 52% of the 33,459 unemployed registered in the region in February, with the support created by the municipalities and directed to companies and families to have a strong impact on their budgets. .
In Albufeira, support for “donating” of “food” and “medication” to people in need “has increased exponentially”, revealed the President of the municipality to Lusa, in addition to the support created in the context of the pandemic.
“Adding up everything that was not received with what was spent for all the aid, there is a reduction of 17, 18 million euros, in one year [in the budget]”, pointed out José Carlos Rolo.
This amount ended up affecting the finances of the municipality, which concentrates a good part of the Algarve hotel offer, which may postpone “some works”, mainly “in the road network”, which will have to wait for “better days”, he assumed.
The mayor expressed hope that this summer, similarly to what happened last year, the “Portuguese people head to the Algarve, in particular to Albufeira” to spend their holidays, as well as the “Spanish neighbours”.
“We have to be hopeful in the future and I think that within a month we will have tourists enjoying what is good for the Algarve and Albufeira”, he stressed.
However, if the current situation continues, José Carlos Rolo argues that they will have to “take options again” and not let “more serious situations happen”, maintaining “social support to people really in need”.
He took the opportunity to make an “appeal” to anyone who may be in need so that he is not “ashamed” of something he “is not responsible for” and stressed that one cannot “let people be hungry in Albufeira”.

Silves. Cultural and sports facilities reopen on April 5.
Following the guidelines of the de-confinement plan defined by the Government, the Municipality of Silves will reopen to the public, on the 5th of April, the Castle, the Municipal Archeology Museum, the Islamic Heritage Interpretation Centre and the Sports Complex of the Municipal Swimming Pools (in the gym and free swimming facilities).
In a press release, the municipality says that, the cultural facilities mentioned above, in addition to maintaining the same operating patterns previously in force, will be operating within their normal opening hours.
With regard to the Municipal Swimming Pools Complex, the operating patterns will be identical to those previously adopted, with mandatory marking of the use of the gym and the pool in free swimming regime. The gym, limited to the use of a maximum of 15 people at the same time, will operate from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm, in hourly blocks of 90 minutes. The pool, in free regime, can be used between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm, with a limit of eight users per hour block of 90 minutes. The use of changing rooms is only permitted for the purpose of changing clothes, with all other services (shower, sauna, jacuzzi and Turkish bath) closed.

Company fined for non-compliance in Ria Formosa says it is unaware of breaches.
A real estate company fined for violating the regulation of the Ria Formosa Natural Park Planning Plan due to movements in the land it holds in the Garrão area, in Loulé, said today it was unaware of “any administrative offense”.
“Lisfina is not aware of any misdemeanour, either on the placement of barbed wire on the Praia do Ancão land that it owns or on the ‘abusive’ deforestation procedure,” the company said in a statement.
According to a letter from the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF) to which Lusa had access, in addition to a lawsuit filed against the company in 2020 for the “practice of serious environmental offenses”, a new lawsuit is now underway. of administrative offence ”because the company placed a metal fence on the land without authorization.
According to Lisfina, the fence was replaced “after acts of vandalism that occurred in June 2020, including demolition of the fence, cutting the fence and cutting pine trees by strangers, who were the subject of a complaint with the GNR”.
However, according to the ICNF, the placement of the fence had not yet been authorized when it was installed, having been suggested to Lisfina, “to avoid the situation of wanton private property” that she invoked, the placement of “a living hedge with recourse native vegetation ”, reads in the letter.
According to the document, in order to prevent access to the land, the ICNF admitted the possibility of installing “a temporary protection without a permanent character, as long as the hedge did not have the dimension to fulfill the intended function”.
“However, as it was found that the installation of the fence was prior to the proper authorization, adding to that fact that in disagreement with the authorized person, barbed wire was placed on top of it, a new process of installation is underway administrative offence ”, says the institute.

Algarve Situation Report, Wednesday 31st March 2021.
ARS wants to vaccinate 70% of the population of the Algarve by the end of August.
70% of Algarvians vaccinated against Covid-19 by the end of August. This is the objective set by the Regional Health Administration (ARS) of the Algarve, which, when vaccination is at “cruising speed”, wants to vaccinate 2000 people per day across the region.
The goal was set by Paulo Morgado, president of ARS Algarve, who accompanied, this Sunday, the visit of Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, Minister of Education, to the Pinheiro e Rosa Secondary School, in Faro, one of the educational institutions where it was the second time there was taking place a vaccination day for teachers and school staff.
The official said that “a set of Covid vaccination centres are being prepared in the Algarve, to vaccinate on a large scale, several hundred people per day”.
For now, “there have not been enough vaccines to open these centres”, but Paulo Morgado thinks that, “during the month of April, the country will receive vaccines, in significant quantities. Janssen vaccines will arrive, in a single dose, which will facilitate the whole process”.
According to the ARS president, vaccination centres are being prepared in all coastal cities. In the smaller municipalities, in the interior, “it will be necessary, vaccination will proceed more smoothly”.

Elidérico Viegas resigns as president of AHETA.
Elidérico Viegas will no longer be the president of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA), a position he has held for 25 years, since he helped found this entity in 1995.
The businessman, who has been the face of hoteliers for decades, presented his resignation on Monday, after being called by the other members of the AHETA management to explain statements made to Jornal i, in which the other leaders of the association say that “did not review and they cannot subscribe to”.
“In a meeting immediately called, the board heard the explanations by the president and was informed of his intention to resign from this AHETA governing body, which resignation was presented by the President of the General Assembly, Monday, March 29”.
Although the resignation was motivated by divergent views between Elidérico and the other leaders of the association, the AHETA management, in a statement, they made a point of “recognizing the relevant role of the current president of the AHETA management, since the formal constitution of the association, in defence of the interests of tourist companies in the Algarve and in the affirmation of AHETA as the most influential and representative business association in the region, which constitutes itself as the main tourist destination in the country”.
“As a result of this decision, the remaining members of the board in office will request the President of the General Assembly to call for elections for the governing bodies of AHETA, in the shortest possible time, in order to strengthen the intervention capacity of the association in this critical period that tourist companies in the Algarve are and will have to continue to overcome”, they conclude.

Algarve Situation Report, Saturday 27th March 2021.

Algarve has 73 more active cases of Covid-19 than a week ago.

The Algarve has 73 more active cases of Covid-19 than a week ago, now totalling 386, according to data released this Friday, March 26th, by the District Civil Protection Commission.

Over the past week, the Regional Health Authority recorded 233 new cases of the disease when, in the previous week, between 12th and 19th March, 106 new cases had been registered.

This rise in contagions in the last week is related to the appearance of outbreaks, particularly in the municipalities of Portimão and Albufeira, in civil construction companies, as the South Information has advanced.

These situations linked to civil construction “emerged, identified as outbreaks, in the second week of March”, but “new cases continue to appear”, as explained by the Regional Health Authority, on Tuesday, to our newspaper.

According to the data, until 23:59 this Thursday, Monchique was the only municipality in the Algarve with no active cases. However, the mayor Rui André revealed in a Facebook post that “after more than a month after the last Covid-19 case, we have again registered a case, according to information from the health authorities”.

The South Information also found that, after tests, two more infections have already been detected in this municipality.

Also Vila do Bispo, which, a week ago, had no active infections, now has 7 active cases.

On the other hand, Portimão (124) and Faro (66) continue to be the two municipalities with the most active infections, although, in the case of the Algarve capital, the number has decreased in the last week (-4).

Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA) proposes the integration of hotel and restaurant workers in the groups to be vaccinated.
AHETA issued on Thursday, March 25th, a note stating that “the Algarve, like what happens in other competing tourist destinations, should consider hotel and restaurant workers as priorities in vaccination strategies against Covid-19”.
“The tourism economy is characterized by being an activity from people to people, forcing holiday consumers to go to the place where the services are produced. Therefore, the human factor plays, in this economic sector, a more important and decisive role than in other sectors, namely in all activities that make up the respective tourism value chain, with a special focus on accommodation and restaurant services”, explains the Association.
In this sense, “and considering that vaccination is, at present, the condition that most confidence can induce in the general population, especially with regard to obtaining the so-called group immunity”, AHETA defends that “the national health authorities and Regional authorities should consider vaccination of hotel and tourism professionals in the largest and most important Portuguese tourist region, as a priority. ”
The Association based in Albufeira argues that “the vaccination of professionals in the tourism sector is assumed, in the current economic and health context, as a competitive asset in the recovery phase, compared to other competing destinations, a period in which the competitive dispute it will be very pronounced”.
On the other hand, AHETA defends the proportional distribution of vaccines, since, in the national context, “the Algarve has been contemplated with a smaller number of units, compared to other regions of our country”.

Covid-19: Unemployment in the Algarve “worries” but is below 2020 figures – IEFP.
The Algarve regional delegate from the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP) today classified the increase in unemployment in the region as “worrying” but stressed that the February figures are below those recorded in the first confinement, in 2020.

In taking stock of the effects of a year of the Covid-19 pandemic on employment in the Algarve, Madalena Feu told Agência Lusa that the 74.4% year-on-year increase in unemployment recorded in February this year is still far from the figures for May, June and July last year, when there were year-on-year increases of 202.4%, 231.8% and 216.6%, respectively.
The IEFP regional delegate considered, therefore, that the impact registered in the first confinement, starting in March 2020, was “greater” than that registered in January and February this year, a month in which there was a total of 33,459 registered to the job search in regional employment services.
“As the Algarve is a region that has lived almost exclusively on tourism and all the activities associated with it, its main consequence was higher unemployment than in the rest of the country”, acknowledged Madalena Feu.
However, “if only the February figures are checked”, and “although they are quite high”, they still “would not be as high as they were last year”, he countered.
The IEFP delegate in the Algarve supported this position by comparing the 74.4% year-on-year increase registered in the last month, in full second confinement, with the months following the beginning of the first confinement, starting in March 2020, when they were reached “Growth, compared to the same period, in the order of 202.4% in May, 231.8% in June and 216.6% in July”.
“If 2020 was a first clash with the pandemic, today we can say that we are better prepared”, he justified, considering that the reorganization of services to adapt and respond in a pandemic time, as well as the importance of public measures to support employment and the economy, “Have contributed to controlling the numbers more effectively”.

Algarve Situation Report, Wednesday 24th March 2021.
Covid-19 Incidence rate in the Algarve.
The Directorate-General for Health reported this Monday, the incidence rate of new cases registered in the Portuguese counties, in the period of 3rd to 16th of March.
The classification is carried out according to the categories used by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, adding the new cases in the last 14 days, per 100 000 inhabitants.
Base of incidence in the Algarve from March 3rd to 16th:

  1. Very low: Incidence <30 – Vila Real de Stº António – 21, Vila do Bispo – 19, Olhão – 11, Silves – 8, Monchique – 0
  2. Low: 30 <Incidence <60 – Albufeira – 55, Lagos – 49, São Brás de Alportel – 38
  3. Average: 60 <Incidence <120 – Tavira – 118, Portimão – 96, Castro Marim – 96, Loulé – 77, Aljezur – 72, Faro – 64
  4. Moderate: 120 <Incidence <240 – Lagoa – 127
  5. High: 240 <Incidence <480 –
  6. Very High: 480 <Incidence <960 – Alcoutim – 556
  7. Extremely high: Incidence> 960 –

Alcoutim without cases.
The Alcoutim City Council says it has received information, through the epidemiological bulletin from the local health authority, regarding the evolution of Covid-19 in the municipality, regarding the absence of positive cases.
The municipality thanks in a statement “the commitment of the population, which, while respecting security measures, allowed Alcoutim to reach the mark of zero active cases in Covid-19 this Tuesday”.
Despite today’s data, the chamber maintains the appeal to the population to continue to comply with safety measures, namely the use of the mask, hand hygiene frequently and respect for social distance.
The Mayor of the City, Osvaldo Gonçalves, affirms “we will do everything to continue to defend the interests of our citizens”.

BE wants Government to consider Algarve as “Region of Social and Economic Catastrophe”.
The Bloco de Esquerda (party) / Algarve defends the rapid intervention of the central power in supporting the Algarve, namely the population and companies that suffered from the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic.
For the party, the Algarve is one of the regions of the country that has suffered the greatest economic and social impact, and the Government should move towards the designation of the Algarve as “Region of Social and Economic Catastrophe, in order to overcome all the bureaucracies that have been hampering the support to the Algarve “, he explained in a statement.
BE criticizes that after the promises made by the Government in July 2020, “practically nothing has evolved in the mitigation of the enormous difficulties that arose with the economic crisis in the region”, having concluded through contacts and meetings with several entities in the Algarve, namely, ACRAL- Algarve; IEFP, Banco Alimentar-Algarve, União dos Sindicatos do Algarve, Algfuturo, RTA, Hospitality Union of the Algarve, among others, “that despair is the common denominator in the region and if nothing is done quickly the situation will reach an extremely serious proportion , with unimaginable social damage “.
Due to the low wages associated with precarious work, it has resulted, according to the party, in thousands of Algarvians being in a “calamitous situation, in addition to the difficulty of companies and the social wound of the overwhelming growth of unemployment, due to the sector of tourism being totally stopped and with very gloomy prospects for the next ‘bathing’ season “.
Given this scenario, the Bloco de Esquerda / Algarve believes it is necessary to move immediately towards extraordinary measures for the region.