The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 4th December 2024

by Mike Evans

A very good day to you all across the region. I am starting this report with the news that there are still a number of young people and some children who have contracted the dangerous virus Hepatitis A.

An outbreak of hepatitis A remains active in the Algarve region, with a total of 25 cases to date, with the first case reported on 15/08/2024 and the most recent on 26/11/2024”, informed the Algarve regional health delegate, after the Baixo Alentejo Public Health Unit (USP) revealed last Friday the existence of an outbreak of hepatitis A, originating in the Algarve, with six cases in the Bairro das Pedreiras, in Beja.

In the Algarve, the outbreak has predominantly affected children and young people, with 16 reported cases, and also adults (nine), including a health professional, the regional health authority added. Those affected are residents of three clusters in the municipality of Faro and one in the municipality of Olhão, “in homes with poor hygiene and health conditions, which favors the transmission of this type of disease”, explains the same source.

According to the health authority, “outside this community, but epidemiologically linked to this outbreak”, there was one case in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region, “where the child was temporarily with the family”, and six in the Alentejo region.

All identified cases were symptomatic, with fever, jaundice, acholia, abdominal pain, fatigue, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, among others.

According to the Algarve regional health delegate, an epidemiological investigation, including environmental investigation, was carried out, “which was inconclusive as to the origin of the outbreak”.

To prevent the transmission of the disease, contact identification was carried out, vaccination against hepatitis A was carried out, with 157 eligible people “accepting to be vaccinated”, and information actions were carried out for affected families. Regarding measures to prevent transmission, meetings were held with those responsible for municipalities where the outbreak remains active, also involving institutions and non-governmental organizations that provide support to more vulnerable populations.

The Algarve regional health delegate highlights “the importance of implementing measures to prevent transmission and reinforcing vaccination among individuals at greater risk of exposure” and requests, in case of suspicion, that SNS24 (808 24 24 24) be contacted for screening and advice.

Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver that can cause mild to severe illness. The hepatitis A virus (HAV) is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person . Almost everyone recovers fully from hepatitis A with lifelong immunity.

This time of year is also when the flu virus is around so make sure you are all stocked up with flu remedies or have the flu vaccination for those eligible.

Now a look at some of the stories from around the region in the past week.

1 Dead and 2 Seriously Injured in Motorway Crash

A man said to be in his 50s died and two others, aged 45 and 90, were seriously injured in a head-on collision on the Algarve’s A22 motorway this Friday afternoon (November 29).

The accident occurred at kilometer 22, between Lagoa and Portimão, as one of the vehicles involved was driving against the flow of traffic.

The crash happened shortly after 2pm, prompting authorities to close the A22 in both directions. The two victims who sustained serious injuries were taken to Portimão Hospital. It is still unclear why one of the vehicles was driving the wrong way on the motorway, a source from the Algarve’s civil protection command told Lusa news agency. There are several signposts at all entrances and exits of the motorway warning drivers to stop if they happen to enter the A22 incorrectly.

Burglar Of Luxury Homes Arrested in Loulé

GNR police arrested a 37-year-old man on November 27 for a series of burglaries targeting luxury residences in the municipality of Loulé, home to the Algarve’s famous Golden Triangle comprising Quinta do Lago, Vale do Lobo and Vilamoura.

The arrest followed an 18-month investigation into thefts that targeted high-end homes in the municipality, which led to the identification and location of the suspect. Acting on this evidence, authorities executed both a search warrant at the suspect’s residence and an arrest warrant. During the operation, police seized various items believed to be linked to the burglaries, including jewelry and watches, €3,650 in cash and 50 Canadian dollars.

The suspect was due to be heard in court.

Faro promotes 1st Municipal Volunteer Meeting

The municipality of Faro celebrates International Volunteer Day on December 5th by holding the 1st Municipal Volunteer Meeting. The event will take place at the University of Algarve (Penha Campus), Pedagogical Complex – Amphitheatre 1.5, between 9am and 5pm.

The initiative is co-organized by the University of Algarve (UAlg) and the institution’s Volunteer Group, UAlg V+, and aims to “mobilize and inspire citizens to volunteer, raise awareness of the relevance of cooperation, social responsibility and volunteering, as well as the importance of exercising participatory citizenship in order to optimize available resources”.

The Faro Volunteer Platform will be presented during the event, and will be available here .

“It is intended to be a connecting instrument between people who express their availability and willingness to volunteer and entities that promote volunteering”, the local authority highlights in a statement.

For more information, contact +351 289 870 869 or email .

Algarve Water Levels Still Lowest in Country

The amount of water stored in river basins was higher than average at the end of November, except in the Lima, Ave, Mira, Ribeiras do Algarve and Arade basins, according to the National Resource Information System Water. On the last day of November and in relation to the last day of the previous month, there was an increase in the volume stored in five river basins and a drop in seven, according to SNIRH.

Of the 60 monitored reservoirs, 11 had water availability greater than 80% of the total volume and 12 had availability below 40%. At the end of November, the river basin of the Barlavento Algarve continued to be the one with the least reserves at 12.6%, the same value as at the end of October. The average for the month of November in this river basin is 55.1%.

According to data from SNIRH, the Arade basin with 30.4%, Mira with 37%, Lima with 50.6% and Ave with 58.8%, are those that retain the least water.

Police to Clamp Down on Speeding Drivers In Run Up to Christmas

The National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the PSP and the GNR have begun the “Travel Without Hurry” road campaign, in a bid to alert drivers to the dangers of excesses on the roads, especially of speedThe campaign takes place from December 3rd to 9th and is part of the 2024 National Inspection Plan.

The objective of the campaign is “to warn drivers about the risks of driving at high speed, considering that this is one of the main causes of accidents on the roads and is responsible for around 60% of registered infractions”.. These entities highlight, in this regard, that “the probability of fatalities increases depending on the speed at which vehicles travel”.

They give as an example a case of being run over, in which if a vehicle travels at 30 km/h, the probability of the consequences being fatal is 10%, but increasing the speed to 50 km/h, the probability becomes 90%.

ANSR, GNR and PSP remember “speed is the main cause of a third of all fatal accidents” and that the faster you drive, the less time drivers have to immobilize the vehicle when something unexpected happens.

Until the next time Stay Safe


The Algarve Situation Report 27th November 2024

by Mike Evans

Good day to you all, The “Portugal Semper Seguro” campaign, which we highlighted last week continues across the country and in the past week, with the aim of “promoting the reinforcement of the feeling of security and the reduction of general crime rates in the municipality of Albufeira”, stated the Territorial Command of the GNR of Faro in a statement .

According to the police, three commercial establishments and 45 foreign citizens were inspected, and the operation resulted in the arrest of four people for driving under the influence of alcohol, and one for drug trafficking and the seizure of 224 doses of hashish.

17 traffic offences were also filed, five for drug consumption, five for violations of labour and social security legislation and three for general police purposes, the GNR specified. The operation involved a total of 39 officers from the criminal investigation, borders, intervention and traffic areas.

The “Portugal Semper Seguro” campaign, which has been taking place across the country, aims to “increase citizens’ sense of security”, through joint actions involving security forces and State agencies. The initiative, under the coordination of the Internal Security System (SIS), includes the GNR, PSP, Judicial Police, Authority for Working Conditions, Social Security, Tax Authority, Food and Economic Security Authority and the Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum.

As we run up to Christmas the authorities will be extra vigil across the region looking out for drivers who think it is ok to drink and drive.

Now a look at some of the other stories from across the region.

GNR Arrested 59 People Last Week in the Region

The GNR’s Faro Territorial Command arrested 59 people between November 18 and 24, as part of its operational activity, such as preventing and combating violent crime or road inspections, the corporation announced.

Among those arrested, 23 were for driving under the influence of alcohol, 12 for driving without a legal license and one for drug trafficking, the GNR said in a statement.

During the same period, four bales of hashish, weighing a total of 135.4 kilograms, 106 doses of cocaine, three mobile phones, three balaclavas (hoods that cover the face) and a precision scale were seized, the security force quantified.

In terms of traffic, 635 infractions were detected, of which 69 were due to deficiencies in lighting and signage, 62 due to lack of inspection, 34 due to improper use of a mobile phone, 14 due to speeding, 12 due to lack of insurance and eight due to lack of or incorrect use of a seat belt or child restraint system, the GNR also reported, highlighting that one serious injury and 20 minor injuries were recorded during this period.

Warehouse Fire in Boliqueime injures One Person

The fire that broke out on Monday, the 25th, in the early evening in a warehouse in Vale Covo, in the parish of Boliqueime , in the municipality of Loulé, was controlled at 8:45 pm, having caused one minor injury and one displaced person, said a source from Civil Protection.

The alert for the incident in the town of Vale Covo was given at 6:52 pm. The fire reached a warehouse containing hardware and hotel and restaurant equipment, explained a source from the Algarve Sub-regional Command. The fire also spread to a house next to the warehouse, which partially burned down, he added. The owner of the property will stay with relatives, explained the Civil Protection source.

The fire also resulted in a minor injury, a 70-year-old man, who fell and was taken to a hospital.

Elements of the Loulé, Albufeira and Messines Fire Departments, as well as elements of the GNR , were deployed to combat the incident.

Tavira Joins Campaign Against Gender Violence

The municipality of Tavira has joined the “Orange the World” campaign or “16 days of activism against gender-based violence” by Soroptimist International União de Portugal, an NGO based in Tavira.

Between November 25th and December 10th, the Town Hall building will be lit up in orange with the aim of raising awareness among the population about the issue of gender-based violence.

Soroptimist International develops and executes projects in the areas of “education, economic empowerment, health, food security and sustainability”, as well as initiatives against violence against women and girls, responding to goals no. 3 and no. 4 of the United Nations sustainable development . The projects are carried out in collaboration with partner entities (NGOs, local authorities, companies, IPSS), government, policy makers and other institutions that include the “development and management of shelters, where victims of violence are supported with appropriate monitoring and advice”.

Soroptimists work “for women” to: educate for leadership; empower women to achieve equal economic opportunities and financial autonomy; eliminate gender-based violence; promote access to health care and better living conditions; and improve the environment and promote sustainability.

Car found abandoned was Transporting Hashish

The GNR seized 135 kilograms of hashish in a vehicle that was abandoned in Almodôvar, in the district of Beja, which fled after raising suspicions in Castro Marim , the corporation revealed on Saturday, the 23rd.

In the early hours of the morning, an off-duty GNR officer alerted a vehicle that was driving in a “suspicious and irregular” manner on Motorway 22 (A22), in Castro Marim, and a “police device was set up with the aim of intercepting the car”, the GNR explained in a statement.

“The driver, upon realizing that the military had attempted to approach him, fled towards Motorway 2 (A2),” the security force said. The escaped vehicle ended up being “found abandoned by the Guard’s military personnel, in the town of Gomes Aires – Almodôvar”, with “four bales of hashish, totaling 135.4 kilograms, enough for more than 270 thousand individual doses”, the GNR specified.

Faro with 2nd Highest Violent Crimes against Women in 2023

The districts with the most women victims of violent crimes in 2022 and 2023 are Lisbon, with 5,327 cases, Faro with 4,060 victims and Porto with 3,270, according to data from the Victim Support Association ( APAV ).

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is celebrated this Monday, APAV reported that the district of residence of the majority of female victims in Portugal is Lisbon, with 5,327 women registered, that is, 22.4% of the total number of victims recorded in 2022 and 2023.

In second place is the district of Faro with 4,060 (17.1%) and in third is the district of Porto with 3,270 (13.7%). The districts with the fewest female victims are Guarda (65), followed by Bragança (75) and Beja (91). Other districts with APAV records are Braga (2,254), Setúbal (1,710), Coimbra (807), Santarém (744), Vila Real (724) and Aveiro (533). The perpetrator of crimes of violence against these victims is in more than half of the cases (68.5%) male and is between 36 and 55 years old (21.2%).

Almost half of the aggressors (47.3%) have an intimate relationship with the victim, and in some cases they are the victim’s own parents (7.6%) or child. Half of the crimes of violence recorded between 2022 and 2023 against women occurred in their shared residence (50.8%).

In 2022 and 2023, of the total of 23,808 female victims that came to the attention of APAV, 49.8% (11,868) were the target of “continued victimization”.Between 2022 and 2023, and of the total of 11,868 female victims who were the target of continued victimization, in 28.1% (3,339), the victimization had already lasted between two and six years.

Algarve Food Bank Starts another Campaign

The Algarve Food Bank is preparing to carry out another solidarity food collection campaign on November 30th and December 1st.

Those interested in participating as volunteers can register here at this website , registration is mandatory and must be repeated for each campaign.

Nuno Cabrita Alves, president of the Algarve Food Bank, recalls that “this campaign is essential to support thousands of families”. He also says that “everyone’s help in this cause is important”.

Volunteers are “essential” in any of the 140 stores spread across all the municipalities in the region. Nuno Cabrita Alves explains that “it is necessary to distribute bags and receive food donations”. In the warehouses in Faro and Portimão, “help is important to unload and separate food, fold bags, among other tasks”, he adds. Help can be provided in stores with food or vouchers, but also at with food donations or through financial support .

“All companies in the food chain, including producers, industry and distributors, can deliver their surpluses,” the Association said in a statement.

In May 2024, in the last solidarity campaign of the Algarve Food Bank, 112.35 tons of food were collected, which reached, via institutions, almost 20 thousand people in need in the region.

And to end on a good note we must congratulate all those who helped clean up the beach at Vale do Lobo. The local community and visitors carried out a beach cleaning action last Thursday on Vale do Lobo beaches, resulting in the collection of 143.80 kilos of rubbish, as part of the celebrations of National Sea Day. Infralobo EM and Vale do Lobo, in collaboration with the Vita Nativa Association collaborated to organise the event, highlighting the value of collaboration between public and private entities and the local community, to protect one of the most beautiful natural ecosystems in the Algarve.

The event was attended by 125 students from the Almancil School Group, aged between 14 and 16, who joined forces with residents, visitors and collaborators to clean the beaches of Garrão Nascente and Garrão Poente. Throughout the morning, participants had the opportunity to explore the approximately three kilometre stretch of these beaches, collect waste and learn more about the importance of protecting the environment.

The Vita Nativa Association played an important role in this initiative, providing guidance, sharing educational curiosities and raising awareness of sustainable environmental conservation practices.

Vale do Lobo and Infralobo express “their deep gratitude to all those involved for the dedication and enthusiasm demonstrated during this important initiative, and reaffirm their continued commitment to sustainability, environmental care and active community involvement towards a more sustainable future”.

Until the next time Stay Safe


The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 20th November 2024

by Mike Evans

A very good day to you all and the big news of the week has to be that the downpours we have been experiencing in the past couple of weeks have certainly helped the reservoirs that feed the Algarve region.

The six dams that supply the Algarve are currently at 34% of their total water storage capacity, having increased by five percentage points with the rains of recent days, according to data from the Portuguese Environment Agency ( APA ).

The Algarve dams have a total volume of around 154 cubic hectometres (hm3), corresponding to 34% of the total storage capacity, with “the rains of the last few days allowing 26 hm3 to be stored, which is equivalent to 35% of the needs of the urban and tourism sector”, said the president of APA.

Despite an improvement in the situation in the region of the country most affected by the drought, José Pimenta Machado defended the need to maintain savings measures, as it is not known what the evolution of water volumes will be in the future. “We are better off than we were before, but we have to maintain the same objective, the same plan to save water in the different sectors. That is, for the urban sector 10% and for agriculture and tourism 13%,” he said.

On the other hand, compared to the same period in 2023, there was an increase of approximately 39 hm3 of stored water, with the capacity of the dams increasing from 115 hm3 in the same period (26% of capacity) to 154 hm3 (34%). “The model presented in May, with the easing of cuts, is aligned with the available water reserves,” insisted the president of APA.

The Government decided in May to ease the restrictions previously imposed on water consumption in agriculture and the urban sector in the Algarve, including tourism, to tackle the drought in the region. Restrictions imposed on water consumption increased from 25% to 13% in agriculture and from 15% to 10% in the urban sector.

The Odeleite dam is now at 46% of its capacity (59.36 hm3), the Beliche dam at 38% (18.09 hm3) and the Funcho dam at 37% (17.70 hm3). In the windward (west) region the percentages are less important, with the Odelouca dam registering 31% of its capacity (49.16 hm3), the Arade dam 17% (4.88 hm3) and the Bravura dam 13% (4.40 hm3).

Following the rains that hit the Algarve between Thursday and Friday, Pimenta Machado wanted to leave a message of “solidarity” to the affected populations, praising the municipalities and regional Civil Protection for the work they did. So with a bit more rain we should all be ok until next summer.

Now a look at what else has happened in the past week or two.

Train Derailed Due To Bad Weather

A regional train was derailed on the 16th November  between Fuseta and Olhão, interrupting train circulation on that route. The accident was caused by the presence of rocks on the Algarve Line caused by the torrential rain. Firefighters were called to the scene but the accident did not cause any injuries and passenger transport is being carried out via road transfer on the route between Fuseta and Olhão, with the rest of the Algarve Line operating normally.

Images shared on social media show the regional train, bound for Faro, off the tracks. Train 5702 runs daily, departing Vila Real de Santo António at 6:39 a.m. and arriving in Faro at 7:46 a.m. The district of Faro is one of three under yellow warning this Saturday, due to the possibility of heavy rain.

Heavy Rain Caused Flooding In Olhao

Several streets in the city of Olhão were flooded this Friday, the 15th, due to the heavy rain that fell at the end of the morning, with greater incidence in the eastern Algarve, said a source from Civil Protection.

According to a source from the Algarve District Emergency and Civil Protection Command, the heavy rain flooded several public roads in that city, however, without causing personal damage.

“Between 00:00 and 11:30, seven incidents were recorded in the region, but none were serious, and at the end of the morning, in a short space of time, there were several localised floods in the city of Olhão,” he said.

According to the source, the affected areas are low points where a large concentration of water usually occurs when it rains heavily in a short space of time. One of the flooded areas is a tunnel located under the railway line, on one of the city’s main avenues.

“For now, we have no record of road closures or more serious situations,” concluded the Civil Protection source. Meanwhile in other places across the Algarve, In Faro , there was a record of a fallen tree and, also, in Santa Catarina da Fonte do Bispo, in the municipality of Tavira , there were small floods.

Prime Minister Gives Assurances to Algarve over Preparedness of Floods

Prime Minister Luís Montenegro assured on Thursday, the 14th, that a plan is being prepared by Civil Protection to “mitigate” the peaks of rainfall and the possibility of flooding that may occur in the Algarve and Alentejo.

“We are in the Algarve, in the area of ​​the country where it is most difficult to capture and retain water. Today we are experiencing flooding in the Algarve, and we will continue to do so in the coming days,” he warned on Thursday.

“We are, moreover, preparing our entire Civil Protection system to be able to mitigate the peaks of rainfall and the possibilities of flooding that are expected to occur in the coming days in the Algarve and Alentejo,” he added.

The head of government was speaking during the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Castelo de Vide Medicinal Alkaline Water Company, acquired by the Super Bock Group in 1971, giving rise to the current Vitalis collection and filling centre.

The centre and south of the country are expected to be particularly affected by strong hailstorms, accompanied by thunderstorms, over the next three days, according to a warning from Civil Protection, regarding the possibility of extreme wind phenomena.

Based on forecasts from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere ( IPMA ), Civil Protection issued a warning to the population that “greater potential for severity” is expected in the lower Alentejo and Algarve. In light of the forecasts, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority warned of the possibility of flooding in urban areas, floods caused by the overflow of rivers and streams and landslides.

There is also the possibility of contamination of drinking water by “inerts resulting from rural fires”. The dragging of loose objects onto the roads, or the detachment of mobile or poorly secured structures, due to strong winds can “cause accidents involving vehicles in circulation” and pedestrians on public roads, the Authority specified in a statement.

In the Algarve, the heavy rain that fell on Thursday morning for around 20 minutes flooded roads in Moncarapacho, in the municipality of Olhão, and cellars and shops in downtown Albufeira , said a source from Civil Protection.

Albufeira was the municipality in the district of Faro where the highest number of incidents were recorded, five of which were on public roads, followed by Moncarapacho, but none of them were serious.

Escaped Prisoner recaptured in Lagoa

An Algerian prisoner who had escaped on Tuesday, the 12th, from the Lisbon Court of Appeal was captured this morning in Estômbar , in the municipality of Lagoa, announced the GNR .

“It should be clarified that today, November 13, at around 9:40 am, in the town of Estômbar in Lagoa, the suspect who escaped from the Lisbon Court of Appeal yesterday was arrested”, reads a statement sent by the GNR.

That security force adds that the escapee was “spotted on the public road” by the Guard’s military personnel, after a complaint from a woman.

“When approaching the suspect, and given the dangerous nature of the intervention, he was searched and it was found that he was in possession of the handcuffs with which he had fled,” the note states.

Then, according to the statement, the suspect was arrested and transported to the Lagoa Territorial Post facilities, where his identity was confirmed, with the collaboration of the PSP.

The note states that the detainee will now be brought before the Lisbon Court of Appeal and that the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) was informed of this occurrence.

The Public Security Police (PSP) had opened an internal investigation on Tuesday to determine the circumstances of the Algerian prisoner’s escape from the Lisbon Court of Appeal, where he was to be heard. In a statement released on Tuesday, the PSP said that, at around 10:20 am, the detainee, who was in the custody of that police force, fled “upon arrival at the Lisbon TRL, where he was going to be presented to the Judicial Authority” because there was a European arrest warrant issued by the German authorities for him, for the crime of arson.

“The police officers who were transporting the detainee were surprised” when, upon opening the door of the police vehicle, the suspect began to flee and managed to free himself from the handcuffs on one of his wrists during his journey, explains the PSP.

The detainee, according to the PSP, “was immediately pursued by the police officers who were at the scene”, but managed to escape and was last seen on Rua Vítor Cordon.

“The information was immediately broadcast to all Subunits of the Lisbon Metropolitan Command (Cometlis) via radio, via the Operational Command and Control Center, where the detainee’s escape occurred, and, to date, several resources from different PSP departments are committed to locating the escaped man,” the note reads.

According to a source from the PSP, the 36-year-old Algerian citizen was arrested on Sunday in the departures area of ​​Humberto Delgado airport, in Lisbon, under a European arrest warrant.

Man Arrested in Vilamoura with Over 600 packets of Hashish

The GNR have arrested a 22 year old man for drug trafficking in Vilamoura, seizing more than six hundred doses of hashish that the man had in his possession. The arrest was made after a road inspection operation, when the GNR “stopped the man’s vehicle and found that the driver was displaying suspicious behaviour”.

On investigation, it was found that the suspect “had a large quantity of a narcotic product in his possession, which led to his arrest”. Police seized 645 doses of hashish and a cell phone.

Five Detained in Albufeira as part of Safety Campaign

The National Republican Guard (GNR) arrested five people on Monday for driving under the influence of alcohol and drug trafficking, in traffic inspection operations and in establishments in the municipality of Albufeira according to Lusa.

The police action took place within the scope of the “Portugal Semper Seguro” campaign, with the aim of “promoting the reinforcement of the feeling of security and the reduction of general crime rates in the municipality of Albufeira”, stated the Territorial Command of the GNR of Faro in a statement .

According to the police, three commercial establishments and 45 foreign citizens were inspected, and the operation resulted in the arrest of four people for driving under the influence of alcohol, and one for drug trafficking and the seizure of 224 doses of hashish.

17 traffic offences were also filed, five for drug consumption, five for violations of labour and social security legislation and three for general police purposes, the GNR specified.

The operation involved a total of 39 officers from the criminal investigation, borders, intervention and traffic areas. The “Portugal Semper Seguro” campaign, which has been taking place across the country, aims to “increase citizens’ sense of security”, through joint actions involving security forces and State agencies.

The initiative, under the coordination of the Internal Security System (SIS), includes the GNR, PSP, Judicial Police, Authority for Working Conditions, Social Security, Tax Authority, Food and Economic Security Authority and the Agency for Integration, Migrations and Asylum.

36 Arrests Across the Algarve In GNR Weekly Operation

The GNR’s weekly operational activity to combat crime and road inspection resulted in the arrest of 36 people, including 14 for driving without a legal licence, 12 for driving under the influence of alcohol and one for drug trafficking. Between the 11th and 17th of November, 646 doses of hashish, three pressure pistols, and a shotgun were also seized.

In traffic, 574 infractions were detected, 70 of which were related to anomalies in the lighting and signalling systems; 64 due to lack of mandatory periodic inspection; 18 due to lack of civil liability insurance; 15 for improper use of a cell phone while driving; 13 for speeding and eight for lack of or incorrect use of seat belts and/or child restraint systems.

During the same period there were 123 accidents, resulting in 24 minor injuries and two serious injuries.

Until the next time Stay Safe



The Algarve Report Wednesday 6th November 2024


by Mike Evans


Good day to you all in the Algarve. As we all read about the terrible floods that have caused a massive death toll in the Spanish towns of Valencia and to a lesser extent Barcelona, for us here in the Algarve we can be grateful for the amount of rain we have received over the past week.  According to data from the latest weekly reservoir bulletin from the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the recent rains have increased the storage levels of two dams located in the Sotavento region of the Algarve.

During the period from October 31st to November 4th (Monday), the amount of water increased by around 2% in the Odeleite dam and 1% in the Beliche dam.

Regarding the remaining reservoirs in the region, no changes were recorded in the last week.

Data this Monday shows the Algarve dams had the following storage levels: Funcho was at 35% of its capacity; Odelouca at 32%; Odeleite at 30%; Beliche at 24%; Arade at 17%; and Bravura at 13%. All of the dams are still at a critical level but hopefully further rainfall will help to increase the amount of water available.

Now a look at some of the stories from across the region in the past week.



The body of a 77 year old man was found floating by a member of the public, near the riverside area of ​​Olhão, on Saturday.

The National Maritime Authority have said that the causes of the occurrence are as yet unknown, and that the case is being investigated by the Judicial Police.

According to the National Maritime Authority, the alert was given by a member of the public on Saturday, November 2, when he spotted the body in the river. Emergency teams from the Olhão Municipal Fire Department and the INEM Emergency and Resuscitation Medical Vehicle (VMER) arrived swiftly on the scene, and began resuscitation, but were unable to reverse the situation.

Members of the local command of the Maritime Police of Olhão were also on scene, along with members of the Judicial Police, who began the investigation process.

The death was declared at the scene by the VMER doctor and, after contact with the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Judicial Police carried out the necessary investigations, the body was transported to the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Faro.

The Maritime Police Psychology Office has been activated and is providing support to the victim’s family.



In a new fraud scheme that is spreading rapidly, Creditor Agrícola has publicly warned its customers about an SMS scam that directly targets access to their bank accounts.

This is a fraudulent message that appears to be sent by the bank itself and includes a dangerous link. By clicking on it, users risk having their bank details exposed and losing access to the balance in their accounts.

“We are warning you about fraudulent SMS messages that misuses the name Crédito Agrícola with a malicious link. Do not click or provide your CA Online/Mobile access codes,” warns the bank in a message sent to its customers. The warning is clear: if you receive a message from “Crédito Agrícola” with a link, regardless of the content, it is recommended not to click it.

These fraudulent messages, also known as phishing , take advantage of the common use of SMS to fool customers into believing that it is a legitimate communication from their bank. The aim is to trick users into entering their online banking login details on a fake page that replicates the real Crédito Agrícola website. Once the credentials are entered, the scammers can access the victim’s account, make transfers and empty the balance, causing damage that, in many cases, is difficult to reverse.

To prevent fraud of this type, the bank recommends that all customers always verify the sender of messages and avoid clicking on links included in unsolicited communications. If in doubt, the best option is to contact the bank’s support line directly, or visit a branch to clarify any message that may seem suspicious.

SMS phishing is a scam technique that is increasingly used by cybercriminals, given the trust that users place in text messaging. It is therefore essential to be aware of suspicious signs, such as unknown links, an urgency to click and content that requests access or personal data.

The recommendation is simple but effective: do not click on suspicious links and never provide confidential information without being absolutely sure that the communication is legitimate. This way, you can prevent these ingenious schemes from resulting in significant losses, protecting not only your personal data but also your financial assets.



The Navy and the National Maritime Authority detected two boats suspected of carrying out drug trafficking activities this morning, in international waters off the south coast of Portugal.

The boats were pursued by the Portuguese authorities, when one of the suspect boats deliberately rammed the Navy vessel, causing a collision and injuring a soldier and two suspected drug traffickers, neither of whom were injured severely.

All the injured were rescued from the patrol vessel involved in the operation, by a Portuguese Air Force helicopter.

According to the Navy statement, a speedboat was seized and the four suspects arrested for being involved in drug trafficking.

Since the beginning of 2023, joint actions by the Navy and the National Maritime Authority, to combat drug trafficking, have involved the arrest of 111 people and seizure of 42 high-speed vessels, with more than 33 tons of narcotics on-board.






Two men, aged 40 and 42, will be tried in court after being accused by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the crime of qualified murder of a 66-year-old man in September 2019, who was the owner of a cake factory in Albufeira. One of the accused, aged 40, was arrested last April and has been in pre-trial detention since then.

According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which charged the two men through the Albufeira Department of Investigation and Criminal Action, at the beginning of September 2019, “during the night, the accused accessed the interior of the factory and upon seeing the victim, they beat him, in particular, on the face and neck” and, “using a grey adhesive tape, they tied his feet, his hands, covered his mouth and suffocated him”.

The victim died from external compression of the neck. The men stole €16,000 and several objects and before fleeing.



The president of the Algarve Intermunicipal Community (AMAL) has considered that the water commitments signed last week between Portugal and Spain “are an important step to guarantee” the reinforcement of water supply in the region. “We are very pleased that, within the scope of this cross-border agreement, the 30 hectometres for water intake in Pomarão have been validated, as foreseen in the Water Efficiency Plan”, António Miguel Pina told Lusa agency.

The agreements for water management of flows in the Guadiana and Tagus between the governments of Portugal and Spain were formalised during the 35th Luso-Spanish Summit, which took place in Faro.

Asked whether the minimum monthly flow for the Guadiana River in the Pomarão section will be sufficient to reinforce and maintain part of the water resources in the Algarve, António Miguel Pina claimed to have no technical knowledge that would allow him to make an assessment. “This is an important measure that allows for a significant reinforcement of our water sources, as we had already foreseen in the Water Efficiency Plan for the Algarve within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR)”, he highlighted.

According to the president of the association of municipalities in the district of Faro, which makes up the 16 municipalities in the Algarve, “it is another project that is almost ready to come to fruition”. “We just need to launch the work, as well as the desalination plant and, with these two, we have a significant reinforcement of our water sources”, pointed out the mayor of Olhão.

For the mayor, even so, “it is necessary to assess whether these new sources associated with the reduction of losses and reuse are sufficient, in a much unknown scenario, due to climate change”.


The understanding between the two countries provides for a commitment to a daily flow in the Tagus and a monthly flow regime in the Guadiana River, in the Pomarão section, to guarantee the good condition of the estuary and the equitable distribution of flows available for use by both States.

The Joint Declaration of the 35th Portuguese-Spanish Summit says that the agreement “concerning the guiding principles for the establishment of a daily flow rate on the Tagus River, from the [Spanish] Cedilho dam” aims to “maintain circulating flows”.

The joint statement also confirms the agreements already announced to regularise abstractions in Alqueva by farmers from both countries, under which Spanish users will start paying Portugal for the water withdrawn, with the same conditions imposed on the Portuguese side.



Tavira City Council is cutting the water supply to customers with metres for garden watering and swimming pool maintenance, to reduce overall municipal urban consumption by 10% by the end of the year. Speaking to the Lusa agency, the administrator of the municipal company Tavira Verde, the entity that manages the public water supply in this Algarve municipality, said that “the cut began to be implemented this week, as part of the fight against drought in the Algarve”.

Antonio Ramos justified the cut in supply to pool and garden metres, due to the fact that customers “had not reduced consumption by 70%, as had been requested by the company”.

“We told [customers] that they could only consume 30%, but as there was no expected reduction, we moved forward with this measure to try to reach the end of the year with a total reduction of around 10%”, he highlighted.

The administrator of Tavira Verde acknowledged that “there was an effort by all residents” to save water, but “it was not enough”. The municipality, he also said, is committed to complying with the 10% reduction in relation to 2023, decreed by the Government for urban consumption, admitting that “it will be difficult to achieve this target by the end of the year”.

“We are only experiencing an overall reduction of 7%, which forces us to adopt measures, in the last two months, to reduce consumption in public and private spaces, which we estimate will be a reduction of 2%”, he highlighted.

Antonio Ramos considered that the cut in supply for garden irrigation and swimming pool maintenance “will not have a major impact due to the weather conditions, given that the season is more humid and with some rain”.

Along with cutting off the supply to the second metres, the municipal corporation is also reducing the pressure in the water pipes during the daily period between 0 am and 6 am, the official revealed.

“Between midnight and 6am we reduce the pressure to very low values ​​and during the day, we maintain a controlled normal pressure, so that water reaches the entire population,” he said.

Until the next time Stay Safe…..