The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 5th October 2022

by Mike Evans

Good Morning, As we start to see the sprouts of Autumn weather here in the Algarve we are still seeing some rural fires around the country, and with many looking to burn rubbish that has accumulated over the summer it is very important that we follow the regulations concerning burning of waste in the countryside. Make sure you register any burn with the local camara or GNR beforehand and wait to receive a text message to confirm that it is ok to burn your summer garden waste.

Also with temperatures in the high 20’s for the rest of this week and into next week there will be many who will be taking advantage of the weather to visit the beach and even swim in the sea. Please remember the sea is still a lot cooler than a swimming pool even after the hot summer we have had and it is vitally important if you are on a beach without lifeguards to watch out for your fellow beach goers and be vigilant to what is happening in the sea. Each week we see of people getting into difficulties either through rip currents or fatigue and the death toll this year across the country has been a record high for drownings.

In other news around the region this last week-

60 year old man suffers heart attack on Albufeira Beach

A man, aged about 60, of British nationality, was helped on Monday afternoon after feeling unwell on the sand, going into cardiac arrest, on Peneco beach, in Albufeira.

After an alert was received at 12:00, elements of the Maritime Police Station of Albufeira and of the “SeaWatch” Project were immediately activated, as well as elements of the Volunteer Firefighters of Albufeira and INEM.

The victim, of British nationality, “was promptly assisted at the scene by the lifeguards on duty on the beach and by the Albufeira Volunteer Firefighters, who began the resuscitation manoeuvres until the arrival of INEM elements who continued the manoeuvres, in collaboration with elements of the ‘SeaWatch’ Project”, says the National Maritime Authority in a statement.

After several attempts at resuscitation, it was possible to reverse the situation of the victim who was later transported by the Volunteer Firefighters of Albufeira to a hospital unit.

Cyclist dies after being hit by a goods vehicle on the straight between Boliqueime and the A22

A cyclist died after being hit by a goods vehicle this Tuesday morning, on the straight between Boliqueime and Via do Infante (A22), in the municipality of Loulé. The District Command of Relief Operations (CDOS) of Faro announced that the alert was given at 6:57 for an accident on Estrada Nacional 270.

The victim, a 60-year-old Portuguese man, could not resist the injuries and the death was declared on the spot by the doctor of the emergency and resuscitation vehicle at Faro Hospital.

Body Found in River Identified as Missing Woman

Police have confirmed that the body found in the River Gilao near Tavira was that of Tania Fernandes who went missing over a week ago. Tânia Fernandes’ car had been found with documents, money and her cell phone the day after her disappearance, last Sunday night.

At the time of her disappearance, on the night of Saturday, September 24th, “the cell location was immediately requested” of her cell phone, which was eventually found, the next day, next to the church of Cabanas de Tavira, although the device was not with her. At this stage, the authorities discard suspicions of crime, but only after the autopsy will the causes of death be determined. An official source has already confirmed to the authorities that the body found is that of Tânia Fernandes.

The body of the 33-year-old woman was transported to the Instituto Médico Legal de Faro. Tânia Fernandes, born in Altura, in the municipality of Castro Marim, suffered from a bipolar disorder. Tânia and her husband lived in Cabanas de Tavira. They had been married for 4 months and together for 4 and a half years.

Catalyst theft suspect in VRSA is in preventive detention

A man suspected of trying to steal a catalyst and who had been detained by the GNR last Saturday in Vila Real de Santo António will await trial in preventive detention.

The man was part of a group of three people, aged between 42 and 45, all of whom were “referenced for this type of criminal offences”, said the GNR’s Faro Territorial Command in a statement.

The other two detainees, including a woman, were heard in the first judicial interrogation at the Vila Real de Santo António court, having been given a term of identity and residence, the least serious measure of coercion. Following the police action, a cordless angle grinder, nine cutting discs and two pairs of protective eyewear were seized.

Authorities Monitor Cell Phone Use While Driving 

The inspection of mobile phone use while driving will intensify this week with a campaign promoted by the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), the National Republican Guard (GNR) and the Public Security Police (PSP).

Called “At the wheel, the cell phone can wait”, the initiative starts this Monday and runs until the 10th, as part of the 2022 National Inspection Plan, according to a joint statement from the three entities. In addition to inspection, the campaign also aims to make drivers aware of the potentially fatal risks of improperly using mobile phones while driving.

Noting that the probability of having an accident while using the cell phone is four times greater, due to the increase in the reaction time of drivers, the authorities also leave an alert with the numbers of 2021: “In 2021, 24,306 violations related to handling were detected. mobile phone while driving, which represents an increase of 5.5% compared to the previous year. It is urgent to stop this behaviour”. The authorities also stress that “the use of electronic devices while driving causes difficulty in the interpretation of signs and disrespect of the rules for granting passage”, putting pedestrians at particular risk.

ANSR will carry out actions to raise awareness of drivers throughout the national territory, while PSP and GNR will be present with inspection operations on roads and accesses with high road traffic.

Faro City Council Reopens Municipal Swimming Pools

The Municipality of Faro on Monday, October 3, reopened the municipal swimming pools , after two months closed to save water and face the drought that affects the region, announced the Algarve municipality.

The closure of municipal swimming pools in July and August had been adopted by the 16 municipalities in the region, as part of the measures to combat drought applied by the Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve (AMAL), but now the Municipality of Faro decides to reopen its equipment, although a “fault in the process of being resolved” prevents the use of showers, the municipality underlined in a statement.

“Users will have new and better conditions with the installation of new equipment, namely Jacuzzi, sauna and Turkish bath, which will complement the services provided. Its installation was carried out during the period of the pandemic, with the aim of providing the municipal swimming pools of Faro with a wider range of activities ”, also announced by the Algarve municipality.

The same source considered that the “breakdown” on the basis of the impediment to the use of showers could be “solved shortly”, but warned that the work is “dependent” on the “limitations and deadlines imposed by the Public Procurement Law and by the contingencies resulting from the international situation” that “make it difficult to acquire materials and equipment”.

The Câmara de Faro joins the Câmara de São Brás de Alportel, which also announced the reopening of covered municipal swimming pools in October, but at the same time implementing measures to reuse water to avoid spending in periods of extreme drought.

The reopening of the swimming pools in São Brás de Alportel also takes place this Monday and “regular activities will be carried out with a view to promoting the health and well-being of the community”, said the municipality.

The same source stressed on that occasion that these activities will be accompanied by an “intensification of user awareness of the need for efficient water use and water reuse measures in a period of extreme drought in the district”.

The municipalities of the Algarve had announced on 3 September that they would keep the pools closed during the month of September to preserve water resources, reduced by the drought that hits the region.

The decision adopted in September within AMAL extended the measures to combat drought adopted by the municipalities in the region on July 15, which included the closure of public municipal swimming pools in August, the stop of ornamental fountains, the reduction of irrigation days, the interruption of irrigation of grassed public green spaces or their conversion to native species with lower water requirements.

The Algarve, like much of Portugal, is going through a period of prolonged drought and the president of AMAL, António Miguel Pina, has already warned of the difficulties that the lack of water can cause in the district if rainfall levels do not improve next year.

“If the next hydrological year is the same, water may even run out of taps in the Algarve, in October 2023”, then warned the mayor of Olhão.

And finally, whilst not on the same scale as Hurricane Ian, a mini Tornado hit Monte Gordo, in the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António on the 29th September causing a slight injury to a Spanish tourist.

The meteorological phenomenon caused the destruction of a giant tent prepared for an international fancier event, the Algarve Golden Race, which runs from Thursday to Sunday, in addition to damage to several vehicles.

According to one of the participants, the small tornado took place in a few seconds during the basketing work, also causing empty pigeon carriers to fly. After the destruction scenario, all participants and organisation helped the authorities in cleaning up the wreckage and the basketing work was transferred to another location.

The Volunteer Firefighters of Vila Real de Santo António, the Public Security Police and INEM were at the scene.

Have a safe week.

Mike Evans



The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 28th September 2022


by Mike Evans

Good day to you, and whilst we all felt a little of Autumnal weather in the past week we now see that the forecast for October is to remain warm and sunny. Whilst this does not help us with the water situation it does help those in the travel and hospitality industry to prolong the season.

There are still plenty of tourists here in the Algarve and it is again worth mentioning the large number of deaths by drowning Portugal has seen this year, and the need to be aware of the factors that could cause drowning- Temperature of the water, rip currents and people who are not confident in the sea. If you are out and about along the coast please keep a look out for anyone showing signs of distress and call 112.

Some of the stories from the Algarve this past week.

Police crackdown produces results.

In the last week, the GNR detained 56 people in the district of Faro, most of them for driving under the influence of alcohol, according to a report on the weekly operational activity of that police force released this Monday.

The GNR’s Faro Territorial Command carried out a series of operations in the district, between 19 and 25 September, with the aim of “preventing and combating violent crime and road surveillance, among others”, says the GNR in a statement.

During these actions, 56 people were arrested: 20 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 13 for driving without a legal licence and eight for drug trafficking, he said. With regard to traffic violations, the GNR reports that it detected 619 violations, of which 184 were for speeding, 56 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection, 48 for lack or incorrect use of seat belts and/or child restraint systems. and 30 for improper use of the mobile phone while driving, among others.

On the other hand, during the week that ended on Sunday, this security force seized, among other products, 163 doses of heroin, 141 of lime, 68 of cocaine and 47 of hashish, the note reads.

According to the same report, with regard to accidents on the Algarve roads, 120 accidents were recorded, resulting in one serious injury and 26 minor injuries.

The GNR also carried out 58 awareness-raising actions in the district of Faro, noting that 54 people were contacted under the Safe School program and 24 elderly people under the Safe Seniors Programme .

Man on Burgau beach has to be helped after feeling unwell

A 70-year-old man was helped on Saturday, September 24, at Burgau beach , in the municipality of Vila do Bispo , announced the National Maritime Authority.

The victim felt unwell in the water and had difficulty breathing, and the alert was given around 12:00, through the Volunteer Firefighters of Vila do Bispo, who activated the means of the SeaWatch project and INEM for the site.

The man was assisted on the beach by lifeguards on duty until the arrival of SeaWatch and INEM elements, who provided differentiated assistance to the victim, who was later transported in stable condition to a hospital unit.

Castro Marim promotes free screening of skin diseases

The Municipality of Castro Marim will promote free screening for cancer and other skin diseases between the 12th and 14th of October, the municipality announced .

Aimed at the entire population of the municipality, this initiative, which was periodically developed before the pandemic, returns after two years of interruption.

The screening is done voluntarily by the dermatologist Manuela Aguiar, who has detected tumour lesions at an early stage and performs the treatment of any precancerous lesions (actinic keratoses) with liquid nitrogen.

Albufeira replaces diesel buses with 100% electric vehicles

On the 22nd of September, five 100% electric buses (two minibuses and three standard buses) began to circulate in Albufeira, on the current lines of the GIRO urban transport network, out of a total of 23 electric vehicles that, by the end of the second half of the year, 2023, will integrate the entire fleet.

The presentation of the five vehicles took place on the day that marks the European Day Without Cars, within the scope of the European Mobility Week, in a symbolic ceremony, which was attended by the mayor , José Carlos Rolo, members of the council, representatives of the Barraqueiro Group, João Santos and Mateus Silva, the member of the Steering Committee of POSEUR – Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources, José Guedes, and representatives of the electric vehicle construction company.

The five electric vehicles were customised with the image of the GIRO that everyone knows, but with the predominant green colour, instead of the blue previously used in diesel vehicles “to draw attention and cause greater impact on users”.Subsequently, when all electric vehicles enter into circulation, all buses will have this characterization, which will allow the population to easily identify the moment from which the fleet will become fully electric.

The new vehicles will come into operation on an experimental basis, which allows that until the effective start of the concession, scheduled for December 1st, any difficulties that may arise can be resolved.

The mayor of Albufeira highlighted that the entry into operation of electric buses “contributes to improving the quality of life in the municipality, since it is a less polluting means of transport, with significant contributions in terms of environmental sustainability ”.

Thanks to this investment, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fall from 6,436.55, emitted per 1000 kilometres carried out in diesel buses (current GIRO), to just 671.60 kilos of CO2 emitted per 1000 kilometres carried out on buses. electric buses.

On the other hand, the number of lines increased from five to 11 and the number of bus stops from 135 to 210, increasing the total capacity of the fleet from 496 to 1331 seats. The number of places for wheelchairs is also increased from 10 to 23, with the possibility of transporting bicycles on some lines of the new GIRO.

According to the municipality, all buses have lift platforms and air conditioning. Also within the scope of the new concession, new services will be made available, including a mobile application, online ticketing and online consultation of circuits and timetables, (which will allow real-time monitoring of the stop at which the vehicle is located).

Currently, the GIRO network serves the locations of Albufeira, Branqueira, Páteo, Marina, Ferreiras (downtown) and Estação da CP. With the entry into operation of the new lines, GIRO will also pass through Olhos de Água, Rocha Baixinha, Malhada Velha, Fontainhas, Cerros Altos, Mosqueira, Patroves, Galé/Salgados, Vale Parra, Guia and the Algarve Shopping mall.

National award “Mobility in Bicycle” awarded to Faro

The municipality of Faro was distinguished, this week, with the national award “Mobility in Bicycle” within the scope of the 17th edition of the award promoted by the National Federation of Cycling Tourism and Bicycle Users (FNCUB).

The ceremony took place in the auditorium of the Orlando Ribeiro Municipal Library (Telheiras), in Lisbon, and was attended by the Mayor of Faro, Rogério Bacalhau , Councillor Sophie Matias and Secretary of State for Urban Mobility, Jorge Delgado, representatives from FNCUP, among several other personalities linked to the mobility area.

This award, created in 2007 by the FPCUB, aims to publicly recognize the contribution of entities or people who have promoted the use of bicycles in its multiple aspects, through the creation or improvement of conditions or the promotion of initiatives to encourage the use of this mode of transport. Sustainable.

Two men arrested for drug trafficking in Albufeira

Two men aged 23 and 32 were arrested on Wednesday, September 21, for drug trafficking in Albufeira , announced the National Republican Guard ( GNR ).

The arrest was made by the Faro Territorial Command, through the Albufeira Territorial Sub-detachment, during a patrolling action.

The GNR military approached a vehicle and detected that the two occupants had narcotic drugs in their possession, and 163 doses of heroin, 28 doses of cocaine, three cell phones, a light vehicle and 150 euros in cash were also seized.

The detainees will be present for the first judicial interrogation during this Thursday, September 22, at the Albufeira Judicial Court, for the application of coercive measures.

Bravura Dam has the lowest level of water in the country

The volume of water stored at the Bravura Dam, in Lagos, on 19 September, was only 9.2%, a figure well below the usual average at this time of year, which is usually around 56%.

The data appear in the latest water availability map in Portugal, released by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) on the website of the National Water Resources Information System, and show a decrease of 0.6 percentage points, in this reservoir, in relation to the end of August.

Comparing the values ​​of the hydrographic basins, it is still possible to see that the Barlavento basin, which only integrates the Bravura dam, has the lowest stored volume in the country, followed by the Lima basin (21.6%).

As for the Guadiana basin, which includes the Algarve reservoirs of Odeleite and Beliche, the data are more encouraging, with a stored volume of 61.9% (only 0.2% below average), thanks largely to the Alqueva Dam. , which has a volume of 65%. Odeleite has 36% of its total capacity and Beliche has 29%.

The volume of the Arade Basin is 38.5% (at the end of August it was 39.8). In this basin, the Funcho reservoir is the only one above 60% (61%). Arade is at 28% and Odelouca at 34%. Despite the rains in September, there are still no notable differences in the storage levels of the southern reservoirs, which register a lower volume than at the end of last month.

And Finally,

Tourists arriving at the airport receive Algarve oranges

Tourists who arrive at Gago Coutinho airport in Faro tomorrow, September 27 , will receive free Algarve oranges to mark International Tourism Day, announced VisitAlgarve.

Turismo do Algarve and the Algarve Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries will distribute around 200 kilos of Algarve oranges with the support of AlgarOrange, a non-profit association that represents around 40% of citrus production in the region.

From 10:00 am, the oranges will be distributed to tourists, with the participation of the vice president of Tourism of the Algarve, Fátima Catarina, the director of airport infrastructure, Alberto Mota Borges and the regional director of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Algarve, Pedro Monteiro. In addition to the Algarve oranges, tourists who pass through the network of 20 tourist information offices of Turismo do Algarve will receive gifts and souvenirs.





The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 21 September 2022


By Mike Evans

Good day to you all. The week has been dominated by the death and funeral of  Queen Elizabeth and we have all been fascinated by the amazing scenes of the pomp and ceremony that her death has brought.Here in the Algarve we have seen a couple of thunderstorms and a small amount of rain, nowhere near enough to help alleviate the drought conditions we are still facing. We can but hope this is the start of a prolonged spell of rain that will help to fill up the reservoirs.

Here are the stories that have caught our eye this week across the Algarve.

2 Women Jailed for People Smuggling

The Faro Court sentenced two women to prison terms for the crimes of aiding illegal immigration and recruiting illegal labor, the Foreigners and Borders Service ( SEF ) reported on September 17.

According to a statement from the SEF, the sentence was read on Thursday, the 15th, against two Portuguese women, aged 57 and 39, sentenced to prison terms of three years and nine months and two years and two months, respectively, for the practice of crimes of aiding illegal immigration and recruiting illegal labour.

The crimes investigated by the SEF date back to July 2016, when the two women recruited several citizens of Hindu origin (India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) in the Martim Moniz area of ​​Lisbon (India, Bangladesh and Pakistan) to work for the agricultural company. which they represented, in Famalicão, “promising further assistance in their legalisation, since they were all in an irregular situation in national territory”.

According to the service that controls the Portuguese borders, in September of the same year, one of the defendants transported the citizens to the Algarve, where they were housed in containers on a farm.

The court has now found that citizens were exploited at work, “coming to work between eight and 12 hours a day and seven days a week, not being monetarily compensated for the effect, nor having been paid the agreed amount. or food allowance”.

The SEF statement also states that it has been proven that the defendants “took advantage of the fragility in which these foreign citizens found themselves”.

“The group of judges understood that the defendants knew that by hiring, transporting, housing and benefiting from the work of these foreign citizens, they favoured and facilitated the illegal stay of foreigners in national territory”, concludes the SEF.


Man of 75 Dies on Quarteira Beach

A 75-year-old man died on Saturday, the 17th, on the beach of Quarteira, after going into cardiac arrest, suspecting the authorities that he “felt unwell in the water”, informed the National Maritime Authority ( AMN ).

According to a statement, the victim was “taken out of the water by the lifeguard on duty on the beach, with the support of people, having been promptly assisted by a doctor who was on site, who began resuscitation manoeuvres, until the arrival of the INEM”.

Meanwhile, the Lisbon Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC Lisboa) had received an alert at around 5:30 pm on Saturday informing the presence of a man in cardiorespiratory arrest on the beach of Quarteira, having been “activated immediately.” ” to the site, elements of the local Command of the Maritime Police of Faro, as well as elements of INEM (National Institute of Medical Emergency) and the Portuguese Red Cross.

The maritime authority explains that after several attempts at resuscitation, “it was not possible to reverse the situation”, and the death was declared on the spot by the doctor of the Emergency and Reanimation Medical Vehicle (VMER) of INEM.

The Public Ministry was notified of the occurrence, and the body was later transported by elements of the Portuguese Red Cross to the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Faro .

“The Maritime Police Psychology Office has been activated and is providing support to the victim’s relatives,” the statement said, adding that the Faro Maritime Police Local Command took care of the incident.


Paderne to Host the 1st Festival of Local Culture

The village of Paderne , in Albufeira , will be the first town in the Algarve to host the “Há Festa na Aldeia” initiative, which supports the local community to value its heritage, culture, gastronomy or endogenous products, the organisation said this Monday. fair, 19.

Over two days, on Saturday and Sunday (24 and 25 September), there will be cultural, musical and gastronomic initiatives, with Paderne being the first village in the district of Faro to host the initiative, created 10 years ago in the North by the Tourism Association. de Aldeia, explained the president of Associação In Loco, who accepted the challenge of extending this community action to the south of the country.

“It is not a logic like that of other initiatives, which seek to make the villages tourist, but a way for the community to offer its way of life, its experiences, its knowledge, its gastronomy, as a product and a way to attract visitors, but valuing what each village considers to be most important”, stated Artur Gregório.

Puppets, poets’ gatherings, gastronomic tastings, theatre with an itinerant humorous aspect, folkloric groups, circus parades, fire shows, balls are some of the activities that can be experienced by visitors during the two days of the event, he said.

The president of that local development association explained that the Aldeia Tourism Association already has “more than 60 villages from north to south of the country” and it was with “pleasure” that In Loco joined the partnership, because “it effectively fulfils all sustainable local development goals towards which the association works” for more than 30 years, since 1988.

The initiative is thus “in line with all the work” being done by In Loco in the interior of the Algarve “in the safeguarding and enhancement of heritage, local resources, products, communities and traditions”, allowing “the associations, organisations and local entities themselves organise and cooperate to show them abroad”, he pointed out.

“’Há Festa na Aldeia’ has been very successful in villages in the north before the pandemic, it was again when we resumed activities after the pandemic, it is a very emblematic and very mobilising product, and in the four villages that we are promoting here in the Algarve – Alte, Paderne, Cachopo and in the Serra de São Brás [of Alportel] – it was Paderne who made the product”, he said.In Loco has a partnership with the Câmara de Albufeira, the Parish Council of Paderne and local associations, “who chose another activity that already existed, the Dry Fruit Exhibition as a base, to later be covered with the mantle of the ‘There’s Festa na Aldeia’ and to be given another projection and a refreshed way of presenting the village”, he added.

“During these two days we will have a showcase of the richness, the diversity of culture, heritage, environment and village communities, basically, a celebration of what a village lifestyle is, the which is to live in a village, to share the traditions, knowledge and experience of the village”, he anticipated.

Artur Gregório said that visitors will be able to “be part of this lifestyle and understand how living in a village is clearly a different way of being and being” and “it is something that must be maintained and preserved with pride”.

“Villages are not closed, they are open, what we want is for people from outside to understand the wealth that villages still have and how they can be destinations for visits, tours and even residence and return to the traditional world”, he concluded.

Pleasure Boat Runs Aground at Portimao

A pleasure boat with two crew on board ran aground on the night of Saturday, September 17, on the west pier of the Portimão bar , announced the National Maritime Authority.

The alert was given at 22:15 to the District Command of Relief Operations of Faro and elements of the local Command of the Maritime Police of Portimão, with the Portimão Fire Department, INEM and the Portuguese Red Cross were immediately activated. .

At the scene, elements of the Maritime Police found that there was no source of pollution and that the two crew members had managed to reach land by their own means, with the help of the Portimão Fire Department. The victims were helped by INEM elements and one of them was later transported to a hospital, as he had minor injuries.

The vessel’s owner was notified to present a plan to remove the boat and the local Command of the Maritime Police of Portimão took care of the incident.


VSRA & Tavira Have a New Port Captain

João Afonso Martins is the new Captain of The  Port and Commander-in-Chief of the Maritime Police of Vila Real de Santo António and Tavira , announced the National Maritime Authority.

The inauguration took place on Friday, in the Captaincy of Vila Real de Santo António, replacing Commander Rui Vasconcelos de Andrade, chaired by the Deputy Director-General of the Maritime Authority and 2nd Commander-General of the Maritime Police, Contra- Admiral Nuno Noronha Bragança.

The ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Southern Maritime Department and Regional Commander of the Southern Maritime Police, Commander Rocha Pacheco, the Mayor of Tavira, Ana Paula Martins, the Mayor of Castro Marim, Francisco Amaral , representatives of the Municipalities of Vila Real de Santo António, Alcoutim, Mértola and Captains of the Ports of the Southern Maritime Department.

Commander Afonso Martins, during his inauguration speech, stated “total availability and commitment to perform the functions inherent to the positions he will perform”, according to the statement.

Protests  Against Silves Cork Factory

The Neighbours of the Factory pressure group was formed two years ago to fight against environmental and health issues caused by the Amorim Cork Factory in Silves, Algarve. Currently the group has 100 members who are all very concerned by the presence of the “chemical Suberin in the smoke emitted from the factory six days a week and the constant noise levels which are higher than the allowed rates. Alongside the pollution caused by the smoke, there is the issue of the fine powder containing PM10 which is being allowed to sit around in piles which is scattered by the wind across a very rural area.”

Elaine Evans from The Neighbours of the Factory group when speaking to The Portugal News, said that they have done multiple tests on the Suberin and noise levels which they say proves that they are above the government limits and that “We have been meeting on a regular basis with members of the Silves Câmara, the CEO of Amorim, a representative from the CDDR as well as a representative from Pestana Golf.”

In a meeting on 1 September, Dr Maxime Sousa Bispo obliged Amorim Factory to adhere to two proposals, with one being “to place all fine dust in sealed containers and dispose of it safely” and the other being to “lower the noise level to meet with the code laid down by the government”.

“This is a big problem for the residents of Silves and is even experienced by those living in Lagoa and Portimão. We cannot sit in our gardens because of the smell and the effect it has on our eyes, nose and throat. Many experience allergies on a daily basis. It gets into our houses and even our washing smells of the smoke.” With Elaine Evans describing her own experience “I have lived in my present house since 1993 and the smoke was not a nuisance, now it is as the factory works long hours 6 days a week.” On the 14 September, the group demonstrated outside the Silves Câmara at the same time as a meeting was taking place, which was organised under the leadership of the Deputy Mayor of Silves, Dr Maxime Sousa Bispo and the Deputy Mayor of CCDR-Algarve, Mr José Pacheco. The meeting was also attended by two representatives from the Neighbours group, representatives from Grupo Pestana, the CEO of Amorim Cork Factory.

When asked about the outcome of the meeting, Elaine Evans told The Portugal News that “This meeting as others before showed Amorim’s lack of respect as they had not done anything about the noise levels, which have been recorded to be above the stated levels and they have decided not to improve the filters until sometime next year. This has happened so many times before, putting the date forward yet again.”









The Algarve Situation Report Wednesday 14 September 2022

by Mike Evans

Good Day to you all. We start the report with the fact that we have experienced something we haven’t seen for a long while! Rain, across the Algarve there are reports of some heavy rain whilst others have seen only slight showers.One thing to be aware of is that heavy rain on hard ground cannot seep into the ground easily so could cause some flooding.  In addition the IPMA have issued warnings about the road conditions which may result in slippery road surfaces and possible vehicle hydroplaning. Please be aware that ROADS ARE SLIPPERY and rain water running down slopes takes with it mud to add to the problem.

Meanwhile here are some other stories from across the region.

903 more cases of covid-19 and two deaths in the past week.

The Algarve region recorded 903 more cases of covid-19 and two deaths, while the country had 17,044 new confirmed cases between August 30 and September 5, in a week in which 47 deaths from the disease and 431 people were hospitalised, according to official data. .

According to the situation report from the Directorate-General for Health ( DGS ), the total number of new cases in the last week represents a drop of 1,158 compared to the previous week, putting the incidence of the disease at 166 per 100 thousand inhabitants, a drop of 6% in the same period.

The infection transmissibility index (Rt) stood at 0.99 in the last week.As for hospital occupancy in the mainland due to covid-19, on September 5 it was 431 beds, 39 less than the previous week, with 33 people hospitalised in intensive care units, three less than the previous week.

The DGS began to release data on admissions for the Monday prior to the publication of the report on Fridays.

In the period under analysis, 47 people died from covid-19, two more than the previous week, putting mortality at 05 per million inhabitants, which represents a growth of 4% in a week.The campaign to boost vaccination against covid-19 at the same time as the flu vaccination for the most vulnerable and those over 60 years old started days ago and should cover about three million people, according to DGS estimates.

Man’s body found south of Carvoeiro beach

The body of a man was found on Saturday, September 10, floating in the sea about two kilometres south of Carvoeiro beach , in the municipality of Lagoa , announced the National Maritime Authority (AMN).

In a statement, the AMN indicated that “the causes that may have been at the origin of this occurrence are unknown”, whose alert was given at 10:05 am, through the Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Lisbon.

The body, the source said, was about a nautical mile (approximately two kilometres) south of Carvoeiro beach, having been rescued by the crew of the Ferragudo Lifeguard Station and transported to the Portimão Naval Support Point.According to the AMN, after calling the Judiciary Police and contacting the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the body was transported to the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Portimão for identification.

Suspected Drug Dealer Remanded in Custody

The Portimão Judicial Court decreed the preventive detention of one of the two arrested last week in Albufeira , suspected of drug trafficking and possession of a weapon.

According to a statement from the National Republican Guard (GNR), the 30-year-old detainee was remanded in custody after being present at the Judicial Court of Portimão, while the 21-year-old was given bail subject to the terms  of identity and residence.

On Tuesday, the GNR had arrested two men, aged 21 and 30, suspected of drug trafficking, and seized 2,788 doses of various drugs and a weapon in Albufeira.The GNR’s Faro Territorial Command, in a statement, explained at the time that the police action had taken place “following a complaint of abusive occupation of a dwelling” and because “suspected drug trafficking” had fallen on one of the suspects, the which led the Guard’s soldiers to carry out a house search and to learn the various drugs and other material, such as a nine millimetre pistol.

In total, “1,838 doses of hashish, 756 doses of cocaine, 193 doses of MDMA, a dose of cannabis, a nine millimetre pistol, three magazines, 36 nine millimetre rounds, a brass knuckle and 1,250 euros in cash” were seized. accounted for the GNR.

Paderne photovoltaic plant inaugurated

An investment of 18 million euros has enabled the construction of a photovoltaic plant in Paderne , in the municipality of Albufeira , which will have enough installed power to supply “more than 8,000 homes”, said the promoters.

The solar park set up by NextEnergy Capital and Frequent Summer “consists of 39,564 panels, with an installed power of 17.4 MWp”, occupies “an area of ​​28 hectares in the municipality of Albufeira” and was inaugurated this Friday, 9 de Setembro, near the Algarve town of Paderne.

The ceremony was attended by the director of NextEnergy Capital Filinto Martins and the representative of Frequent Summer, Rogério da Ponte, as well as the mayor of Albufeira, José Carlos Rolo (PSD), with the promoters highlighting the “annual production capacity of 29.6 GWh of electricity”, which will “allow supplying more than 8,000 homes”.

On the other hand, they pointed out, the project also has an environmental component, by “avoiding the emission of 9,620 tons of CO2 per year”.

“Portugal is a country with a high growth potential in terms of solar energy production. The Paderne Photovoltaic Power Station reflects this scenario and shows NextEnergy’s commitment to this type of investment”, said Filinto Martins.

The same source added that, with this investment of 18 million euros, “the company not only reinforces its global presence, by carrying out yet another project in Portugal, but also contributes to the economic and sustainable development of the Algarve region”.The mayor of Albufeira, José Carlos Rolo, considered that the municipality already had “lack of an investment of this nature” and highlighted the importance of the solar park to “cover 8,000 dwellings”.

The mayor stressed that solar energy “does not pollute, it is renewable, clean and silent” and allows the municipality to bring “a greater good” in environmental terms, when society is confronted “with various areas of combat, such as the economic and climate change, whose repercussions range from food to social dynamics”.

“Due to the high sun exposure, the Algarve has unique weather conditions for the establishment of a photovoltaic plant, in addition to being a region that already has knowledge, installed capacity and human resources prepared for challenges and investments like this”, justified Rogério da Ponte. , representative of Frequent Summer.

The same source pointed out that, “for all these reasons, Frequent Summer’s strategy will involve not only this plant, but also other projects still under development”

Earthquake felt in Loule

And Finally to close this report An earthquake of magnitude 3.2 on the Richter scale was recorded at 22:16 (local time) on Sunday, September 11, having been felt in the municipality of Loulé , according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA).

“The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere informs that on 11-09-2022 at 22:16 (local time) an earthquake of magnitude 3.2 (Richter) was recorded at the stations of the Mainland Seismic Network, whose epicentre was located about 60 km south-southeast of Olhão ,” the organisation said in a statement.

According to information available until around 24:00 (mainland Portugal time), the earthquake “did not cause personal or material damage and was felt with maximum intensity II (modified Mercalli scale) in the municipality of Loulé (Faro)”, refers to the IPMA communiqué.

Have a safe and secure week.