Twelve differences between confinement compared to March last year

The rules of the new confinement, which started this Friday, have many similarities to what was enacted in March, but there are at least 12 differences to take into account. Expresso has listed these.


The big difference. Students of all levels of education will continue to attend classes, escaping the distance learning regime applied in March. Day care centres also continue to function.


They do not close all stores, as they did last year. It is, therefore, possible to go to spaces such as opticians, cosmetic products establishments, medical and orthopaedic products establishments, natural and diet products stores, stationery and tobacconists, flower sales, washing and dry cleaning of clothes.


This time, no time limit was imposed, contrary to what happened in the first confinement, when these spaces were forced to close their doors earlier. Besides, they are part of the exceptions, as in March.


These workers can keep their stalls functioning, as long as they sell goods considered essential. Marketers were forced to close in March, but are now allowed to continue the business within this scope. The markets were, however, allowed to operate in the last confinement: in fact, some even adopt the home delivery service, as happened with the Benfica market in Lisbon.


Forced to close, clothing stores and other goods considered non-essential can sell their products in a takeaway regime, such as restaurants. In this case, customers can pick up orders at the door, but they cannot enter stores.


The differences that occur between the two confinements in relation to religious celebrations do not arise from differences in the measures decreed by the Government, but from the decision of the Church itself. In other words, in March, it was the Portuguese Episcopal Conference that decided to suspend masses and other celebrations, since the Government left this decision in its hands. Now, the executive of António Costa repeated the decision and the Church decided to keep the celebration of masses and suspend baptisms and weddings.


In the case of funerals, the rules are not very different, since the obligation to set a limit on people remains to be defined – to be defined by the municipality. However, there is a new indication that was not considered in March: the limit of gifts cannot preclude the presence of “the spouse or de facto partner, ascendants, descendants, relatives or the like”.


Dental medicine was one of the sectors that suffered a strong impact with the measures of the first confinement, but dental clinics may, starting this Friday continue. Also now included in the list of exceptions are medical services offices or other health and social support services and veterinary medical care centres.


During the first confinement, only urgent cases were processed and, in more than three months, more than nine thousand trials were postponed and less than three thousand trials were carried out. Now, the scenario will be different, with the courts with open doors to judge all cases. The Ministry of Justice wants to ensure that, this time, there are no procedural delays and, therefore, urgent and non-urgent cases will be tried. Face-to-face service in the courts will continue to be provided, as long as previously scheduled.


The gyms and all physical exercise spaces are closed, similar to what happened in March, but it is now possible to play tennis or paddle tennis, as long as it is on an outdoor field. The practice of these sports on indoor fields is prohibited, except for high performance athletes.


The border with Spain will not be closed, as happened between March and July last year.

12 – FINES

These are double. The new regime leaves behind fines between 100 and 500 euros and comes up with values ​​that can reach 1,000 euros for those who do not wear a mask on the street and in mandatory places.

Source Expresso. Original article here

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