The temporary reintroduction of border control at the Portuguese borders during the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis between 00:00 hours on May 10, 2017 and 00:00 hours on May 14, 2017, at the air, sea and land borders.
All citizens who travel in or out of Portugal by Air: Airports / Aerodromes; Sea: Ports / Marinas or Land: Roads – Rail / Rivers must hold a valid travel document, namely, passport or citizen’s card, at the border control carried out by SEF, the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service.
According to the Council of Ministers Resolution, the nine authorized border crossings / Land routes will be as follows::
a) Valença -Viana do Castelo, exit of BridgeTuy-Valença – connection IP1 -A3, in Valença, and railway station of Valença;
b) Vila Verde da Raia -Chaves, exit of A52, connection with A24, km 0, by the roundabout;
c) Quintanilha -Bragança, exit of International Bridge IP4/E 82, exit to Quintanilha or by the Joint Police and Customs Cooperation Centre at N 218 -1 Quintanilha;
d) Vilar Formoso -Guarda at the borderline, Border Square, by the Joint Police and Customs Cooperation Centre, N 16/E80, connection 620 Fuentes de Õnoro, Spain, including the old border, N 332, km 62,7, the railway station of Vilar Formoso and the access through Truck Parking, truck route, N16, Vilar Formoso;
e) Termas de Monfortinho -Castelo Branco, N 239 N 240 junction in Termas de Monfortinho;
f) Marvão -Portalegre, borderline, Marvão, N 521 connection to Valência de Alcântara at IC 13 Marvão and railway station of Beirã/Marvão, in Beirã;
g) Caia -Elvas, exit of A6 km 158, connection Caia -Elvas, by the Tourist Office, Elvas;
h) Vila Verde de Ficalho -Beja, by the borderline, connection A 495 Rosal de la Frontera with IP 8, Serpa;
i) Vila Real de Santo António – Border Square, km 131 da A22, International Bridge of Guadiana -Castro Marim, including river quay of Vila Real de Santo António.