Portugal Situation report Saturday 12th June 2021
Good morning – The new measures taken by the Government under the new phase of de-confinement came into force on Thursday, having been brought forward from the scheduled day, which was Monday 14th June, according to a resolution published in Diário da República.
Signed by the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Guimarães Vieira da Silva, Council of Ministers resolution no. 74-A/2021 was published on June 9th with the indication that “it takes effect the day after its publication” in other words 4 days earlier than scheduled. This was not reported in the on line news until late 10th and then wrongly copied by various other medias effective 11th June. As of now the Estamos On (Government) website had still not been changed – showing 14th June!
This illustrates once again that between the time of the decision of the council of misters and the official communiqué changes can be made, and it also reflects once again the slowness of official government communication through the Estamos On website.
The second issue was the announcement by ARS Algarve inviting people with citizen’s cards and registered in the Ministry of Health index that they could attend the vaccination centres in their area to obtain vaccinations if aged 60 years and over. Although many did so and were vaccinated, a sizeable number, judging from responses, were turned away.
The message from the ARS was not particularly clear with no mention for instance regarding those who had registered for appointments and not received an SMS confirmation, as well as how to deal with those who were applying for residency, but not yet received. The objective is to ensure that people are not left behind, but in our view this has not been fully addressed. Consequently we have officially written to Director ARS Algarve to get these issues resolved.
Yesterday it was reported that in the UK there were 8125 new cases of Covid-19 some 30% higher that of the same period last week. For England the R (t) is 1.2 to 1.4 compared to Portugal’s 1.07 – a big difference. Given the increasing situation in the UK plus the apparent considerable increase in the Delta variant, which reports yesterday estimate as 90% of new cases, it would seem extremely doubtful if the UK will be adding (or indeed returning, in Portugal’s case) to the Green list in the near future.
As our regularly followers know we try our best to answer peoples questions which takes quite a bit of our time, as often it requires some research. We have many priorities particularly now with the fire season upon us. We do expect people to check our website first and also do their own research where they can, and only if they cannot find information, ask a question. We take much time in preparing the informal translation of laws, updating information on our website pages for travel etc, so please use these facilities. We encourage people to regularly read our Facebook posts for updates in case you miss important information.
If you see some that may not be correct, (we are not infallible), with the huge amount of information our team has to digest on a diverse range of subjects, please contact us through messages to our inbox and we will check and amend accordingly. Doing so publically can lead to a longer debate, tie up more resources, only to find that the person pointing out the so called error, may themselves be wrong.
Another point is that we are not there to be first with the news at any cost. Sometimes the media and some other Facebook groups, post information which has not been verified by official sources. We try and wait for official government statements, the publication of the decree laws and orders, as these contain the full and most accurate information. A few words can make a big difference!
Lastly please remember that we are not just a Facebook group providing information. We are an association, which means we have many priorities and responsibilities in the area of safety and security. To give you some examples: in the last week we have held meetings with government officials concerning rural fires; written to ARS Algarve concerning vaccinations, and ANEPC Lisbon on a number of proposals. We have met with various people concerning the issue of domestic violence; clarified with various officials points concerning various laws, updated our website with new public safety information and helped people concerning vaccines for over 60s, victims of crime, travel information, and not the least the help we provided to many travellers concerning vaccines at the Faro airport with over 300 enquiries – our post reaching 60,000 +. So you can see there is much work involved.
Summary of new measures in place currently under de-confinement
All municipalities in mainland Portugal, except for Braga, Lisbon, Odemira and Vale de Cambra, which did not advance to the new phase, commerce can operate within the timetable for the respective licensing; the restaurants, cafes and patisseries (maximum of six people inside or 10 people on terraces) can open until midnight for admission of customers and 01:00 for closing; and cultural facilities can work until 01:00.
Public transport can circulate with a capacity of two-thirds or with a full capacity in case they have only seats; capacity for weddings and baptisms remains limited to 50% of the space; and the practice of sports can now have a public in the case of amateur sports, with reserved seats and capacity restricted to 33% of the space.
When transporting by taxi and the like, the front seats cannot be used by passengers. Covid-19 diagnostic tests are now mandatory for access to sporting, cultural and family events, including weddings and baptisms.
However, the mandatory testing at family events is now made from a number of guests that will be determined by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).
Companies with more than 150 workers in the same job also have to test employees and telework is no longer mandatory in most municipalities.
For the four municipalities that remain in the 4th phase of the de-confinement plan, restaurants, cafes and patisseries are allowed to operate, either on weekdays or on weekends, until 22:30, with the limitation conditioned to a maximum of six people per table inside and 10 people per table on the terraces; Commerce in general can be open until 9:00 pm on weekdays and until 7:00 pm on weekends and holidays; cultural shows are limited to 22:30; and telecommuting remains mandatory whenever activities permit.
Covid 19
Portugal recorded on Friday one death and 519 new cases of Covid-19, according to the daily report of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). The figures from yesterday are:
Confirmed Cases: 855.951 (+ 519 / + 0.06 %)
Number of admitted: 306 (+ 11 / + 3.73 %)
Number of ICU admitted: 72 (0 / 0.00 %)
Deaths: 17.044 (+ 1 / + 0.01 %)
Recovered: 814.318 (+ 295 / + 0.04 %)
Active cases: 24,589 (+223 /+ 0.91%)
Safe Communities comparisons/trends: show that deaths were in line with last week’s average; new daily cases declined since Thursday and were below last weeks’ daily average (570). Again the focus was on Lisbon and Vale do Tejo where 52% of new cases were registered. In hospital an increase the total being the second highest total since 3rd May 2021 and in ICU the same as yesterday. Highest total since 17th May 2021 The number of active cases is the highest total since 26th April 2021.
Covid-19: Lisboa and Vale do Tejo continue to lead the Rt, but drops from 1.16 to 1.12
Lisbon, June 11, 2021 (Lusa) – Lisbon and Vale do Tejo continues to be the region of the country with the highest transmission index (Rt) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this indicator dropped from 1.16 to 1 .12 in a week.
According to the weekly report of the Doctor Ricardo Jorge National Health Institute (INSA) on the evolution of the pandemic curve released today, the average value of Rt – which estimates the number of secondary cases of covid-19 resulting from an infected person – is 1 .07 nationally.
The North (0.99), the Azores (0.97) and Madeira (0.76) are the three regions that present this indicator below the defined threshold of 1, according to INSA data.
Above 1 are the regions of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (1.12), Algarve (1.09), Centro (1.05) and Alentejo (1.05).
With regard to the accumulated incidence of new cases of covid-19 to 14 days, all regions of the continent have a rate of less than 120 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, but Lisbon and Vale do Tejo is now at 118.8, after show a value of 92.7 in the previous week.
On the other hand, the North (59.0), the Center (39.2), Alentejo (49.7) and Madeira (47.2) even register an accumulated incidence rate of 14 days below 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. , refers the report, which attributed to the Azores a value of 141.3 in this indicator, the highest of all regions.
Newsroom, 11 Jun 2021 (Lusa) – The Maritime Police carried out 3,833 awareness-raising actions on coastal beaches across the country in the first three weeks after the rules for access to bathing areas established by the Government in the context of a pandemic came into force.
“Up to June 8th, 3,833 awareness-raising actions had been carried out across the country to comply with the protection measures in force,” said the Maritime Police, in a reply sent today to Lusa news agency.
The maritime authority points out that, between May 18 and June 8, no bather was fined for non-compliance with the rules defined for access, occupation and use of beaches in the 2021 bathing season, with the purpose of preventing, containing and mitigating the transmission of Infection due to Covid-19.
“Since Decree-Law No. 35-A/2021, of May 18, came into force, no notice of infraction has been issued for non-compliance with measures to contain covid-19 for bathers on the beaches”, he says.
With regard to other administrative offenses, the Maritime Police indicates that four notices were issued related to the operation of establishments outside the hours allowed by law (maritime tourism companies) and to overcrowding in collective river transport for passengers.
Despite verifying “some non-compliance with the measures currently in force on the beaches, namely the use of masks and physical distance”, the Maritime Police recalls that its posture is “essentially pedagogical and awareness-raising, in order to prevent and correct a potential situation of infraction”. According to the maritime authority, people have respected the indications of police elements.
Cultural Facilities

Cultural facilities may close at 1:00 am, in Mainland Portugal, as of Monday, with the exception of the municipalities of Braga, Lisbon, Odemira and Vale de Cambra, announced today the Government.
According to the Minister of State and Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, at a press conference at the end of the Council of Ministers meeting, “cultural facilities will close at 01:00”, with the last public entrance at midday -night, “as with the restoration”.
This can happen in mainland Portugal councils that are advancing to the next phase of de-confinement, which starts on Monday.
Mariana Vieira da Silva announced that the municipalities of Braga, Lisbon, Odemira and Vale de Cambra will not proceed to the next phase. This means that these councils “remain with a set of rules similar to those in force since May 1st”. In other words, in those four municipalities, cultural spaces will have to close at 22:30.
Last week, the prime minister had also announced that the concert halls could start operating with 50% capacity, starting next Monday. However, this measure does not apply in the municipalities of Lisbon, Braga, Odemira and Vale de Cambra.
Minister Mariana Vieira da Silva also referred that, for the next two weeks, “no council will regress in the confinement rules”.
Heavy Rains in the north of country
Vila Real, June 11, 2021 (Lusa) – Heavy rain and hailstorms today caused flooding in several roads in the city of Vila Real and also affected several locations in that district with floods and tree falls, according to Lusa sources of civil protection . According to a source from the Vila Real District Command for Operations and Relief (CDOS), there were floods and tree falls in various parts of the district at the end of the afternoon.
The most affected area was the municipality of Vila Real, but the same source added that the floods were quickly resolved as the storm passed. As explained to Lusa by the commander of the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Cruz Branca, Vila Real, Orlando Matos, the main traffic jams resulted in roads that are being the target of interventions and that flooded.
“As they are still under construction, the sudden fall of water caused the dragging of materials onto the road”, he stressed.
And he added that they had only one record of a loss due to bad weather, but that it did not result in any injuries.
According to the website of the CDOS of Vila Real, trees fell in Medrões, municipality of Santa Marta de Penaguião, and Oura and Vidago, municipality of Chaves. Also according to the same page, in addition to the municipality of Vila Real, there were also floods in localities in the municipalities of Alijó and Santa Marta de Penaguião.
The page on the Facebook social network ‘Meteo Trás os Montes – Portugal’ also registered the sharing by followers of the hailstorm, heavy rain and thunderstorm in various points of the district of Vila Real.