Portugal Situation and Security Report Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Although in many areas of the mainland it has been a fairly wet winter, with most reservoirs near full, with the exception of the Algarve, the weather ahead as far as the supply of water is not so optimistic.

According to a report released on Monday by the European Commission, because of an “exceptionally dry and warm winter, soil moisture and river flow already show significant anomalies” in countries such as France, Spain and Italy. Portugal was wetter but is also mentioned in the report.

The European Commission warned today of the possibility of an even drier summer than in previous years in Mediterranean countries and that “precipitation in the coming weeks will be crucial”.

The most negative and also most likely prediction is that “Europe and the Mediterranean region could experience an extreme summer this year, similar to 2022.” The Commission also warned that “most countries in the south and west of the European Union”, including Portugal, “are affected by an incipient drought where concerns about water supply, agriculture and energy production are growing.

An impact arising from this is the high risk of rural fires. Last year over 80% of these were in the north, owing to the heatwave in June/July which greatly affected the north and central regions. Although as mention the water in reservoirs is higher than at this time last year, it is important to look ahead and conserve water where we can. One way is to reduce watering in the garden by using plants that require far less water, such as succulents and cacti. If you are attending the Mediterranean Spring Gardening Fair in Silves this weekend there will be a workshop on this subject. Entrance to the fair is free. The second way is to ensure the cleaning of land which needs to be completed by 30th April. Please see the news article following this introduction.

Safe Communities Portugal will be at the fair as usual and on this occasion we will be joined by the GNR SEPNA unit from Silves. Our stand no 32 will focus will be on land cleaning, fire safe gardens, safe wells, disaster risk awareness, rural fire prevention and protection, crime prevention, dealing weather extremes and more. The Nature and Environmental Protection Service (SEPNA), is constituted as an environmental police, competent to monitor, supervise, report and investigate all violations of legislation aimed at protecting nature, the environment and natural heritage, throughout the national territory. They will be able to answer your questions on many different topics.

Remember to Mark Your Calendars for This Weekend Time Change…Spring Forward.

The country will advance the clock by one hour in the early hours of this Sunday. At 1 a.m. on March 26, in mainland Portugal and in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, the clock should be brought forward to 2 a.m., starting daylight saving time. In the Azores, the change will be made at 12 a.m., when the clocks should change to 1 a.m.

Portugal’s Tax Authority (AT) warned, this Monday 20th March, of the circulation of a fraudulent message, through which taxpayers are asked to access a link to send their income tax return, and are then sent to malicious pages. “AT is aware that some taxpayers are receiving e-mails, supposedly coming from AT, referring to a possible missing declaration of income, in which they are asked to click on a ‘link'”, he indicated, in a statement.

The Tax Authorities stressed that these messages are false and therefore should be ignored. There are many such false emails around at present particularly the tax authority, CTT and EDP. Also be cautious if they are asking you to click on a link in order to pay money. Almost certainly these are phishing attacks – so simply delete. If you have however you have paid a fraudster then this should be reported to police.


Government warns that fire risk increased by about 40% compared to 2022

Leiria, 21 Mar 2023 (Lusa) – The risk of fire in Portugal today is about 40% higher compared to 2022, said the Minister of Internal Administration, after a meeting with the GNR, in Monte Redondo, in the municipality of Leiria.

“Today we were able to hear from the GNR, which has a database that allows comparing various indicators, that in light of the indicators known today, the risk increases by about 40% compared to 2022 said José Luís Carneiro.

The Minister of Internal Administration was at the GNR post in Monte Redondo, where he received briefings from the military on the state of the national territory at the time when the Safe Forest Campaign is taking place, which aims to identify the owners of land that need cleaning, to prevent rural fires.

José Luís Carneiro then saw the work of the GNR in identifying land in default, having tried out the system used by the military.

“The GNR is currently on the ground across the country to raise awareness among local authorities and owners of the need to carry out the cleaning provided for in the law regarding the safety of buildings”, namely, “all areas surrounding the dwellings that must be subject to cleaning,” he said.

The assistant sergeant of the Emergency Protection and Relief Unit (UEPS), Rui Teixeira, explained that on the platform that the GNR has, it is possible to verify the critical places “that give incidence of rural fires from 2020 until now”.

“We are more severely affected in the north of the country – Viana do Castelo and inland Porto. We have more ignitions in Montalegre and Vila Real, which is already historic at this stage of the year”, he specified.

“It would be fundamental for the country to guarantee the resilience of population centers through the execution of the secondary network, since 85% of the occurrences, out of 10,958 in 2022, occurred within 500 meters of infrastructure, whether occupied by people or a business environment”, explained the military.

The minister underlined, therefore, the importance of investing in prevention and raising everyone’s awareness of the cleanliness of the grounds.

“In the summer, when we are faced with fires, we all have the feeling that resources are always limited for the country’s needs as a whole. The GNR went ahead with the awareness campaign in February across the country, a very valuable job, which has allowed for greater knowledge and greater ability to foresee risks. This is a collective duty” he insisted.

José Luís Carneiro recalled that, “in 2022, the European Union had more than 60% of rural and forest fires”.

The official explained: “in 2022 we had 47C degrees, humidity below 10% and winds above 60 kilometres per hour, which means that the risk of fire has increased exponentially”.

“This is everyone’s effort. From the central administration, from the Government, from the municipalities, from the owners and from each one of us. It is for this purpose and for this awareness that I am meeting with the GNR today. It is important that everyone fulfill their mission. It is not enough, when we are faced with fires, to ask the Minister of Internal Administration for an account. It is very important that everyone contributes to a safer country”, he reinforced.
