Situation Report Madeira 11th to 12th May – From our colleague reporting on Madeira

Maderia Covid-19 update

There were no new Covid-19 cases for a fifth consecutive day. The number of cases remains at 90, with 37 active cases and 53 recoveries.

Funchal Municipality to deliver face shields to Funchal shops

The Funchal Municipality (Câmara Municipal) will start delivering face shields to Funchal shop owners and shopkeepers. This is another measure to ensure a safer reopening of the economy by protecting both staff and customers. Face
shields can be ordered on the following website:

Below is a translation of the online form:

  • Nome completo do requerente – Full name
  • Nome do estabelecimento comercial – Name of the shop/company/business
  • Número de identificação fiscal (NIF) – Tax number
  • Morada Completa – Full address
  • Código postal – Postcode
  • Contacto telefónico – Phone number
  • Endereço de e-mail – Email address
  • Indique o número de viseiras pretendidas – Tick the number of face shields required
  • Declaração de consentimento para tratamento de dados pessoais – Data processing agreement

  • Autorizo o tratamento dos meus dados pessoais pela Câmara Municipal do Funchal. Os dados recolhidos neste formulário, destinam-se exclusivamente a tratamento interno e serão geridos no estrito cumprimento do RGPD, (UE) 2016/679,
    nova lei europeia de proteção de dados.

    – I give my consent for my personal data to be processed by Câmara Municipal do Funchal (Funchal Municipality). The data in this form is solely for internal processing and will be processed strictly in accordance with General Data
    Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“RGPD”), the new European data processing legislation.

Porto Moniz Municipality facilities to reopen

The Municipality-owned mooring winch at Porto Moniz harbour (porto de abrigo) can now be used by leisure boats allowed to sail and which use these facilities to land or to depart.

9th May – Cemeteries to reopened, at the usual opening times.

Face mask use is mandatory and social distancing rules must be complied with.

Wakes are banned in areas where they usually take place.

Crowd limits, sanitary safety and social distancing rules to continue to apply at funeral ceremonies.

11th May – Porto Moniz Centro de BTT (mountain biking) reopened

Some supporting facilities, such as changing rooms will remain closed.

14th May – Reopening of Aquário da Madeira (Madeira Aquarium), Biblioteca Municipal (Municipal Library) and Espaço Multiusos de Porto Moniz

With a maximum capacity of 1/3 in each facility and requirement for the published sanitary safety rules to be complied with.

15th May – Reopening of Teleférico das Achadas da Cruz (Porto Moniz cable car)

With a maximum capacity of 1/3 in each cabin.

For use by farmers with farms in Calhau das Achadas da Cruz.

Requirement for the published sanitary safety rules to be complied with.

Situation Report Madeira 10th to 11th May
– From our colleague reporting on Madeira

Covid-19 update

There were no new cases for a fourth consecutive day. The number of cases remains at 90, with 37 active cases and 53 recoveries.

Reopening guidelines

The Regional Madeira announced guidance for the reopening of
certain businesses. The main slogan is “to restart, protect and recover”. The following guidelines were announced:

General Rules

  • Mandatory isolation for people who are infected or under active monitoring.
  • Civic duty of home confinement.
  • Ban on events or gatherings.
  • Face mask use is recommended.
  • Social distancing rules must be followed (a minimum of 2 metres).
  • Compliance with hygiene and respiratory etiquette guidelines.

Shopping centres

  • Shopping centres must have a contingency plan.
  • Rules for commercial businesses must be complied with, with shopping centres required to follow the international guideline of only one person per 25 square meter of space.
  • Separate areas must be created for vehicles and people to enter and leave the premises.
  • Separate paths must be created inside to prevent people from crossing paths.
  • Signs must be placed to warn people to comply with social distancing rules.
  • There must be permanent equipment for the disinfection and hygiene of all common areas (lifts, cash machines, escalators, toilets)
  • Until the Regional Government decides otherwise, all coffee shops and restaurants must remain closed, although take-away services are allowed.

Reopening of shops and service providers

  • All staff and customers inside premises must wear face masks.
  • All premises must have hygiene and disinfection protocols.
  • Body temperature checks for staff at the start and end of their shifts.
  • Premises and parking lots must have a maximum capacity of 1/3.
  • Social distancing rules must be complied with while inside or walking to/from the premises.

Barbers, hairdressers, beauty salons

  • By appointment only in order to avoid gatherings while waiting to be served (all gatherings are banned).
  • All tools and equipment must be disinfected after each customer has been served.
  • Social distancing between customers must be ensured, with 1/3 occupancy of the premises allowed.
  • All staff and customers must wear face masks.
  • An alcohol based (70%) antiseptic solution must be available at the entrance and its use must be encouraged.
  • Maximum capacity of 50%, according to the number of work seats available.

Public transport

  • Mandatory face mask use.
  • Maximum capacity of 50%.

Covid-19 press conferences

The press conferences for Covid-19 updates in Madeira will no longer be daily. Instead, there will be a weekly press conference every Friday. A press release, along with an epidemiological update, will be published on the remaining

Visits to care homes banned

Visits to care homes will continue to be banned. No decision to reverse it will be taken until testing has been carried out in all care homes in Madeira.

Situation Report Madeira 9th to 10th May
From our colleague reporting on Madeira

Covid-19 update

There were no new cases for a third consecutive day. The number of cases remains at 90, with 37 active cases. A patient from Santa Cruz has recovered, bringing the overall number of recoveries to 53. So far, there have 1,446 suspected
cases of which 1,356 were ruled out.

VAT deductible on face masks and alcohol-based hand sanitisers

The Portuguese Government reduced to 6% the VAT (IVA) on face masks and alcohol-based hand sanitisers. Furthermore, VAT on these products will be deductible as health expenditure. This will bring some financial relief to families who
are facing this additional and unexpected financial expense. On average, a packet with 5 face masks will cost around €11. Assuming only 1 mask is be used per day, it could mean a monthly expenditure of €66.

Police broke up a football match

The Police (PSP) were called to intervene to stop a football match, between friends, that was taking place at Quinta Deão, at around 17h45. Gatherings are not allowed under the current pandemic restrictions. There have been some
gatherings since the end of the state of emergency, which the Police have promptly broken up.

Lufthansa to resume flights to Madeira

In a further sign of the gradual reopening of the local economy, Lufthansa announced it will resume flights between Frankfurt and Madeira on the 3rd of June.

Rubbish and recycling collection to resume on Monday

Águas e Resíduos da Madeira informed that normal residential rubbish and recycling collection will resume on Monday (11th May) in the Municipalities of Câmara de Lobos, Machico, Porto Santo, Ribeira Brava and Santana.

The schedule for the rubbish and recycling collection is available on the Águas e Resíduos da Madeira website. Some localities may have collection in different days. The relevant Portuguese words and sentences were translated and can be
read below:

2ª Feira – Monday; 3ª Feira – Tuesday; 4ª Feira – Wednesday; 5ª Feira – Thursday; 6ª Feira – Friday; segunda a sexta – from Monday to

Recolha Indiferenciados – General waste.

Recolha Ecoponto – Recycling Collection.

Recolha gratuita – Free collection.

Recolha gratuita nas 2 primeiras horas para clientes domésticos – Free collection for domestic customers in the first 2 hours.

Vidro – Glass; Plástico/Metal – Plastic/Metal items; Papel/Cartão – Paper/Cardboard

Verdes – Garden waste (leaves, grass, tree branches, etc).

Monos – Bulky waste that cannot be collected through the usual rubbish bins (large household items such as furniture, washing machines, mattresses, etc)