
On 3rd October the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) conducted an operation, in coordination with the French authorities, under which they arrested six individuals, one of whom is in Portugal in connection with the trafficking of illegal immigrants.

A person aged 33 years was arrested by the SEF in Lisbon following a search his home and vehicle, under court orders.

The criminal investigation has been over a period of nearly two years, under the direction of DIAP Lisbon, in coordination with the French authorities aimed at a group of people who are dedicated to the transport of illegal immigrants from various countries of the European Union for Portugal, using false documents or fraudulently obtained documents.

During the investigation, called “Operation Bouquet ‘the network’s movements were closely watched, collecting abundant evidence of the operation of the group that was receiving considerable income collected from the payment of’ services’ provided to illegal immigrants. The trips were made by land, in light cars and minivans, with the various destinations in Europe.

The operation was initiated, with the monitoring of European agencies Europol and Eurojust, initially in France with the arrest of five individuals.

The operation is ongoing