
According to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 157-A / 2018, of October 27, the ANPC is in charge of managing the “Safe Village” and “Safe People” Programs. These programs aim to reinforce the security and the reaction capacity of the population to the rural fires, being structured according to two vectors:

1. Awareness-raising actions for the prevention of risk behaviour, development of self-protection measures and evacuation plans, in close coordination with local authorities (municipalities and parishes) and involving the population in their execution;

2. The establishment of structural measures to protect people, goods and buildings at the urban-forest interface, through the management of buffer zones and the implementation of strategic infrastructures, with the identification of critical points and places of refuge, in close articulation with the local authorities (municipality and parishes) and involving the populations in their execution;

To materialize both programs, awareness materials (leaflets, posters and audio and video spots) and support for actions (Program Implementation Support Guide) were produced, which are available on ANPC’s website.

The video spots are also available on ANPC’s official Youtube channel and the audio spots on ANPC’s official Soundcloud channel.

These materials are for dissemination and free use by all, especially the media, whom we invite, from now on, to make extensive use of them for the purpose of disseminating the measures and advice of the ANPC.