COVID-19: Public Transport Procedures

KEYWORDS: Coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; public transport collective, bus, boat, train, metro, public transport individual, taxi, TVDE, transportation of people.

FOR: Public transport companies, workers and users

DGS publication 027/2020 Issued: Wednesday 20 May 2020

Extract for users (passengers)

Safe Communities Portugal provides an informal English translation to help people using the above forms of transport safely.

Original full version in Portuguese – Download here

PDF in English informal translation

General Measures for public and Individual Public Transport: Users

Measures to be taken by users include:

a) Respect adapted circuits, standards, safety and hygiene measures recommended for each mode of transport;

b) Ensure individual compliance with respiratory etiquette rules (Appendix I), proper hand washing (Appendix II) and physical distance recommended:

Disinfect your hands before and after using public transport;
Avoid manual contact with surfaces;
Maintain maximum distance between transport users, ensuring the recommended physical distance between people during the waiting period and use of transport;
Avoid the exchange of material goods between workers and users (for payments with coins or banknotes) and give preference to electronic payment and without direct contact.

c) Use a face mask, according to the legislation in force and the Guidance 019/2020 “Use of Personal Protective Equipment by Non-Health Professionals”, from DGS.

d) Refrain from using transport, in case of presenting symptoms suggestive of respiratory infection (see above), except for urgent cases and in circuits whose destination are health facilities – if you do so with respiratory symptoms, you should use a surgical mask and reinforce the measures described above.

Specific Measures for Public Transport: Users

Specific measures to be taken by users include:

a) Adopt as much physical distance as possible in relation to the rest passengers and employees, in any context, such as in the queue, inside the vehicles, and at the entrance and exit of the transport, the station, the terminal or the interface;

b) Minimize crossings between people, namely at entrances and exits of the vehicle, letting go who is leaving first;

c) Avoid unnecessary movement within the vehicle, such as the passage between different carriages or areas;

d) Minimize the use of confined spaces, such as bathrooms or Customer Service;

e) Respect the guidelines of drivers and operator agents.

If it is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, you should not use this route of transport. If you have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, contact SNS Line 24 (808 24 24 24). If you are sick or have symptoms, and it is absolutely necessary to use a collective transport route, put on a surgical mask and enforce precautions previously described

Individual public transport taxis

Specific measures to be taken by workers in this context include:

a) Clean and disinfect vehicles daily, in accordance with Guideline 014/2020 “Cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in public service establishments or similar” by the DGS. Clean handles, doors and the arm rest and internal surfaces of direct contact with the passenger after each use;

b) Inform passengers about the availability of a basic antiseptic solution (SABA) or alcohol-based solution and draw the passenger’s attention to the information posted on the vehicle;

c) Transport passengers only in the rear seats and avoid direct contact and close with the driver;

d) Keep the windows open during transport, if possible, to allow the constant air circulation from the inside to the outside of the vehicle.

Specific Measures for Individual Transport: Users

Specific measures to be taken by users in this context include:

A) Put your own belongings in the luggage compartment autonomously and independently, whenever possible;

b) Sit, whenever possible, in the rear seats;

c) Keep your hands on your lap while traveling and avoid handling and touching vehicle interior surfaces;

d) Hand hygiene before and after the necessary contact for entry and exit of the vehicle.

e) Avoid direct and close contact with the driver.

If it is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, you should not use this route of transport. If you have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, immediately call SNS 24 (808 24 24 24). If you are sick or have symptoms, and it is absolutely necessary to use this transport route, put on a surgical mask and double the precautions previously described (points 3.3 and 5.3).

COVID-19 – Public Transport Procedures DGS 027-2020 English translation Download