Publication: Diário da República No. 11/2020, Series I of 2020-01-16
- Issuer:Autonomous Region of the Azores – Legislative Assembly
- Type of Diploma:Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores
- Number:1/2020 / A
- Pages:18 – 19
- ELI:
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The Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores decides to set up a working group, within the scope of the Permanent Commission for Economics, for the purposes of evaluation and general monitoring of the process of rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo through the Azores, with a special focus on monitoring the process of supplying goods and merchandise to the islands of the western group
Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Azores No. 1/2020 / A
Summary: The Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores resolves to set up a working group within the Permanent Economy Commission to assess and monitor the process of rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo through the Azores, with special focus. monitoring the process of supplying goods and merchandise to the islands of the western group.
The Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores resolves to set up a working group, within the framework of the Permanent Economy Commission, for the purpose of evaluation and general monitoring of the process of rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo through the Azores, with a special focus on monitoring of the process of supplying goods and merchandise to the islands of the western group.
Whereas the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo through the Azores on 2 October has caused a huge trail of destruction on several islands of the Azores archipelago, with considerable economic and social impacts;
Whereas in total Hurricane Lorenzo has caused an estimated € 330 million in damage resulting from damage to port infrastructure and support to port activity, the road network and other public facilities, housing, fisheries, agriculture and the private business sector;
Considering the brutal extent of the damage caused by Hurricane Lorenzo and, in particular, the fact that it left a trail of destruction on several Azorean islands;
Considering, in particular, that the island of Flores has been most severely affected by the passing of Hurricane Lorenzo, in particular in view of the almost total destruction of the port of Lajes das Flores, with an estimated loss of around 190 million euros. ;
Whereas the destruction of the port of Lajes das Flores entails limitations and serious constraints in terms of supply operations to the islands of Flores and Corvo;
Whereas, similarly, the pre-existing normality of Hurricane Lorenzo must be restored in the multiple areas affected and therefore damaged by it;
Considering, finally, that it is urgent to ensure that the processes inherent in the recovery works and other procedures necessary for the regularization of the functioning of the regional economy proceed as quickly as possible and that they fully respect the legitimate aspirations of the Azorean populations affected by the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo;
In this sense, without prejudice to the prompt and effective action of the Regional Government and Civil Protection, as well as the Government’s willingness to financially reimburse the losses incurred, it is now necessary to closely monitor the implementation of solutions for the effort to which meet the needs of the populations and businesses of the various islands affected.
Thus, the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores resolves, under the applicable regimental terms and under the terms of paragraph 3 of article 44 of the Political-Administrative Statute of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, to constitute, within the Permanent Commission of Economy, a working group to assess and monitor the process of rehabilitation of infrastructure damaged by the passage of Hurricane Lorenzo through the Azores, with a special focus on monitoring the process of supplying goods and merchandise to the western group islands.
Approved by the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores in Horta on December 13, 2019.
The President of the Legislative Assembly, Ana Luísa Luís.