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Vodafone update last night

“Noting the progress of the work to restore its operation, Vodafone informs that today’s priority has been the stabilization of its network and the recovery of the fixed voice service, which is relevant for all customers, but in particular for business customers. Since lunchtime, we have gradually started the restoration of this service, which has steadily gained stability”.

“It was also possible to re-establish some communication channels with our Customer Support Service. However, we warn of constraints that are still associated and ask for the understanding of customers in the face of the instability that still exists in this service. The re-establishment of digital channels, namely through the My Vodafone APP, is another priority area of action, with results already achieved but not yet fully accessible”.

“The process of sustainability of the provision of mobile data services over the 4G network also continues, which has been evolving favourably, as a result of the continuous efforts of our technical teams.”

Vodafone continues to make an effort to restore its operation, after the cyberattack it was targeted on Monday. There are customers who are, since that time, prevented from performing certain services, but when asked if it is considering giving them compensation, the company says that the “focus” at the moment is to re-establish the operation.

“Right now, Vodafone’s focus is on re-establishing its operation, as soon as possible and with maximum stability, to restore all services to its customers,” said an official Vodafone source in response to Notícias ao Minuto.

Deco Proteste (Portuguese Consumer organisation said, on Wednesday that “we are facing an exceptional situation, in which Vodafone will apparently not be held liable”. However, it is necessary to wait to see what the telecom operator will decide.

“It also remains to wait to see what position the operator will take in relation to its customers. Although it is not responsible for the defective provision of its service, it may somehow seek to compensate its customers “, said DECO, in a note published on its website.

Deco Proteste statement concerning the Vodafone and the situation regarding compensation can be downloaded here:…/ciberataque-vodafone…