The interactive map of municipalities
List of concelhos in alphabetical order

The state of emergency ends Saturday (May 2), but the virus has not disappeared. The Government has put together a plan for the reopening of the economy and for the return of people to the streets, which was presented this Thursday (April 30). There will be terraces, museums, bookstores, more stores open and trips to the hairdresser. Everything with new rules. As long as there is no vaccine, there will be a mask in many places.

The Government decided to reduce (but not finish) restrictions on circulation. And with the reopening of some stores and other activities, there is also the civic duty of collection, which calls for the individual responsibility of each citizen, instead of the general and special duties of collection, which are in force during a state of emergency.

Yes. In the presentation of the “de-confinement” plan, the Prime Minister stressed that this civic duty of confinement applies to children, youth, adults and the elderly, regardless of belonging to risk groups. However, there is an exception: there remains a duty of prophylactic confinement for those diagnosed with covid-19 (as well as those under active vigilance ordered by health authorities) and the crime of disobedience for those who do not comply.

It depends as there are some beaches that have forbidden access. Municipal websites have this information. Until Sunday at midnight there is a ban on travel outside your municipality of residence. The Government decided to impose for this long weekend the same restriction that was in place during Easter, prohibiting travel between municipalities.

Access to the beaches for certain activities is resumed from Monday (May 4). Among these activities are water sports, including surfing. Individual sports can be resumed outdoors from this day, but without the use of changing rooms or swimming pools (indoors and outdoors).

The Prime Minister did not speak about this specific situation, but left some indications that may be useful when deciding. He explained that there is a civic duty to collect and that, as of May 4, the ban on gatherings with more than ten people comes into force. And “the rule of distancing must be still maintained”.

If they live in another municipality, you will not be able to do so until after this Sunday 3rd May, says the Government. After that, the general rules apply. Each citizen has to assume responsibility in the fulfilment of the civic duty of confinement, and no more than ten people can gather.

It depends on their age. Day care centers open on May 18th, but until the end of the month parents can choose whether or not to keep their children home with them and continue to receive Social Security support. On the same date, schools reopen for 11th and 12th year students (between 10 am and 5 pm), while pre-school resumes only on June 1st. Here, the use of a mask is mandatory (except children in day care centers and kindergartens and until 6 years old). Primary school and 10th year students do not return to classrooms again this academic year and universities have the autonomy to decide.

On May 18th, restaurants, pastry shops, cafes and terraces open. However, as in most situations, there will be limitations. In restaurants the maximum capacity is 50% and the opening hours will be until 11 pm.

Yes. From May 4th they will be working, but by appointment and with specific conditions that will be known in the meantime. Manicurists and the like can also open, as well as bookstores and car sales stands. On the same date, stores up to 200 square meters will also open, starting at 10 am and wearing a mask. However, if this type of stores are located in shopping centers, they will not open now. Only on the 1st of June.

Not always. However it mandatory in specific situations: shops, public transport, public services and schools (for students from 11th and 12th and all people in the school). Failure to use a mask in public transport will lead to a fine, the prime minister said in an interview with RTP.

This rule continues to apply even with the reopening of several activities. Hand washing and respiratory etiquette are also maintained.

On June 1, cinemas and theatres open, with marked seats, reduced capacity and physical distance.

It depends. Workers in essential goods and services kept on working even during the state of emergency, but the rule was to adopt teleworking whenever possible. This rule will continue in May. From June 1st, partial teleworking begins, with “irregular schedules or mirror teams”. Those who had to stay at home to accompany their children were teleworking or receiving financial support (equal to 66% of the salary) – this support will continue until the end of the academic year for those who have children who can’t return to school.

Yes. But you have to wear a mask. And there is a maximum limitation of two thirds of the total capacity.

On the weekend of 30/31 May there may be religious services of any denomination again. The rules under which these can take place are yet to be defined.

It won’t be possible anytime soon. The official competitions of the 1st Football League and Portuguese Cup will resume on 30/31 May, but the games will be behind closed doors.
You can. But there are some restrictions. Access to the beaches becomes possible from 4 May for water sports. However, for access to the beaches for holidays, the Government is still talking to the municipalities and captaincies.

There is still no clear answer. For now, events involving more than ten people are prohibited. The Government’s resumption calendar does not mention festivals and the situation is yet to be analysed in the next Council of Ministers. But António Costa has already suggested that “there is an enormous probability that they will not be taking place”.

Campsites and motor home parks remain closed to tourists and visitors. If you are a permanent resident of a campsite or motor home park you will not be affected.

Cruise ships can berth at ports on mainland Portugal, but passengers can only disembark if they are Portuguese nationals or residents. Recreational vessels and private yachts are still not permitted to dock, except for refuelling or taking on supplies. Passengers may only disembark to return to their country of origin and once they have completed 14 days’ self-quarantine on board, starting from the day the vessel entered Portuguese territorial waters.