From 0700 hrs on 9th to 16th September The PSP Lisbon Metropolitan Police Command, in its area of responsibility, continuing the goals of preventing and deterring crime and offenses in general, conducted 165 police operations and arrested 222 citizens for various crimes:
- 53 for Execution of arrest Warrant;
- 39 for Driving under the influence of alcohol;
- 37 for Narcotic Trafficking;
- 20 for Driving without legal requirements;
- 18 for Theft;
- 11 for illegal possession of weapon;
- 10 Illegal immigration;
- 8 for Disobedience;
- 5 for Resistance and Duress of an Employee;
- 4 for Theft;
- 2 Theft by pickpocket, and;
- 15fFor Other Crimes.
During these operations the following were seized:
- 23 Weapons:
- 14 pther arms;
- 5 bats;
- 3 defence aerosols,
- A rifle;
- 342 rounds of Ammunition;
- Stupefying material:
- 99 Doses of suspected marijuana;
- 58 Doses of suspected Hashish;
- 55 Doses of suspected cocaine;
- 00 Doses of suspected heroin;
Road safety:
Total accidents: 412;
Number of Dead: Nil
Number of seriously injured – 3
Number of slightly injured – 130.