
A 20 year old man has been arrested selling hashish to students outside the gate to a school in Barcelos Municipality.

He was detained by the GNR soldiers of the Special Section of the Territorial Detachment of the GNR Program of Barcelos. He was found to have 270 doses of hashish, 80 euros and a knife.

According to local residents the man would drive to the gate and sell the drugs from the car never getting out of the vehicle.

The accused – unemployed, was born and is a resident in Brufe Parish in Vila Nova de Famalicão – and was caught on 11th January at 10:30 hers. As usual, he drove up and stopped the vehicle in the vicinity of a school next to the busy EN204.

He was approached by students, many of them regulars, but was intercepted by the GNR.

A house search of the suspect was conducted where more drugs and pipe were seized. He was taken to the GNR post and made a ​​defendant. But was eventually released and the case reported to the DIAP in Vila Nova de Famalicão Court for prosecution.