
A 67-year-old man was caught in the act of committing a crime of causing a forest fire on Thursday 16th May by GNR soldiers from the Alcains Territorial Post.

In a statement, the Territorial Command of Castelo Branco of the GNR explained that “The military went immediately to the scene, eventually arresting the suspect who was carrying out a burning, over which he lost control, spreading the fire to an area of ​​bush and cork trees,” reads the note.

The GNR said that the burning of fires was prohibited in the municipality of Castelo Branco, due to the “high risk of rural fires”

The detainee was constituted defendant and subject to pre-trial conditions of a term of identity and residence, and the facts were sent to the Judicial Court of the District of Castelo Branco.


The burning of uncut vegetation or piled cut debris when the fire risk is HIGH and above or VERY HIGH respectively, or when temporary measures have been put in place by Government, is prohibited and carries heavy fines. Likewise in conditions whereby such burning are allowed and permission give, any burning becoming out of control also carries severe penalties. People are reminded for the safety of everyone to comply with the law.