
The Minister of Internal Administration has determined that a “rigorous inventory” will be carried out on all weapons and ammunition in the PSP, GNR and SEF

The measure resulted from the investigation into the disappearance of 57 Glock pistols from the PSP National Directorate in Lisbon.

“Security Forces and Services shall also inform the IGAI of all procedures relating to the control, registration, distribution and storage of all armaments with a view to harmonizing and strengthening the security, supervisory and control mechanisms and procedures,” Added a note from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The same communiqué states that “disciplinary proceedings have been initiated in the hierarchical chain of the Department of General Support of the National Directorate of the PSP” and initiated procedures for the termination of the service commission of the former director of the Department of General Support of the National Directorate as liaison officer of the MAI in Guinea Bissau