During times of crisis many will worry about the situation and what the future holds. The current coronavirus Covid-19 is something few of us have experienced in our lifetime. Emergency measures have been introduced by governments, including here in Portugal and this has affected our daily lives. However we will get through this and come out stronger as a result.
Remember Portugal is one of the safest places to live and visit.
To help cope with this, we have created this page, with the most inspirational and positive comments that people have recently posted on our Facebook page and other sources, which give hope for the future and and commemorate the more than 17,000 deaths in Portugal. Most of them suffered alone, died far from their people and without the possibility of a last goodbye.
Please read this page as an inspiration of hope for the future and as a result you will feel better.
We thank those people for your kind and well considered inputs. We will also publish other positive news. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS LINK ALSO:-)
Hold On To Hope
by Benjamin Thompson aged 14
The year 2020 was supposed to be Just another ordinary year, you see.
But not long after the parties and champagne, Any hope for a normal year went down the drain.
A pandemic spread across the world, And out the window our plans were hurled.
We stay home and try to recreate, But some just can not stand the wait.
After this, we will eventually cope, So for now, we must hold on to hope.
While some of us could barely breathe, Great anger began to rise and seethe.
Riots broke out throughout the states, And it will take some time for them to abate.
Fear spreads throughout every country, As more troubles seem to arrive monthly.
We wish things would go back to the way they should, But one day we’ll be proud of what we withstood.
After this, we will eventually cope, So for now, we must hold on to hope.
SCooP – 10 things that makes me positive and happy
Song of hope
It´s time to stop
“Thank You ever so much regarding your information and regular updates, you have been a very important part of our lives during the past few weeks and will continue to be so, keep up the fantastic work.” Ste Heard
“Thank you for your daily posts and for keeping us all updated. SCP is one site that we can trust for the most updated news.
The most amazing thing in Portugal are the people. People we have met only once have come forward to offer their help during this crisis. Ready to shop the supermarket for us, or going to the pharmacy, or picking up anything that we might need. We feel truly blessed to be safe and healthy and to count many of the Portuguese people as our friends.
Just amazing…!” Philo Collins
“Amazing job and dedication! Thank you SCP . Here comes a photo created just now with pictures taken yesterday to celebrate Mothers Day, 3rd of May in Portugal. So to all Mums who give extra Love by protecting their children and teaching them lifelessons how to survive.” Kinga Lundblad
“Obrigada, merci, and thank you. The info you have shared has had such a positive effect for us all. I had to come back to Canada but for all my European friends who are in Portugal, this has been a godsend and I have shared and restated your daily updates.So proud of Portugal and it’s choices. Again, thank you and hope to be back again soon at my second home.” Martha Peterson
“Thanks for all the updates and positive energy you bring to us. During this time my family back home has increased conversation and we have shared cooking, exercise, and many online ventures. Here today, we will go for a walk in the sun. We show our gratitude being in this wonderful country.” Karen Beverley
I would like to say big thank you as you have updated us with all the information. Keeping us safe for own good people have been amazing.. Staff in the supermarkets so kind as we are all in this together. I thank God every day we are safe and in our homes. We are so blessed and I praise God
we must listen to the government. They are on our side for the country the people. As I’m in the Algrave.
Jeanette Wilkins
“Captain Tom, that adorable veteran and his truly incredible feat, will be my enduring “Covid memory”, not the statistics or the unbearably sad news coming from many countries!
I’ve also been following a couple of Instagram accounts with positive news, in particular about good deeds and kindness. That’s gone a long way to restore my faith in my fellow man.
I hope you are all well, hope from the that some well deserved relaxation is coming your way. Your calm, thorough and patient presence on facebook has been a beacon of light, especially for those in the community who don’t speak Portuguese! Not a problem in our case, but it’s always reassuring to check back with Safe Communities Portugal.
” Anne Schaphoff
Positive news……
Canada is boosting the pay of frontline and essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in a $4 billion Canadian ($2.85 billion US) deal. The federal government will contribute nearly 75% and the remaining 25% will be funded by territories and provinces. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said “If you’re risking your health to keep this country moving and you’re taking minimum wage, you deserve a raise”.
American Airlines and Hyatt Hotels have joined up to show their appreciation to one of the hardest hit hospitals in USA (New York City Health+ Hospitals/Elmhurst). More than 4,000 staff including doctors, nurses, facilities and food service teams have been surprised with free round -trip tickets to a destination of their choice and a 3 night stay in the location.
Volunteers working for “Tree for Life” have been isolating themselves at the charity’s rewilding estate in Glenmoriston (Scotland UK) in order to save more than 100,000 native trees that risked being lost due to the coronavirus lockdown restrictions. The saplings including Scots pine, rowan, juniper, hazel, holly and oak, as well as rare mountain species such as dwarf birch and woolly willow, were all grown from seed and were due for planting out on the hills this spring as part of an initiative to restore the ancient Caledonian Forest in Scotland.
Dinner with a difference in The Netherlands where small greenhouses in rows outside of a restaurant have been used to aid social distancing when dining out!
We all need to eat more steak, chips and cheese because of a food surplus caused by restaurant closures across Europe. In Belgium, people are being asked to eat frozen fries twice a week to reduce the surplus.
In Oregon USA, WW2 veteran William Lapshcie celebrated his 104th birthday after recently recovering from coronavirus. In Genoa, a 102 year old woman survived and a 103 year old Iranian woman recovered after spending a week in hospital. A UK couple who recently got married donated the 400 meals for their cancelled wedding reception to hospital staff.
Some “feel good” stories………In Copenhagen residents joined in with a mass workout from their balconies whilst maintaining social distancing. Venice locals have reported clearer waters which has led to wildlife appearing, swans and fish have been spotted. In Chicago, penguins Edward and Annie have been treated to a tour of the Shedd Aquarium – they’ve had a walk around the staff reception areas and have even visited the sharks, staying safe behind the glass…..
Let’s hear it for Connie Kitchen, 106 years old, lived through 2 World Wars and has beaten COVID-19, Connie is believed to be the UK’s oldest patient and she has left hospital. It seems dancing, cycling and playing golf have stood her in good stead, together with home cooking and the occasional McDonalds!
Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan, China, built in less than 2 weeks to tackle COVID-19 is closing. The hospital was constructed to deal with the massive increase in patients needing hospital care however after the last 4 patients have been moved to a permanent hospital, it will close its doors. Fingers crossed this is a hospital closure we can applaud.
Another great story of positivity… Tom Moore, a 99-year-old British war veteran, completed 100 laps of his garden on Thursday, and has raised as of this morning more than £12 million for the NHS. Retired army captain Moore, who has used a rollator to move around since breaking his hip, set himself the target of walking the 25 metres around his garden 100 times before his 100th birthday on April 30.He stated that “For all those people who are finding it difficult at the moment: the sun will shine on you again and the clouds will go away,” said Moore, dressed in a blazer and tie and displaying his war medals, after completing his walk. He was saluted by an honour guard from the Royal Yorkshire Regiment as he completed his journey….
Quote of the day from Captain Tom after completing his walk……
“You’ve all got to remember that we will get through it in the end, it will all be right, it might take time…..at the end of the day we shall all be okay again.”
Giant Pandas Le Le and Ying Ying have broken social distancing rules after 13 years! They have been roommates in Ocean Park Zoo Hong Kong since 2007 but have resisted the urge to answer the call of the wild. COVID-19 gave the couple the privacy and solitude they wanted and have delighted zoo keepers by getting intimate recently.
Air pollution in 10 major global cities has dropped by as much as 60% during the government mandated lockdowns.
Since thousands of couples have been forced to cancel or adapt wedding plans during the current crisis, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that New Yorkers will be able to obtain marriage licences remotely. He has also announced that state clerks are allowed to perform marriage ceremonies over video conferences.
Stories to make you smile …… Captain Tom Moore, the one-man fundraising hero in the United Kingdom, has been awarded a Pride of Britain award and says he wants Susannah Reid and Carol Vorderman as his bodyguards when he attends the awards ceremony.
Florida Mum Casey Drake has been spreading laughter and cheer amongst her community by brightening up the sheets with humorous chalk illustrations of Disney characters coping with social distancing. One of the drawings is Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz reminding people “there’s no place like home”
IKEA has published a recipe for homemade meat balls especially for lovers of their Swedish meatballs to try at home. Although not the same iconic recipe, it does have a cream sauce which IKEA management say is a worthy alternative to the original.
17 year old grocery cashier Elizabeth Taylor picked up the shopping bill for senior shopper Layne McKeel when he found himself $33 dollars short at the till. As he was about to return essential items to the shelves, Elizabeth insisted on paying for all the groceries.
A team of Canadian high schoolers have launched a hotline that plays pre-recorded jokes. The free hotline has been created so that those who are in isolation and lonely can call up and enjoy a regularly updated selection of jokes, stories, guided meditation and educational messages.
The Taylor family from Wellington Somerset spent six hours colouring the front wall of the red brick house they live in. Using jumbo chalk sticks, they have created a rainbow house.
After 3 months in rehabilitation at the Pacific Marine Mammal Centre, seals DW Hunter and Gigi have been released back to the wild. Rescued just 1 day apart, these 2 have been inseparable ever since. Best friends forever.
15 year-old Erin Sloan from Winsford, Cheshire UK, has turned one of her bedroom walls into a proper 8 foot climbing wall in just one week and 16 year-old TJ Kim from Maryland USA has been flying planes all over Virginia to deliver medical supplies to rural hospitals.
The positive news for today…….. Mr Kipling (cake maker) is doing exceedingly well and has revealed a surge in sales during the COVID-19 lockdown. Possibly good news for the gym industry after lockdown.
2 Italian teenagers have become social media sensations after they posted a video of their rooftop tennis games. Vittoria aged 13 and 11yr old Carola played between 2 rooftop terraces in Liguria, north-west Italy.
Pensioner Margaret Payne from Scotland has raised more than £200,000 for the National Health Service by setting out to claim the height of a 2,398ft mountain on her stairs. Margaret began her quest on Easter Sunday and it is expected to take 2 months for her walk the stairs 282 times.
The total raised by Captain Tom Moore has now exceeded £24m, Captain Tom is number one in the UK music charts having collaborated with Michael Ball and others with the song “You’ll never walk alone” He has also received a letter from Dame Vera Lynn and when asked by Piers Morgan what had been written, he politely said “I’m not telling you”
Jeanette Wilkins – We are in this together we must listen to the government as since last year march wearing masks we are in a good place Portugal it’s safe and very clean country. GNR are portolling all areas doing there job and I thank all government volunteers GNR all there hard work we must to our bit to safe people lives. Thank you for all information and all the reports how we must move forward even when you have vaccination you still need to wear masks wash hands social responsibility is us we will beat this.
We must be focused
keep pressing forward. Our wellbeing and country get back on track people back to work. Blessings everyone
keep safe and well take care. 2021 new start new beginning. (SCP FB page 10th January 2021)
Mickie DeWet – I wish people would see that the pandemic is a temporary state of affairs, and could be even more so if we really adopted that mindset. It’s one Christmas we have to celebrate differently, one New Years’ celebration, it’s a few months of inconvenience to wear a mask and to distance. It will be over soon and we will return to normal. We might even come out of this appreciating and enjoying our celebrations so much more next year! We’ll return to the restaurants and start stimulating the economy again too. We will build back, and we will prosper again – humans are very resilient and resourceful that way. (SCP FB Page 19th December)
Zelia Reis – If I may, you are the only page that I follow that truly translates and explains exactly what has to be explained to the community. Accurate translations and unlimited patience to reply, wisely, to all the questions and comments. Brilliant.
I am Portuguese, living and working in a small village with a large, lovely and friendly British community. Amazing job (SCP FB page 7th November)
Josefina Place Estevao – Thank you for the warnings! In fact, thank you for ALL the information you give. Best reporting site in this country! (SCP FB page 18th October.)
Jeanette Wilkins – Thank you for your up date Portugal is very safe place we have been wearing masks since March that’s in supermarkets and public transport. Everywhere we go it’s safe beautiful country so blessed to be here Portuguese people are very helpful as I say we are in this together that’s us and the government. (SCP FB page 23rd September)
Tanya Haigh “Hi, please can I just say a massive thank you. We arrived in Portugal for the first time last Friday and returned home to England today. It has been the best holiday we’ve been on as a family of 4 children ages 5 and 2, we have felt so safe and welcome everywhere we visited even with COVID 19. We will definitely be coming again soon. Thank you again” (SCP FB inbox 8th August)
Vicky from Monmouthshire on the Safe Communities Facebook page – “This page is fabulous. One of the reasons I am moving to Portugal is because of the information here.” “Truly, it has made such a difference, sitting in the UK, unable to get to Portugal, and now, we head off to start our new lives in mid- August”.
Mike Roche – “I,vê been tested, I had to go into hospital (emergency) the test was done, operation done, I was put on an isolation ward on my own, nurses in protective clothing in and out for checks, results good negative, move to new ward to free up isolation ward, 5 days on hospital, 2 tests home now, I CAN NOT THANK THE STAFF OR HOSPITAL ENOUGH always a smile and a cheerful word,
To others do not be afraid here they have and are great.
Just help them keep you safe and well,Remember these nurses do it for you, money wise they do not earn much, during these times they need our help, let them go first, be kind to them, these are our soldiers of peace (SCP FB 24th June)
Jeanette Wilkins – (In response to post concerning Portugal being the 3rd most peaceful country). “Well done Portugal yes I totally agree it’s very safe and peaceful place to live. Just goes to show how the government and police acted straight away in all situations. With the viras its wonderful to see that they are keeping us safe. I would like to thank all the government police and all officers in this time we are in this together. The Portuguese are very friendly and loving people. It’s a wonderful beautiful country. Congratulations Portugal
. Its a special place ♥️♥️♥️♥️” (SCP FB)
Margaret Stephenson – “Congratulations Portugal we are so glad to now be permanent Residents we have our permanent residency cards which entitles us to everything the Portuguese have.it really is the most wonderful country,with amazingly caring people,thank you PORTUGAL we love you”. (SCP FB)
A post that caused much reaction and criticism was on 22nd May of the way UK was handling matters concerning the imposition of a 14 day quarantine, was responded to by a very positive comment by Carole Summer, which received 59 likes – a record for a reply)
Carole Summer – ” Not all of us in the UK are numpties. I flew back from Portugal on 28th March a repatriation flight I flew to Portugal in February before all the lock down. I self isolated from the 15th of March in an apartment in Portugal and wore a face mask home on the aeroplane to the UK taking all precautions then I self isolated myself at home. Over two months ago and I have only been to the pharmacy and I needed my car sorting. So I despair at some of the irresponsible people in the UK. I am not one of them and I hope to return to the beautiful Algarve”.
Carole Reed – Honestly the government in Portugal have done an Incredible job. Everything is so clear. They locked down early and thankfully it worked. The citizens of Portugal (as a whole) adhered to the rules. I’m so proud to call this my adopted home. We watch the news in UK and it’s in such a mess, so much confusion and the death toll horrendous. I worry for my family and friends (many of whom in the front line) And….also…. Thank you to all those that update this page. You’ve done an amazing job. (SCP FB)
Martha Peterson – Obrigada, merci, and thank you. The info you have shared has had such a positive effect for us all. I had to come back to Canada but for all my European friends who are in Portugal, this has been a godsend and I have shared and restated your daily updates.So proud of Portugal and it’s choices. Again, thank you and hope to be back again soon at my second home. (SCP FB)
Melodie Dalton-Brown – “I commend the people of Portugal for their stoicism and kindness to each other and the foreign community in this difficult time, my sympathy to those who have lost family members. I cannot think of a nicer and safer place to be living” (SCP FB page)
Alison Algar – “As a Brit, I’m thankful to the Portuguese people for their response to the awful scenario. Bless Portugal, it’s Government & all its peoples. Including all us immigrants”. (SCP FB page)
Jan Rich – “So sorry to hear the sad news (referring to an increase in cases reported). I am SO proud to be a resident here in Portugal. Swift action and compliance by (nearly) everyone has made our fight an example for the rest of Europe”. (SCP FB page)
Brits in Portugal (British Vice Consul Clive Jewel. “Dear David, and everyone at Safe Communities Portugal, we are very grateful to you for sharing our information with your many followers, as indeed we frequently share your own excellent advice and information on our Brits in Portugal page. We also greatly appreciate the outstanding mutual cooperation that we have established over some years now, especially in the most challenging of times. Let’s all stay safe and stay at home. Kind regards, Clive Jewell, Vice Consul.”(SCP FB page)
Stephan Isendhal – “Portugal is doing incredibly well in controlling the virus and tried to analyse why – one border, even if it is with Spain, discipline of the Portuguese, early reaction to the virus in shutting down schools/universities.” (SCP FB page)
Tracey Burton – I’m so grateful to our wonderful Portuguese host country for taking this so seriously and looking after us all. Thank you too Safe Communities Portugal for all the updates and information you provide. It is reassuring to get the updates in these very worrying times. (SCP FB page)
Frances Canocot – As an Irish resident of Algarve, I applaud the way the Portuguese people are handling this unprecedented time. Wishing all in Ireland and Portugal to be safe and well. (SCP FB page)
Janet Gould – “Thank you once again SCP. These links are comprehensive, clear and give straightforward information and guidelines. You are doing a superb tasking in enabling English speakers to stay safe. Muito obrigado! ” (SCP FB page)
Carol Koroluk, Canada. For the moment in Portugal.
“This country and its people are amazing. So much cooperation, love and respect.
We have been here 17 days as of today. We have been amazed of how your country and people have been handling this Covid-19. We have been totally respecting your country’s rules to stay safe, which we have been adamant obeying. All the Portugese people that we were in contact (phone and facetime) to help us get settled in, thank you so much. I facetime my loved back home to Canada, that helps with my stay here and tell them about the amazing country and it’s people. Thank you again. God bless, stay safe and healthy.” (SCP FB page)
David Marion – “WE ALL NEED TO DO OUR PART – While the authorities have had to take action against individuals violating social distancing and a number of non-essential commercial establishments that did not close as per the Emergency, the vast majority of people have been following the advice of public health officials and have remained at home,except for essential reasons.”
“As it is very difficult to police social distancing and self isolation, Safe Communities Portugal would ask that each of us continue do our part to not only obey the law in this matter, but to follow a high ethical standard so that our collective actions will help the national effort to control the spread of the virus. Our most vulnerable, such as the elderly, depend on everyone self-isolating and ultimately, our recovery will come sooner if we all do our part” (SCP FB Page)
Maria Vincente – “This is such a nice and well thought out video. Yes we need to reset. Let the our planet breath again. Give the earth a break, from us all. Stay safe. I am on day 7 of isolation but i am lucky to have space to reflex on things. and look forward to things getting back to some sort of normality, I am thinking of everyone during this difficult situation, stay strong stay safe, and look forward to the future” (24th March SCP FB page)
Dave Sheldrake – “We all have to make many concessions regardless of the subject in hand, it is imperative if we want to keep the spread of the virus down and especially the number of deaths. We should not be looking for excuses or ways around the law, because it infringes upon what we do normally. This is a battle and I believe a long and protracted one, we all have to learn to live differently for a while, there will be, as with any new laws, misunderstandings ad different interpretations. The important thing is to work together as a community and not be selfish. I’m sure none of us are enjoying this, but lets make the best of it we can” (23rd March SCP FB page)
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