
The GNR will be participating in the operation of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX), from 1st April to 30th September 2016.

Their Coastal Control Unit (CCU) will be deploying 16 military personnel and a speedboat to carryout surveillance off the Greek island of Kos, in order to help prevent , detect and stop the  illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug trafficking and to help safeguard human lives at sea.

In 2015 the unit was similarly deployed and recorded the following results: 3067 illegal immigrants detected; 1265 persons rescued; 3 800 nautical miles travelled. UCC is the specialized unit with specific skills in surveillance, patrolling and land or sea interception along the coast and territorial mainland at sea and at the Autonomous Regions. It is responsible, also to manage and operate the Integrated Surveillance, Command and Control (SIVICC), which undertakes control of the whole Portuguese coastline.