
The National Republican Guard, in addition to its daily operations, carried out a series of operations, throughout the national territory, from December 30 to January 1, aimed at preventing and combating violent crime, road surveillance, among others, with the following operational data:

  1. Detentions: 294 detained whist caught in the act as follows:
  • 199 for driving under the influence of alcohol;
  • 24 for trafficking in narcotics;
  • 21 for driving without legal authorization;
  • Seven for illegal possession of weapons;
  • Six for theft;
  • Three for domestic violence;
  • One for homicide.


  1. Seizures of items:
  • 827 doses of hashish;
  • 11 doses of cocaine;
  • Two firearms;
  • 124 800 cigarettes;
  • 369 euros in cash.


  1. Transit:

Inspection: 3 464 infractions detected, of which:

  • 1 169 for speeding;
  • 653 for driving with higher blood alcohol content than allowed by law;
  • 161 for lack of mandatory periodic inspection