Decree-law n.º 22/2022
Changes of measures regarding the EU COVID Digital Certificate
Changes to Decree-law n.º 54-A/2021, from June 25
Note: Changes shown in red
Article 4 – Admitted EU COVID Digital Certificates
1 – For the purposes of this decree-law, the following EU COVID digital certificates are accepted:
a) Vaccination certificate attesting to:
i) Completion of the primary vaccination series of the respective holder, more than 14 days ago and less than 270 days since the last dose, with a vaccine against COVID-19 with marketing authorization pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004; or
ii) Taking a booster dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with marketing authorization pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004;
b) Test certificate, certifying that the holder has been subject to:
i) A nucleic acid amplification molecular test (TAAN), in the last 72 hours, with a negative result;
ii) A rapid antigen test listed in the list drawn up by the European Commission on the basis of the Council Recommendation of 21 January 2021 on a common framework for the use and validation of rapid antigen detection tests for COVID-19 and mutual recognition of test results in the EU in the last 24 hours with a negative result;
c) Certificate of recovery, certifying that the holder has recovered from a SARS-CoV-2 infection, following a positive result in an TAAN test performed more than 11 days ago and less than 180 days ago.
2 – For the purposes of subparagraph a) of the previous number:
a) The primary vaccination series is considered completed after taking:
i) A single dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with a one-dose vaccination schedule;
ii) The second dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with a two-dose vaccination schedule, even if doses of two different vaccines were administered; or
iii) The first dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 with a two-dose vaccination schedule by persons who have recovered from the disease, if it is indicated on the vaccination certificate that the vaccination course was completed after the administration of one dose.
b) A ‘booster dose’ means the dose of a vaccine against COVID-19 administered after completion of the primary vaccination series as defined in the previous paragraph.
3 – The members of the Government responsible for the areas of foreign affairs, internal administration, health and civil aviation may, for the purposes provided for in this decree-law, recognize, by means of an order, the validity of vaccination or recovery certificates issued by third countries, on conditions of reciprocity.
4 – For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the validity of vaccination certificates attesting the completion of the primary vaccination series or the taking of a booster dose of other vaccines against COVID-19 in addition to those provided for in paragraph a) of nº1, provided that they are admissible under the provisions of the second of nº5 of article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2021/953.”
Article 3 – Reciprocity rule
Revoked No. 2 of article 5 of Decree-Law nº 54-A/2021, of 25 June, in its current wording.
Article 5 – Traveling
1 – Travel to Portugal is allowed for any reason, by travellers with an EU COVID Digital Certificate.
Article 4 – Entry into force
This decree-law enters into force on the day following its publication.