Phishing emails promise free money

Fraudsters are phishing for what remains in fraud victims’ bank accounts under the guise of British anti-fraud campaign Action Fraud.

An email using the City of London Police logo – Action Fraud works closely with it – has circulated offering free money from the Fraud Intelligence Unit and National Fraud Intelligence bureau.

The fraudulent email says that HSBC and the South African Reserve Bank have been chosen to handle compensation claims.

Going by the number of complaints that The Register receives each month regarding Action Fraud’s tardiness, those who may have been defrauded in the past are likely to be suspicious simply receiving any correspondence from the organisation at all.

This type of scam, known as recovery fraud, targets people who had formerly been a victim of fraud with promises of compensation for the money they’ve lost. The fraudsters attempt to acquire confidential details from victims in order to defraud them for a second time, and in some circumstances request fees in order to speed up the release of the recovered money.

For those in doubt: It’s a scam. Don’t click the links, don’t open the attachments. Delete the email

Everyone hates paying bank fees. But imagine paying fees on a ghost account you didn’t even sign up for. That’s exactly what happened to Wells Fargo customers nationwide.

On Thursday 9th September 2016 , federal regulators said Wells Fargo (WFC) employees secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts — without their customers knowing it — since 2011

The phony accounts earned the bank unwarranted fees and allowed Wells Fargo employees to boost their sales figures and make more money.

“Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts to hit sales targets and receive bonuses,” Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in a statement.

Wells Fargo confirmed to CNNMoney that it had fired 5,300 employees over the last few years related to the shady behavior. Employees went so far as to create phony PIN numbers and fake email addresses to enroll customers in online banking services, the CFPB said.

The scope of the scandal is shocking. An analysis conducted by a consulting firm hired by Wells Fargo concluded that bank employees opened over 1.5 million deposit accounts that may not have been authorized.

The way it worked was that employees moved funds from customers’ existing accounts into newly-created ones without their knowledge or consent, regulators say. The CFPB described this practice as “widespread.” Customers were being charged for insufficient funds or overdraft fees — because there wasn’t enough money in their original accounts.

Additionally, Wells Fargo employees also submitted applications for 565,443 credit card accounts without their customers’ knowledge or consent. Roughly 14,000 of those accounts incurred over $400,000 in fees, including annual fees, interest charges and overdraft-protection fees.

The CFPB said Wells Fargo will pay “full restitutions to all victims.”

Every year millions of Muslims from around the world make the journey to Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, for the annual pilgrimage or Hajj and tens of thousands of British Muslims will have booked trips to Saudi Arabia to make the pilgrimage to the Mecca and celebrate Hajj.

They spend as much as £125 million on pilgrimages. However, in the coming weeks some of them may unfortunately find out that their trips have either been soured by sub-standard hotels and travel arrangements or completely destroyed by criminals selling scam Hajj packages for non-existent flights, accommodation and visas.

The fraudsters pose as legitimate travel operators who offer discounts of up to 50% off the usual price to make pilgrimages to Mecca. Some people may find out their tour bookings were never made and the fraudsters have stolen their money, leaving them stuck in the UK or stranded in Saudi Arabia. The Council of British Hajjis estimates that only 3% of victims report the fraud.

Avoiding Hajj Fraud

  • Make sure your travel agent/tour operator is ATOL (Air Travel Organisers’ Licensing) protected
  • Check that your travel agent/tour operator is accredited by the Saudi Embassy
  • Check exactly what you are paying for
  • Get everything in writing.

A typical Nigerian scam was sent to us from a person who received this. These are very common on circulation each day. There is little that can be done in terms of investigation of these unless you actually respond and become involved in taking up the “offer”. Of course you will not receive anything, instead you will end up paying the fraudster. Shall you fall for this type of scam and have been de-frauded out of a sum of money then re port it to the Judicial Police.

“Greetings ,

I am Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayyoub, the Syrian Chief of Army Staff. Our Country has being at war for the past five years and the situation here is getting more difficult every day by day. The political situation in our country at the moment is very fragile and for many other internal problems we are facing, nobody knows what will happen  tomorrow in our country. I have about 22.5m USD under my control and I need a trusted and reliable partner outside Syria that can believe in so that I can send a greater part of the fund to for investment purpose before I move out of my Country because I have already made up my mind to abandon my office and escape.

This proposal is highly confidential and please I will appreciate delete it from your mail box if you cannot help me, but if its ok by you just let me know so that I give you more details.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayyoub.

aliaayyy565 (at)



How does the scam work?

Fraudsters are setting up fake profiles on popular social media websites and making out they are successful Binary Options or Forex Traders.

To draw victims into investing the scammers post photos posing in exclusive locations, supercars and flashing high end watches. They have also been known to post “testimonials” which show fake messages from happy customers.

The fraudsters offer victims the chance to “invest” by sending money via bank or money transfer for a “cut of the profits”. They usually ask for £100-£200 and claim they can make it into £1,000 or £2,000, but in reality just take the money and never trade it.

From the reports made to Action Fraud 33% of victims are aged less than 30 years old and 9% under the age of 20, which is extremely unusual in investment fraud. When victims become suspicious and ask for their money back, they are instantly blocked on social media. No money has ever been recovered.

In some cases victims lose out twice, as they’re told their trading has been successful and are asked to send more money to invest or to send a fee to release the profit they’ve supposedly made.

How to protect yourself

Be suspicious of any approach via social media as no reputable brokers would do this.

Do not give out personal or financial details and never agree to anything or send money upfront, without making your own enquires into the company or individual first.

Action Fraud UK are advising people that fraudsters are taking advantage of a rise in popularity of currency exchange online trading schemes with bogus claims of get-rich-quick schemes.

Foreign exchange – or forex for short – trading is a much more simplified version of stock market investments. Punters will stake a ‘call’ or ‘put’ on the price of a currency or market, gambling on whether it will rise or fall. Online trading like this has proved very popular due to the simplicity of the betting, known as binary options trading, and the promise of a quick return or loss on their stake.

Binary options trading is legal, but scammers are using the rise in popularity to promise huge returns with fake success stories to lure in victims that are new to the concept and are led to believe the fraudster will trade using their money. They are posting and messaging victims on Facebook, Instagram and other social media to entice them into investing.

In reality, this is an advance fee fraud. Victims have been told to send money ahead with a promise of huge returns with a cut of the profit, only to be blocked or ignored by the scammer after transferring money.

In some cases victims lose out twice, as they’re told their trading has been successful and are asked to send more money to invest or to send a fee to release the profit they’ve supposedly made.

Avoiding scam stockbrokers

Check their social media profile – a lot of fraudsters will set up fake accounts and their social media activity will look suspicious.

Testimonials might not be genuine. Fraudsters often include fake quotes or photos of others they claim are customers who cashed in. This is to give victims a false sense of confidence in their scheme.

Don’t let a stranger invest your money on your behalf. Legitimate forex trading will let you make the decisions using a programme or app.

Watch this fishing attack aimed where attacker is trying to get access to your computer and all the information on it. Just delete without reply or clicking on any links.  The senders address is Help Desk <joan23 (at)>

“Help Desk

Scheduled Maintenance & Upgrade

Your account is in the process of being upgraded to a newest Windows-based servers and an enhanced online email interface inline with internet infrastructure Maintenance. The new servers will provide better anti-spam and anti-virus functions, along with IMAP Support for mobile devices to enhance your usage.

To ensure that your account is not disrupted but active during and after this upgrade, you are required to kindly confirm your account by stating the details below:

* Domain\user name:

* Password:

This will prompt the upgrade of your account.

Failure to acknowledge the receipt of this notification, might result to a temporary deactivation of your account from our database. Your account shall remain active upon your confirmation of your login details.

During this maintenance window, there may be periods of interruption to email services.  This will include sending and receiving email in Outlook, on webmail, and on mobile devices. Also, if you leave your Mailbox open during the maintenance period, you may be prompted to close and reopen.

We appreciate your patience as this maintenance is performed and we do apologize for any inconveniences caused.


Customer Care Team

***This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.”



In a reported published on 14th May 2016, Sky News has been shown how hackers are developing viruses to by-pass a phone’s security, including the latest biometric systems.

The malware ‘Trojan horse’ gives cyber-criminals undetected access to a phone’s internal systems, where they can see every key stroke entered by a user.

This has serious implications for those who use their phones to access bank accounts and apps that hold sensitive, personal information.

Roughly a quarter of the world’s population own smartphones and the United Kingdom is top of the list with six out of 10 people owning a device.

Keiron Shepherd, senior security engineer at the world leading cyber security company F5 Networks, has been monitoring the targeting of mobile devices by hackers.

He told Sky News: “If you just consider the amount of smartphones and the number of people, it’s a great surface area for attackers to go for.

“Windows was the predominate system, it was the path of least resistance for the malware writers. Devices and operating systems which were considered not an issue to be worried about in the past have now become a target for the malware writers.”

One virus monitored by F5 Networks imbeds in an innocent-looking advert on a website. When clicked, the virus infiltrates their device and monitors every key stroke, even when the user accesses their bank accounts.

Keiron Shepherd said: “The way this virus can insert itself between the applications you’re using before it accesses the internet gives it a chance to extract critical data such as credit card numbers, bank accounts; anything that’s of high value.

“It really is a numbers game. They’ll throw enough malware out there and hope it returns a good investment.”

Police are monitoring an increase in complaints of fraud committed against smartphone users.

City of London Police Commander Chris Greany, the national police lead for cyber protection, said: “People who carry a mobile phone are actually carrying a mobile computer.

“It’s not a phone with a computer attached. It’s a computer with a phone attached and it is as risky using this as it is using the desktop at home.”

This is a typical phishing attack this time using the name of the FBI asking you to send your personal details, so that foreign debts that are owed can be passed to you. Off course no such funds exist. Providing your details will enable scammers to steal money from your bank account. The sender is Miss Donna  Gwen at email newsletter (at) ie orriginating from South Korea






Attention Lucky Beneficiary


We the FBI at the ANTI-TERRORIST AND MONETARY CRIMES DIVISION would like to bring to your notice that your email address has won you the total ransom of $3.5, 000,000 ($3.5 Million USD) from the United Nations Organizations (UNO) due to the uncontrollable fraudulent activities which has been going on in the United State Of America and the World at large.

Your email ID has been discovered from some scam artist caught at the West Africa part of the World, So due to this reason  the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and the President of the FBI James Comey after having a separate and private meeting about these they decided to compensate the rightful owners of those emails with the sum of $3.5 million each which your email address was among the email group that was discovered. So that is why we are in contact with you so therefore you absolutely have nothing to worry about for your own share of $3.5 Million USD must get to you.

However the National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations have successfully passed a mandate to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to boost these exercise of clearing all foreign debts owned to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the likes.

Now this is how you can receive your Compensation Funds Award worth the sum of $3.5 Million USD by ATM Debit Master Card issued directly from Then “World Interswitch Bank of America.


ATM Debit Mater Card: The Inter-Switch Bank Of America will be issuing you an ATM Debit Master Card which you can be able to withdraw up to $10,000 per day from any ATM machine that has the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years time which is 2019. Also with the ATM Debit Mater Card you will be able to transfer Money into your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a handbook manual to enlighten you on how to make use it. You can get this ATM card even if you do not have a bank account.

we have signed a contract with UPS which should expire in next three weeks. But before the UPS can leave for your doorstep you will only need to pay for their Delivery fee of your ATM CARD to your home which is only $380 Dollars instead of paying the normal $565 Dollars you hereby saving your $185 Dollars if you pay before the three weeks of July 2016 you save yourself $185. Take note that anyone asking you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely Imposters and you will have to stop communication with every other person if you have been in contact with any.

Note: Every order Bills and Taxes has been taken care of by the Federal Government of Washington DC, The United Nation and also the United State FBI, the UPS Courier service delivery fee is all you will ever have to pay which is $380 USA Dollars only. Do not send money to anyone until you read this and have heard from me. The actual fees for shipping your ATM card is $565 dollars but because UPS have temporarily discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee of $565 to $380 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!

Below are few list of tracking numbers you can track from the (UPS) Website (WWW.UPS.COM). To confirm beneficiaries like you who have received their payment successfully.

JOHNNY ALMANTE ==============1Z2X59394198080570 GARY METZGER ==============1Z2X59394195952759 GLEN PAPANIKAS ==============1Z2X59394198690947

To effect the release of your Compensation funds valued at $3.5,000,000.00 USD ($3.5 Million USA dollars) you are advised to contact our correspondent at the FBI Headquarters in Washington DC the delivery officer Agent Mark Ruben with this contact information below!

Name: FBI SPECIAL AGENT.  Mark Ruben

Office Email: :   markruben931 (at)

Alternative Email:  agentruben123 (at) Order Office Email: ms43f09 (at)

You are advised to contact him with the information’s as stated below; thereby making your UPS Courier delivery fee of $380.00 USD available to avoiding much delays:


Your full Name…………

Your Address:…………..

Home/Cell Phone:……..

Your Occupation……….

Your Identity…………….


Zip code………………



Upon receipt of payment details been confirmed available the UPS delivery officer will ensure that your package is delivered to you personally within 24 working hours, Because we are so sure of everything and we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not receive Compensation Funds Award within the next 24 hrs after you have made the payment for shipping your package to you, And make sure that you keep the receipt of the $380 payment that you made because that is the prove you will show to the delivery team when they arrive at your doorstep with your package.

NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, that is because of the restrictions implemented by your Internet Service Provider, we (FBI) urge you to treat it genuinely, and this email is fully under supervision of the FBI and will be until you have your ATM card at your door step, so kindly follow the instruction and have this Card delivered to your address without any more delay by paying the UPS Courier Delivery service fee and send to  United State FBI Approved officer Mark Ruben As stated above.

Yours Sincerely,

(FBI) Superior: Miss Donna Gwen.




This is a typical Nigerian scan as a phishing attack. Do not reply or provide any information requested; people do not give away money like this.

“From: ab12345678 (at)

Subject: donation

Greetings, Based on your good profile, I want you to solicit help in fulfilling my wish to help charity poor needy in your country, Iam Mrs. Skoda Hanza from Denmark. I am married to Mr. Bin Hanza the former president of liberty mine company inc in ivory coast before he died. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.

Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of US$5 million dollars in a bank.Presently, this money is still in bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the period of six months due to cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund because i cannot do it alone by myself due to my current condition.

I want you to use this fund for orphanages, school and widows. Because I understand that “Blessed is the hand that giveth”.I took this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit this money and I don’t want my husband’s efforts to be invain. I don’t want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way.

This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I don’t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband’s relatives around me always. I don’t want them to know about this development.

As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank and will also issue you an authority letter that will prove you the present beneficiary of this fund. any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein.

Hoping to receive your reply here : mrs.skoda1 (at)


Mrs Skoda Hanza”.