Computers at the National Defence Institute, under the protection of the Ministry of Defence, were attacked by hackers at the end of February and earlier this month.

This computer attack hit at least two computers of the National Defence Institute (IDN), and, according to Lusa source of the Ministry of National Defence, who supervises the institute. The problem was solved without consequences or losses.

This was the first attack of “hackers” registered by the Ministry of National Defence in 2017.

In 2016, two intrusions were detected in the Defence area, also in March and IDN, described as incidents with no consequences for the ministry.

IDN, headquartered in Lisbon, is a body under the protection of the Ministry of National Defence and is dedicated to research, training and dissemination of the major issues of national defence and international security.

All these cases were communicated to the National Centre for Cyber-Defence, in the dependence of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In 2014, the National Centre for Cyber ​​Security was created, part of the National Security Office, which, according to its website, “acts as an operational coordinator and national authority specialized in cybersecurity with state entities, essential service operators And digital service providers “.

According to the Internal Security Report of 2015, meetings were held between the National Cyber-security and Cyber-Defence Centres, as well as “operational meetings” with the Security Information Service (SIS) and the Judicial Police (PJ).

In 2015, a “situation room” was created to accompany “possible hackvistas during the electoral process” of the October legislative elections.

Also in that year, the National Cyberspace Security Strategy was published.