Notice to the Population


DATE 06/06/2024 Time 16H00




According to information from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), a worsening of meteorological conditions associated with atmospheric instability is expected over the next few days, highlighting the following aspects:

Friday, June 7th

  • Possibility of showers, sometimes heavy, and hail accompanied by thunderstorms in the North and Center regions (the possibility of dry thunderstorms not being excluded);
  • Wind predominately from the southern quadrant, with strong convective gusts possible;
  • Increase in maximum temperature in the North and Center regions, especially on the coast (values ​​between 33 and 36°C in the North and Center interior and coast north of Cabo Mondego);
  • Rural Fire Danger Indexes very high to maximum in the interior and in the Algarve.

Saturday, June 8

  • Showers, sometimes heavy, and hail accompanied by frequent and concentrated thunderstorms, especially from the afternoon onwards in the North and Centre regions.
  • Wind to predominate from the southern quadrant, with strong convective gusts possible to accompany the showers.


Given this meteorological situation, the following effects may occur:

  • Occurrence of flooding in urban areas, caused by accumulation of rainwater due to obstruction of drainage systems;
  • Occurrence of floods, increased by the overflow of the beds of some watercourses, rivers and streams;
  • Instability of slopes, leading to mass movements (landslides, landslides and others) caused by water infiltration, which can be increased by the removal of vegetation cover following rural fires, or by artificialization of the soil;
  • Slippery road surfaces due to the possible formation of water tables or the accumulation of ice and/or snow;
  • Possibility of falling branches or trees, as well as affecting infrastructure associated with communications and energy networks;
  • Damage to mounted or suspended structures;
  • Drainage difficulties in urban systems, particularly those seen during periods of high tide, which can cause flooding in historically more vulnerable locations;
  • Thermal discomfort in the population due to the combination of the sharp drop in temperature and wind;
  • Possibility of dry thunderstorms, accompanied by atmospheric instability, which could lead to convective fires, or worsen the worsening of ongoing fires.


The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) recalls that the possible impact of these effects can be minimized, mainly through the adoption of appropriate behaviours, therefore, and particularly in historically more vulnerable areas, the adoption of the main preventive measures is recommended for these situations, namely:

  • Ensure the unblocking of rainwater drainage systems and the removal of inert materials and other objects that could be dragged or create obstacles to the free flow of water;
  • Ensure adequate fixation of loose structures, namely scaffolding, billboards and other suspended structures;
  • Take special care when traveling and staying near wooded areas, paying attention to the possibility of falling branches and trees, due to stronger winds;
  • Take special care when traveling near the coastline and riverside areas that are historically more vulnerable to rapid flooding, avoiding movement and staying in these places;
  • Adopt defensive driving, reducing speed and paying special attention to possible accumulation  formation of water on roadways;
  • Do not cross flooded areas, in order to prevent people or vehicles from being dragged into holes in the pavement or open sewage tanks;
  • Pay attention to meteorological information and indications from Civil Protection and Security Forces.

ANEPC | Communication and Awareness Division

Communication and Awareness Division

National Civil Protection Authority

  • Tel:  214 247 100
  • Fax: 214 247 180
  • Email:
  • Address:  Avenida do Forte em Carnaxide, 2794-112 Carnaxide, Lisbon

Civil Protection Agents

Forca Especial de Bombeiros
Maritime Police
Portuguese Army
Portuguese Red Cross