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COVID-19 Prime Ministers Announcement following Council of Minister’s Meeting 25th November 2021



Portugal will move to a Situation of Calamity with effect 1st December 2021

Mandatory masks in all enclosed spaces unless otherwise indicated by the DGS.

The digital certificate becomes mandatory in restaurants, tourist establishments and local accommodation, events with marked places and gyms.

A mandatory negative test (even for vaccinated) applies to visits to nursing homes; visits to patients admitted to health establishments; attendance to large events without marked places or in improvised venues and in sports venues, clubs and bars.

The negative test is also mandatory for all flights arriving in Portugal, “regardless of the origin or nationality of the passenger”.

Control at airports will be strengthened with the hiring, from private security companies, of the necessary staff.

Each passenger disembarked without a test will represent a fine of 20 thousand euros to be paid by the airline. At airports there will be a retention zone for anyone who has been transported without a negative test. Accommodation and food expenses imposed on those who have to remain in isolation because they have tested positive at entering will be covered by the airlines.

The tests required to enter the country through airports are PCR and antigen

The Council of Ministers decided to postpone the reopening of the schools after Christmas vacations: classes only start on January 10th.

These five days less in schools are compensated by removing two days from the Carnival break and three days from the Easter break.

Also from 2 to 9 January, teleworking becomes mandatory and clubs will be closed.


António Costa stated that, thanks to the efforts of the citizens, Portugal is the country in Europe with the highest rate of vaccination. Aspect that is reflected in the lower number of deaths and hospitalizations.

Comparing the situation today, with 3150 cases of infection, with the situation a year ago, there are far fewer people in intensive care units. “We are frankly better than a year ago,” says Costa. The conclusion we must draw, is that vaccination is worth it.

The first measure is, therefore, to reinforce the vaccination effort, through the booster dose in eligible people: over 65 years of age and with a second dose for more than five months; people with a medical prescription for vaccination and patients who have recovered from the disease.

Christmas will be a time of risk, recalls António Costa.

“It is time to adopt new measures”, he adds.

The first steps are general recommendations:

– Recommended to do self-tests, for example before joining the family

– Teleworking is recommended, whenever possible.


Please see the Council of Ministers Full PowerPoint here