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Lisbon, Dec 27, 2021 (Lusa) – Nearly 1,700 passengers were fined at Portuguese airports between December 1 and 26 for lack of a negative SARS-CoV-2 test, or recovery certificate, the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI) told Lusa today. ).

The number of airlines fined for having transported passengers without a negative test or recovery certificate remains at 38, similar to the balance made last week by the MAI.

Airlines that transport passengers without a negative test incur a fine of between 20,000 and 40,000 euros per passenger and travelers are also subject to an administrative offence, between 300 and 800 euros, for not presenting a test on arrival.

Since December 1st, all passengers arriving in Portugal by air are required to present a negative infection test with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus or covid-19 disease recovery certificate upon disembarking.

In a balance of this measure to contain the increase in the number of covid-19 cases, the MAI states that between December 1 and 26, the PSP and the SEF inspected 924,719 passengers and 8,358 flights, which resulted in 1,698 administrative infractions.

Of the 1,698 administrative offenses, 1,035 were raised by the PSP, which controls passengers from flights originating in the Schengen area (the European area for the free movement of persons) and 663 by the SEF, which supervises travellers from countries outside the Schengen area.

Passengers on domestic flights, children under 12 and crews are exempt from mandatory testing, PCR or rapid.

The MAI also indicates that the 1,698 administrative offenses include eight foreigners who were refused entry into the country for not having presented a test on arrival, since only Portuguese citizens, foreigners residing in the airport are allowed to carry out the test at the airport. Portugal and diplomatic staff.

MAI data also show that 1,714 diagnostic tests were carried out at airports on passengers who entered the country without this document.

At land borders, also since December 1st, citizens from countries outside the European Union and from EU countries considered to be at red or dark red risk need a negative test or recovery certificate.

Citizens from EU countries considered to be at low or moderate risk must carry a vaccination, test or recovery certificate to enter Portugal.

As of December 26, the GNR and the Aliens and Borders Service had carried out 6,327 random inspection operations at land borders to ensure that tests were carried out for covid-19, according to the MAI.

Within the scope of these operations, 41,467 inspections were carried out in light vehicles and goods, motorcycles, trains, buses, which gave rise to 32 administrative offenses for lack of a test or recovery certificate.

The MAI also states that 399 diagnostic tests were carried out at land borders.