
The law that changes the legal regime applicable to the prevention of domestic violence and the protection and assistance of victims was approved, following the recommendations of the Group of Experts to Combat Violence against Women and Domestic Violence of the Council of Europe (GREVIO).

Seeking to ensure the effective protection of victims of domestic violence, the present law proposal includes the following changes:

– it is determined that, within 72 hours, constructive measures should be taken to assess the risk of a victim’s situation concerning new acts of violence against the victim and other persons related to them, by the MP or the OPC, as well as in cases where the accused has been detained;

– civil courts are empowered to issue urgent provisional decisions to protect the victim, such as the provisional regulation of parental responsibilities, the provisional use of the family home and the keeping of pet animals, immediately communicated to the MP of the relevant court.

– the scope of the Violence against Women and Domestic Violence Database is broadened, in order to improve, harmonise and update official data relating to violence against women and domestic violence in progress, through the adapting and harmonising of data collection and information systems.