
The Armed Forces have already started cleaning operations at schools that may reopen to receive 11th and 12th year students and the process should be completed within the next few weeks, said the minister of National defense.   João Gomes Cravinho, today accompanied the Minister of Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues in one of these actions, at the Amadora Secondary School, where around 50 operational assistants participated in an awareness campaign.   “Planning is almost complete. As for this week and for the next few weeks, planning will make it possible to reach all schools where there may eventually be face-to-face classes”, said the Minister of National Defense, adding that about 520 schools are signaled.

During the awareness campaign, aimed at cleaning professionals who will ensure the daily hygiene work when the face-to-face classes are resumed, Army personnel transmitted some indications about the correct use of personal protective equipment, waste management, and cleaning procedures, which should be reinforced.   According to a guideline of the Directorate-General for School Establishments (DGEstE), with the guidance of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) and the Armed Forces, published today, classrooms, for example, must be cleaned whenever there is a change classrooms and cafeterias right after using one group and before another enters the space.

During the visit of the government to the Amadora Secondary School, the Army also demonstrated the disinfection actions, which will be carried out whenever there is a case of infection or suspicion of infection by the new coronavirus in educational establishments.  “The Armed Forces had 15 chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense teams and adapted very quickly to this challenge, first downgrading it because, in reality, they were prepared for another type of danger in their interventions, and, second, multiplying the teams”, underlined the Minister of National Defense.   According to João Gomes Cravinho, the Armed Forces will have 82 teams by the end of the week, with another 15 receiving training from the Army.  Source – Lusa