A Tera Treme – National Seismic Risk Awareness Exercise November 15 at 11:15 pm
The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) will hold the 7th edition of the national seismic risk awareness exercise, called A TERRA TREME (www.aterratreme.pt) on 15th November at 11:15 am ).
The exercise TERRA TREME is promoted annually by ANEPC, in partnership with the Directorate General of Education (DGE) and the Directorate General of School Establishments (DGEsTE), and aims to empower the population to know how to act before, during and after earthquake, namely that it knows preventive measures and self-protection behaviours to be adopted to protect itself.
The exercise itself comprises the practice of 3 simple gestures that can make a difference to those who practice them in the event of an earthquake. The action takes place during 1 minute, in which participants, individually or collectively (families, schools, companies, public, private or associative institutions), perform the 3 self-protection gestures: Download – Protect – Wait.
In addition to the school age population, whose adherence to the initiative has been significant, ANEPC has the goal of successively widening, year after year, the reflection and debate on the theme of seismic risk and the participation in this initiative to other sectors of civil society. To this end, we consider it strategic to involve organizations – public, private and associative – in this collective purpose, seeking to this end to join efforts and extract synergies from the whole of society, so that individual and collective degrees of resilience are achieved.
Although the exercise has national expression, ANEPC will hold, in coordination with DGE and DGEstE, a main event at Sebastião e Silva Secondary School, in Oeiras, located at Rua do Liceu 61.
Throughout the country, District Relief Operations Commands (CDOS) will, in partnership with local communities, fire associations, municipal civil protection services, other civil protection agents and schools, promote awareness raising on seismic risk and self-protection measures to cope with it, as well as streamline the implementation of the A TERRA TREME Exercise, at a date and time agreed for that purpose.
In the context of the TERRA TREME Exercise, ANEPC created:
Digital The digital website www.aterratreme.pt, where information about the Exercise and dissemination resources can be obtained;
The hashtag #aterratreme designed to identify personal / institutional publications related to the initiative on social networks.
ANEPC proposes to all citizens, in addition to participating in the exercise itself, the following actions:
Individual Individual and / or Institution registration on the digital website (www.aterratreme.pt/subscribe);
Response to a survey aimed at assessing the degree of perception of seismic risk (www.aterratreme.pt/inquiry);
Conduct an evacuation exercise based on an earthquake scenario on 15-11-2019, preferably at 11:15 am, the date and time chosen for the exercise TERRA TREME;
Holding an awareness session on preventive measures and self-protection behaviours to be adopted in the event of an earthquake;
Disclosure on the website and other digital media of the respective institution, the initiative (in the form of banners, email signatures, etc.);
Dissemination of the allusive exercise video spot (available on the digital site).
ANEPC, DGE and DGEsTE invite citizens and entities to register at www.aterratreme.pt as a demonstration of their personal / institutional commitment to the cause of safety and security, and as a means of public support and expression.