Civil Protection Agents


The National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection operates in mainland Portugal with the mission to plan, coordinate and implement the emergency and civil protection policies, articulate and coordinate the civil protection agents’ operations and the bodies that intervene in this area, ensure the planning and coordination of the national requirements for emergency civil planning, and enforce the Portuguese State’s international cooperation policy.

The civil protection structure comprises civil protection agents that work together in dealing with various disasters such as rural fires. The ANEPC have provided an overview of their work when deployed under this framework as follows..



The Fire Brigade (CB) develops all actions that lead to immediate ground intervention and rapid control and extinguishing of rural fires, as well as their respective firefighting and active post-fire surveillance operations, ensuring the consolidation of extinguishing.

Each Fire Brigade provides daily to the Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CSREPC), of Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC), the respective framework of ready-to-intervention means.

Each local Fire Brigade also supports the Theater of Operations (TO), involving guiding elements for recognition and guidance on the ground of Firefighters to reinforce their area of action (among other actions planned in DON n. o1 – DIOPS 👉 https://prociv. gov. pt/pt/documentation/national-operational-directive-n%C2%BA-1-diops/).


Special Civil Protection Force (FEPC) 

The Special Civil Protection Force is a specialized intervention force in the field of civil protection, integrated into the framework of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC).

Among other valencians, it performs prevention and combating actions in fire scenarios and, within the scope of the specialized support for the analysis of rural fires, it has the Fire Analysis and Use Group (GAUF) that assesses the operational decision at different levels (National, Regional, Sub-regional and Municipal), and can also to intervene in the context of international missions

The FEPC may, in order to fulfill its assignments, adopt measures and use necessary and appropriate means, namely operate heavy machinery and unmanned aircraft, as well as carry out helicopter operations.


Emergency Telecommunications Operators (OPTELE)

The Emergency Telecommunications Operators present in the operational structures of Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil (ANEPC) ensure the operation of the Sub-regional, Regional Commands and the National Emergency and Civil Protection Command, being available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on the front lines.

These Operators are key elements for the fulfillment of ANEPC’s missions, namely through the continuous monitoring of happenings throughout the territory, assuming a primary role in the established interaction with all participants and sharing responsibilities in this area of action, as the basis of information and communication systems, from Civil Defence in Portugal.

Their total and permanent dedication to the public cause.


Republican National Guard (GNR)

The Republican National Guard assumes coordination of prevention (taxation), pre-suppression (surveillance, detection), and provides permanent information supporting the decision to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CNEPC) and the Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Commands (CSREPC), through their Liaison Officers.

Form together with each CSREPC a team designated by the Forest Information Exploration and Maintenance Team (EMEIF) during the period of operation of the National Network of Watch Posts (RNPV), which establishes contact with the vigilantes and those who receive information and/or fire alerts and still carry out the action of the Forest Shoe Teams (ESF) and Forest Shoe Brigades (BSF), when in operation.

It also has the Emergency Protection and Relief Unit (UEPS/GNR) which is the specialized unit that has as a specific mission the execution of prevention and intervention actions, throughout the national territory, in situations of serious accident and catastrophe, designated in rural fire incidents, securing missions of Initial Attack (ATI) and Extended Attack (ATA) helicopters, as well as ATI and ground ATA missions.


Public Safety Police (PSP)

The Public Security Police performs prevention, surveillance, detection and monitoring actions, in their area of responsibility, as well as provides relevant information, supporting the decision, to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CNEPC) and the Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Commands (CSREPC), through their Liaison Officers.

During critical periods, it carries out missions of conditioning access, movement and stay of people and goods within critical areas, as well as monitoring missions on the use of fire, burning of leftovers, making fires and the use of rockets or other pyrotechnic artifacts.

Still conducts the establishment of safety corridors for the evacuation of wounded or access of first aid, the escort and safety of firefighter means in the Operations Theatre (TO) or on the move for operations and promotes support for the evacuation in danger of populations.


Forças Armadas (FFA)

The Armed Forces, according to their own plans and availability of resources, collaborate with:

➡️ Support for after-fire actions and active surveillance, in coordination with ANEPC;

➡️ Rasto Machines (MR) for indirect fire combat, population cluster defence and aftermath support;

➡️ Logistical support to the combat forces in the TO, namely infrastructure, health support, food, water and fuel;

➡️ Support for the evacuation of populations in danger;

➡️ Provision of infrastructure for operations of air means, domestic or foreign, logistical support and replenishment of aircraft to the service of ANEPC, when feasible and previously coordinated;

➡️ Provision of aerial means dedicated to the surveillance, detection and reporting of fires.


Institute of Emergency Medical (INEM)

The National Emergency Medical Institute coordinates all health activities in pre-hospital environment, primary and secondary screening and evacuations, referral and transport to appropriate health units, as well as assembly of Advanced Medical Posts.

It is also up to you to the screening and psychological support to provide victims at the scene, with a view to their emotional stabilization and subsequent referral to the Health Units.

In the execution of all support and assistance missions in the field of rural fires, at the National level it is articulated with the National Emergency and Civil Protection Command, at the Regional level with the Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Commands, and at the Sub-Regional level with the Sub-Regional Emergency Commands and Civil Protection and at the scene with the Commander of Emergency Operations.

It also has a functioning National Situation Room, activated in accordance with the internal Operational Plan of the Institute, with the intuition to permanently monitor and monitor all developments in this field.


Portuguese Red Cross (CVP)

The Portuguese Red Cross collaborates, in the context of rural fires, in the missions of support and assistance to the population, in close coordination with INEM and the Firefighters.

You can intervene in the domains of relief and health care, psychosocial and logistical support, namely:

✅ in primary and/or secondary evacuation in emergency ambulances;

✅ in the evacuation of people from the villages;

✅ assembling Advanced Medical Posts for patient screening and stabilization;

✅ in the identification, screening and delivery of psychological first aid to people displaced to support centers;

✅in lifting, storing and distribution of food, water, clothing and masks to the population;

✅ assembling rest areas to support the effective CVP and the displaced or displaced population.


Institute of Nature and Forest Conservation (ICNF)

The Institute of Nature and Forest Conservation is the entity responsible for ensuring the implementation of nature and forest conservation policies. It has operatives with a forest vocation, the Forest Sapadores, whose action in the first response is very important for the success of fire extinguishing.

Forest Swimmers are sometimes the first responders to a fire. When this happens, they take command of the operation until the firefighters arrive. Forest Trimmers are great at working with hand tools and contribute decisively to the maintenance of rural spaces.

In the context of rural fire management actions:

➡ prepares and disseminates maps to support the decision for the use of CSREPCs and reports on rural fires, based on the history of incidents and meteorological context;

➡ Recommends surveillance in places or areas critical by air and land means;

➡ Collaborates in fire prevention awareness and public information actions, in an integrated communication strategy aimed at the general public, among other assignments.

Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) 

The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere provides, on a daily basis, the National Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CNEPC), the weather forecast for the continent and by region / cluster, for the day itself and two following days, in support of strategic operational analysis.

Ensure in a reserved area of your site, the provision of information to ANEPC technicians, for operational purposes and in an emergency situation.

Information about the fire hazard is available (https://www. ipma. pt/pt/fire hazard/rcm. pt/) for advice and information on the restrictions associated with the respective fire hazard.

Judicial Police (PJ)

The Judicial Police plays a key role in preventing and combating fire crime by defining measures to reduce the number of fires caused by criminals.

Ensure the investigation of causes and investigation of forest fire crimes and the arrest of suspected arson, whenever there are suspected criminal origin.

Provide permanent information to support the decision to the CNEPC through your Liaison Officer.


AFOCELCA, a forest protection company dedicated to the fight against rural fires, cooperates whenever possible in Initial Attack (ATI) and Extended Attack (ATA) actions in areas under its jurisdiction, through additional means of combat: manned and unmanned aircraft, helicopters and ground teams.

It has its own device and technically supports Command Posts (PCO), whenever the operational situation requires it. You can still retain a Communications Operator in all Sub-regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command (CSREPC).

AFOCELCA’s Strategic Analysis periodically available to support the operational decision regarding fire risk.

National Maritime Authority (AMN)  

The Maritime Authority (AM) cooperates in coordinating scooping actions (resupplying water to aircraft engaged in rural fires) to ensure that these operations are conducted safely.

Provides geo-referenced information on locations for scooping actions and respective activation times.

National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC)

The National Civil Aviation Authority has a close link to the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority and the Air Force, providing aeronautical technical clarification on aircraft participating in civil protection operations.

Check the Licenses (qualifications and validities) of the drivers assigned to the activity and issue their respective fire fighting permits.

Assess the quality of the Aircraft Centers, including the support structures, operation comfort conditions and heliports and airfields, in the view to ensuring operational safety.

Supports and controls the effective maintenance of the device aircraft.

National Scout Corps (CNE) 

The National Scouting Corps intervenes and acts in the domains of logistical support, health and social assistance, according to their own availability.

Scouts also play an active role in guarding the forest, preventing and avoiding fires, thereby ensuring the safety of everyone who wants to enjoy forest spaces.

Psychosocial Support Teams of ANEPC 

ANEPC’s Psychosocial Support Teams are made up of firefighters who simultaneously hold higher qualification in Psychology or Social Services, and who intervene as specialists to provide psychological and social support to firefighters and their families.

They integrate the operational response of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) and over the past 13 years have carried out more than 800 missions, having supported more than four thousand firefighters and their families who have gone through potentially traumatic situations that can cause a strong emotional impact, such as serious operational accidents And life threatening situations.