Castro Marim, Algarve, Major Fire incident page 


Created 20.30 hours 16th August 2021

Incident started 01.05 hrs 16th August 2021


The information on this page is directly from or reports from official and reputable sources which are verified, together with safety advice during this major incident. It is updated when such information is available.

There is a great deal of smoke around at present and large amounts of this can be harmful. DGS advice is to stay indoors and closes doors and windows – further information await instructions of authorities. More on self-protection in the event of fires and dealing with smoke here

There are civic minded people asking people to take water and food directly to fire stations to help the fire fighters. Whereas this is appreciated, please be aware that this can cause logistical problems for the fire stations, when operational demands are considerable especially with many people turning up at the same time. It is better that these forms of donations are coordinated and preferably at drop-off points.

Also some fire stations maybe located in areas heavily affected by smoke which poses obvious dangers. Your safety first.


The fire IN CONCLUSION – namely Extinguished fire, with small outbreaks of combustion within the perimeter of the fire.

A total of 456 operatives remain at the scene. to deal with any re-ignitions..


6700 hectares burned in about a day and a half due to the fire that broke out at dawn on Monday in Castro Marim and spread to Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António, revealed today Richard Marques, Regional Operational Commander for Emergency and Civil Protection, during the operational situation review briefing.

Hours after the fire was considered to have been subdued, the Commander gave an account of the numbers of the burnt area, calculated «using the Copernicus system, through the Sentinel-2 satellite», recalling that the fire «represented a potential [destroying] of 20 thousand hectares».

Now, it is time to “move to the period of consolidation, aftermath and gradually move towards surveillance”.

“Demobilization will accompany the risk. We will keep the device in the field, thinking about possible reactivations that may arise», said Richard Marques.

This afternoon’s briefing was attended by Patrícia Gaspar, Secretary of State for Internal Administration, who made a point of presenting, «on behalf of the Government», «congratulations on the operation, to all those who were in the theatre of operations in the last hours, both the firefighters in the region and those who travelled many kms to come here to help their comrades».

As mentioned, we had an occurrence with enormous potential for destruction. The numbers we have today are quite positive and are due to the effectiveness of all those who fought the fire», he added.

Richard Marques also explained that “the priority”, throughout today, when there was no need to evacuate localities, “was the defense of the National Forest, which was a very clear objective of the action plan”.

Throughout the day, the fire was fought by “613 operatives, supported by 205 vehicles, 8 aerial means and 10 crawling machines”.

Latest Update 20.00 hrs

The General Staff of the Armed Forces informed in a statement that nine aircraft are operating from the Air Force Base No. 11, in Beja, to fight the Castro Marim fire.

These aircraft include two “Fire Boss” from the Air Resources Center (CMA) at Air Base No. 11, two “Canadair” from CMA Castelo Branco and four “Fireboss” from CMA Ponte de Sor and Viseu, which were moved to the base, as well as an Air Force “Koala” helicopter, which coordinates the means.

In support of the fight against this fire, the Army also has two engineering detachments engaged, with two tracking machines, which support indirect fire fighting, protection of populations and the aftermath.

The Navy, the Army and the Air Force thus continue to reinforce the national device for surveillance and detection of rural fires, in support of the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority, the Republican National Guard and the Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation, with 38 teams, in a total of 76 soldiers, on land patrols in various parts of mainland Portugal.

In this support, the Armed Forces also have two Air Force unmanned aerial vehicles, operating from Lousã and Beja, as well as two Army drones, in Portalegre, to support ground patrols.


The fire remains at a RESOLUTION stage, with a total of 518 operatives supported by 185 vehicles and 5 air means.

A cafe in a tourist complex in Vila Nova de Cacela was destroyed by the fire that broke out on Monday in Castro Marim, Monte Rei & Country Club general director told Lusa today.

“Fortunately it did not affect the village where we have our tourist operation. It passed by the ‘club house’, which is in the center of the property and, roughly, despite the apparatus, the flames and the small bush that burned, it was a big scare , but in terms of damage we had only one building, the cafe next to the golf practice field, which burned down completely,” said Salvador Lucena.

The golf course has been closed, but the official said that he expects it to be ready for the weekend, adding that restaurants, the leisure area and the resort, as well as services, are operating normally. “Besides, there are some dead trees, which is always a sad aspect”, he stressed.

“We thought the fire was passing by, but there was a front that developed towards us in the late afternoon [on Monday] and, with strong winds, it quickly entered the property, affecting some areas of the golf course and continuing south. Basically, it crossed from north to south,” said Salvador Lucena.

The general director of the development located in Lugar do Pocinho, in the municipality of Vila Real de Santo António, said that at the time the complex was hit by the flames there were around 70 guests.

“The authorities present advised them to leave. There were people who left, others chose to stay, despite everything. There were some who anticipated the end of their vacation and some are already back and we are working normally”, said Salvador Lucena, underlining that firefighters were present on site throughout the night.


Civil Protection have announced at 16.10 HRS that the fire is now at a RESOLUTION stage, which means that it is a “Fire with no danger of spreading beyond the perimeter already reached”.

This does not mean that it has been extinguished. Far from it – the fire is under control but there is still much work to do. A total of 528 operatives an six aircraft/ helicopters remain at the scene.


🔥✅🚗 A22 (Via do Infante) reopened to traffic 🚗✅🔥 8:55 am:

Sector 1 – Fully consolidated and under active surveillance to prevent re-ignition

Sector 2 – Perimeter consolidation work carried out using tracking machines. Identified hot spots will be consolidated with land resources in the coming hours

Sector 3 – Consolidation of the perimeter underway using heavy machinery and light land resources with hand tools. It also counts on the intervention of the #EAUF of the #FEPC

Sector 4 – Area south of the consolidated A22, existence of about 8 km in front in an area inaccessible to land resources. Combat work in the forest perimeter of the national forest underway with the support of heavy machinery, #FEPC, #ICNF and #GRIF

Sector 5 – Several hot spots near sensitive points, in the process of consolidation

Sector 6 – Consolidated perimeter with many hot spots in inaccessible areas to be repaired using crawler machines.


Newsroom, 17 Aug 2021 (Lusa) – The mayor of Vila Real de Santo António said today that the area burned in the fire raging in three Algarve councils is “very large”, noting that the damage to buildings is not very extensive.

“For now, nothing very important in terms of buildings, although it is too early to make this assessment”, said Luis Romão to Lusa news agency, when asked about the impact on housing.

The mayor, who spoke via telephone at around 14:00, said he had just completed a helicopter tour with his two fellow mayors from Tavira and Castro Marim and with the Civil Protection, flying over the burned area to have a “better notion of damage”.

“We had a more accurate notion of the damage. There are nine thousand hectares burned, it is a very, very large extension”, he said.

According to the mayor, in his municipality, the parish of Cacela was the most affected, in the area of ​​Corte António Martins, in the area of ​​Pocinho and Monte Rei Golf Course, in addition to Santa Rita. Some areas are confluence areas between Vila Real de Santo António and Tavira.

Luis Romão also highlighted the episode of the evacuation of the intercity kennel in Vila Real de Santo António and Castro Marim, and praised the “effective way” in which it took place, bringing together associations and around 100 volunteers who appeared to help on their own initiative.

“It was more out of prudence than anything else. The fire was close, but not that close. It was more prudent to avoid problems”, he explained.

The mayor also pointed out that at this moment, and from what he realized from the helicopter trip with his counterparts, the scenario “is apparently calmer”, despite “two or three focuses that remain active”.

“Things can happen. There is a lot of heat and wind, the means are still on the ground and this is essential to avoid surprises”, he said.


A second smaller fire has been registered at Beliche, Castro Marim south east of the current fire at 1342 hrs. 17 firefighters and 4 helicopters/aircraft at scene.

The Castro Marim fire remains active and a total of 613 firefighters, supported by 207 vehicles and 4 helicopters deployed.

IPMA weather station showing winds at 14.8 kph from the south at 12.30 hrs (which probably allowed for A22 to reopen) compared early the morning 22 kph from the north. A decreasing wind speed will help the fire fighters.


According to ANEPC dashboard at total of 631 operatives, supported by 208 vehicles and 10 aircraft and helicopters.

Specialist resources deployed

Enhanced Attack Booster Group (GRUATE 2) Lisbon;

✅ Forest Fire Fighting Booster Group (GRIF01) Beja;

✅ Wildfire Enforcement Group (GRIF01) Évora;

✅ Wildfire Strengthening Group (GRIF01) Leiria;

✅ Forest Fire Strengthening Group (GRIF01) Santarém;

✅ Strengthening Group for Wildfire Fighting (GRIF01) in Lisbon and Tagus Valley;

✅ Logistics Group of Booster (GLOR1) Aveiro;

✅ Logistic Booster Group (GLOR1) Lisbon;

✅ Logistical Group of Strengthening (GLOR1) Lisbon and Tagus Valley;

✅ LVT Operating Command Post Team (EPCO);

✅ EFFC Forest Firefighting Strengthening Group (GRIF03);

✅ EFFC Special Civil Protection Force Analysis and Use Team (UAUF02);

✅ Special Civil Protection Force Analysis and Use Team (UAUF03);

✅ Firefighting Brigade (BCIN02) of the FEPC

✅ FEPC RPAS (Drone)

✅ UEPS Loulé Extended Attack Company (CATE)



Briefing by Operational Commander Richard Marques

Civil Protection Commander of Portimão, Richard Marques, revealed this Tuesday that the Castro Marim fire has already consumed more than 9,000 hectares, a number that could be much higher when firefighters manage to extinguish the fire. It has a perimeter of 43 kilometres,

So far, 81 people from 12 locations have been removed from their homes for prevention. But there are no damaged houses, only one workshop was consumed by the flames. “There could be damage”, admitted, however, the district commander of Faro.

According to this update, also 80 dogs and 110 cats were removed from and taken to the kennels of Loulé and Tavira.

At this press conference, GNR confirms that the A 22 is already circulating in both directions. Via do Infante was cut off due to the fire that started in Castro Marim and spread to Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António.

According to the official, the night was “hard work”. In the firefighting were 613 elements and 205 vehicles, eight aerial means and 10 tracking machines. Even without a “favourable weather window”, the terrestrial means managed to “execute what was the plan”

The commander said that, despite the difficult weather conditions, it was possible during the night to “execute the strategic action plan” and that this morning the main objective of “sustaining the capacity to stop” the progression of the flames is being consolidated.

There are ongoing consolidation works on the perimeter, which is quite wide. We are consolidating, with the objective of sustaining the progression of the fire and sustaining the capacity to stop it», he said.

For today, which continues to worry the authorities “from a meteorological point of view”, a scenario is predicted “very similar to previous days, with high temperatures and “intensification of the wind”.

There is also “a new variable, which is a rotation of what is the direction of the wind”, said Richard Marques, adding that this will happen “with the critical period of the day”, bringing “greater concern in what is the support of all this work that was developed overnight.”

In other words, the weather picture “is challenging. We have hot spots in the perimeter that it is important to consolidate and a strategic action plan that involves ensuring that there are no reactivations”.

The regional operational commander reported “a hot spot north of the national forest”, but also an area “on the right flank to the west, which requires consolidation at specific points that are identified”.

“We cannot say that it is dominated, we can only say that it is when we can guarantee that it will not go beyond the perimeter. But we want to dominate it”, guaranteed Richard Marques.

In fact, firefighters have already managed to control this fire once, but there was a strong re-ignition, which created a new front “towards more populated areas”.

This “led to the prioritization of the protection of people”.

Although there is no human damage, there is considerable material damage.


The GNR appealed today to avoid travel on the EN125, between Vila Real de Santo António and Tavira, due to the fire in the area, taking into account that the A22 remains cut in both directions.

The total cut on the A22 [motorway] between the Castro Marim and Altura junctions, in both directions, is maintained, with the National Road 125 being an alternative, but, given the intensity of traffic, we urge that travel be avoided”, told Lusa a source from the Territorial Command of Faro.

According to the same source from the GNR, the authorities are making “all efforts to reopen the highway”, although it is not foreseeable that it could happen in the next few hours.

“Traffic is very restricted in the area. In itself it is more intense at this time of summer, now it moves very slowly between Vila Real de Santo António and Tavira”, he stressed.


626 firefighters were at 9:20 am fighting the fire that broke out in Castro Marim, which is still being hampered by strong winds and which forced the removal of several people throughout the night as a precaution, according to civil protection. They are supported by 207 vehicles and 11 aircraft/helicopters.

Algarve regional command source told Lusa, around 7:45 am, that the fire had an active front to the south and a flank to the southwest.

“As predicted on Monday, the strong wind continues. During the night several people were displaced as a precaution, with no injuries to register,” he said.

At 9:20 am, the fire, which alerted around 1:00 am on Monday, mobilized 626 workers, with the support of 209 vehicles. Meanwhile, nine air assets were also deployed to help fight the fire.


Via do Infante (A22) remains closed between Tavira and Monte Gordo and on Nacional 125, traffic remains restricted , in both directions, so that firefighters can quickly access places where the flames do not let up – mainly because of the strong wind and high temperatures, which, together with little cooling at night, are making it difficult to fight the flames.

615 operatives are fighting the fire that broke out in Castro Marim, with 58 people having been displaced during the night, “as a precaution”, a source from the Civil Protection told Lusa.

58 people were displaced to population support zones”, in “dispersed villages” and in “different points of the theatre of operations”, told Lusa a source from the Algarve regional command.

In addition to these, “there were more people who travelled by their own means to the homes of family and friends,” he added.

Two areas to support the population were created, in Azinhal, Castro Marim, and in Tavira.

The fire, which was progressing with “withering speed”, according to a balance carried out before midnight, remains “active with intensity”, with the reinforcement of resources being concentrated “on the south front and on the right flank, in the southwest zone”, the same source specified.

The fire had already entered the municipalities of Tavira and Vila Real de Santo António in the early evening, with firefighters’ priority being to halt expansion to the south, where there is more population, said the commander, in the last assessment, before midnight, operations.

At this time, the flames are more intense in the Asseiceira, Girões, Estorninhos and the edge of the National Forest of Conceição de Tavira.

Last night, at the fire status point, Richard Marques, regional operational commander, revealed that the fire’s perimeter had already reached 30 kilometers, which represented “an area of ​​interest for operations of almost 3,000 hectares”.

23.00 HRS

According to the mayor, the populations most affected by the fire were those of Cortelha , Pego dos Negros , Fontainhas and Monte da Amendoeira . However, the situation is “more controlled now, with the fire being more on Tavira’s side these days”.

“I saw desperate families who lost all their possessions, people dedicated to agriculture, with plantations of carob, almond and pine trees, dedicated to beekeeping, and from one moment to another they saw their incomes reduced to zero. They burned thousands of hectares, we have no idea even of the totality of the losses”, he stressed.

According to Francisco Amaral , the village of Pisa Barro , where the firefighters were unable to reach, fought “with enormous claw”, being the “heroes who fought the fire, defending their homes”, from the youngest to the oldest.

Also in the neighbouring municipality of Tavira, 26 people had to be removed from their homes by the GNR , who, according to the mayor, Ana Paula Martins , spent the night in the population support zone, due to the proximity of the fire in their homes.

21.30 HRS

Note: Since re-opened but people advised by GNR not to use this (1100 hrs 17th August)

9:30 pm: ⛔️🚗🔥 EN125 cut between Altura and Tavira ​🔥🚗⛔ 9:00 pm: ⛔️🚗🔥Update of cuts on the A22: – East-West direction c9:30 pm: ⛔️🚗🔥 EN125 cut between Altura and Tavira ​🔥🚗⛔ 9:00 pm: ⛔️🚗🔥Update of cuts on the A22: – East-West direction cut from KM124 to KM94 – West-East direction cut from KM104 to km124 ​🔥 🚗⛔ -ut from KM124 to KM94 – West-East direction cut from KM104 to km124 ​🔥 🚗⛔ –

The Castro Marim fire spread throughout the afternoon, having exceeded a 20km perimeter. The flames are approaching towards the town of Tavira and Cacela and, according to Civil Protection, several houses have already been evacuated. Authorities advise that citizens stay at home and not move around the area.

In the theatre of operations there are more than 350 firefighters who, during the afternoon, had the support of 10 aerial means. With nightfall, the air resources collected and the firefighters had the difficult task of controlling the various active fronts that already exceed 20km.

The authorities urge the population not to move around the fire zone , as trees or electricity poles may have been knocked down on the roads. The Via do Infante was also interrupted in the Castro Marim area due to the intense smoke that impeded visibility.

The cloud has even reached the coast. People who were at Praia Verde, in Castro Marim, report that the smoke completely blocked the sun , making it seem like it was night.

The flames continue to burn and are no longer just in bush areas . Many trees burned down – including some fruit trees. A warehouse and a vehicle were consumed by the flames. The rear of a house as well as farms and gardens also burned down. The damage assessment can only be made after the fire is over.

The commander of the Algés Volunteer Fire Brigade suffered burns on his face and hands this Monday during the firefighting. He is stable and was transported to a hospital in Lisbon.

Active fire with 2 fronts, Preventive evacuations carried out in some locations around the fire.

Reinforcement Groups: GRUATA 02 Lisbon, EUAUF 03 FEPC, GRIF 01 Beja, BCIN 02 FEPC, GRIF 01 LVT, CATE UEPS Loulé, GRIF 03 FEPC, RPAS (Drone), FEPC and EAUF02 FEPC


A 22 Via do Infante is cut, between the junctions of Tavira and Monte Gordo, due to the fire that has been burning the municipality of Castro Marim since the early hours of today .

The cut of the A22 is causing large queues both on this road and on the EN125, which is becoming the alternative for traffic. It is for this reason to avoid circulation on any of these roads. There are also cut municipal roads.

UPDATE 1930 hrs

The fire that is burning in the Odeleite area, Castro Marim, in the Algarve, has already spread to the neighbouring municipality of Tavira and has forced more people to be removed from the houses, for prevention, according to the Civil Protection.

The Faro District Command for Relief Operations (CDOS) confirmed to Lusa that one of the fire fronts has “already passed” to the municipality of Tavira, working in an area where “there are some scattered villages”, namely Carrapateira, Nora, Estorninhos and Corte António Martins, next to the municipal road 509.

The other front remains close to the initial area of ​​the fire, in the parish of Odeleite, in the municipality of Castro Marim.

A source from the Tavira City Council told Lusa that “some people from the locality of Faz Fato” had already been removed from the União das Freguesias de Conceição and Cabanas de Tavira, without quantifying the number.

A total of 377 operatives supported by 128 vehicles and two helicopters are deployed.


RTP 3 are at the scene and the following video was shown on the news at 1700 HRS. It shows the intensity of the fire and the conditions the emergency services are facing.



The fire that broke out at dawn in Odeleite, in the municipality of Castro Marim, in the Algarve, had a “strong” rekindling this afternoon and hours are expected “of hard work” for the firefighters, revealed the Civil Protection.

” It was dominated since 10:20 am, but there was a strong reactivation. The weather conditions are not very favourable, with a lot of heat and the wind making some projections,” he told Lusa a source from the District Relief Operations Command (CDOS) of Faro.

According to the same source, the temperature, wind and the type of fuel existing at the site made “expected” a reactivation and a “rapid spread” of the flames, which combine to become an afternoon “of hard work”.

The expectation is that a “night recovery” will not be possible, as the humidity will remain “very low” and the temperature “very high” during the night, not generating the expected ‘window of opportunity’ at dawn, added the source.

We are going to take advantage during the day with the commitment of air resources, because at night they do not operate and it will be more complicated,” he said.

Even so, the re-ignitions that are taking place “are readily attacked by the operators who remain on the ground, by air and by the trailing machines

The 14 people from the places of Pero dos Negros, Amendoeira and Marroquil who were removed from their homes, preventively, and moved to the Azinhal Community Center, will return to their homes “as soon as possible”, also according to the CDOS source.

RTP is on site to monitor the evolution of this fire and found that several houses are at risk of being consumed by the flames.

The inhabitants themselves try to put out the fire while waiting for the arrival of firefighters in that place, where people, animals and houses are at risk.


There are four fires registered on the ANEPC dashboard at present in the Algarve requiring a total deployment of 302 operatives, supported by nearly 100 vehicles and 9 aircraft. Apart from the fire at Castro Marim, there are operatives deployed at a fire (concluded) at Martim Longo (Alcoutim), Monchique municipality (concluded) and near Boliqueime (under resolution).

In addition there is a bush fire currently active In Almodover with 50 firefighters deployed and a helicopter (active)

Take extra care to avoid through negligence starting a fire.


The fire has been upgraded to ACTIVE from Resolution and is being fought by 226 operatives, supported by 75 vehicles and 6 aircraft/helicopters


The fire remains at RESOLUTION state and there are 206 operatives supported by 71 vehicles and 2 helicopters at the scene.


The fire has now been brought under RESOLUTION. This means it is a fire with no danger of spreading beyond the perimeter already reached

A total of 206 operatives supported by 70 vehicles and 5 aircraft/helicopters remain deployed.

UPDATE 0920 hrs

The inhabitants of the towns of Pego dos Negros, Marroquil and Amendoeira, in Odeleite, were removed from their homes “as a precaution”, due to the fire that has been burning since around 0100 hrs in this parish in the municipality of Castro Marim.

The fire, which is already being fought by nine aerial means and by 173 operational and 55 vehicles on the ground, has two active fronts and is consuming “forest and pine forest” according to the Regional Civil Protection Command of the Algarve .

The front that causes the most concern, the one that motivated the evacuation of the three hills, “is heading towards the Beliche Dam”.

In addition to burning “with more intensity”, this front is having “some projections”.

People who are being removed from localities at risk “are being taken to an area of ​​concentration and support for the population that is being settled in Azinhal”.

For now, «the strong wind is the biggest constraint» in fighting the flames. Even so, the fact that the main front is heading towards the Beliche Dam may be positive, as it is a natural barrier.

As far as aerial means are concerned, “light helicopters, one heavy, light and heavy planes and one coordination aircraft” are engaged in firefighting.


A rural fire was registered at,  Odeleite – Pernadeira, Castro Marim, Algarve

The fire is in a bush area and located at 37.305401, -7.616853

The area is mainly bush and hilly and isolated with few house in the area

According to CDOS Faro “for now there are no villages at risk”.

A total of 1563 firefighters are deployed supported by 53 vehicles and six aircraft/helicopters

Please feel free to post photos stating when taken and direction.


DO NOT visit fire scenes as it is dangerous and detracts from the work of fire fighters