Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-B/2021


Publication:  Diário da República No. 108/2021, 1st Supplement, Series I of 2021-06-04

 Issuer: Presidency of the Council of Ministers

 Type of Diploma: Resolution of the Council of Ministers

 Number: 70-B/2021

 Pages: 78-(3) to 78-(6)


PDF version: Download


The strategy of the lifting of containment measures in the context of combating the COVID-19 disease pandemic continues


Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 70-B/2021

Summary: The strategy of the lifting of containment measures in the context of combating the COVID-19 disease pandemic continues.

Over the last year, the epidemiological situation verified in Portugal has been demanding the adoption of several extraordinary measures.

Since March 15, 2021, the progressive and gradual lifting of restrictive measures has been pursued based on the epidemiological assessment and verification of pandemic control criteria, namely the assessment of the risk of virus transmissibility and the level of incidence, based on the risk matrix approved by Council of Ministers Resolution 19/2021 , of 13 March.

This methodology allowed the weekly assessment of the progress of the de-confinement in the mainland territory and the application of local measures in municipalities with higher levels of incidence. It also made it possible to control the number of hospital admissions and the occupancy rate of intensive care units, keeping these values ​​below the criteria identified by experts as fundamental for the control of the pandemic. Furthermore, the goal of vaccinating, with at least one dose, of the population over 60 years of age is in the process of successfully completed.

Aware of the above, the Government considers, after listening to the scientific community and considering the current situation, that the country is in a position to continue the process of lifting restrictive measures – ensuring the gradualism of the process and maintaining the fight against the pandemic as a priority – which enables the gradual resumption of activities, namely economic activity and our life in society.

In these terms, the present Council of Ministers resolution approves a calendar for the lifting of the containment measures in the context of combating the COVID-19 disease pandemic and the set of measures that will be in force until the end of August 2021.

Thus, a 15-day period is defined between the two new phases of de-confinement to allow the impact of the measures on the evolution of the pandemic to be evaluated. On the other hand, the epidemiological criteria that allow the evolution of the strategy to be monitored and adjusted are maintained, namely the cumulative incidence at 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants and the transmissibility index. An equally relevant factor is the advance in the vaccination process, whose impact in terms of contagion containment is also reflected in the incidence and transmissibility of the disease, being measured in this way.

Finally, implementation measures are also established at local level, taking into account the incidence, and at it is determined that, in the case of low population density territories, the double of the values applied for the rest of the country are considered as reference for incidence.

Finally, it should be noted that these measures do not affect the adoption of specific operating conditions, namely, in some cases, rules on capacity, use of personal protective equipment, regular cleaning of spaces, hands and respiratory label, as well as the social distancing measures.


Pursuant to paragraph g) of article 199 of the Constitution, the Council of Ministers resolves:

1 – Approve new phases within the scope of the gradual strategy of lifting of measures to combat the COVID-19 disease pandemic, contained in annex i to this resolution and of which it is an integral part.

2 – Consider as epidemiological criteria for defining pandemic control:

a) The epidemiological situation taking into account the evolution of the assessment of the risk of transmission of the virus and the level of incidence, based on the risk matrix contained in annex ii to this resolution and of which it is an integral part, namely:

i) The cumulative incidence of 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants is greater than 120/100,000;

ii) The cumulative incidence of 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants is greater than 240/100,000;

iii) The number of new cases with an increasing trend (Rt (greater than)1);

iv) The number of new cases with a decreasing trend (Rt (less than)1);

b) The existence of a capacity of response from the National Health Service, namely in terms of:

i) Monitoring, hospitalization and intensive care response;

ii) Adequate testing and screening capabilities.

3 – Define that the measures provided for in annex iii to this resolution and of which it is an integral part may be applied at a local level, in municipalities that are classified as high or very high risk, with their implementation being reassessed every 7 days.

4 – Determine that, for the purposes of the preceding paragraph, they are qualified as:

a) “High-risk councils”, those that present, in two consecutive assessments, a cumulative incidence of 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants greater than 120/100,000;

b) “Very high risk councils”, those that present, in two consecutive assessments, a cumulative incidence of 14 days per 100 000 inhabitants above 240/100 000.

5 – To establish that the criteria referred to in subparagraphs a) and b) of the previous number are doubled in the case of low density territories, and for this purpose the list of municipalities in the annex to Ordinance no. 208/2017 , of July 13, without considering those whose parishes are autonomously included in it.

6 – To establish that all measures are accompanied by the determination of operating conditions, and in some cases, rules for capacity, scheduling and testing can be set, which are added to the general conditions for lifting the containment measures, namely the use of personal protective equipment, regular cleaning of spaces, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, as well as the practice of physical distance, as determined by the rules and guidelines of the General Directorate of Health.

7 – To revoke the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 19/2021 , of 13 March.

8 – Determine that this resolution enters into force on the day following its publication.

Presidency of the Council of Ministers, June 2, 2021. – The Prime Minister, António Luís Santos da Costa.


(referred to in no. 1)

General rules – Promotion of time mismatch in the work context.

Phase 1 – June 14:

Telework is no longer mandatory but being however when activities allow;

Restaurants, cafes and patisseries (indoor, maximum 6 people per group; on terraces, maximum 10 people per group) until 00:00 for admission and closing at 01:00;

Cultural facilities until 00:00 for entrance and closing at 01:00; with a reduction of capacity up to 50% in order to assure a free space between spectators/cohabitants;

Events outside fixed venues of an artistic nature, with marked places, distance rules and other specific rules defined by the General Directorate of Health (DGS);

Sports events with audiences at the training levels and in amateur competitions with marked places and distance rules defined by the DGS:

In sports venues, with 33% of the capacity;

Outside sports venues, with capacity and rules to be defined by the DGS;

All deconcentrated public services, except Citizen Shops, without prior appointment;

Weddings and baptisms with 50% of the capacity;

Food and non-food retail trade operating accordingly with the respective licensing schedule;

All stores and shopping centres with the respective licensing schedule;

Collective transport without restriction of capacity when only seated places exist; restricted to 2/3 maximum occupancy when seating and standing exists;

Taxis and TVDE with limited to the rear seats capacity..

Phase 2 – June 28th until August 31st:

Recommended telework when activities allow;

Sports events with public in professional or similar competitions, with marked places and with distance and access rules to be defined by the DGS:

In sports venues, with 33% of the capacity;

Outside sports venues, with capacity and rules to be defined by the DGS;

Citizen Shops without prior appointment;

Public transport without restriction of capacity;

Taxis and TVDE limited to the rear seats capacity.


[referred to in subparagraph a) of paragraph 2]

Risk Matrix

(see original document)


(referred to in no. 3)

Rules applicable to high risk councils:

Mandatory telework when activities allow;

Restaurants, cafes and patisseries (indoor, maximum 6 people per group; on the terrace 10 people per group) until 22:30;

Cultural shows until 22:30 h;

Weddings and baptisms with 50% of the capacity;

Food and non-food retail trade until 21:00 h;

Permission to practice all sports, without public;

Permission to practice physical activity outdoors and in gyms;

Events abroad with reduced capacity, to be defined by the General Directorate of Health (DGS);

Citizen Shops with face-to-face service by appointment.

Rules applicable to very high risk councils:

Mandatory telework when activities allow;

Restaurants, cafes and patisseries (indoor, maximum four people per group; on terraces, maximum six people per group) until 22:30 during the week and until 15:30 at weekends and holidays;

Cultural shows until 22:30 h;

Weddings and baptisms with 25% of the capacity;

Retail food trade until 21:00 on weekdays and until 19:00 on weekends and holidays;

Non-food retail trade until 21:00 on weekdays and until 15:30 on weekends and holidays;

Permission to practice medium risk sports without public;

Permission to practice outdoor physical activity for up to six people and gyms without group classes;

Outdoor events with reduced capacity, to be defined by the General Directorate of Health (DGS);

Citizen Shops with face-to-face service by appointment.