The Traffic Unit as the main propose to provide a road safety environment to all citizens. It comprises the following main responsibilities:
The Criminal Investigation Division has the responsibility to investigate crimes that are reported to them directly, or through other units. It supports and develops field investigations run by the prosecutor office; they are also responsible for preventive undercover patrolling, promoting a fast response when a criminal incident occurs. This technical unit also have the main mission to collect, preserve and analyse evidence at crime scenes.
The Facilities Security Unit of PSP Lisbon Metropolitan has the main goal to guarantee the safety and security of governmental and diplomatic buildings, such as the Chamber of the Republic of Portugal, the Prime Minister’s Official Residence or the Nation’s President Residence.
This unit controls the access of the perimeter to the sovereignty buildings, including the management of the parking areas, postal and courier treatment, as well as policing events held by diplomatic/government entities, using armed police officers with special training.
The Airport Division of PSP Lisbon Metropolitan’s main mission is to guarantee the safety and security of Lisbon’s international airport.
Following the rising number of flights under the Schengen Agreement, Portugal became an external border of Europe. This Division is assigned a special and very important role, guaranteeing the safety of the airport and of its travellers.
To develop the mission, police officers supervise not only the airport facilities, but also cargo, mail and access to restricted areas. While doing so, this unit also helps prevent any crime occurring in those areas, such as small thefts, drug and weapons traffic, falsification of identification documents and illegal immigration. They also have an active role in emergency situations on both ground and air related areas of the airport.
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