Land and sea travel



As of July 1, 2022, passengers entering national territory (including Azores and Madeira) are no longer required to present proof of carrying out a test to screen for SARS-CoV-2 infection with a negative result or to present a COVID-EU digital certificate or vaccination or recovery certificate issued by third countries, accepted or recognized in Portugal.

Measures in force may be reviewed in accordance to the evolution of the pandemic.


IMPORTANT:  Before traveling, it is important to confirm the entry formalities and procedures with the airline company and the Portuguese border service – SEF ( /, the entity responsible for the border control. Please be advised that you should arrive at the airport beforehand and take into account the necessary procedures for domestic and international flights. If you’re traveling during peak times like early morning, evening or summer, or during holidays and other events, please plan accordingly and allow for extra time.



  • Mandatory mask:
    – in public transports, taxis and similar passenger transports;
    – access and visits to care and nursing homes and health facilities.
  • General behaviour guidelines
    – Social distancing;
    – Frequent hand washing;
    – Respiratory etiquette.


  • The use of a mask is mandatory, for persons from the age of 6:
    – Health facilities and services, including pharmacies;
    – In public transports, taxis and similar passenger transports;
    – Platforms and covered access areas to public transport, including airports and maritime terminals;
    – In confirmed cases of COVID-19, in all circumstances, whenever the person is out of the location of isolation, until the 10th day after the onset of symptoms or a positive test result.
  • The use of a mask is recommended for persons from the age of 6, for the access, circulation or stay in enclosed areas, and whenever the physical distancing recommended by the health authorities is impracticable.
ARCHIVED material


Covid-19 Entry Requirements to Portugal – Download here

UPDATE 9th January 2022

Office No. 291-D / 2022

Summary: Allows the embarkation, disembarkation and land licenses of passengers and crew of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin is countries to which essential trips are only allowed, subject to compliance special measures in the field of testing.

1 – Allow the embarkation, disembarkation and land licenses of passengers and crew of cruise ships in ports located in mainland national territory, with the exception of passengers whose origin is countries to which only essential voyages are allowed, under the terms of the paragraphs 1 and 2 of article 18 of the regime attached to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 157/2021, of 27 November, in its current wording.

2 – The embarkation, disembarkation and licenses for land provided for in the previous number are carried out, exclusively, upon presentation, as the case may be, of:

a) EU COVID Digital Certificate in the test or recovery modalities, admitted under the terms of subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 1 of Decree-Law No. 54-A/2021, of 25 June, in its current wording ;

b) Proof of carrying out a nucleic acid amplification test (TAAN) or rapid antigen test (TRAg) for professional use to screen for SARS-CoV-2 infection with negative result, respectively, carried out within the previous 72 or 48 hours boarding or disembarking, as the case may be.

3 – For the purposes of paragraph b) of the preceding paragraph, only TRAgs that are included in the common list of rapid antigen tests for screening for the COVID-19 disease in the community area, agreed by the Health Safety Committee of the European Union, are accepted.

4 – For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the proof of laboratory performance of TRAg must indicate, necessarily, the set of standardized data agreed by the Health Safety Committee of the European Union.

5 – The provisions of paragraph 2 are not applicable to children under 12 years of age.

6 – Without prejudice to random verification in the free circulation of the ship, upon arrival in national territory, by the Maritime Police or the SEF, cruise ship owners shall verify the existence of one of the documents referred to in paragraph 2 by each passenger, at the time of the respective embarkation or disembarkation, as the case may be, under penalty of incurring administrative liability, as provided for in Decree-Law No. 28-B/2020, of June 26, in its current wording.

7-the port administrations ensure the measures to verify compliance with the rules applicable to maritime transport, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 7 of article 23 of the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 157/2021, of 27 November , in its current wording, with the necessary adaptations.

8 – Verification of the existence of at least one of the documents referred to in paragraph 2 is an essential condition for the respective holders to embark or disembark in Portugal.

9 – The port authority or, if it exists, the terminal concessionaire ensures, in a space reserved for that purpose, the availability of laboratory tests for amplification of nucleic acids (TAAN) or antigen (TRAg), which are included in the common list agreed by the Committee Union Health Security, to passengers who exceptionally enter national territory without a test, at their expense.

10 – The passengers referred to in the previous number must wait for the test result in a reserved place within the port facility, which must be ensured by the port administration.

11 – When the result of the test referred to in paragraph 2 is positive, the health authority is informed, which shall determine the mandatory confinement of the affected citizen, in a health establishment or at home, pursuant to article 3 of the regime attached to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 157/2021, of November 27, in its current wording.

12 – For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, the passenger or crew member who does not have a domicile in national territory must comply with mandatory confinement in a place identified by the competent authorities, at the expense of the cruise ship owner, who will also be responsible for the costs associated with food of the passenger during this period.

13 – Apply, with the necessary adaptations, the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 of article 20, and articles 22 and 23 of the regime annexed to Council of Ministers Resolution no. 157/2021, of November 27, in its current wording, to passengers and crew who disembark permanently at ports located in mainland national territory.

14 – The security forces and the SEF shall supervise the provisions of this order, including for the purposes of administrative liability of cruise ship owners and passengers and crew who do not carry one of the documents referred to in paragraph 2, under the terms provided for in Decree-Law No. 28-B/2020, of June 26, in its current wording.

15 – This order takes effect from 00:00 hours on January 10, 2022 and until 23:59 hours on February 9, 2022, and may be subject to a new extension, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Portugal.

UPDATE 30th November 2021

Yesterday the Government announced the following measures concerning Measures to be applied at land borders in the fight against Covid-19. The full order can be read further down.

“As part of the measures to combat the Covid-19 disease pandemic applied to land borders, which will remain open, the Government determined the following restrictions to be in force from 00.00 hrs on December 1, 2021:

1 – All citizens from countries outside the European Union (EU) and from countries considered to have a red or dark red risk level, when they do not have the EU Covid Digital Certificate (CDCUE) in the test or recovery modalities, must present a of two alternatives:

a) Laboratory proof of negative PCR test performed in the last 72 hours;

b) Laboratory proof of rapid antigen test performed in the last 48 hours and with a negative result.

2 – Citizens from EU countries considered to be at low or moderate risk must have CDCUE, in the form of vaccination, testing or recovery.

3 – Cross-border workers – considered as such for carrying out their professional activity within 30 kilometres of the border – and workers in essential services (such as transport of goods and passengers, emergency and relief, security and emergency services) must present the Digital Certificate in any of the three modalities.

The Republican National Guard (GNR) and the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) will carry out random inspection operations at border crossing points. Anyone who does not present one of the aforementioned certificates or evidence is notified to carry out a screening test for the SARS-CoV-2 virus – at the citizen’s own expense – in places indicated by the health authorities, which must be within a radius of 30 kilometres from the inspection site and where citizens must wait for the respective result.

Anyone who does not present proof of testing to Covid-19 or refuses to take one of the aforementioned tests is sanctioned with a fine of 300 to 800 euros.

Original in Portuguese here.

Order No. 11820-B / 2021

Publication: Diário da República No. 231/2021, 2nd Supplement, Series II of 2021-11-29, pages 2 – 3
Issuer: Foreign Affairs, Internal Administration and Health – Offices of the Minister for the Interior, the Minister for Health and the Secretary of State for European Affairs
Part: C – Government and direct and indirect State Administration
Publication Date: 2021-11-29
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