The following notice is for the Agglomerate Population of Monchique.
For Alferce (GPCF 7/2018), Casais (GPCF 5/2018), Marmelete (8/2018) and Montinho (GPCF 6/2018) as well as the Monchique Population Agglomerate’s Fuel Management Strip map, please see the full notices in Portuguese here. The dates of awareness/clarification sessions are as follows:
Alferace – 26th April – 1030 hrs – Espaco Multusos do Alferce
Casais – 24th April – 1030 hrs – Ludoteca dos Casais
Marmelette – 24th April – 1430 hrs – Casa do Povo de Marmelete
Monchique – 23rd April – 1430 hrs – Camara Municipal
Montinho – 23rd April – 1030 hrs – MacDonald Monchique Resort &Spa
RUI MIGUEL DA SILVA ANDRÉ, Mayor of Monchique,
It makes public, in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law 124/2006 of June 28 (in the current version), with the changes introduced by the State Budget of 2018 (Law No. 114/2017 of December 29), which establish the measures and actions to be undertaken within the scope of the National System of Defence of the Forest against fires, namely:
- In the AGGLOMERATE POPULATION OF MONCHIQUE, it is mandatory to manage fuel in an outer protection strip of a minimum width of not less than 100 m;
- The owners, tenants, users or entities that, in any way, hold lands located within the range referred to in the previous number the management of fuel in those lands, in accordance with the norms in the annex of the decree-law no. 124 / 2006 (in the current version);
- If you have land located in the fuel management area of the Monchique settlement, you are REQUIRED to arrange for the regularization of the situation by APRIL 30, 2018;
- The infraction situations identified will be the subject of a survey of cases of misconduct;
- During the year 2018, fines for breach of these legal provisions are increased to double, constituting administrative offenses punishable by a fine of € 280 to € 10,000 in the case of an individual person and € 1,600 to € 120,000 , in the case of legal entities;
- The GNR, PSP, Maritime Police, ICNF, I.PP, ANPC, municipal councils, municipal police and nature watch officers are responsible for monitoring compliance with this law;
- The exact location of the buildings inserted in the Monchique Population Agglomerate’s Fuel Management Strip and its land register are attached to this notice, which is an integral part of it and can be consulted in detail at the Office of Civil Protection and Forestry of Monchique (headquartered in the City Hall);
- By no later than April 30th, if there is a breach in the execution of the fuel management band around the Population Cluster of Monchique, the City Council, by May 31, will carry out the fuel management work, with the right to seek reimbursement, triggering the necessary mechanisms to reimburse the expenses incurred;
- In case of non-compliance, the infringing owner will be subject to administrative infraction with a minimum value of € 280;
- In the event that you have doubts about whether your land is covered by this legal obligation, or the actions you must take in it, please contact the parish council or the Office of Civil Protection and Forests of the City Council of Monchique, at the Paços do Concelho Building, located at Travessa da Portela, in Monchique, or call the number 280 910 210/280, during working hours, Monday and Friday from 09.00 to 15.30, on a continuous schedule, or through of the e-mail address
- On April 23rd, a clarification session will be held for all interested parties in the noble hall of the City Hall building at 2.30 pm.
The implementation of the FGC is essential for increasing the resilience of territories to rural fires and for minimizing tragedies such as those that occurred in 2017 in central Portugal and 2003-4 in the municipality of Monchique, with the loss of lives, housing and incomes.
Town Hall, April 11, 2018
The President of the Chamber,
(Rui Miguel da Silva André, Dr.)
EDITAL GPCF n.º 4/2018 |
Execução de Faixas de Gestão de Combustíveis
RUI MIGUEL DA SILVA ANDRÉ, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Monchique, |
Faz público, de acordo com o disposto no Decreto-Lei 124/2006, de 28 de junho (na atual redação), com as alterações introduzidas pelo Orçamento de Estado de 2018 (Lei n.º 114/2017 de 29 de dezembro), que estabelecem as medidas e ações a desenvolver no âmbito do Sistema Nacional de Defesa da Floresta Contra Incêndios, que:
A execução das FGC é essencial para o aumento da resiliência dos territórios aos incêndios rurais e para minimizar tragédias como as que ocorreram no ano de 2017 na zona centro de Portugal, e no ano de 2003-4 no concelho de Monchique, com a perda de vidas, habitações e rendimentos incalculáveis. Paços do Município, 11 de Abril de 2018 O Presidente da Câmara,
(Rui Miguel da Silva André, Dr.) |