


Disturbances in several areas of greater Lisbon after death of man shot by PSP


The disturbances that have been going on since Monday following the death of a man shot by the PSP have spread last night to several areas of Lisbon, namely Carnaxide (Oeiras), Casal de Cambra (Sintra) and Damaia (Amadora), a police source told Lusa.

“There are pockets of disorder in several areas of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area”, said the same source.

In the Portela neighbourhood, Carnaxide, shots were fired, some of which were fired by the PSP, which used rubber bullets and has already managed to enter the neighbourhood.

At this location, a bus was set on fire, in addition to several rubbish bins and a light vehicle, said a source from the PSP.

At 11:45 pm, new fires were reported in this neighbourhood, according to television images from the scene.


PSP rapid response teams were stoned when they tried to enter the Cova da Moura neighbourhood in Amadora, according to SIC Notícias. The PSP says that all officers from the seven police stations in Amadora were mobilized, including those from special units.

In the municipality of Sintra, an object was thrown at the PSP police station in Casal de Cambra, without causing any damage, the source added.

In Damaia there were disturbances in several streets, including the throwing of firecrackers and stones on the public highway, as well as the setting of fires in several rubbish bins.

Earlier, at the beginning of the evening, a bus had been set on fire in the Zambujal neighbourhood, where riots took place for the second night.

In addition to policing in the Zambujal neighbourhood, the PSP reinforced its resources in several locations, specifically in the so-called Sensitive Urban Zones (Zus).

Also tonight, the PSP indicated, in a statement, that a person was arrested for possession of combustible material in the Zambujal neighborhood.

Group tries to set fire to gas station – On the road connecting Alfragide to Damaia, a group used a mattress to try to set fire to a gas station, according to SIC Notícias. PSP officers were able to immediately fight the fire using a fire extinguisher.

Incidents were also reported in other parts of the municipality of Lisbon. In Carnide and Campo de Ourique, rubbish bins were set on fire. In Loures, a car was set on fire.


In a statement, the National Directorate of the PSP indicates that, after the disturbances that occurred during the early hours of the morning, following the death of a resident shot by the PSP in Cova da Moura, at the end of the afternoon “situations of disorder occurred again inside the Zambujal neighbourhood”, namely “a serious episode of urban violence”, with the theft of a Carris bus that was set on fire.

“Despite several efforts, it has not yet been possible to detect and intercept the suspects of this violent crime, although an arrest has already been made for possession of combustible material, which indicated its use to start a fire”, adds the PSP.

The SOS Racismo association and the Vida Justa movement disputed the police version of events and demanded a “serious and impartial” investigation to determine “all responsibilities”, considering that there is a “culture of impunity” in the police force. According to reports gathered in the neighbourhood by Vida Justa, what happened were “two shots fired at an unarmed worker”.

On Monday, the Ministry of Internal Affairs ordered the General Inspectorate of Internal Affairs to open an urgent investigation and the PSP also announced the opening of an internal investigation to determine the circumstances of the incident. The officer who shot the man has since been named a defendant, a source from the Judicial Police indicated.

The Zambujal neighborhood is a social neighborhood that began to take shape in the 1970s. It is a multicultural neighborhood with around six thousand inhabitants.

About a third are of gypsy ethnicity. Another third are of African origin or ancestry. In recent years, South Americans and Asians have arrived.





“Multi-force” police and changes in schools. Montenegro’s 7 measures


Montenegro’s speech marked the closing of the 42nd PSD Congress.

PSD leader, Luís Montenegro, left a “special word” in the closing speech of the 42nd PSD Congress to the CDS and PPM, “loyal traveling partners of the democratic coalition”.

“Multi-force teams” to fight “illegal immigration” “without respite”

Luís Montenegro took advantage of his speech to announce some of the next seven measures that will be implemented by the Government. In terms of security, he revealed that “multi-force teams” will be created to combat “illegal immigration” “without respite”.

“We will reinforce the proximity and visibility of the police on the streets and increase video surveillance systems. We will create multi-force teams that will include the Judicial Police, Public Security Police, National Republican Guard, Food and Economic Security Authority, Authority for Working Conditions and Tax Authority under the coordination of the internal security system to go into the field to combat, without respite, drug trafficking, human trafficking and abuse and illegal immigration”, announced Montenegro.

The Prime Minister also revealed that the Executive will sign, “this week”, a “historic water agreement” with Spain.

“We will guarantee minimum daily flows in the Tagus River, payment for water from Alqueva and its use by Spanish farmers,” said Montenegro.

Increased support for victims of domestic violence

The Government will also increase support for victims of domestic violence, “an inexcusable crime”.

“We will double the amount of support for the empowerment of victims of this crime: we will invest an additional 25 million euros in tele-assistance and transportation tools for victims and we will ensure that women who are welcomed into shelters outside their area of ​​residence will have immediate access to health care in the host locations,” he said.

New association contracts with the private sector for preschool

For Lisbon, Montenegro announced a ” major rehabilitation project for the Lisbon Metropolitan Area ” to unite the two banks of the capital. The “riverside arch” will be rehabilitated and will be renamed Parque Humberto Delgado.

In Education, the Government plans to “expand the public, private and social offer”, testing new association contracts in pre-school education, looking at the “interest of children and not any ideological blockage”.

The primary and secondary education programs will also be reviewed. A review that will include the subject of Citizenship, where the “cultivation of constitutional values” will be reinforced to free “the subject from the constraints of ideological or factional projects”.

Hospital medicines in pharmacies and reception centers for immigrants

Finally, Montenegro also announced that the Government will give “around 150 thousand patients” the possibility of receiving their medicines at the pharmacy closest to their home, so that they do not have to travel hundreds of kilometres to the hospital to pick them up.

Focusing again on immigration, he mentioned the construction of “two temporary installation centers in Lisbon and Porto” to “accommodate cases of illegal or irregular immigration”, while at the same time launching “a program to attract talent abroad” for Portuguese companies and higher education institutions.

In closing, the Prime Minister cited figures from Portuguese history such as King Dom Afonso Henriques, Vasco da Gama and Luiz de Camões to promise a Government with a spirit of conquest , innovation and discovery and expressed his conviction that “the streets” have given him “encouragement and confidence”.