
Following contact with the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA), held today 13th February, the National Relief Operations Command (CNOS) of the National Civil Protection Authority (ANPC), and according to the weather information updated today, it is noted for the next days a worsening of weather conditions, with particular focus on regions north of the river Tagus and, in particular, in the Minho and Douro Litoral, with an occurrence of:

  • Persistent rainfall, for strong times (which may accumulate up to 40-50 mm in the next 6 hours on the coast north of the Cabo Mondego), to the regime of showers may be accompanied of storm and hail on Sunday (especially in the northern and central regions);
  • Maritime agitation on the west coast with waves northwest between 4 and 5 meters high significant, increasing from Sunday morning to 5-7 meters, and the north Cape Raso could reach 7-8 meters from Sunday afternoon until the morning Monday. The maximum height is between 10 and 12 meters, reaching 14 meters north of Cabo Raso;
  • Strong wind from the west-southwest, running north-west from the end of Saturday with gusts up 100 km / h on the coast and up to 120 km / h highlands, with the possibility of more extreme situations wind, keeping the wind until early Tuesday;
  • Snowfall in the north and centre above 1600 meters, gradually descending to height up to 600 meters on Sunday.

Relevant hydrological information:

  • Possibility of flash floods in historically vulnerable areas, most likely in basins of the rivers Minho, Lima, Cávado, Ave, Vouga, Douro and Mondego, cannot be excluded flood situations caused by increased flow rate of the main water lines;
  • The soil saturation conditions to favour the possibility of landslides in steeper slope zones.


Effects expected

Given the above situation, you may experience the following effects:

  • floor slippery road and eventual formation of ground water;
  • possibility of flash floods in urban areas by the accumulation of rainwater or inadequacy of drainage systems;
  • flood Possibility for transshipment water lines in areas historically more vulnerable;
  • Flooding of underground urban structures with drainage deficiencies;
  • Damage to vehicle-mounted or suspended structures;
  • Ability to falling branches or trees due to strong wind;
  • Possible accidents along the coastline.

The Parliamentary Committee for Constitutional Affairs has decided on Wednesday 10th February to send the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, a petition requesting that the Indian citizen Paranjeet Pamma Singh, who was arrested last year in the Algarve, should not be extradited to India.

The chairman of the Constitutional Affairs, Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos, proposed that the petition should be sent to the Minister of Justice because it is a responsibility of the Government to deal with.

Paramjeet Singh, activist ‘Sihk’ , was arrested on December 18 in a hotel in the Algarve by the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF) under an international arrest warrant for extradition issued by Interpol.

The petition describes Paramjeet Singh as a Sikh nationalist arrested “on fabricated terrorism charges,” stating that “has been at the forefront of the campaign for the rights of Sikhs to self-determination to release the Punjab Indian occupation, in a democratic way.”  The text of the petition points out that since 2000 ‘Pamma’ had an ‘indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a refugee under the UN 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol.”

The petitioners allege that he would be subjected to torture in India, and recalls that Portugal signed the United Nations Convention against Torture in 1985, which means that the country is forbidden to extradite someone to a country where there is reason to believe that is subjected to torture.

According to police, Paramjeet Singh has since 1992, been involved in minor crimes and is appointed as leader of groups that the Indian authorities classify as terrorists. After leaving India, in 1994-95, he was in Pakistan numerous times and has become the main financier of the movement Babbar Khalsa International (BKI), considered a terrorist group by India.



With around 100 persons attending: including the newly appointed National Director of SEF Luisa Maria Goncalves; Major General Piers da Silva (GNR); the Director CCEMS, representatives from the Ministries of Justice and Internal Administration and Superintendent Jorge Mauricio Commander Lisbon Metropolitan Police (PSP), the seminar in Cascais organized by Safe Communities Portugal was a great success. Taking place at the Auditório do Centro Cultural de Cascais on 26th January 2016, the event in English was opened by Dra. Maria do Céu Garcia, Deputy to the Mayor of Cascais, who gave an overview of the threat of cybercrime and the importance of addressing this issue.

With four expert speakers representing the Judicial Police, PSP, GNR and Safe Communities Algarve, “innovation” was the keyword in terms of new initiatives announced in tackling cybercrime. The threat of Cybercrime was explained by Chief Inspector Rodrigues Bravo the Judicial Police, who outlined the importance of prevention and educating the young in dealing with this global problem, as well as strengthening the laws to help law enforcement.

The GNR presenter Lieutenant- Coronel Paulo Jorge Soares Dos Santos, Chief of the Cybersecurity Taskforce in the operational command of the GNR, announced a number of new initiatives aimed at educating the young. He highlighted the importance of creating partnerships between all sectors in tackling cybercrime through the GNR Safer Internet Project aimed at enhancing awareness of young people, through engaging cooperation and collaboration between institutions.

He announced a new programme of awareness in schools, involving a “Cyber Challenge 2016” ( through competitions aimed at promoting relationships between different generations. He also announced the creation of a “Trust Network” involving knowledge sharing with opportunities for businesses in joining such networks to help bring this to fruition, through participation in education and training awards supply of equipment at other logistics. This innovative programme of cyber prevention was designed and is planned by GNR and the ICT Centre of Competences of “Mar e Serra”.  Safe Communities Portugal is a collaborating partner in this venture. Businesses who wish to know more should contact

Inspector Carlos Correia covered the PSP strategy concerning the education of citizens, in particular their programs aimed at the elderly who were often targeted with various scams. This was based on the PSP close proximity model of anticipating problem and working towards a solution.

Jim Litchko a computer security analyst with over 30 years’ experience and a Board member of Safe Communities Portugal gave a presentation concerning a practical approach to computer security, with simple examples of how this can be achieved. This was followed by a panel discussion.

The two hour event was well received by the international audience, which included representatives from various Embassies, government, businesses and residents.


The Public Security Police (PSP), anticipating the celebration of February 9 of the International Safer Internet Day, have launched a sensitization double-operation from 01 to 10 February,  to alert children and young people from 5 to 18 years the risks of the Internet and social networks.

To the youth of the 2, 3 and secondary cycle, PSP have developed the operation “Click Safety”, which will include awareness-raising actions that will address themes such as the protection of personal data, passwords and secure links, to the vulgar spam and phishing scams, all using content designed in partnership with PT Foundation.

For children in pre-school and 1st cycle, the PSP will present the new episode of the animated series “How I Do It says FALCO”, this time with the title “Igor and the Competition of Friendship”, which a particularly appealing and playful way proposes the same objectives, an innovative design and high preventive impact, which in year and a half has reached a universe of more than 150,000 children.

Following the unprecedented and global launch of an animation made by a security force with a commitment to advise children, the PSP achieved its primary objective to amplify the message further.

In the first 3 episodes of animation (passing in SIC K and RTP2) and assessing only the social networks, they have reached over 700,000 people with particular attention to the episode released yesterday and which has been viewed more than 21,000 times. About this Igor animation history, it should be noted the participation of Nuno Markl who provides the voice of Baltazar character.

The PSP expects this combined with the stories read at school by police and animation already available on YOU TUBE channel of the PSP and social networks (Facebook), reaching a total of 500,000 people.


On 30th January at around 0100 hrs in the morning, an Italian tourist in Bairro Alto, Lisbon, was lured into a trap by a man he met (an alleged homosexual entrapment) who drove him to a secluded location where an armed group threatened and robbed the victim.

According to a complaint made to the PSP, the Italian tourist met a man who was drinking at a bar in Bairro Alto. After socializing the man invited him to go by car to a quieter location. However the trip ended in a remote area. Waiting for the victim were several men – one of them armed with a gun and forced the Italian to hand over all the money he was carrying about 400 euros.

Afterwards the group left the tourist in central Lisbon and fled. The victim managed to take a taxi which transported him to the PSP Tourism Police Post in the area Restauradores, in the city center. The tourist reported the incident to the PSP, but could not explain where he was taken by the armed group, nor identify any of those involved in the theft. The victim reported to police that was not beaten, but was subject to death threats by the group.

The Judicial Police Lisbon was called and is investigating the complaint.


Portugal has been rated 28th place out of 168 countries in the Transparency International Corruption index a gain of 3 places compared to 2014. This places Portugal highest of the southern European countries with Spain, Greece and Italy being places at 36th, 58th and 61st place respectively.

The latest reports states that “people working together can succeed in fighting corruption. Although corruption is still rife globally, more countries improved their scores in 2015 than declined.

Coming top for the second year in a row in Denmark and the bottom two, jointly at 167th place are North Korea and Somalia. Some countries have improved in recent years – Greece, Senegal and the UK are among those that have seen a significant increase in scores since 2012.

Others, including Australia, Brazil, Libya, Spain and Turkey, have deteriorated.

Read full table here.


In a joint initiative aimed at raising awareness and preventing animal cruelty, Safe Communities Algarve and the Territorial de Faro da Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) will be holding a Seminar on this subject on 4th February from 16.00 to 19.00 hrs at the Conrad Hotel, Quinta do Lago.

The event will be opened by Exmº Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Dr. Vitor Manuel Gonçalves Aleixo with introductions by Sr. Coronel Silva Gomes Comandante do Comando Territorial de Faro da Guarda Nacional Republicana and David Thomas President Safe Communities Portugal. Subject to confirmation the British Ambassador to Portugal Kirsty Hayes, is intending to address the seminar.

A panel of government and non-government expert speakers will address this subject, namely:

  • Tenente Pedro Fernandes, Adjunto do Comandante do Destacamento Territorial de Silves GNR;
  • Paulo Sepúlveda, Procurador Adjunto no DIAP – Unidade Local de Olhão,
  • Ana Silva, Médica Veterinária, Municipal Monchique;
  • Laura McGeoch President SOS Algarve Animals, Almancil and
  • Karin Holmström Forster, a Dog Behaviour Expert.

The subjects to be covered include: the work of SEPNA, concerning the rescue of animals and enforcement of laws; cruelty to pet animals and judiciary practice in the public prosecution perspective; animal welfare in Monchique; the work of charities in animal rescue and the relationship between dog behaviour and cruelty. Following this there will be a panel discussion in order that those attending can ask questions.

The event will be in English and entry is free. It is open to everyone who has either interest in or who work with animals.

As this is the first seminar of its type in the Algarve it is likely to be heavily subscribed. RESERVATIONS ARE ESSENTIAL and can be made by contacting David Thomas at 913045093 or at info@safecommunitiesalgarve.

        4th February from 16.00 to 19.00hrs at the Conrad Hotel, Quinta do Lago.




20-Jan-16 06:45     Av. Alberto I Príncipe do Mónaco, Freguesia Sta Clara, concelho de Ponta Delgada, ilha de S. Miguel.


18-Jan-16 08H00 / 14H00 EN 109 – KM 58.1 – Aveiro

22-Jan-16 08.00 / 14:00 Av. Sá Carneiro – GLÓRIA – Aveiro


20-Jan-16 09:00 / 12:01 am EN 255 – Moura


21-Jan-16 08H00 / 14H00 Av Das Communidades Europeias. – Mirandela


19-Jan-16 14:30 IC2 Baths Dry S / N – Coimbra

20-Jan-16 08.00 Edgar Cardoso Bridge – Figueira da Foz


20-Jan-16 09:00 Av de Castro Marim -. Vila Real de Santo António


20-Jan-16 14:30 / 17:30 Av Das Communidades Europeias. – Leiria


20-Jan-16 14:00 Road Carajau – Reed

21-Jan-16 08.00 Via Express – Porto da Cruz

22-Jan-16 14:00 1 Via Expresso 1 Moinhos – Faial

23-Jan-16 08.00 Via Express – Porto da Cruz


19-Jan-16 14:00 / 17:00 Rua António Sérgio – S. Ant.º dos Cavaleiros (Escola Secundária Humberto Delgado)

21-Jan-16 22:00   IC19 Sul/Norte

22-Jan-16 07H30 Ponte 25 de Abril Norte/Sul


20-Jan-16 08.00 / 12.00 Highway Circunvalação – 11124 – Matosinhos


18-Jan-16 08.00 / 11.00 Av Dias de Portugal. – Elvas


19-Jan-16 14:00 / 18:00 Rua escola Regentes Agrícolas  – Santarém


18-Jan-16 14:00 / 18:00 Túnel Centro Sul (Sentido C. Caparica/Almada)


21-Jan-16 10.30 Road Papanata – Viana do Castelo


19-Jan-16 13.30 / 15.30 Av. Rainha Dona Mafalda -. Chaves



Members of the Portuguese Maritime Police (PM) stationed at the Greek island of Lesbos rescued at the end of their night patrol, 45 Syrian refugees, 16 infants and children, 11 women, (two of them elderly) and 18 men.  The vessel which contained the emigrants was drifting in Greek territorial waters with a  lack of fuel. The sea was rough, the wind was strong and the air temperature was about 2 degrees Celsius.

All were transported to the nearest port, Molivos. The boat which was towed followed with the belongings of refugees to land. The Maritime Police will maintain its support for the Greek coastguard, part of the Frontex agency’s mission, until 30 September 2016. So far the team has rescued, safe and carried ashore, over 2000 migrants and refugees


A 20 year old man has been arrested selling hashish to students outside the gate to a school in Barcelos Municipality.

He was detained by the GNR soldiers of the Special Section of the Territorial Detachment of the GNR Program of Barcelos. He was found to have 270 doses of hashish, 80 euros and a knife.

According to local residents the man would drive to the gate and sell the drugs from the car never getting out of the vehicle.

The accused – unemployed, was born and is a resident in Brufe Parish in Vila Nova de Famalicão – and was caught on 11th January at 10:30 hers. As usual, he drove up and stopped the vehicle in the vicinity of a school next to the busy EN204.

He was approached by students, many of them regulars, but was intercepted by the GNR.

A house search of the suspect was conducted where more drugs and pipe were seized. He was taken to the GNR post and made a ​​defendant. But was eventually released and the case reported to the DIAP in Vila Nova de Famalicão Court for prosecution.